Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: The Labyrinth (Page 4 of 10)

HomeWork #45

Three had joined YHC when 0530 hit.  None were new to F3, so only a brief disclaimer.

(Forgot The Pledge)


Seal Jacks x 12 IC

Hillbillies x 12 IC

Some Plank (Tesla-esk) Stretches


The Thang:

Mosey to the doctors office.

25 Reps each:

Left Leg Lunge
Shoulder Taps (single count)
Right Leg Lunge
Freddie Mercury
Mtn Climber
Glute Bridge
Run the edge to the road and back.

Repeat for a total of 4 times.

Mosey back to flag.

30 Secs of Flutters and that is time.



Convergence 1/1 @ Midoriyama (George Poston Park) 0700


Prayer Requests:




YHC took us out.


Thanks for the opportunity to lead.  Read Roscoe’s blast about 2022 and plan accordingly!

Watts Up Powering Down.

The Labyrinth 12/22/21




Warm UP

Side Straddle Hop IC x 20

5 Burpees for the ambulance the rolled up Union Road with lights and siren blaring.  A new tradition for when I Q at The Labyrinth.  These won’t be the last Burpees of the day.

Hill Billy Walkers IC x 15

LBC’s IC x 20


The Workout

Mosey toward the park and see Whoopee getting out of an unfamiliar car.  Seems he was late because his truck was parked in and had to scramble to get his daughters car out of the driveway.  He’ll make it up to us later in the workout.

Mosey to the park entrance.  Perform 5 Merkins and 10 squats at each light along the entrance road to the park.  Do this all the way to the turd shack.

Five Burpees for the train whistle I hear in the distance.  These won’t be the last Burpees either.

Triple Nickle between the Turn Shack and the Picnic Shelter.  5 Praying Mantis’ at the Turd Shack and 5 Step Up’s (each leg) at the Picnic shelter.

Slow Mosey to the parking lot.  Again, 5 burpees for the train whistle I heard.  I was going to skip these but a few PAX already started doing them, so we all join in.  These won’t be our last Burpees of the day.

I asked Whoopee what he wanted to do at one end of the parking lot for 11’s and to nobody’s surprise he choose Burpees.  This is where Whoopee made up for being late.  After all, we are there to get some work in aren’t we?  I’ll know better than to ask Whoopee next time!  El Camino suggested Lunges at the other end.  We started with 10 Burpees and 1 Lunge.  These won’t be the last burpees of the day either.

Mosey to the bleachers for Calf Raises.  I didn’t work them too hard.  I think we only did 60 double count.  Nobody should have sore calves on Christmas Day.

Mosey to the front of the parking lot for Ring of Abs.

Two minutes left.  Just enough time to Mosey back to the start and get 2 more Burpees in before 0615.  Finally, these are the last Burpees of the day.

JJ Rolled in just in time for COT.  He was expecting to get a total of 6 miles this morning.  He’s trying to finish out 1,000 miles running for the year, so give him some encouragement when you see him.



Downtown Gastonia will meet at the regular time (0530) on 12/24.

Tequela Sunrise will meet at 0700 on Friday 12/24.

The Fighting Yank will meet at 0700 on 12/25.

Convergence on 1/1/21 at Midoryama @ 0700.



Prayer Request:

Stinky Bird’s friend who is battling mental illness.

Family members traveling.

EZ Riders family

Deck ‘O Death Pong

0530 arrives with 6 joining YHC, amongst the PAX a Kotter and a near Kotter.

No FNGs, so lets get after it.


SSH x 15IC

Hillbillies x 10 IC

BB x 10 OYO

Merkin x 10 OYO.

Mosey to the first light pole (yes the one at the back entrance),

The Thang:

Since Dirt was the elder of the group, YHC gave him the choice of Option A or Option B

Don’t really remember what letter was chosen, but the choose equated to:

1 Squat, 1 Merkin, 1 LBC.  Repeat at every other light pole and increase the count by 1.

(The other option was 5 of each exercise listed above, at every 3 pole.)

Continued in this fashion until we arrived at the Dollar General.

Meander and then Mosey through the parking lot and into the Food Lion parking lot.

1 Member of the PAX attempts to shoot the ping-pong ball into the cup.  If they make it, the reps from the deck of death are halved.  If they miss, the reps are doubled (grace was given for the aces, they stayed at 100)

Buy-in the a round was a burpee equal to the round number.

Buy-out was running around the number of light poles equal to the round number.

In between, a card from the DoD was drawn and followed.

We completed almost 5 rounds and no one made it in the cup.


Whoopee suggested alternate rules, so this will make another appearance.


Great to see Gastone and Dry Rub back in the gloom!


Need to make myself Q more.


Until next time…


Watts Up Powering Down.

