Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Pre Blast – Sufferfest #CSAUP (Come Support An Unbelievable Project)

  • Post Type:
  • When: 08/27/16
  • AO:
  • QIC: Toe Tag
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: The Entire F3 Nation

Who: The PAX and all of the FNGs you can find to help the Dash Pax give it away.

What: Sufferfest is a CSAUP with a twist. The Dash Pax will be hosting an extended workout (90 minutes) that will be followed by participation in a benefit 5K. Think of this CSAUP as Come Support An Unbelievable Project. You will get a chance to experience a workout at a couple of our favorite AOs and enjoy a scenic tour as you stroll from location to location. You will travel to some of the great organizations that the Dash Pax support and where we give it away. We will finish up at the site for the start of the charity 5K. There will be plenty of time (30 minutes) to rehydrate, dehydrate, stretch and line up for the 5K. After the run you will be ready for coffeeteria and the party that is known as Shmedfest.

We are trying to secure shower facilities for those Pax that are coming from out of town and will certainly work with you so that you can de-stank before the party. Just let us know in the comments how many are coming so that we can make arrangements.

When: August 27th Launch at 0630

Where: Winston Salem, NC

Why: Shmedfest was started 11 years ago by one of the Dash Pax and his M to raise money for Crisis Control Ministry in Winston Salem. What started as a backyard party has grown into a major fundraiser, and great time for all those who attend. There will be food, music, beverages and lots of fellowship. Shmedfest will happen from 1600-2300 at Triad Park in Kernersville, NC.

So, in true F3 spirit, you have to earn your turns. Before you go to the party you need to experience Sufferfest. This event is perfect for all of you training for BRR and those of you that are just fighting the couch on a regular basis. This event will be 2.0 friendly with the longest run during the workout being 1.1 miles and all paces will be completing the charity run. In true F3 spirit we won’t leave anyone behind. That means that the fast ones can log extra miles coming back for us mere mortals and as always, it is you versus you. There is a money back guarantee that you will break a sweat during this event.

How: HC in the Comments section and contact YHC with any questions

Register for the 5K here
Cost: The Sufferfest is the same price as a regular F3 workout, Free (unless you count your sweat equity). The 5K after the Boot Camp portion does have a registration fee and the money raised goes to the Rescue Mission and to a charity to provide shoes for those that are unable to afford them.


  1. Van Gogh

    HC and looking forward to it!

  2. Road Apple

    YHC is HC for SufferFest, Mission 5K, and Shmedfest. What a day it will be!

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