Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: November 2015 (Page 2 of 2)

Salute to Veterans

Basics of this workout copied but modified from another online backblast.  That’s why we post them men … accountability and flattery by imitation.
Moment to recognize all those who have served or continue to serve in the armed forces.
SSH – 19
Merkins – 18
Told PAX together this makes the year 1918 when WWI ended … Armistic Day was 11-11-1918.
Mosey to the park.
The Thang
11s for the day 11/11
Flags placed at the bottom of nice hill leading to the fields.  Music started with two 9 minute sessions AMRAP (as many reps as possible) followed by two minutes of rest.
Session One:
11 LBCs
11 Squats
Sprint to flags and back
22 LBCs
22 Squats
Sprint to flags and back
33 LBCs
33 Squats
Sprint to flags and back … 44 … 55
Most ran out of time somewhere in the 55 range
Two minutes recovery, said the Pledge
Session Two:
11 Merkins
11 SSH
Sprints …
Repeat first session with these exercises
Two minutes of recovery
Bonus Session Three:
Time reduced to 4 minutes for the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines.  (No disrespect to others)
11 Jumpsquats
11 CDD
Sprint … same as above with these exercises
Mosey back to the parking lot carrying flags and playing music.
Circle for plank-o-rama
Various planks including hip lifts, “french fries,” one arm, regular.
Switch to 6 position for scissors and LBCs in cadence X 11 and 22 respectively
Great to focus on the meaning of Veteran’s Day.  Kotter to Bubbles and always great to have Gastone visit his roots.
Final count of PAX was 11 which matched the day.
Living in America by James Brown is a really long song.  The final “I Feel Good” was followed by a collective “thank goodness.”
Missed some of the Martha’s House regulars, but glad to see our educators represent on their day off!
Great work everyone.  Solid effort!
Dr. Feelgood

Gas House invites CSPAN for a visit part 2

Bandit and I saw each other climbing Crowders Mountain a few weeks ago,and I politely requested to get back on the @F3Gastonia schedule.

Conditions were horrible… rainy, cold, and 40 degrees…and transitioned to raining sideways for part of this #downpainment #awful

Disclaimer was disclaimed

Discussion on how well @F3Gastonia has “exploded” since March

#Chatter about Swiper, Gunny, Package, & Chaser and all of the going on with @F3theFort

And off we went at a mosey + (maybe too fast) pace to the track next door

2.5 laps on the track

COP to warm up with all of my favorites to 10 in cadence

Plank-O-Rama to warm up everything else

Today’s workout was almost an exact replica of my Q 6 months ago (@F3Gastonia struggled then, there was no @F3Gastonia struggling today except Shrimp, and that was only because the restroom was locked #pregame #youngmanproblems)

Quick discussion on plan for today:

Using the 4 corners of the track, and the count of 25 in each corner for a total of 100 exercises

  1. SSH
  2. Calf raises
  3. Squats
  4. CDD (we did the run backwards to make it worse)
  5. Flutter (your welcome…you were already wet)
  6. LBC
  7. And because everyone knew it was supposed to be awful we finished with burpees

Mosey at “fast” pace to COT

Prayer or Praise


Naked Man Moleskin

Excellent #chatter throughout workout

Really cool to see the Larry Birds circle back and pick up the 6 and get some extra pain stations in, obviously the counts were much higher for that group of #HIM

#Coffeteria is outstanding and has great attendance

The weather stunk…appreciate the men who showed up

2ndF is spot on @F3Gastonia

Continue to seek out a 3rdF Q from your PAX

Lots of discussion today about what F3 has meant to me and why we do what we do…hope you enjoyed the sermon

Seek out an accountability partner, as it is much easier to “slide” when no one is watching #ISI

Bandit has already booked me a slot in May…I love that #HIM

Be a better man today than you were yesterday, sorry for the delay in the back blast #LIFEproblems




BackBlast- #TheStorm: The Return Of JoBu And Private Pyle…Oh That’s Just Godfather

13 PAX showed up to put in some work at #TheStorm early this morning.  The PAX thought we had 2 FNG’s, but soon realized that was not so.  JoBu returned after going missing (training/running a marathon) and Godfather was sporting a new buzz cut that made him look eerily like Private Pyle from Full Metal Jacket.  After everyone figured the above out it was time to begin.