Labyrinth – 7/21/21

Warm up:

Goof Balls IC x 21

Hill Billy Walkers IC x 20

Eskimo Merkins x 6

Mosey along Riverwood Parkway, stopping along the way for 50 reps of:


Flutter Kicks

Overhead Claps

Calf Raises


Air Presses

Stop at the entrance to the park on Plantation Trail and do 50 more reps of all the exercises above.

Mosey to the center of the soccer fields.


Big Bang

Pax plank in a circle.  When Q says GO, each pax jumps up and sprints 10 paces from the center of the circle and does the called exercise.  Mosey back and plank for the six.  With each round, the paces and reps increase by 10.  Pax must navigate over or around any obstacle in their way.

10 Burpees

20 Merkins

30 Freddie Mercury’s

40 Peter Parkers

50 Chinooks

60 Dying Cock Roaches

70 Moroccan Night Clubs

100 Do 25 reps of any 4 exercises

Mosey to the park entrance for 5 Burpees.

Mosey back to the start.

Early Hawk Gets the Robin

Roughly 72 degrees, dry but soupy and muggy.

Driving to the AO EZ Ridar was spotted getting in some EC.  Also, just prior to the strike of 5:30 Watts Up comes in from his EC.  Way to go guys.

Great group of guys that defeated the fartsack monster to rise up at begin their day with a bang.

5:30…Let’s get after it!


Start off with some stretching:

Reach up

Touch your toes

Slow Don Q’s x 5

Lung stretches


Triple nickel in the bank parking lot

Bobby H’s over there

Plank jax over here

Frogger across Neal Hawkins Rd, mosey across BOA parking lot, frogger across Union Rd and into funeral home parking lot.

All exercises x 20


Monkey humpers

Imperial walkers


Plank jax

Flutter kicks


American hammers

Heels to heaven

The Thang:


Plank jax down there

American hammers up here

Everyone finished!  Awesome job!

Frogger Union Rd back over to rear BOA parking for Mary and some bird action.

20 LBC’s

20 more LBC’s

20 Flutters

20 Windshield wipers

20 Oblique crunches each side

Mosey back to start




Everyone that showed today pushed hard, got stronger, started their day off in a positive and encouraging way, and had some fun in the process.  Good cheer and great push by all.

You guys are awesome!

Be Blessed!




Truckin – unstackin & unpackin

See Monday’s back blast for Truckin – stackin & packin

We had two new students for truckin school  today but lost 6 from Monday’s workout.   Clavin, Balljoint , and Capt Stubbing came back to help me unload the truck

We did the same work out as Monday but in reverse order!   IT WAS GREAT !! YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE!!



Prayer  request: Whoopee’s friend have brain surgery, our Nation, and others.


EZ out!


Text from Gastone paved way for FNG that he’d been EHing…. Only to be a no show…. Hopefully soon. Been some time since we’ve had one and it threw my timing off a little but I would recover.
Start with pledge
IC each count of 12 ( elicited a question of 12 days of Christmas again from EZ Rider…. Close)
High knees, butt kickers, merkins, mountain climbers and plank jacks …. All in a sped up cadence to get cardio up quickly as I would speak for next few minutes asking 3 questions … wrong answer or incompletes earn 7 burpee penalty.
Q1) in Matthew 2 we learn of the wise men bearing 3 gifts…. How many wise men ( according to the Bible) were there?
Time Frame correctly answers inconclusive as there’s nothing to specify names or their number …. All we know for certain is more than 2 as the verse says “wise men of the East”
Q2) who said or where does this reference come from “ Where but for the grace of God go I.
Wrong answer given as “ from the Bible”…..burpees
John Bradford in the mid 1600s is given credit as he witnessed prisoners walking towards their execution.
Q3) I would stumble here briefly forgetting the question I was to ask ( perhaps even my memory ) … oh wait… there it is….
Who or when does the phrase “ Give a man a fish and feed him for the day. Teach him to fish and feed him for a lifetime .”
Several hesitant, Time Frame again with an answer … “Confucius!”
Not sure if Confucius did, but  are many references to similar slogans or sayings from wise men through the years …. Of note, this is one of the most incorrectly attributed to Christ. Many times he talks of making Apostles fishers of men. Still an incomplete answer so 7 more penalty burpees
Now move to back of my truck where I shoulder a 6 foot 4×4  … a pax will carry this until we stop for our routine the pax carrying the “cross” is exempt from the routine and also does not need to use whichever pattern of travel chosen ( choose safest ) we would generally speaking go 2000-3000 yards each path using mosey, Nur, karaoke right and then left, lunge and even some bear crawl. All would get their chance while I would shoulder at the end to bring back having set out at the first as well. 
the routine was simple 

3 burpees

7 hand release merkins

12 merkins

40 flutters count one side 

Figured it out yet?

