Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: September 2015 (Page 2 of 3)

#GoatIsland 9/17 BackBlast

Godfather began the workout with a round of six exercises. First, as always, was Side Straddle Hop to 15. Next was the Imperial Walker to 15, followed by 50 single-count Prayer Squats. After shaking out the soreness, the PAX took to the ground for 15 Merkins, 10 Peter Parkers, and 10 Parker Peters.

Next, it was BA’s turn to bring the pain and after he dropped the tail gate of his WT (there’s still some debate whether it means Work Truck or White Trash) Sierra, and the PAX knew they were in store for another Cinder-Block Beat Down.

With a partner, the PAX carried their cinder block across the first bridge and to the landing of the second bridge. When the six arrived, BA outlined the main course of today’s CBBD: As one partner runs across the main #GoatIsland Bridge and completes 5 Merkins, the other partner would stay at the landing and do a Clean and Press with the Cinder Blocks to 250 reps. Counting on aggregate, each partner should have completed nearly 125 reps. After the first exchange, many PAX (Godfather mostly) wondered if BA would bless the group with an audible to less exercises. The complaints, however, fell on deaf ears as the PAX completed the exercises all the way to 250 reps.

With time left on the clock, the Godfather introduced the group to a modified Dora 1-2-3. At the picnic tables, the PAX were to complete 150 Step-Ups, 100 Dips, and 50 Derkins using aggregate counting as their partner ran across the park and touched the fence for the dog park.

With precious little time to spare after the modified Dora 1-2-3, the PAX gathered the Cinder Blocks and moseyed back to the Parking Lot, exchanged the blocks between each other as needed.

The final exercise of the morning was, of course, Sally, which was played from BA’s phone. Fortunately for everyone in attendance, only half of Sally was actually completed as time ran out.

BackBlast: #TheStorm 9/15/15- Homecoming

BackBlast: #TheStorm 9/15/15- Homecoming

17 PAX battled the GLOOM and the lower than normal temperature this morning at #TheStorm.  It was like a homecoming with a lot of the PAX returning for their first workout in a week or two. (BA, Brown Streak, Jobu, Godfather, etc.). We also had a guest from F3 South Wake join us (Yosef).

The workout started with the official disclaimer…BA is an idiot and you are an idiot too if you follow him…. and all the legal jargon.  And then it began….


Side Straddle Hop x 9

Don Quixotes x 10

LBC’s x 15

-The Pledge Of Allegiance-

Mosey To Sidewalk Near Godfathers Mom Wagon

The Thang:

Cinder Block Fun- Partner Up (Small And Big)

  • Standing Chest Press x 200/ Run To Tennis Court x 5 Mericans
  • Upright Row x 200/ Run To Tennis Court x 5 Caroling Dry Docks

(In Between We Planked Regular, Right Arm, Right Arm Right Leg, Left Arm, Left Arm Left Leg)

Mosey To The Weight Room

Music Time…..

  • Sally Squats To The Song Flower By Moby
  • Burpees To The Song Thunderstruck By ACDC (Side Straddle Hops x 5 During A Guitar Solo)
  • Push Ups And Plank Jacks To The Song Roxanne By The Police

Wave Of Mericans (1,2,3,4,5)

Mosey Outside To The Cinder Blocks- Partner Up

  • French Curl (Triceps) x 150/ Run To Tennis Court x 10 LBC’s

Mosey To BA’s Truck With Cinder Blocks…. Throw Cinder Blocks Into BA’s Truck

Find A Curb

  • Derkins x 10
  • Little Baby Dips x 10

Circle Up

Monkey Humpers Also Known As Jobu’s (He loves them) x 10 (With Some Awkward Groans)

Hillbillies x 5

LBC’s x 20

French Fries x 7


  • Count Off
  • Announcements: Abba-Hope Builders 5k, Bandit-Mud Run, Bandit-CLT Runway 5k, BA- Thanks For Donations For Football Team Equipment
  • Yosef is welcome to join us anytime he is in the area.
  • Prayers: TopHat- Friends Who Are Still Unemployed, Yoseph- Wife And Himself Lost 2 Babies In 3rd Trimester
  • Coffeeteria At Floyd And Blackies- 2 In Attendance


Wyatt’s Warriors

Support Wyatt’s Warriors & the Hopebuilders 5K benefiting Levine Children’s Hospital!

