Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: October 2016 (Page 4 of 5)

Mom’s Car

Week 2 of the Gashouse Nomads took 5 (teenage acting) Pax to what would seem to be the other side of the known world(Charlotte) for some. Hushpuppy hooked us up with the start of F3 Monroe. (Un)Fortunately for us we were headed closer to hurricane Matthew or as some called it the “yellow area of the storm”. Here’s what I recall.

To start there was a lot of talk about being idiots for doing this. Will anybody even post? 34 Did! What? So at least we know there are a lot of us idiots out there. There was some discussion about Tom Selleck’s mustache, hair color, age(71 we googled it) and ability to be that dang handsome at that age! Haters for sure. We rolled in Hushpuppy’s Moms car which was missing headrest. Ash Pond was convinced it was so he couldn’t hit anybody in the back of the head with it. You know how teenagers are! We also learned that after a certain age you shouldn’t trust a fart. There wasn’t an incident just wise words. Glass Joe put on a great workout! Great turnout for such a nasty day! YHC found 35 cent worth of nickels continuing the streak of F3 paying me. About 25 showed for the livermusharama after. The ride home continued to have colorful conversation. Smuggling tips for spit soaked cuban cigars? So anyway we made it back. Well done Hushpuppy! Turns out the world is not flat. The good thing about traveling that far for a workout it gives you time to talk to your brothers and get to know them a little better. Great 2ndF. We may not see Hushpuppy for a while. He may be grounded for messing up his Mom’s car.

Folsom Ginners

8 Pax rolled up into the nice cool air of the Folsom AO this AM. Gotta love when the humidity dies down and the fresh cool air has you feeling a little nippley. Anyway, the Park has already become a full time campground due to the hosting of the Cotton Ginning Days event. These guys must be dedicated! I was a little worried about the possibility of awakening some of these hard core folk, but we carried on as usual. 5:30 and it’s time.

no FNGs


SSH x15 IC, Hillbillies x15 IC, Monkey Humpers x15 IC, those were for the ole guy who woke up and stepped out his camper to see what the crap we were doing. No reaction so let’s mosey.


tha thang

we make it to the horse arena for some of my favorites, box jump up the 5 steps of the concrete bleachers for 10 burpees, down the back up for 10 squats, down then back up for 10 Merkins, down for 15 dips on the bottom step IC. Mosey on around to the upper lot for some fast pace side steps across then back from curb to curb, then lunge walk curb to curb. 10 burpees OYO, LBC x15 IC. Mosey to another popular area of the AO, tennis courts to partner up for some Mary. P1 runs distance across all courts to the fence and back while P2 does Merkins, rotate for a total of 50, then the same with 100 squats, then the same with 150 LBCs. Next up is the use of the four corners, Mayor brought to our attention that there were four corners within “one” tennis court alone, nah we doing all 7 courts outside corners. 4 exercises 5 count each OYO at each corner, run to each corner, exercises were burpees, squats, LBCs, and Merkins. I notice we have a few minutes and we haven’t made it to my goal of at least 2 miles of running, so we line up for a good run of suicides using the width of each court t the end and back. Awesome, that actually put us at 2.3 miles total! We did our best t recruit some Ginners, but without success!

Csaup, Crowders ridge, November 11th.


thanks guys for another chance to Q! Pushing the rock may not get easier, but it sure does bring the strength!


Street lights and shenanigans

6 Pax rolled into the Folsom gloom. I’ve always noticed the quantity of street lights within the park, especially after Garfield gave me an idea a few days earlier during his Q.  No one coming in hot so let’s do it.

no FNG so Disclaimer


SSH X15 IC, HILLBILLIES X15 IC, Don Quiote X15 IC, Stretch to right foot for 10 count, left foot for 10 count, then middle for 10 count.


tha thang

mosey to the first street light, stop, all exercises will be in the quantity of 20 each, YHC asks Gomer for an exercise, Merkins OYO, mosey to the next light for Huckleberry’s turn, big boy sit-ups OYO, then to the next for Hank, burpees OYO, mosey tot the next for Floyd’s Flutter Kicks IC, mosey to the next light for my own call, Good Mornings IC, now that you get the idea: Gomer-overhead claps IC; Huckleberry-Little baby dips IC; Hank-burpee OYO, at this time I want to address the fact that Hank had reason behind his choice of exercise; Floyd-mountain climbers IC; MW- LBC IC; Gomer-air presses IC; Hank-yes-burpees OYO, which Hanks mumble chatters something about talking trash about the Panthers losing, which resulted in Burpees; Huckleberry-Mike Tysons IC; Floyd-flutter kicks IC; MW-monkey Humpers IC; Gomer-French fries IC; Hank-SSH Burpees OYO; MW-ring of Fire merkins 10 each.



nice work men! Note to self, “no mocking the Panthers prior to any Q of Hank!”


