Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: The Bunker (Page 1 of 2)

What is a painlab?

We did pain!  Not really.  No one wanted any, so I joined possibly the best boot camp in the history of F3 let by another buck.  Buckshot – you’ll have to read his bb to find out what happened





Bunker Boys

So YHC had the default Q the week before but today I was LEGIT…on the Q schedule to lead the running free beatdown.

After the “Honorable” Mayor led the warmup for the combined Yank/Bunker PAX, two PAX accompanied YHC to the bunker to start getting swole.  Shortly after we started, J2C (Jump to Conclusions) joined us.  We had Breaker Breaker, Kaepernick, J2C and YHC.

We cranked up some tunes and did a four part station a few times with KB swings, Sandbag power clean, overhead dumbbell press, and bent rows.  We did several rounds of this and walked off the recovery.

We lunged, squatted, merkined, Fluttered, farmer carried, planked, sat by the wall, wall marched, air pressed, reverse smurf lunged, burpeed, protractored, Homer and Marged, etc.  The Yank goobers emerged and gave us about 20 monkey humpers so we returned the favor with ten four count Degeneration X pelvic thrusters in their direction.  With a few minutes left on the clock, we did 5 burpees each in a rotating fashion and then switched to one at at time until we concluded the workout with 100 total.  We policed up the coupons and headed back to the Yank statue for COT where Mayor was making fine points to the PAX.  We tried to EH a runner that stopped by at the COT but he ran off and said he was from Oklahoma.  (He sure ran a long way.)

The Mayor covered the announcements in his BB but we are praying for Turtleman and for Gump and his family and also for each other.

Don’t be soft but rely on your brothers.  We are here for you.



YHC was unsure if the Bunker had a Q so dumbells, rucksack, and speaker were taken to the Yank just in case.  There was no Q so YHC and two other PAX retrieved our weapons and headed to the Bunker.

Here is a recollection of some of the workout.  Lunges, merkins, 8 ct. bodybuilders, LBC’s, Flutters, Wall hangs, Smurf reverse lunges, Wall sits, Squats, farmer carry lunges, planks, hummingbirds, stretches, Mary, farmer carry, and wall marches.  The speaker provided a mix of tunes from the 80’s until today.

Grateful that Kaepernick and Pilgrim’s Progress decided to join.  YHC got to know Kap a little and then when we returned to the Statue for Ball of Man met Dinghy as well.  Great to meet newer PAX.

Lots of prayer requests that Tesla will share in the Yank BB but certainly Turtleman, Huck, and each other.

Proud of F3 Gastonia for pushing for Speed for Need at the Foundation Run.  2.1 Obligations prevented YHC from being there this year but it was great to know that ShortSale was manning the F3 tent and riding for the brand.  Let’s hope we see some FNG’s from that event coming soon to an AO near you!


A pleasure to lead…






Modified IPC at The Bunker

Most of the PAX went to boot camp for the Gator VQ, but 3 stayed behind at The Bunker. After Gator handled the warmup, here’s what we did:


Modified 2021 IPC Week 4

Perform exercises in sets of 25. After 25 reps, jog 25 yards and perform 3 flying squirrels. Jog back and continue with exercise.


200 curls w/coupon

175 LBC’s no coupon

150 OH press w/coupon

125 American Hammers no coupon

100 goblet squats w/coupon

75 tricep extensions w/coupon

50 lunges no coupon

25 HR Merkins


Finished one round and joined up with the boot camp PAX to finish it off.


See The Yank BB for announcements and prayer request.


I’m Broke

The Patent Pending Raining Blood workout

The Bunker Q was open so I grabbed it from HIPAA because Q’ing is good for you, whether you realize it or not.  If you are reading this and you haven’t Q’d in a while or ever, I encourage you…no…I EXHORT you to sign up for one!

Sargento had the YANK Q and began the warm up with of course, Goofballs, and the patented R o L, and L o R stretches.  After that the Yank and Bunker folks split up and we headed to, you guessed it, the BUNKER.  Nutria showed up during the warm up.

Circle up around the speaker for some raining blood warm up.  This is the second time introducing this warm up and the first time in Belmont so it was extra special.  The Yelp reviews should be in anytime now but I anticipate it garnering five stars.