In the spring of 2012, just 20 weeks into our pregnancy, we received the devastating news that our son, Wyatt, would be born with three congenital heart defects. Aortic Coarctation, a Bicuspid Aortic Valve and an Atrial Septal Defect.

Because of the early diagnosis, we were able to plan for Wyatt’s surgery and treatment prior to his birth. Dr. Benjamin Peeler, Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Levine Children’s Hospital, carefully walked us through all of our options. Wyatt was born on September 12, 2012 and less than two weeks later, Dr. Peeler performed surgery to repair his Aortic Coarctation. After 9 days, we were able to bring our sweet baby boy home where he has continued to inspire us with his bravery and sweet spirit ever since.

We will be forever indebted to Levine Children’s Hospital for the care and support that we received while there. I am 100% certain that Wyatt would not be where he is today- a thriving and healthy toddler- if we did not have access to such an amazing hospital. Today we raise funds to support other patients at LCH by participating in the annual HopeBuilders 5K. Our team members have collectively raised over $5,000.00 for the hospital to help ensure that other families receive the same compassionate care where they need it most- close to home.

The 2015 HopeBuilders 5k & Stroller Roller is Saturday, October 10 – it is a beautiful course that starts at the hospital and goes through Myers Park. We would be honored if you would join Wyatt’s Warriors that morning to run, walk or push a stroller (we’ll be doing a little of all 3)! Just click on “Register as an Individual” on the right hand side of the page.

If you are unable to make it but would like to make a donation to help us reach our goal – click on “Support Jason” located on the right hand side of the page.

We are so incredibly thankful for each and every one of our family and friends that have prayed for, loved and supported our little family since Wyatt was born.

Click Here to Support Wyatt’s Warriors!

He has come so far since surgery!

Inline image 7

Happy Heart Day – 2014!

Inline image 3

2013 Team Wyatt’s Warriors!

Inline image 5

2014 Team Wyatt’s Warriors!

Inline image 6

Run Forrest Run – The Forrest Gump

10 PAX braved the gloom (that’s right, 10 – the fewest I have seen at the Gashouse).  Maybe it was the scheduled Q??

Warm Up

  • SSH in cadence X 15
  • LBC’s in cadence X 20
  • Imperial Walkers in cadence X 15
  • Freddie Mercury’s in cadence X 20
  • Mosey to Flag for the Pledge


Run to Station 1 – The Church (Took a right out of the Schiele)

  • Merkins In cadence X 15
  • Prayer Squats in cadence X 15
  • Flutter Kicks in cadence X 20
  • Mountain Climbers in cadence X 20

Run to Station 2 – Hillbilly’s BBQ

  • Hillbillies in cadence X 20
  • Prayer Squats in cadence X 15
  • Flutter Kicks in cadence X 20
  • Mountain Climbers in cadence X 20

Run to Station 3 – Lineberger Park Flag Circle

Partner up for some ladder work.  One runs up the sidewalk hill and steps and back while partner 2 exercises for a cumulative count:

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 Plank Jacks
  • 150 Flutter Kicks (Stroganoff audible – I’m 45)

Run to Station 4 – Up the hill to the upper playground at Lineberger Park (Past the Pool) to find a bench.

  • Single Count dips in cadence X 20
  • Prayer Squats in cadence X 15
  • Derkins in cadence X 15
  • Flutter Kicks in cadence X 20

Mosey back to Lineberger Park Flag Circle for a Ring of Fire – 8 Merkins

Run to Station 5 – Back to the Church on way to the Finish Line

  • Merkins in cadence X 12
  • Prayer Squats in cadence X 20
  • Flutter Kicks in cadence X 25
  • Moroccan Nightclubs in cadence X 30

Mosey/Run back to the Schiele for the Nameorama and Prayer.

This 10 showed me something on Saturday.  My guess is we ran between 2.5 – 3 miles.  As usual, I was honored for the opportunity to lead the group.  Until the next one….Aye!!

9-11 Memorial Workout

Warm Up

There were multiple fire trucks/medics running code around the downtown area during warm ups. It was not planned but the din was appropriate for the memorial beat down.

  • SSH IC x11
  • Merkin IC x11
  • Mountain Climbers IC x 11
  • Don Quixote ICx11
  • LBC ICx11
  • Heal Touches ICx11


Mosey to conference center parking deck then took stairs to top of parking deck and performed:

  • Lunges IC x11
  • Prayer squats ICx11
  • Backward Bear crawl up the hill

Mosey to stairs.  YHC asked the question, “there are five flights of stairs and the WTC has 110 floors. How many times do we need to go up to make 110?”  Responses varied from “1” to “2”. The PAX could use some math skills obviously.