each number has great significance in the Bible repeating many times over …. There are a few others that have some smaller significance but I chose to use only these

1 is for the one true God … our Father and Creater ( beam)

3 is the Holy Trinity, the number of nails

7 ( days of the week also it is seen at the number of perfection and don’t forget th Walls of Jericho

12 … apostles, 12 months 

40 Forty days Moses was on Mt Sinai, 40 years in the desert , Satan tempts Christ 40 days

these are but a sampling 

at one point Time Frame extols knowledge of the beast and his number and how he tries unsuccessfully to replace God

i timed the moments when I would speak to take place as a brief rest instead of a 10 count … I also intended one of these to have been where would talk to the ( invisible) FNG about the 5 points

also of note 

we would stop for 6   Eight count man makers as 6 is the number of man 

lastly as we arrive back Stroganoff would ( as Time Frame put it) be in orbit , running around Pelicans as we did 5 minutes of Mary 

Ameeican hammers, flutters , v ups, Hillbillies, Michael Phelps and I would end us with Superman switching to Iron Man 

Bunker week 2 at the Yank led this week by Rudolph giving a 101 course 

Blood Drive

Murph Memorial Day 7:00 all other AO s open 

EZ Rider and Clavin actively seeking to turn over reins in near future ( hint hint wink wink…. Could be you!)

prayers for Turtleman and EZ rider families

thank you men ( special note Clavin and EZ Rider sporting the new badass shirts for Labyrinth)






Low numbers as expected …. Whether Covid, colder weather rain expected ( only to arrive just as we finish COT, fartsackers!!!!), or other concerns. Two of us veterans of the Murph 2 never having done one …. Excellent!! Brief disclaimer that this is only a trial run through … so not harm or push self too hard. Begin with pledge and then stretch up and back and side to side. Plank position for IC 15 count of shoulder taps. Mosey around to park, in and around avoiding forested area and complete almost 1 mile ( we would complete 2.07 according to EZ Rider for the workout)
Set up parameters and give explanation of The Murph: having completed the first mile we know what we face at the end …. Nows the fun stuff: all choose chalk pieces to hash out their achievements. We all use 10/20/30 technique and all remained consistently close as this strong pax completed half of the beat down! Great work men!

It should be noted that this months Men’s Health has a great article about this workout, Michael Murphy and alternate ways to achieve goals with similar exercises
Keep practicing and show up Memorial Da y 2021 at 7:00
Prayers for Turtleman and EZ Rider

Earlier this year I spoke with Spider-Man who told me that he had done a Murph workout and I felt that that would be a great workout to do only I was not sure of mileage from Snoballs …. Having guesstimated quite well I feel that this will return in the future!

Matters of the heart

It was a gloomy Wednesday morning at the Labyrinth with a crew of honorable PAX. Let us warm up!

SSH x 25 IC
MNC x 25 IC
Imperial Walker x 25 IC
Plank Jacks x 25 IC

Let’s Mosey! This is where matters of the heart were addressed. We were on the precipice of a life changing conversation about love and women and then we had run past two young and vivacious women of a mature age when Whoopee, being one of our cherished love doctors, blew our minds with a life altering challenge of the heart. Whoopee knew that the only way we could really fulfill our purpose in life (really just of the morning) was if YHC, the valiant leader of the morning, procured a kiss from one of the goddesses of the gloom. An inrush of emotion, panic, euphoria and the thrill of the chase all rushed in. Which prompted the next exercise at beginning of the path to the concession stand.

15 Big Boys OYO
25 Merkins OYO

Mosey to the concession stand and repeat. Lunge walk 3/4 around the concession stand then repeat again. Mosey to the parking lot, hang a left and turn mosey to the place of the first set. Upon arrival, opportunity knocks. Flying in on silent wings came the beauties of the morn. Whoopee encourages YHC to make my move, but alas, nervousness prevailed. YHC choked. Matters of the heart were left…. well, unresolved. Hopefully Oh well, let’s torture ourselves as punishment.

American Hammer x 25 ICh
LBC x 25 OYO
Mtn Climbers x 25 IC

Run to concession stand and do some lunge walks then repeat. Mosey down the path towards the road then turn left around the field towards the batting cages, but end up at the playground. Failed attempt at Strava art, but backtrack nonetheless.

Repeat exercises! Mosey to the playground! A little Murph training happened here. Baby Murph. 5 sets of 5 pull ups, 10 merkins and 15 squats. Good work. Leave the playground and do a little countdown workout as we work towards Pelicans.

25 of each OYO: Merkins, Squats, Plank Jacks.

Drop 5 reps of each until we get down to 5 reps at the entrance of Martha’s River. Mosey back for a little Mary!


Announcements, prayer requests, namerama, prayer.

Good work, men! Mumblechatter was strong!

Stinky Bird OUT.

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