Martha’s Mosey

The pax arrived slowly and with sand still in eyes (especially YHC) to fight off the sleep monster and post in the gloom.  Not a lot of mumble chatter so off we went.  As best as I can recall it went something like this:



SSH 25

Don Quixote x 15

MNC 25


Merkins 10

Mountain Climbers 10


The Thang:

Mosey to Marthas parking lot for round of 11 with Merkins and Flutter kicks but instead of running we lounge walked.  Then Mosey to concession stand for modified Dora.  Partner up to complete sets of Merkins, LBCs, and Squats  – but instead of counting these alternating partners each ran to two sets of garbage cans where we did 5 Burpees at the close cans and then 10 Burpees at the far cans x3 for a total of 45 Burpees.  Finally mosey to wall and finished with some Hip Slappers and Donkey Kicks before moseying back for COT and Namorama


As always it was an honor to serve…. Until next time


Better Late Than Never (maybe)

The morning started out beautifully, as Sargento and I met for a short mosey prior to the workout, which is our usual custom. After finishing at about 645, we took a few minutes to prepare for my a solo Q. As we recovered, 8 idiots decided to joint us for what I hoped would be a fun Saturday morning beat down at the Yank

As most of you know, I have a general predilection towards workouts that involve running. Not today, however, as, unfortunately for me and the group, ToolTime (who will be referred to from this point forward as Mr. Time) and I had gone on a mosey the week before and had a long discussion about suffering well. In order to suffer well, I reviewed all 17 pages of exercises on the F3 website in order to find the workouts that would cause me the most suffering (basically, I tried to choose exercises that Dolph would like


Warm-up (IC)  (not really suffering, but I needed something a little less difficult to start)

SSH x 15

LBC x 15

Don Quixote x 10 (suffering for Mr. Time, who was Fartsacking, apparently)

Squat x 10


Short jog up to the Track


The THANG- In my attempt to suffer as much as possible, “The DAB” was chosen from the work-up, The work-out was supposed to be 10 burpees in 1 minute x 5, then mosey around the track. Repeat for a total of 20 minutes of burpees  and approximately 1 mile of running.

3 minutes in, FNG Nightcap appeared as if he needed to Merlot and was laying flat on his back. I suspect FNG Norwood was wondering what he had gotten into. Yours truly was already starting to get nauseated. Mumble chatter was at a minimum (Paging Mr. Time!!!).

Seeing that this was not going to work well, I decided to OMAHA and intersperse the Burpees with Squats. Not sure if it was actually better, but it made me feel better.  We ended up doing 130 burpees in a period of about 30 minutes (good work, men!)

After a short Mosey back down the hill to the fountain, we spread out and engaged in several exercises for 1 minute (OYO) with 30 seconds of rest in-between. The exercises were as follows: Slow squats, Merkins, Flutter Kicks, Crunchy Frog (my back cracked in places that I didn’t even know could crack), and Monkey Humpers.  Thankfully, we did not get thru the entire list of exercises that I had prepared (guess I’ll have to bring them back later)

Short mosey back to the flag



Namorama- welcome to Nightcap and Norwood!

COT- prayer for officer in Belmont

Boudin and Sargento then joined me for breakfast afterwards at Cherubs.

It was a pleasure to exercise with all you men and suffer with you this Saturday morning


pick things up and put them down

9 men posted to midoriyama for sparky’s first q at this AO. we all knew that a block party was upon us. stretch it out until 1730, let’s roll.

temperature: 80 degrees, cloudy and a slight breeze.

warmups: don quixotes, ssh and hillbillies.

mosey to the end of the parking lot.

partner up. p1 deadlifts, p2 runs. switch and repeat up to 200 in aggregate.

p1 overhead press with block, p2 runs. switch and repeat up to 200 in aggregate.

p1 curls with blocks, p2 runs.  switch and repeat up to 200 in aggregate.

p1 lbc, p2 runs. switch and repeat up to 200 in aggregate.

p1 block merkins, p2 runs.  switch and repeat up to 100 in aggregate.

cool down mosey. time is up.

COT announcements: CSAUP and gashouse nomads this saturday.  prayer requests: floppy’s wife, hampton family, each other. BOM: q took us out.


nice work, men.

workout is free, what comes after is not

9 men woke up and took that DRP for another edition of the sparky beat down.  at precisely 0530, it was time to roll.

temperature: 62 degrees and nice

warmups: don quixotes, ssh and toy soldiers all x 15IC

quick mosey around the tennis courts.  partner up.  p1 does 20 dead lifts while p2 does 20 pull-ups. switch.  rinse and repeat.

mosey down to and around the lower parking lot and back. all with block: shoulder press, squats, curls and american hammers all x 15

another lap.  rinse and repeat the above three times. lap after each set, bear crawling the last 30 feet or so.

time left for 10 blockees OYO. pledge. time.

COT announcement: CSAUP. prayer requests: gumby’s brother in law, noah hampton (who has since unfortunately passed away)

BOM: sparky took us out.

  • side note about the title. while the workouts are always free, sometimes things happen during that result in spending money.  during the block curls, floyd unfortunately busted his tooth.  this resulted in a 272 dollar dentist bill. hope you’re doing well, floyd.

good work, men.