Up and down the stairs at the conference center deck. We would pause at the bottom level and plank, hold a squat, or walk around until the last man’s feet hit the ground and then would charge back up the stairs.  At the halfway mark, we paused at the top for:

  • Merkins ICx11
  • Monkey Humpers ICx11 (a little wobbly going back down)

Back to stairs for 11 more reps up and down to complete the series at the bottom of the deck.  The WTC has 110 floors.  The PAX climbed the parking deck stairs up and down a total of 22 times. 5 floors times 22 equals 110. Math is simple, right?

At the bottom of the deck…

  • Partner up ones and twos
  • Ones bear crawl up the parking deck incline
  • Twos run to the next incline and wait for ones to catch up and then they bear crawl up the incline. Repeat to the top of the deck.

This was followed by a set of lunges across the length of the top deck.

Then, partner up and burpee long jumps ten yards each for the length of the deck.

Down the stairs again and out to the benches for a set of, you guessed it, 11 Dips.

Back to Pavilion for one round of Flutter kicks x11 in cadence.


The COT was held and the PAX expressed their thankfulness for many wonderful things such as family, faith, F3, careers, Freedom of religion, and service to others, and concern for the first responders who sacrificed on 9-11 and every day.

Great effort today #HIM

Scale the Mountain + Wheel of Pain

9 PAX posted in the GLOOM at Goat Island, including a record number that peeled in sideways at 0529. Still…right on time is still on time. Warmup as follows:

* Peter Parkers (remain in position after)
* Merkins (remain in position after)
* Mountain climbers
* Side Straddle Hop
* Squats

Pax then moseyed over to the parking lot side of the bridge and commenced the thang. First up was 5 trips climbing up the rocks beside the bridge. Props to all for staying upright despite the glasslike surface conditions courtesy of some ill-timed-but-much-needed overnight rain.

PAX then proceeded to #takethebridge (note: we need BA back, he has the best battle cry by far) and moseyed over to the park for a scenic tour.

First up was a 4-minute round of Col Trautman, making use of the monkey bars the Cramerton taxpayers generously provided. Afterward we moseyed around the walking trail to the cornhole boards and did 5 round of 1 burpee/sprint to the drink machine/1 burpee/sprint back. Then a mosey over to the playground where we did 3 rounds of squats followed by a trip around the playground by any means necessary (over/under/through the ropes that those darn kids make look so easy). Squats started at 20 and increased by 5 each circuit.

After the first circuit we did a mini-repeato, with a 2 minute Col Trautman and an abbreviated burpee/sprint circuit until we had to call time. Mosey back to the lot for COT. Thanks to all who posted, you gentlemen make it what it is!

– Prayers for TopHat’s friends out of work and looking.
– Prayers for law enforcement while we weather the current unrest.
– Need a Q for next Tuesday. Somebody step up!

Tuesday’s Backblast at the Storm

  Thirteen PAX posted to the Storm for Tuesday’s “climber” beatdown.  After a quick warmup of SSH, Windmills, Merkins, LBCs and Freedie Mercurys we proceeded to Indian run for half a mile.  Then came the climbing: Ladder drills across the field with escalating number of flutter kicks and Rosalitas every 20 yards with spints or running backwards in between.  Next were ladders of Merkins and Carolina Dry Docks with Bear crawls and Lunges in between.  Once all PAX were suficiently winded we took a break with dips followed by running the stairs and more dips on the other side.  Finshed off of wind spints up and down the hill with LBCs at the bottom and Merkins at the top.  One minute left so AMAP burpees to finish.

Freight’s Birthday Workout where Everyone Gets a Gift!

In celebration of his own birthday (turning 36), Freight bring a classic beatdown to 18 GasHouse PAX.  Here is how it went down.

Mosey to the flag for the Pledge.

Mosey to the Greer field for the Warm Up which included 36 reps each IC.

  • SSH
  • Merkins
  • LBFC
  • Plank
  • Back Plank
  • Crab Cakes
  • Boat/Canoe (don’t think this was 36 reps… forget how we counted this)
  • Sumo Squats

Bear Crawl Ring of Fire

Hot Laps – Partner up. One partner runs 1/4 lap while other does an exercise. Then switch. Run four laps total.

