Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: The Storm (Page 20 of 26)

#BB #TheStorm

12 pax made the choice to take the Red Pill this am for a simple beatdown at #TheStorm.  Disclaimer was read and the warm up began.  Promise was made no burpees, yes we are doing burpees!

Warmup IC; 15 SSH, 15 Mericans, 10 Toy Soldiers, 10 Low Slow Squats, 10 Trunk Side Stretch, 5 Archers ( alternating side wide push ups), Monk read word of the week ” I wil give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart “.  The pax then took a lap around the parking lot and met back at the flag for the pledge.

The Thang;

The Pax were instructed to partner up and size doesn’t matter.  Partners lined up at the imaginary goal line (parking space line).  P1 wheelbarrow P2 to 25 yd line and each partner perform 20 old school situps.  P2 Fireman Carry P1 to 50 yd line and each partner perform 20 flutter kicks each, double count.  P1 Fireman Carry P2 to 25 yd line and each partner perform 20 feet throws.  P2 wheelbarrow P1 to goal line and each partner perform 20 side plank up downs, 10 each side.  Count off and The Q informed the pax that he forgot the burpees on the first lap so to make up they were to perform 10 burpees at each corner.  Plank it up at goal line for the 6 to arrive.  Once the 40 burpees were down it was rinse and repeat of the above, only the burpees on lap 3 were reduced to 5 at each corner.  Then a quick count off and the Q realized there was time for another round.  Rinse and repeat .  Last lap was 1 and 1/2 to get the pax back to the flag with no burpees.  Nice work men.  Circle up at the flag for some mary.  10 IC; Russian twist, V ups, Lbc’s, Freddy Mercurys, French Fries.  Time was called.


Announcements; Outhouse and Family.  Were praying for you brother.  4-16 Community Run, 4-30 Mud Run, Burpeethon in May, Mayor to inform pax of details, BRR in September.  Namorama. Monk thanks for the prayer.


It was an honor to lead you men this am.  You all showed me what taking the RED PILL means #DRP.  It doesn’t get any easier you just get stronger.  Simple beatdown but felt it.  Tclaps to Mayor for digging deep this am, strong work.  Defib pushing the rock on the runs.  Nice work by all Pax.  Enjoyed it.  Till the next one.  #DFQ!


Don’t they run at the Derecho???

As the Pax started to roll in, it was a great morning to be outside about to tie on a good workout.  10 strong men circled up and what happened is the tales of legends.  After all, it is almost belly shirt season!!

The disclaimer was announced as well as the word of the month and that is “Gratitude”.

SSH IC x15 (first Q counting error)
Moroccan night clubs IC x15
Don Quixote IC x10
Mosey to the flag for the Pledge

The Thang
Mosey back to corner of parking lot where YHC informed the Pax of what was to come
run a lap around the parking lot and plank up until all are finished.  YHC informed all that he would catch the six today.  After the lap (which is right at a 1/4 mile) it was time for some Mary.
LBCs IC x15 (second Q counting error – hard to count with no oxygen)
Flutter kicks ICx15
Hello Dollys x10
V-ups x10

Time for some pain.  The Pax worked suicides at the parking lot stripes (about 12 lines for 75 feet) followed by some Mericans.

Everyone counts off and we get another lap with some Mary at the end
Freddy Mercury IC x15
Satisfiers x10 (lift legs from six inches to 90 degrees and push your legs up at the top to engage your core — thanks to Godfather for the name)
Windshield wipers ICx10

Run another parking lot lap and the Q has successfully made sure the six is accounted for.  The lap is followed up by what else….Mary, but with some new exercises.
Dancing chillicutt IC x10 (elbow plank and alternate lifting legs)
Gas pumps x10 (start with LBC and extend legs to six inches and bring back)
Guantanamos (Pax circle up and hold 45 degrees while one member runs around the circle and pushes the legs down).  When YHC got to the end, he decided to make Godfather hold until yelled at.

Follow up Mary with some curb crawls.  The pax find a curb on an island and do a sideways bear crawl completely around it.  Fresh Prince has hands of steel as he mustered through broken glass and said that he only wished it hurt more.

