Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: SandLot (Page 2 of 10)

Pick a Card

0530 arrives with no FNG, but a large crowd.

Knock out a brief disclaimer since these are vets and then The Pledge of Allegiance.

And were off to a mosey.  A sudden bit of traffic forces a rethink on the route, so down Riverwood Parkway we went,

Stopping at the old entrance to Martha’s we did some warmup:

Overhead Claps, Arrows, LBCs, SSH, Merkins

Then on to the new Kintegra office.

Six decks of cards and the board shown below waited on our arrival.

Card gives the count when 2-10 and decoded by board.

Aces and Jokers can be given to your friends.

We finished the decks leaving enough time for an AB-Ring.

Announcements were made.

Prayers note and lifted.

Benevolent Q

As the garage door opened, YHC was excited with anticipation.  With Weinke in hand, phone, keys, water, towels, and shoes, YHC spotted a wet driveway.  Who knew it was going to rain?  Immediately install shoes onto feet and head out to the sandlot for a wet beatdown.

It was a good crew this morning.  Stroganoff got in some EC mosey mile in the rain and Whoopee, VERY FRESH from an exotic vacation, had lots of big Whoopee energy this morning.
As the clock struck 0530, the Q called a mosey and off we went down Union to the Vet clinic.  We circled up for a warm up and disclaimer.   The PAX probably figured we would go under the covered porch for the warmup but we did not.   Whoopee then proceeded to roll around on the wet pavement like a baby seal out of water.  He loves to frolic about in the rain.  It does lift others spirits to see him so full of glee as he stomps in EVERY PUDDLE HE GETS NEAR!

Next we moseyed to the SECU down the street.  There was almost a challenge to go all the way to the waffle house.  One of the main reasons I don’t have apple pay on my phone is to avoid impulsive decisions to go eat breakfast instead of working out.  Since I didn’t have any cash or wallet, we took to the shelter provided by the drive through lanes and continued the workout.

We performed burpees, jump squats, Big boi’s, and oblique crunches.

Next we called for a daily dose of what you should do everyday.  One minute of Plank, Catcher’s pose, and wall sit.


Partner up for max reps until failure.  Merkins (take a lap)     Squats (take a lap)      LBC’s   (take a lap)

YHC asked Winehouse if he wanted to do another round or pivot back to the daily dose of what you should do everyday.  He chose another round.  The Q allowed for input from the PAX and therefore declared himself benevolent.

Another round of  Merkins (take a lap)     Squats (take a lap)      LBC’s   (take a lap)  I must say Whoopee and Amazon can do some squats.  The second round was harder as the muscles were getting fatigued.

We went back to the daily dose but this time we did two minutes of plank, Catcher’s Pose, and wall sits while discussing gratitude.  Lots of great points this morning, none better than Whoopee’s.

During the two minute wall sits we did some shoulder raises and air punches before heading back the way we came.  We stopped at another bank for some bear crawls before concluding the workout in the catcher’s pose.

Pledge of Allegiance

Announcements:  F3 DAD’s at the Yank this Saturday the 17th!!!!!   Bring your 2.0’s or just yourself and have some fun with the kids!

2nd F Lunch at Logan’s roadhouse June 21st

Prayer requests:     JJ’s 2.0 travelling today

Stroganoff’s MIL,

YHC’s Uncle

JJ’s church member Joann undergoing cancer surgery


YHC knew he had Q this AM (and JJ double-checking).  During this thought process, YHC was reading through backblasts and one in particular sounded “fun”, so I copied it….

Warmup consisted of SSH, and some stretching.  Then we headed around Pelicans and over to the bank.

Here we did:

50 Calf Raises
20 Low Slow Squats

Partner work:
100 Rosalitas
200 Flutters
300 Alternate Pretzel Crunches

Moved over to the wall for:
10 Inclines
15 Dips
25 Overhead Claps
100 Cherry Pickers
100 Moroccan Night Clubs
100 Cherry Droppers
25 Overhead Claps
15 Dips
10 Inclines

More Partner work:
300 LBC
200 Scissor Kicks (We didn’t get these finished)


Thanks to all who joined me.

March Badness

For some, March brings happiness, joy, and hope in the sports world. For others, it brings sadness and pain. This is the season of March Badness.

0530 on Monday in the Snoball’s parking lot, let’s get to it.

SSH IC x 15
Merkins IC x 15
At this point, the PAX questioned the pace of the warm-up. Perhaps, YHC still had the adrenaline flowing from the QvQ show put on Saturday by SA and Short Sale.
LBCs IC x 15
Imperial Walkers IC x 15

The Pledge

Mosey to the start of the street beside Snoball’s.
Mosey down the road with a stop at each light for 5 squats.
At Gastone’s Hill, we’d cover the BAD in BADNESS.

