Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: The Storm (Page 18 of 26)

#TheStorm: A Very Manly Workout…. Skipping Was Involved

7 PAX showed up for a lower body beatdown.

I rolled in early this AM and two PAX were already stretching and getting ready to go.  As 5:30 hit Top Hat came in hot and we began when he joined the group.

And we begin:

WU: (In Cadence)

  • SSH x 10
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 10
  • Merkins x 10
  • LBC x 10

Mosey to the Football Field

-Pledge Of Allegiance-


Mosey to the Goal Line

Partner UP (1 group had 3 since 7 PAX showed this AM)

-All exercise done in aggregate-

  • 300 Squats/Zombie Walk to 15 yard line
  • 300 JoeBoos (Monkey Humpers)/Backward Zombie Walk to 15 yard line
  • 300 LBC/Skip to 15 yard line
  • 300 Calf Raises/Backward Skip to the 15 yard line
  • 6 inch leg raise for 300 count/Run to 50 yard line
  • 300 Squats/Zombie Walk to 15 yard line
  • 300 JoeBoos (Monkey Humpers)/Backward Zombie Walk to 15 yard line
  • 300 LBC/Skip to 15 yard line

-Top Hat and PosiTraction got after it and were ahead of everyone today…. nice job men-

Mosey to where we started and circle up

  • Squats x 10



Announcements: BRR, CSAUP, Need Qs

Prayers: TSquare’s son and his family, Safety for guys doing BRR

Coffeeteria: N/A

Glad to be back and leading today!


#TheStorm – Godfather Subs In

With BA still on the PUP list, YHC was asked to step in and Q at the last minute. Here’s what went down:

Pledge of Allegiance


  • Side-Straddle Hop x20 IC
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x25 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x15 IC
  • Peter Parkers x15 IC

Mosey from SCHS Student Lot to SCHS Softball Field


  • Freddie Mercury x20 IC
  • Little Baby Crunch x30 OYO
  • Hello Dolly x20 IC
  • Little Baby Crunch x30 OYO
  • Scissor Kicks x20 IC
  • Little Baby Crunch x40 OYO

Mosey to Home Softball Dugout to collect one Cinder Block each

Round 1 – 200 Curls w/ Cinder Block

  • Mosey a short lap for rest

Round 2 – 150 Chest Press w/ Cinder Block

  • Mosey a short lap for rest

Round 3 – 50 French Curls w/ Cinder Block

  • Mosey a short lap for rest

Round 4 – 10 Blockies

Return Blocks and Mosey to SCHS Tennis Courts

Zombie Walk (Lunge, Lunge, Squat) half the length of the court the turn around and Backwards Zombie Walk the remaining length of the court.

COT, Announcements, Prayer Requests, BOM

  • Men are preparing for the BRR
  • Prayer requests for car accident victims close to several of this morning’s PAX

#TheStorm: It Will Hurt To Get Off The Crapper

6 PAX showed up for a lower body beatdown that made it hard to use our legs the rest of the day.

I enjoyed the convo before and through the workout today.  It is nice to talk about our families, good things that are going on, and struggles that some are going through.  I believe this is one thing that makes F3 really different than any other workouts…. you actually build friendships/brotherhood with the other guys. Again, I enjoyed the conversations from this morning even more than the workout.

And we begin:

WU: (In Cadence)

  • SSH x 15
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 15
  • Don Quixotes x 15
  • Squats x 15
  • LBC x 15

-Pledge Of Allegiance-


Mosey to the sidewalk near the practice field and pair up.  All exercises done in aggregate.

  • 300 Squats/Zombie Walk to first island
  • 300 JoBus/Backward Zombie Walk to first island
  • 300 CDD/run to second island
  • 300 Calf Raises/ Skip to first island
  • 300 LBD/Run to second island
  • 300 Squats/Run to second island
  • Neckies 15 forward, 15 right, 15 left, 15 forward
  • LBCs x 30

Mosey to where we started and circle up

  • LBCs x 15
  • Squats x 15
  • LBCs x 15
  • Homer Marge x 10




Announcements: Change of date and venue for F3 monthly meeting

Prayers: Stroganoff, TSquare, Godfather and their families

Coffeeteria: 4 at Floyd And Blackies


Again enjoyed leading today!


Skills and Drills

It started a long long long time ago in a galaxy far far away, when the rebellion stepped out into the gloom. Everything that has happened in our lives brought us to this moment in time.

As time got close, six men were there to get stronger. By the time the warm up was complete, we had eight and by the time the workout began, we had nine.

I was hoping to use the field, but YHC had a backup and mapped it out.

We circled up and the disclaimer was noted.

SSH x10
Mericans x10
Toy Soldiers x10
Donkey otays x10 (couldn’t resist)
Morrocan Night Clubs x10

Kicking it back to the old school days, a football skills and drills thriller was on the docket.
#1 – block bear crawls. These were in the weinke, but YHC tried these the night before and were omaha’ed out.
#2 – high knee burpees. 10 high knees and one burpee until you get to 10 Burpees.
#3 – karaoke to the 40 yard line and back.
#4 – side to side shuffles to the 40 yard line and back.
#5 – suicides to the 20, 40 and 60.
#6 – mosey to the wall for some high knee chops for speed at 10, 15, and 20 seconds.
#7 – hip SLAPPERS 10 OYO.
#8 – high knees to the 20 and sprint to the 40 and back.