Run yet another lap and circle back up for a wave of Mericans:  5, 4, 3, 2, 1.  One of the other things I like to do is engage the Pax in a round of Mary so everyone took turns calling out an exercise and they are WW2 sit-ups, Mericans, French fries, Russian twists, dying or flailing cockroaches, LBCs, homer to marge and Burpees (someone had to say it).

As time was running short, YHC advise there would be time for a quick 40-yard sprint.  It was at that point the Q was pressured to assure that there was nothing else coming because the gas tank could not be emptied if so.

We all mosey back to the start for the name-o-rama and COT.

Prayers go out to Outhouse (mom) and Godfather (mother-in-law).

Announcements:  Post more than Whoopie and get $50 toward yours or someone else’s BRR fee.  At last check, there were six hard commits for runners and one HC for a driver.  The team is looking for 10-12.  Community run and Mud run in April.

It was a pleasure being able to lead and I sincerely appreciate everyone showing up.





The 10-Minute 100-Burpee Challenge

11 of #GasHouse’s gathered in the GLOOM this morning for yet another of Godfather’s “winging it” workouts. Despite the rain and the mid-thirty degree temperatures, it was noted that several PAX were wearing shorts. As the clock struck 5:30, it was time to begin…


  • Side-Straddle Hop x20 (IC)
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x20 (IC)
  • Low-Slow Squats x20 (IC)
  • Merkins x20 (IC)

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey to Student Entrance of SCHS… Several of the PAX helped to move a large stone back into place that had been bugging JoBu, BA, and Godfather for the last few weeks.

With the stone benches back in place, the PAX completed 10 Bunny Hops and 10 Derkins on the original and newly located stones.

Next was a mosey to the SCHS weight room to get a little in-door beatdown. After disengaging the school’s alarm system (potential headline: Workout Cult Breaks Into School), the PAX were informed they would be completing the 10-Minute 100-Burpee Challenge (actually became 11-Minutes), and it went as follows:

  • Minute 1 – 8 Burpees
  • Minute 2 – 9 Burpees
  • Minute 3 – 10 Burpees
  • Minute 4 – 11 Burpees
  • Minute 5 – 12 Burpees
  • Minute 6 – Count Off/Rest (completely necessary)
  • Minute 7 – 12 Burpees
  • Minute 8 – 11 Burpees
  • Minute 9 – 10 Burpees
  • Minute 10 – 9 Burpees
  • Minute 11 – 8 Burpees
  • Total – 100 Burpees

YHC was hesitant to include the rest between the first 50 and second 50, but after feeling and seeing other struggle, it was time for a slight audible.

With the 11-Minute 100-Burpee Challenge in the rearview mirror, it was time for a little 6MOM…

  • Little Baby Crunch x20 (IC)
  • Flutter Kicks x20 (IC)
  • Freddie Mercury x20 (IC)
  • Hello Dolly x20 (IC)
  • Homer to Marge
  • World War Sit-Ups x10

Wave of Merkins around the Weight Room (5…4…3…2…1)

Mosey to Start

In the Closing Minutes…

  • Billy Blanks x10 (IC) – Squat with alternating kicks on each leg
  • JoBu’s x10 (IC)
  • Little Baby Dips x25 (OYO)

Eleven’s (Modified to Sixes)

  • 5 Squat-Jumps
  • 1 Merkin
  • Decrease Squat-Jumps and Increase Merkins on each side of the parking lot

Count-Off, Name-o-Rama, Announcements, Requests, Prayer

Coming Up in the Near Future…

  • Running-Centered Workout at SCHS starting 2/22 @ 5:30 AM (Contact JoBu)
  • The Yeti – 2/20 (sending good vibes to Defib, Brown Streak, Whoopee, and Dolph)
  • New AO at Biggerstaff Park (Dallas, NC) starting on 2/23 @ 5:30 AM (Contact Dolph)
  • Second F Happy Hour – 2/23 @ Mayworth Pubic House in Cramerton, NC
  • F3 Founders at Gastonia Rotary – 3/3 (see e-mail blast for more info)
  • Advisory Board Meeting – 3/6 @ 8:00 PM at GSM Services