WU: (In Cadence)

20 SSH

10 JoBu’s aka Monkey Humpers

20 Maroccan Night Clubs

10 Don Quixotes

-Pledge Of Allegiance-

Mosey to the softball field.  Partner Up and each pair get 1 cinder block.


1 partner runs to location and does exercise and then returns while other partner does the cinder block exercise.  Partners continue switching until all repetitions on cinder block exercise is reached in aggregate.

300 Standing Chest Press/Run To Parking Lot and 5 Merkins

200 Bicep Curls/Run To Bridge and 5 CDDs

100 Blockees/Run To Home Baseball Dugout and 5 JoBu’s aka Monkey Humpers

Return cinder blocks to where we got them

Mosey to Shovel Flags

SSH x 50 In Cadence (Brown Streaks Favorite)

JoBu’s aka Monkey Humpers x 5 In Cadence


Count Off

Announcements: Money For The Cleaning Of Bank Wall

Prayers: Bandit’s Wife To Do Well In Interview

Coffeeteria: 4 at Floyd and Blackies in Cramerton


Again it was my pleasure to lead the PAX today.


Thunder Road — It’s Time

What motivates you?  What makes you set the alarm at 0445 5-6 or even 7 days a week?  What makes you get out of bed without hitting the snooze button once?  What makes you show up in a parking lot long before the sun is even thought of?  What makes you shake off the cobwebs and move full throttle for the next 45 minutes to an hour?  What makes you GO! when your body screams STOP!

For a lot of us, this will work.  Fishwrap’s Hail Mary   For others, it’s the satisfaction of KNOWING that at the end of the day, we did our BEST.  We’ve all been there when faced with the choice….ease up  or accelerate, relent or be relentless, cave in or fight harder.  Even though we will certainly finish, we can all remember the exact time and place when this decision was made to slow down, just a bit.  If we make the easy choice, we lose…just a little.  While others will congratulate you on your finish, you know deep down what’s real.  You quit—you cheated yourself from knowing what you could really achieve.  You didn’t allow yourself to get better.  “Best” will still be just a word and not a place for you.

How can you get to your best?  Be accountable.  Not to yourself, but to me, to your brothers, to your M, to your kids.  Share your goal in the comments below—tell us what you want to achieve and own it.  Know that throughout this race, you will be supported and while alone you may run fast, together we run fast farther.  On Saturday, the crowd will mass, the gun will fire, and the clock will start.  It’s only a matter of time before you are faced with a choice.  Commit now to make the hard choice.  You’ve done the work.  Now go show us.

Event Details

  • Packet Pickup:    Charlotte Convention Center 10am to 9pm….NO RACE DAY PICKUP
  • Friday Lunch:                  We will plan to meet and get lunch-Details TBD

Race Day

  • What: 2015 ThunderRoad Marathon and Half Marathon
  • Where: Romare Bearden Park—F3 Tent (Bring SF’s if you got em)
  • Who: Over 60 Men of F3 and
  • When: Saturday, November 14th
  • 0705: Ball of Man
  • 0730: Race Start
  • Why: Because you CAN

Last minute stuff—

  • It’s taper week—be smart, get some reset—It’s recommended to post and have some high intensity, but cut back on duration. Friday—rest up…..
  • What to wear….Weather forecasted is PERFECT….low of 34, high of 54…..NO RAIN…..what you were is entirely up to you (just saw Giselle picking up his speedo at V-Cleaners—no starch) it’s recommended that you are a bit cold at the start as your body will warm things up quickly.  YHC wears some “throw-aways”….my 1998 cotton turkey trot shirt…just don’t over dress…..also—since most of us really never see the sun during workouts, you may want to wear sunglasses or a hat….it sounds trivial, but all that squinting slows you down…(google it)….
  • Food—have a plan and stick to it. Look at the race website and know where and what they are giving you….everyone should be eating and drinking….half marathon guys—it will impact your last 5k if you’ve done it right….marathon guys—no short cuts on this one….eat something or walk…simple—YHC will eating a gel every 6 miles….plus I drink at every water stop…
  • Hills–don’t forget to take advantage of the downhills…shorten the stride, lean forward, and increase your turnover…your pace will increase while your heartrate goes down…it’s free speed….take it.