Rinse and repeat.

What would a workout be without some core work.
Circle up for some French fries slow count x8, little baby flutter crunches x20, dancing chilicutts IC x10 and finished with a wave of Mericans x5.

Twice we had to get a count, I took some time to express my gratitude to everyone at F3 that push me to be a better man for not just me or my family, but for everyone. Rudolph took some time for a brief devotion on how F3 has impacted his life. Hats off to Rudolph and Bacon for the motivation. Bacon should be Baconator because he is a machine. Much respect.

Always a pleasure gentlemen,

#TheStorm: The Deck Of Death

11 PAX showed up for a round (plus) of The Deck Of Death.

I rolled in about 10 minutes early and got the weight room garage door open, got the cards set up, and then made my way to group.  Good mumble chatter early about the 2 county police officers that were in the parking lot and Spud locking his keys in the car.  Rough one for me today as I about had to pull a JoBu and rush to the facilities during the workout, but unlike JoBu I gutted it out and didn’t want to miss any of the workout.  Shout out to Rudolph for the motivation today during the workout.  He kept u at us today and I think we all needed and appreciated that.

And we begin:

WU: (In Cadence)

  • SSH x 15
  • LBC x 15
  • CDD x 15
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 15

-Pledge Of Allegiance-


Mosey to the weight room and circle around the DECK OF DEATH

  • Hearts= Burpees
  • Diamonds= Murkins
  • Spades= Squats
  • Clubs= CDD

Went through about 9/10 of the deck and then called an OMAHA and switched up a couple of the exercises

  • Hearts= JoBu’s aka Monkey Humpers
  • Diamonds= LBC
  • Spades= Squats
  • Clubs= CDD

At some point Spud excused himself to try and get his car unlocked….never did know if he got that figured out or not…whoops.

Finished the deck and got through about 1/5 of the deck the second time around and time ran out.

Mosey to where we started and circle up

  • SSH x 15
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 15



Announcements: Need Qs… Thanks Mayor for stepping up next Tuesday for TheStorm

Prayers: Godfather, TSquare, Dr. Feelgood, and Country

Coffeeteria: 2 at Floyd And Blackies


Again enjoyed leading today!


College World Series – Coastal Carolina Let’s Goooooo!

Having not posted in a while, I (Jobu) had the Q thanks to being voluntold by BA.  I Tweeted the night before while watching the College Baseball World Series (Baseball Mayor, not Soccer) that our warm-up laps around the track would be based on the total runs scored in the game.  The Score was 3-0 Arizona.


  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Squats
  • Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers
  • 5 Burpees (OYO)

The PAX then partnered up and each group grabbed a baseball from ball bucket and moseyed down to the track.  3 Laps around the track based on the baseball score from the night before.  Good thing the score was not 5-4 like game two last night.

Partner Work:

  • Ground Ball Work (With baseball, partner rolled ball back and forth within five yard line.  Other person had to stay low, shuffle feet, field ground ball and flip it back to partner.  20 count times 2)  That was way harder than I remember 20 years ago.
  • 100 Merkins, 200 LBC’s, and 300 Squats combined while partner jogged to 50 yard line and back.

Cool Down:

  • Mosey back to flag.
  • 25 Flutters
  • Asked for someone to call out exercise and of course, Monk had to do Monkey Humpers .

Pleasure being back with you guys and having the opportunity to lead you guys.  Great work!  Let’s keep up the momentum in this community and lead by example.  Great work Gold Digger (FNG).  He kept up no problem as we all know that many FNG’s splash and struggle their first time out.


Gastonia Site Qs

Site Qs have been identified for each of Gastonia’s AOs.  The site Q has the overall responsibility for workouts at those locations.

Site Qs have the following responsibilities…

  • Ensure each workout has a QIC scheduled 3-4 weeks ahead of time
  • If a QIC cannot be identified, the site Q will lead that workout
  • Update the Gastonia Q Schedule document on Google Drive
  • Ensure QICs are getting backblasts posted
  • Encourage new PAX to lead workouts, co-Q with guys on VQs, etc…


#TheStorm: “Our traps and legs are still sore from #GasHouse on Saturday”….Good

8 PAX showed up for a full body beat down….not planned, but got the idea from the mumble chatter before the workout.

I rolled in about 10 minutes early and spotted The Mayor and Brownstreak stretching already.  When I joined them they were talking about the workout at #GasHouse that I coQ’d with Godfather.  Brownstreak said his traps were still sore from the cinder blocks and Mayor said that his legs were still sore from the squats with cinder blocks and the squats without cinder blocks that we did this past Saturday…… The nice guy that I am I heard all of this and thought to myself I now have a plan for this Q.