2016 Blue Ridge Relay – Gastonia Preblast

2016 Blue Ridge Relay Information Session
If you are interested in running in the 2016 Blue Ridge Relay (BRR), we need to get a list of seriously interested PAX. I’d like to get a team of 9-12 solid commitments before we register for the race. This preblast should answer any questions or give you info on where to get answers. Mayor has secured a van (possibly 2) so that should reduce the cost significantly. Basically, the cost is registration plus gas, food, and various supplies (see below) and should be around $200 per person if you are careful.

Your solid commitment consists of emailing Whoopee and promising to bring $100 to a workout sometime in the next 4 weeks.

WHOOPEE CAN HELP WITH THE COST IF THAT IS AN ISSUE. I would really like to have Gastonia represented so it is worth it to me to put in a little extra $$.

Blue Ridge Relay – Event Info
Who: YOU. Can I do this? Yes. Anyone who posts to regular F3 workouts & can run a 10k can be comfortable on a 12 man team. If you’re not confident that you’re ready now, keep posting and you will be by September.

What: The Blue Ridge Relay (BRR) is a 209-mile relay race along the Blue Ridge mountains that offers a near-perfect combination of 1st F, 2nd F, & CSAUP. The race is split into 36 predetermined legs of varying distances (2 to 10 miles) and difficulty levels (Easy to Mountain Goat Hard). For a 12-person team, the average total distance is 16.6 miles spread over 3 legs (it’s like running three 10k’s in a day). Average is just average though – some legs are longer and some are shorter. Teams travel along the race course in vans, picking up and dropping off runners at the beginning and end of each leg.

When: September 9 – 10, 2016
Race starts on a Friday morning (starting times are staggered and vary from 7am-11am) and ends on Saturday afternoon.

Where: Begins in Grayson Highlands State Park in southwestern VA and ending in downtown Asheville, NC

How Much?: $1300 per team entry fee (roughly $110 per person)
Additional per person cost for van rental, gas, food, and supplies TBD

Why: CSAUP… enough said!

Additional Info
What if I hard commit now and need to bail later? Team rosters have to be finalized prior to August 1st. So…If it’s prior to August 1st: No problem. Just find a replacement, have him reimburse you your entry fee & let your team captain know ASAP. If it’s after August 1st: Still no problem. Find a replacement, have him reimburse you your $100 entry fee & let your team captain know asap. Note that a $10 roster change fee will apply.

Who’s Q’ing this event? Whoopee is Qing this event for F3 GasHouse.

I’ve heard from many F3 PAX this is THE BEST CSAUP EVENT EVER!!!!!

Links to Even More Info
2015 F3 Nation CSAUP Website:
BRR Event Website:




Monk started us off with Third F Words for the Week

A God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love.

Warm Up

SSH x 20 IC

IMP Walker X15 IC

Merkin X10 IC

Flutter Kick X15 IC


Began mosey to track to get started.

First we stop by the truck and pick up our old friend Sandy Bag.

On track stop to say Pledge

Began work out with mile run at each glow stick perform lunge/ lunge/burpee until you reach second glow stick . After 3 laps Omaha was called pax planked up until everyone caught up. While waiting we did some Moroccan night clubs and peter parker IC.


Dora 1-2-3

Partner up with sand bag

  1. 100 squat press
  2. 200 side lunges (Omaha to 150)
  3. 300 clean and press (Omaha to 150)

During  sand bag exercise partner would run up ramp to stadium for two set of up down stadium stairs


Mosey to football field for Merkisides

10/20/30/40/50 on corresponding yard lines. (running short on time we stopped at 40 and than did ten IC for good measure. Mosey back to parking lot for COT.



Be sure and get order in for Backyard Brawl Shirts

Dolph and Freight looking in to new Dallas AO Tuesday and Thursday



Outhouse MOM

Students and Teachers


As always looked easier on paper. Sorry for three Omaha’s in one work out. Not sure if that’s legal in F3 Nation. First Q at The Storm great AO! Great way to start the week.