This Saturday, Nov. 7, all F3 pax and their 2.0s (kids) are welcome to MarthaPalooza for 2ndF (fellowship) and workout fun with the kids. Bring the kids so they can find out what their dad’s do with those other silly guys every morning. We have reserved shelter #1 by the volleyball court at Martha Rivers park. Starting at 2:30, we have several Qs at various stations for the kids and dads. There will even be a special kickball game. After our workout fun, we are grilling hot dogs, sharing some food, and enjoying time with our kids and each other.

Hot dogs and fixings will be provided. Just ask that you BYOB and bring a side dish to share if you can.

All regions welcome.

M’s invited too.

Kids not required.

Back to School

Weather forecast was calling for 59 degrees and 30% chance of rain.  Reality is your body temp probably hit 100 degrees and chance of pain was closer to 100% (if you did it right).

Mosey to the drive thru at Park Sterling Bank.

Warm up…

  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Don Quixote x 10 IC
  • CH Squats x 10 IC
  • Merkins x 10 IC
  • Goofballs x 20 IC

Pledge of Allegiance.

Mosey to Robinson Elementary School (1/2 mile).

Partner Up for Dora 1,2,3 up and down length of breezeway.  Start at mid point so 1/2 of the teams can go North/South, others go South/North (should be about 1/2 mile total)…

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 LBC
  • 300 Squats

Next exercise is Elevens between islands in parking lot.  Today’s special…

  • Burpees (modify to burps as needed)
  • Merkins

Reverse Mosey via Riverwood Parkway back to Brewsters

COT, Name-O-Rama (oops, missed that part), BOM.

It was an honor and privilege to lead this group.  Iron Sharpens Irons.


BackBlast: #TheStorm (11/3/2015)- Shoulders…..

8 PAX showed up for a BA Upper Body (shoulder) beat down.  I imagine we were missing a few guys due to some of the PAX watching the OT Panthers victory the night before.  BA was ready for the rain and had the garage door in the weight room up and ready to go for the workout after the outside warm up.

WU: (In Cadence)

  • SSH x 20
  • Don Quixote x 10
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 20
  • Prayer Squats x 10


Mosey To The Weight Room


Merkins x 10 (In Cadence)

Partner Up

  • Shrugs x 25/Dips x AMAP- 4 sets
  • Upright Row x 25/Derkins x AMAP- 4 sets
  • Alternating DB Forward Raise x 20/Step Ups x AMAP- 4 sets

Sally With Weight/MOBY “FLOWER” (Squats on Sally Up/Down) 3:26

  • French Curl x 25/Plate Bench Press x AMAP- 4 sets
  • Hammer Curl x 20/Burpees x AMAP- 4 sets

Mosey To The Shovel Flag

SSH x 51 (In Cadence)


  • Count Off
  • Announcements: Site Q’s, Shirt Orders, Mud Cleanup In Cramerton, Saturday Martha Palooza
  • Prayers: Bandit’s Wife Interview
  • Coffeeteria At Floyd And Blackies- 1 In Attendance

Again It Was My Pleasure Leading The PAX today.




#BB Gashouse

11pax Posted for the BlockBuster.

Warmup; SSH, Merkins, LBC’s x 15 IC

Mosey to Flag for Pledge

Mosey to Track pick up Coupon on the way-

.5 Mile Indian Run, 6 exercises x 10 IC with Coupon with .5 mile Indian Run after each round of exercises;  3 rounds.  Squat, Curls, French Curls, Squat Press, Front Raise, Good Mornings.  Finished 3 rounds circled up for Mary.  Freight- Peter Parker Peter, Roscoe- Dive Bomb Merkins; which Brownstreak seemed to like, Dr. Feelgood- Plank Sides, Linus- Freddie Merks, Mayor- V ups, Brownstreak- Russian Twist, Monk- Merkins, TSquare- Dying Cockroach, Spiderman- Imperial Walkers, Dolph- WWII Sit Ups: Replace Coupon to Stack at Top Parking Lot; Line up for Speed Bump Merkins- 5 Merkins at first speed bump, sprint to second for 10 Merkins, sprint to third for 15 Merkins, sprint back to second for 10, sprint back to first for 5.  All Pax 1 minute wall sit, Mosey back to Scheile.  15 Donkey Kicks IC, very tight in the dumpster enclosure.

Strong work by all Pax.  TClaps to Roscoe for Pushing It.  Brownstreak way to push through the Monk Merkins after the Roscoe Dive Bomb Merkins.  We covered about 2.7 miles, Nice works guys.  Always an honor to lead you men.  Thanks Brownstreak for taking us out.  #F3Works

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