We then lunge walked (CHAD 1000 training style) 50 yards.  There was some debate on the length, but Google Earth has it as 50 yards.  As a planner, I wouldn’t attempt to short change the PAX on the training.  See picture.

Next we inverted the THANG and it went like this…

25 reps of the following exercises IC for round one

Merkins, Squats, LBC’s Flutters, Wall hang for time, and air presses.  Then lunge walk 100 yards

Next round 50 of the same exercises (first one done calls time)  Lunge walk 100 yards

Next round 75 of the same exercises (first one done calls time) Lunge walk 100 yards

Next round 100 of the same exercises (first one done calls time) Lunge walk 100 yards  Nutria bailed out but got credit  for the workout since he stayed the requisite 30 minute minimum required as per #F3250

Then we moseyed back to start.

Thankful for the young studs to my right like Vidal Sassoon and Olson for having young fast twitched muscles and powering through the exercises.  Top Hat was getting it done as well and his feet click together like Dorothy’s red shoes in the Wizard of Oz while doing Flutters.

Simple exercises but not easy.

Announcements:  Convergeace downtown next Saturday, Oct 2

Prayer Requests:  Sargento’s nephew fell out of a bush and broke his arm.  At the Coconut this morning I learned that it was a Nelle Stephens Holly which YHC considers a tree.  We had a discussion about that.  I believe it is actually an adaptable shrub so maybe we are both right.  (Cue Monty Python  “SHRUBBERY”


Couch Potato’s son broke the same bones.  Bos’s sister in law.  YHC’s M and FIL.

It was a great morning with cool temps and the PAX got it done.  Four for Coffeerama at Cherubs where dubious plans were unhatched to combat Russian Cyberhoaxes and we discussed pranks, including this all time great….Making sure Orangeman and Watts Up see this one….

Sigma Nu alumni celebrate the biggest football prank of all time


Always an honor to lead!   Roscoe

Bunker Bomb

This was my first Q at the Bunker, we’ll my first Q in a while for that matter, I think I gave the pax their money’s worth.    The Bunker is a great new addition to the AO roster as it offers a change up  for some and adds in the all important resistance training we men need.    It was a fairly humid morning and I decided to go on a “little speed ruck” with Tiger as part of the NUOSU…bad idea…that guy about killed me and I still had to Q…anyway with what I had left I gave it all I had for the guys at the Bunker.  Here’s how it went…


2-3 min of stretching…I think more pax grunted and groaned during this than during the beat down…moral of the story everyone needs to stretch WAY more.
SSHx 20

Grass pickers x 10

Hillbillies x 10

Set 1:

KB swings x 25

Dying Cockroaches x 25

Merkins x 25

Mountain Climbers x 25

Bear crawl KB pull throughs to other end of parking lot…rinse and repeat.

Set 2 (begin where we were)

25 over head press

25 crunchy frogs

25 Curls

25 upright rows

Bear crawl KB pull throughs to the other end…rinse and repeat. 

Driving Mrs Daisy

Super fun activity where we wall sat with the kettle bell on you lap then we lifted to horizontal (like a steering wheel) and called left and right turns…not very fun… (did this for 2-3 min)


SSH x 50

Squats x 50

Calf raises x 50

plank jacks x 50

At this point we had had enough of the bear crawl pull throughs so we switched to lateral walking Merkins…made it half way and we were spent…then we rinsed and repeated the intermission..

Set 3

25 lateral swings (10-12 each side)

25 squat curl press

25 Big Boy Sit-ups

25 pull overs

Then we finished up with one more trip to the store for Mrs. Daisy and walked back up to meet the other pax. Fantastic work by all.  Thanks for allowing me to Q y’all!

Blood, Blocks & Bear Crawls at The Bunker

10 strong at the region’s newest AO.  Here’s what I remember:

Breaker Breaker left with a group of bootcampers leaving us to settle in and throw down in The Bunker.  YHC reached out for an assist from HIPAA, as no Bunker beatdown is complete without music to work to, and YHC hasn’t invested time in a playlist or money in a bluetooth speaker.