BackBlast: #TheStorm- The Deck Of Death and Some Fog

14 PAX arrived through the fog for BA’s Q at #TheStorm.  It was nice to see a good number come out for the workout this morning including Thimble who has been away for awhile.  It was also nice to see an FNG (Colonel Sanders) come out to experience a workout at #TheStorm.

Since the watches were not synchronized (Dolph 5:32 and Mayor 5:28) we started at 5:30???

Circle up in the parking lot

WU: (In Cadence)

  • SSH x 20
  • JoBu x 20
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 20
  • Don Quixote x 15

-Pledge Of Allegiance-


Run w/ Leg Exercises

  • Start at the sidewalk close to the weight room and do JoBu’s x 5 sprint to the sidewalk at the tennis court and do Squats x 5….  repeat 3 times

Deck of Death (52 cards + 2 Jokers= 54 exercises):

  • Face value = # of reps, Jack=11, Queen=12, King=13, Ace=14, and Jokers= 10 JoBu’s.  Hearts=Burpees, Spades= Squats, Diamonds=LBCs, Clubs=CDDs

This got the PAX doing some exercises in cadence and some OYO.  Tip my hat to Colonel Sanders (FNG) who jumped in and counted in cadence.


Nameorama: Colonel Sanders (FNG)

Announcements: Extra Credit at workouts starting at 4:45…. keep up on twitter.

Prayers: TSquare’s son, Outhouse’s mother, Dolph’s father

Coffeeteria: 1 at Floyd and Blackies

One guys opinion:

After the regionalization meeting we had the other night it got me thinking about a few things… I have a feeling we may be organizing just to organize.  Just because the parent company (F3) has a plan on how to move from “nomad” to “full membership” doesn’t mean we have to embrace everything.  I think we have/had a good identity and hope we don’t loose that due to jumping through the hoops that have been set before us.  I also hope that the group continues to be the voice of many and not just a few.  I hope some of us don’t loose sight of the fact that we are essentially a group of guys who gets together to workout, have a drink, and share our faith….leadership and community service has come about while we have did that.  I am curious and hopeful this moving to a “more structured” group doesn’t hurt us…. yeah yeah I know it’s a proven method and works….  I’ll wait for the F3 powers to be to strike down upon me.

Good to lead the workout today.  Great to see so many guys come out for the workout and especially nice to see Thimble return after being absent for awhile.


BackBlast- #TheStorm: ‘Bout That Life

10 PAX arrived for BA’s Q at #TheStorm.  There was a little confusion as some of the PAX had gathered outside, but then moseyed over to the weight room as they saw and heard my truck roll by while honking the horn.  We all know if it’s under 40 and I am the Q at #TheStorm we will spend some time in the weight room.

Coming off a week on the DL I had plenty of time to think of something different I could do as a Q that we haven’t done before at any F3 Gastonia workout (I would be surprised if it has been done at any F3 workout).  My goal was to work the neck muscles and trapezius muscles…. yeah yeah probably a reason we have never seen this, but I sort of march to my own drummer…..

Circle Up In Weight Room With Your Own Area And A Pair Of Dumbbells Nearby (Brown Streak stood guard in his tights outside awaiting late arriving PAX…or in silent protest of being inside)

Quick shoutout to Brown Streak and Monk for coordinating their tights today (side by side) and Godfather for showing up in long johns… stylin and profilin

WU: (In Cadence)

  • SSH x 20
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 20

-Pledge Of Allegiance-


  • Roxanne (Merkins on Roxanne/Plank Jacks on Red Light) -I believe this is when TopHat rolled in…public transportation must have been running late-
  • Shrugs With Dumbbells x 20
  • Boxer Necks (Front:25 Sides:20)
  • Sally (Squats)
  • Shrugs With Dumbbells x 20
  • Boxer Necks (Front:25 Sides:20)
  • Thunder (Burpees)…added 15 SSH during dead time in music
  • Shrugs With Dumbbells x 20
  • Boxer Necks (Front:20 Sides:15)
  • Farmer Carries With Dumbbells
  • Shrugs With Dumbbells x 20
  • Boxer Necks (Front:15 Sides:10) –Thanks Mayor and Dolph for the counting..not sure how many we actually completed-
  • Peoples Chair With Weight  -Shout out to my M for the use of her music…. When I put the music on shuffle to motivate us through Peoples Chair we all learned ‘Bout That Life from some rapper named Meek Mill (I googled it)…. most wish we didn’t-
  • Bodies (Donkey Kicks/Merkins)