  • 1st lap-flutter kicks
  • 2nd lap-plank
  • 3rd lap-sit ups
  • 4th lap-squat and hold


Mosey back to the flag

Zombie Walk home( bowlers lunge)

Circle up for a few extras till top of the hour…

Hillbilllies, Peter Parker,Parker Peter, Morrocon Nightclub, Over Head Claps (wow, that was really hard).

Donkeys spotted in Downtown Gastonia and a vandalized wall…related or just a coincidence?

Well, we started with 7 Pax but that quickly changed to 10 with the arrival of 3 more shortly after we started the warmup so the warmup was extended to make sure we all had time to get the juices going early this Friday morning at the Rotary. We did a couple rounds of SSH (any self respecting WU must have some SSH, in my opinion) and added an extra Merkin for each late arrival just to show our appreciation for their arrival. I had an unexpected meeting at 630am and had Roscoe in the bullpen so we got to it pretty quickly. The highlight of my day was donkey kicks with a big group “eee-ooohhhnnnn!!!” every 5th rep. Thought it was good on paper but turned out better than expected for me. Not sure how the rest of the herd felt but at this point guess it really doesn’t matter. Here is what I recall:

WU:SSH, Merkin, Mountain Climbers, Flutter kicks, IN COME THE LATE ARRIVALS, second round of SSH and just a few Merkins to acknowledge their presence….. did about 15 or so of each

The Thang-

Modified Indian run thru downtown (leader chooses path). First Pax drops off and does 10 Merkins while others continue Mosey, at completion of 10 Merkins he gets up and catches up to back of Indians and yells “go” at which time the leader peals off and does 10 Merkins….repeato until Q reaches pre-determined but undisclosed location at parking deck. At deck we started version of Jacob’s ladder: bottom of stairs 1 squat, run up stairs to top of deck and do 1 Scorpion Dry Dock (CDD with 1 leg up-my second favorite of the morning and will be a part of my future Qs in the near future). Outhouse attempted with both legs up for extra credit but not sure how well that turned out. Run down the stairs and increase squats to 2 then back up the stairs with 2 Scorpion Dry Docks…up to total of 7. Bandit did some extra credit SDDs which allowed me to pass him at the end. Would like to think he was just being nice but could have been excitement about the SDDs. Once this was completed we moseyed back towards the flagpole and the Donkey fun started.

Halfway back we stopped for a short donkey kick interlude….Donkey kicks in sets of 20 X 3 rounds with eeeeoooohhnnnnn at every 5th rep in cadence. We had a 15-20 second rest between sets to recover. The only thing that would have made this better would have been either more Pax for a louder battle cry or an audience of dumpster divers to cheer us on. Unfortunately for us we had neither but it still brought a smile to my face. Note to self: next time, more sets just because I liked it so much.

We then moseyed to the bridge for a little partner work with escalating Contra Burpees and some running. P1 started with flutters, P2 ran across the bridge and back. On arrival both P1/P2 did 2 burpees with single merkin portion. P2 then did flutters while P1 ran across then bridge and back at which time both P1/P2 did 2 burpees with 2 merkin portions. This continued until total of 5 merkins with each burpee then both Pax ran across the bridge and back.

I then went to my corner and tagged Roscoe who came in off the top ring ropes to deliver a 15 minute barrage of unrelenting punishment  along with some well-rehearsed vandalism…BIG THANKS TO ROSCOE.

I received my info from Roscoe…I consider him a very reliable source however there were no press/press/flings in his report so………..just saying, accuracy may need to be verified.

The pax were electrified as Roscoe took over and led a lunge walk across the train bridge followed by some prayer squats. The next exercise was people’s chair, but the tops of the half wall were not secure. To prevent a vandalism report with ten suspects (9 more than Roscoe was accustomed to in his younger years) they moseyed to the wall under the lights and performed the People’s Air Presses in cadence. Wise choice by the Q to walk on the right side of the thin blue line I might add.

The pax then moseyed to the Pavilion for some Homer/Marge on the big stage with some back stroke in the imaginary pool followed by a wave of Derkins  and then more Derkins in cadence. Merkins and step ups were followed by Freddy Merc then Namorama, COT, and finally the Pledge. Glad someone is remembering the pledge-always forget at the beginning due to my excitement about the WU and moving to the Thang.




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