The Thang:

To the Footmobile for coupons with a variety of bricks and blocks available.  Back to the circle for an extra round:

  • 10 x Hillbilly Walkers (IC)
  • Standing Toe Touch Stretch
  • Seated R/L Core Twist Stretch & Flapjack
  • 10 x Heels to Heaven (IC)
  • 10 x Reverse Table Ups (IC)
  • 10 x Mike Tysons (IC)

Next, we launched into the beginning of our circuit.  With our coupons ready at the concrete barriers we started with:

1 minute of each:

  • One-legged Glute Bridge & Flapjack
  • Cinder block Overhead Press
  • Bulgarian Split Squats L & R
  • Lift cinder block on concrete barrier, Climb up and over, Take cinder block off wall, Repeato

Carry block to cone for:

  • Crab walk to wall, pushing cinder block with feet

Once at the wall, we played a little 21, Bunker-style.  Partner up.  One partner performs a hold while the other performs an exercise.  Increase counts from 1-10, so 1 -1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4… 10-10.  At 10-10, you and your partner have “20” and need to make a basket to get “21” and be finished.  Otherwise, it’s back to 8-8, 9-9, 10-10 before getting another shot.  After getting to 10-10, each partner had 3 shots at the basket.  Once teams were finished with theirs, they could jump in and help the other teams, both with the exercises and additional shots at the basket.

Exercises/Holds were:

  • Round 1: Merkin/Plank
  • Round 2: Aquaman/Superman

Each round, there was 1 team who didn’t make the basket, so we split up the reps among us and had more than enough opportunities to make the next shots.  After 21, we needed to get back to the start, so we did:

  • Bear Crawl pull throughs with cinder block

Back at the start, we had Storytime.  All PAX held the “M” position (think starting position of a Crunchy Frog) while one PAX talked about how they got to F3 and what it meant to them.  Barney accused YHC of kidnapping him, which was only partially true.  HIPAA mentioned being EH’d by his cardiologist, and doing any number of stupid things including running a half marathon, and the importance of the 2nd F and getting to know each other.  Gavel took round 2, talking about his upcoming 1 year anniversary and being a part of a relay team.

Storytime over and back at the barriers, we got to repeat the full circuit again, for a total of 2 full rounds.

I wish I could say no PAX or coupons were harmed in the making of this beatdown, but sadly, it was not true.  Slim Shady lost half of his cinder block on the first round, and the rest crumbled on the second.  Pilgrim’s Progress had to get another after his cinder block crumbled.  Barney put his blood into the workout, along with the sweat and tears as he scraped his leg going up and over the concrete barriers.  Add in the skid marks left by the coupons on the crab walks and the pull throughs and needless to say, there was plenty of evidence of work done on this day at The Bunker.

After the 2nd round, we started our trek back to the Yank, lunge walking the entire way, stopping at the top of the hill for

  • 20 x Toe Touches (IC)

and at the Old Stone parking lot for

  • 20 x Freddie Mercuries (IC)

Oblivious was out in front, with YHC behind and a couple long-legged PAX, Anchorman & Nutria, cruising along with the lunges, mentioning that they were always thankful for the times that their God-given bodies were made for the work they were doing.

With Anchorman back in town, YHC asked if he’d take us home leading the last exercises once we returned to the Yank.  He obliged with

  • 20 x American Hammers (IC)
  • 20 x Nolan Ryans L (IC)
  • 20 x Nolan Ryans R (IC)

Wrapping up with

  • 9 x Monkey Humpers (IC)

for the returning bootcampers.


It’s starting to hit me how much I missed being an athlete as a SadClown.  I’m starting to feel more comfortable using that label, even as I’m right now as old as I’ve ever been.  At 38, I’m likely as fast or faster, and definitely stronger, than I’ve ever been.  But just being able to have different gears running, do push-ups without shaking, open a dang jar that’s stuck; it’s a good feeling.

Putting together the Weinke for a low-impact workout was much more challenging than I expected.  It’s not easy to put something out there challenging yet still attainable for all PAX.  Even just deciding on what coupons to use, if any at all, was tough.  For someone like me, who tends to overthink everything anyways, there were a lot of new things to think about and questions I’d not had to answer before.  I liked the challenge and look forward to the next one.

Don’t think that low-impact workouts are JUST for those who don’t want to run.  Anyone who wants to get stronger will benefit from these workouts.  Ditch the soccer arms, be well rounded, and work some gear or ruck training into your schedule.

I appreciate the support from the PAX today.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Yabba Dabba Doo

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