-Quick Note… JoBu was very very disappointed we did not do any JoBus aka Monkey Humpers.  This weeks Q’s I ask you to please add these so I stop getting his text and calls complaining we forgot his favorite exercise.  He let me know he went home right after the workout this morning and immediately did 1,000 JoBus to make up for what we forgot.



Announcements: Bicycles at 6am at GasHouse…extra credit (yes JoBu you can borrow my 7 year old sons bike…you are about the same size)

Prayers: Top Hat led us through prayers for the PAX

Coffeeteria: 3 at Floyd and Blackies

Great to lead the group today.  I know the workout was a bit different, but I hope you got something out of it.


The Monday Night Seagull

Some things in an F3 work out are predictable.  Some of the predictability is nice when you know someone will be running or is not a runner.  When BA Qs, you know exposure to the elements is limited, especially when its cold or raining.  However, when a Monday night seagull flies over and drops something on you due to an illness and asks you to swap….you know you’re going to be out in the cold and you onion up and do it.

Everyone pulls up and STAYS in their cars until 5:25 not wanting to risk unnecessary frost bite. We start with the disclaimer, however, it is unsaid that if you are out here, you are clearly an idiot and not to be trusted.

Warm Up
SSH x25 IC (Q moves around circle so PAX gets some one on one), Merkins x10 IC, Don Quixote’s x10 IC


The Thang
Thanks to Jobu for unlocking the gate, we all mosey down to the steps into the dark gloom and frozen tundra of the field and line up on the goal line.  The Pax advance to each 10 yard line to do an exercise of their choice (must do burpees, squats, mountain climbers, merkins)with the number on the yard line.  The rest can be a Pax choice.  i.e 10 burpees at the 10 yard line, 20 merkins at the 20 yard line and so on.
At the other goal line when complete, we circle up for some abs.  French fries x10 IC, LBCs x 10 IC, Flutter kicks x10 IC and windshield wipers x10 IC.
Run a lap – – Rinse and repeat going the other way.  That’s a total of 500 reps of exercises on the goal line and 80 ab exercises.  Some of the cadence counts were difficult due to lack of breath by the Q, but the Pax perseveres.

Due to the cold temperature, I keep having to reach in my pants to find my Weinke, but it is always there folded up in my pocket for reference.

After running another lap, the Pax is informed that thanks to a post from Dr. Feelgood congratulating the Q on his re-election and notes the next exercise is celebratory burpees = to % of vote.  Q had 90% of the votes, so everyone starts doing burpees until one of us gets 90.  Dolph was the first one to get there (Tclaps) after 15 minutes of straight up burpees, however, half way through the Pax grows rowdy and start some serious mumble chatter (or GRUMBLE CHATTER – I may see if I can get this added to the Lexicon) about their current situation and mutiny was suggested.  Several others were in the 80s and 70s.  Tclaps to everyone for sticking with it because no Omaha was being called. With time running out, we mosey back to the flag for the Name-O-Rama.

F3 Gastonia is collecting canned food for CAM (Crisis Assistance Ministry) by 1/30/16.  Roscoe has additional information and wants to get some Pax together to deliver and strike up a relationship.   Please bring the items to your site Qs.


Gentlemen – it was a pleasure to lead and I am grateful you showed up.


A Trip to Victory Hill – BackBlast

Fifteen PAX (including one FNG) answered the call and posted to the first workout at #TheStorm of 2016. When YHC got out of the #momwagon the temperature outside was 26 degrees, so it was no surprise to the see all members of the group tightly bundled – all members except Top Hat, who posted in his signature Duke hoodie and SHORTS. With one FNG in tow, it was time to remind everyone of the disclaimer, stating that no one here was an expert and that we’re idiots so if you follow us, you must be an idiot too. YHC stated that if F3 stood for Food, Fun, and more Fun, that he might consider myself an expert. With the laughter coming to an end, it was time for the Warm-Up (Unfortunately, no one would actually be warm until a little later).