Monday Morning at Martha’s House

Moleskin: It’s Monday, it’s early, the Q wishes he could have fartsacked, but glad he didn’t.

The pledge was made and the Disclaimer was given, and the warmup began:


Appalachian Americans (Hillbilly’s) 15 IC

Plank for the Low, Slow Merkin, x 10 IC

Peter Parker’s IC X 10


Short mosey to the rock farm in front of KFC to gather some coupons.

Slightly longer mosey to Martha’s parking lot for tha thang.

Tha Thang:

Lunge walk from Island to Island, squat at each parking space line (modified zombie walk) with the coupon.  Leave the coupon and bear crawl back, merkin at each parking space.  Rinse and repeat.

Pick up the coupon and mosey to the other end of the parking lot.  The lot is unusally dark this morning.  YHC intended to do some swing set crunches and pull-ups but with no ambient light it may have been a bit dangerous.  We found a spot under a lamp post, set down the coupons and did 6 minutes of Mary and each PAX called a workout.  Good creativity, not the same old exercises.

Next was curb work with Rocky Balboas holding the coupon, then diamond merkins, then repeat.

Under the shelter, on the picnic tables for weighted dips (rock on the lap) and step ups, repeat 3X IC.

Mosey to the field house between the baseball fields for hip slappers and shoulder taps.  YHC asked for help with the cadence since he can’t count when his 6 is above his head.  Thanks for the help gentlemen. Mosey to the road, down the sidewalk and to the park entrance for some monkey humpers X 10 IC.  Mosey back to the rock farm to return the coupons, and then back to Snoballs.  No incidents with cars and everyone returned safe.  With 4 minutes remaining YHC called the peoples chair while each pax ran 1 lap around the building.  8 men, 4 minutes we finished just on time.


Announcements: The Climb CSAUP, Travel group had a great time capturing the ghost flag which is currently at Folsom.   Saturday the 8th the Travel group will converge with other regions for the Monroe Launch.

Prayer requests: Bandit’s mother and T-square’s youngest need our prayers.

Nice weather and Traffic

Midoriyama started off a little different today. The weather was nice and for once it was not hot as h#$%.  Also, there was an accident that had animal parts spill all over I-85 and this caused some Midoriyama regulars to run a little late….and yes I did say ANIMAL PARTS!!  Just have to love Gaston County!!  With the Ghost Flag present, I didn’t figure anyone from F3 Nation would come to capture the flag due to all the traffic and animal parts on I-85.  YHC had another good delivery for anyone coming to take the flag.  It went like this…………

Warm up:


25 Moroccan nightclubs IC

25 Don Quixote’s IC (for TOOL TIME ON IR)

25 Squats IC

The Thang:

Run to soccer field

Run to each corner of the Soccer field and perform one of the exercises X 25 reps:

Set 1- Merkins, werkins, military, diamond

Set 2- Lbc, str leg alt crunches, flutter, ww1s

The PAX was to perform 5 pull ups every time you run past a soccer goal (Total of 20 pull ups)

Circle up in the center of the field for 100 burpee challenge  (Perform each amount of reps on the min 8,9,10,11,12,12,11,10,9,8 for a total of 100 burpees in 10 mins)

Run back Playground for 2 sets of 5 pull ups and 25 squats IC

Mosey back to flag for 30 dips IC

Circle up for Clock planks 

End with 22 merkins for the vets



  • CSAUP Event
  • Nomads will be leaving the mall @ 5:30am and traveling to Monroe this Saturday



  • Noah and his family
  • Floppy Disk and his M
  • Billy Madison
  • Tool Time

Great work by the PAX!! Once again, it’s ALWAYS a pleasure to lead and hopefully push everyone to better themselves!!

Until the next delivery, Pizza Man OOOOOOUUUUUUTTTTT……….




Gashouse Flag

So this is the first installment of the Nomads journal from the road. Since the workout is posted by the workout Q this will just be insights into the journey, observations and all out ramblings from YHC.

So the first week on the road we headed for Area 51 ,home of the SOB’s, to Da Vinci. This location was selected as Huckleberry was rallying the troops to get back the ghost flag. When I first rolled into the mall parking lot I thought it looked like a group of teenagers hanging out with their cars on Friday night. Nope just some F3 guys at 5:30 in the morning! 14 as a matter of fact. Great job guys! That’s how you capture a flag! So I learned that Def Leppard isn’t a morning person. I guess that’s why he usually post to Midoriyama. We also learned there are two Chick Fil A’s on the same road not to far apart(small detour). Whoopee, with much determination, managed to get one of them to open up early for him. Da Vinci is a great AO with lot’s of workout options. YHC found $3.50 worth of quarters during the workout proving that F3 really does pay. 777 did a great job leading as always. He even turned the Sandy V into an actual exercise. Keep a watch out on the exercise list so you can add it to your next wienke.  It was great to meet the F3 brothers pushing the rock down that way and that is the whole point of the Nomads.

Next week we visit Monroe for the launch. Stay tuned for more stories from the road. I’m sure it will get interesting!

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