….My mind is foggy on every single exercise and repetitions, but below is a general idea what we did.

WU: (In Cadence)

  • SSH x 15
  • Murkin  x 10
  • LBC x 15
  • Don Quixote x 10
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 25

-Pledge Of Allegiance-


Mosey to the sidewalk closest to the practice field and partner up

  • CDDx300/Partner runs across the parking lot and does 5 SSH (Browstreaks traps)
  • LBCx15 and Planks while waiting on the 6 to finish
  • Squatsx300/Partner runs to second island and does 5 Murkins(Mayors Legs)
  • LBCx15 and Planks while waiting on the 6 to finish
  • Calf Raisesx300/Partner Zombie Walks to first island and does 5 squats (Mayors Legs)
  • LBCx15 and Planks while waiting on the 6 to finish

Mosey to BA’s truck and each PAX get 1 cinder block and circle up

  • 50 chest press with cinder blocks in cadence
  • 50 bicep curls with cinder blocks in cadence
  • 50 step ups with cinder blocks in cadence
  • 25 french curls with cinder blocks in cadence
  • 25 Morrocan Night Clubs
  • 35 Second Homer
  • 50 calf raises with cinder blocks
  • Ring Of Fire- 5 reps in cadence
  • Merkins, Blockees, Rows with cinder blocks, Jump up and down on cinder blocks, jump over cinder blocks, Murkins using cinder blocks, Derkins using cinder blocks, LBCs



Announcements: BRR and Belmont AO on Saturday


Coffeeteria: 2 at Floyd And Blackies

I appreciate Mayor and Brownstreak giving me some ideas for my Q this morning.  I was going to wing it, but quickly came up with a plan when we had our conversation before the workout.  Also, thanks to TSquare for remembering who all was there this morning.  Thanks gentlemen!


Post Murph Pain

Ok, sorry the backblast is late. Have been sick last few days and in bed by 730pm. I am finally able to breathe a little better and realized my BB was missing. Plus, I can finally straighten my arms from the Murph, and by the way, the pullup bar and assist strap are still in the box but will be opened soon  this weekend  before next year (I hope).

WU:Mosey around lot with butt kickers, high knees, side shuffle and regular mosey.

IC X 10:SSH, Squats, LBCs, Merkins, Moroccan Night Clubs, then 5 Burpees OYO

The Thang-1-2 laps around lot then settle near where we started for partner work. We had 7 so 2 groups of 2 and 1 group of 3 (luckily I was part of the 3 man group but don’t think it really mattered, just for the record).

P1:exercise (Fondas, Merkins, Flutter Kicks) AMRAP

P2: run to island in parking lot and back then pick up partner for piggy back to island and back

Flapjack, repeato for several rounds until mumblechatter was perfect.

AMRAP TABATA:45 secs of exercise and 15 secs of rest: Squats, Mtn Climbers, and LBCs for 2 sets each (I think???)

Mosey to benches for Dips and Hips (dips and hip slappers) 25/10 IC X 2 sets. Angry eyes from several PAX……more of that to come next….

Lincolnton Zombie Lunge….sorry guys, think I jumped the shark on this one. Did not make any friends here. 1 Burpee, 2 lunges each leg, 3 Burpees, 4 lunges each leg, 5 Burpees….up to 9 burpees and 10 Lunges each leg.

Mosey around the parking lot eventually to the small circle at bottom of hill for few flutter kicks offered as condolences for the zombie lunge and hip slappers….bad idea in retrospect.

Moseyed back to start for Pledge to the non-flag then COT.

Prayers for pax, Advisory Board Mtg this Sunday at Tequila’s at 7pm-CSAUP planning for anyone able to attend.

Thankful I can straighten my arms again and less ill than I was over last couple days. Hope to be back in few more days. Keep pushing the rock. Great work out there at the Storm on a day when I think several of us could have used a great big ol’ fartsack.


A Year Later

A little over a year ago made my first F3 post at the Storm. Though it would be a good opportunity for a work out of all the exercises that I dislike.

To the surprise of the PAX I was able to locate some cinder  blocks to add to the joy of the morning.

Warm Up

SSHx 25

Imperial Walkerx25

Moroccan Night Clubx25

Flutter KickX25




Mosey around parking lot which was out track for the day for one lap.

Back at start partner up for some fun

  1. Lunge walk the 400 meters with block. Partner A lunge walk while B takes a lap switching spots as you catch each other for one lap.  (long way)
  2. After a short recover grab block and mosey to far corner swapping block with partner as need.
  3. Circle up for a few exercises 1. 30 x squat with block 2. 10 knee jump tucks 3. 25 x mt climbers 4. 20 x merkins 5. LBC x 20 6. 15x Hip Slapper
  4. Mosey up to Baseball field and rinse and repeat changing the last exercise to 10 Burpee OYO

Stack the blocks and mosey back to lot for some COT.

Still had a min so we caught 50x flutter IC to finish up.



T Square

Outhouse Dad

Shrimp Boat on up coming trip



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