The Warm-Up, as always, was in cadence and began with 20 Side-Straddle Hops. Next came 20 Scorpion Carolina Dry Docks (CDD’s with one leg in the air like a scorpion’s tale) with ten reps of each leg in the air. The third exercise brought the PAX to frozen ground, as it was time for 20 Little Baby Crunches. The fourth exercise was a lesson in cultural sensitivity as the PAX completed 10 Appalachian Americans (formerly Hillbillies) in a nod to T-Square, who has not appreciated all the racism (is Hillbilly, er, Appalachian American actually a race?) we’ve been having in F3. The final exercise of the warm-up was a set of 10 Imperial Walkers, and since we didn’t have any soldiers of the Grand Republic Army in our group, we left it at that.

The Thang began with a mosey to the gate of the football stadium. The PAX were then notified that they would be completing a round of Burpicides with increasing burpees at each stop. In all, there would be EIGHT stops, so the PAX who were able to complete 100% of this work out actually did 36 burpees by the end.

Partnering up, the group had to go the length of half the parking lot alternating between Lunges and Bear Crawls. T-Claps are due to JoBu who made sure YHC only had to Bear Crawl about 15 yards. With plenty of time still left of the clock, the PAX moseyed their way further from #TheStorm with many beginning to wonder if we would be heading to #GoatIsland to finish the workout. Instead, the PAX stopped just before leaving Stuart Cramer’s campus and met for the first time, #VictoryHill.

The Beatdown of #VictoryHill commenced with the PAX once again joining with their partner and completing 200 Squats on an aggregate count while their partner ran up the hill and did one Burpee before returning to the bottom. YHC informed the group once again of the disclaimer as #VictoryHill has quite a few holes – cannonball craters, no doubt, from the storied Battle for Castle Cramer during the 1460’s.

The Beatdown continued with a Bear Crawl up the hill and by then, it was time to count off not once, not twice, but THRICE (look it up) before moving on to the next exercises. The PAX then moseyed across the field and back before making their way down the #VictoryHill. Extra Credit was awarded to Dolph and others who decided to do a Backwards Bear Crawl down the hill.

At the bottom, it was time to make our way back to the start but as many of you know, YHC is not a huge fan of running anywhere without stopping. So, the PAX started their journey back with a Bear Crawl from the first speed bump to the guard rails. Stopping for a break at the rails, the group completed 10 Dips and 10 Derkins, in cadence, on the rails before moving on. From the guard rails, it was time to complete a Zombie Walk to second speed bump. In an Ode to the Mayor, the PAX then completed a Backwards Skip from the second speed bump to the SCHS Spirit Rock. After moseying from the rock to the third speed bump, the PAX completed 15 Flutter Kicks in cadence and a round of Homer to Marge.

Several of the PAX were deducted T-Claps for racing back to the starting point when they were clearly instructed to mosey – I’m looking at you Dolph, Roscoe, and Bandit! Back at the starting point, the workout was closed out with 7 French Fries, a Ring of Fire with 5 Merkins each, and 5 Burpees OYO.

The BOM consisted of the Pledge of Allegiance, Name-o-Rama, Announcements, and Prayer lead by T-Square. T-Claps are in order to our newest FNG, Stick (AKA Wade Crofton), for braving the freezing temperatures to see what this F3 nonsense is all about.

Closing Note – The temperature actually dropped from 26 to 23 degrees by the end of the workout!

Thanks again to all that showed up this morning, I wholly expected three or four guys to be out here.


A Trip to Victory Hill


For the PAX who are brave enough to post to tomorrow’s first beatdown at #TheStorm, they will be treated to a lengthy visit to Victory Hill. My best advice is to bring your gloves and dress warm as Google predicts we’ll be battling temperatures in the mid-twenties.

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