Mosey up the hill stopping at each mailbox for 1 Burpee.
At the top, 16 American hammers IC
Mosey down the hill and stop at each mailbox for 1 Derkin.

Continue to mosey down the street to the end still stopping at each light for 5 squats.

Mosey to the Food Lion parking lot for the NESS portion of BADNESS and Four corners
Lap 1
Nolan Ryans x 20 (10 each arm)
Escalating Big Boys x 10
Squats x 20
SSH x 20

Lap 2
Nolan Ryans x 20 (10 each arm)
Escalating Big Boys x 15 (see, we escalated)
Squats x 20
SSH x 20

Had to return Whoopee back by 0600 so he could go do his SCA-thing so 4-corners cut short.

Stop at the mini wall in front of the abandoned bank for Step-ups and Dips

Then over to the abandoned bank parking lot for 11’s.
10 Mike Tyson’s / 1 Jump Squat
Repeat until 1 Mike Tyson / 10 Jump Squats

Mosey back to the flag with 15 seconds remaining.
Felt awkward to just stand there for 15 seconds so we did 5 SSH IC.

PAX raised $1,060 from the Extinction Run; the check presentation will be this Friday
Q vs Q Friday Downtown and Saturday at The Yank
F3 Gastonia anniversary on 3/21 – Find an AO and Post!
Time Laps in May
F3 Dads Event on the horizon
Community Foundation Run

Prayer Requests
EZ Rider – Family members
Flintstone’s dad

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

Was it something we said?

0530 hits and an experienced group of Pax have assembled.  Lots of chatter, but it quickly settles.

Brief disclaimer and contrary to expectations,  we take off around Snoballs and across the street to the bank. Good bit of chatter about a warmup or lack thereof.

We stop in the parking lot for


2 8 count body builders


23 MNC

Given today is Feb 20, 2023, seemed appropriate.

A lap around the back parking lot and then over to the entrance to the funeral home.

Double 11s

Merkins/LBCs at entrance

Squats/Apollo Onos at building.

We stopped about halfway through for a quick round of ab work.

Shortly thereafter, the few lights on, were now off. 🤷‍♂️

Back to the bank.   Flintstone twice mentioned hearing what he claimed to be a train.   So 5 burpees, a lap around the bank and then 5 more.

Another lap, before heading back to the flag.

We managed to get in The Pledge of Allegiance before time expired.


2F Lunch, Extinction Run, Viking Dash, Community Foundation Run

Prayer Requests:

Radar’s Sister, Tooth Fairy, Flintstone’s Dad, Praise for Nutria’s 2.x’s, Tiger’s Family.


YHC took us out.


An honor to lead this group.


Until next time,

Watts Up Powering Down

Let’s Try That Again

For any PAX showing up to The Sandlot looking for the Q on the Teamup app, they were going to be sadly disappointed. The scheduled Q took an unexpected trip to the IR so YHC had to step in and help this group of rock pushers start their work week. As we stood around waiting for 0530, there were some comments about when the scheduled Q would show and comments that he’d be coming in hot. It was at that point that YHC informed them of the change and directed them to submit any feedback to The Sandlot’s Director of Customer Satisfaction, Leeeroooy Jennnkins.

0530 on the clock, let’s get started. Disclaimer

SSH IC x 15
Merkins IC x 10
LBCs IC x 15
Imperial Walkers IC x 15

Count off, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Let’s mosey towards Gastone’s Hill. Stop at the first light post for 3 squats. As we continued to mosey the PAX called out, “Car back”. However, no car ever passed. Stop at next light post, 4 squats. As we stopped at this light post, I noticed that there were a couple PAX catching up. It appears we’d picked up one from the car that never passed. Stop at each light post, for squats. At some posts, the count increased by 1, and at some, the count decreased by 1. The final light post was 7 squats.

We ended up at Gastone’s Hill. Up the hill, stop at each mailbox on the right for 1 merkin. At the top of the hill, the youngsters (Maybelline and Amazon) were waiting, holding Al Gore for the 6. It was at this point that YHC looked at my watch for a time check and found that my watch hadn’t started to track my movement. This meant it wouldn’t track the workout. This meant if it’s not on Strava, then it didn’t happen. I actually considered a mosey back to the flag for a restart. At 0545, this was not possible.

So we moseyed down the hill and took a right into one of the cul-de-sacs. We moseyed to the end and restarted, sort of. My watch hadn’t started and we’d picked up a PAX so YHC felt like a reset was in order. So in the back of the cul-de-sac, we did a Halfpipe-esque, whisper version of the warm-up.

SSH IC x 10
Merkins IC x 10
LBCs IC x 10
Imperial Walkers IC x 10

Count off, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Mosey out of the cul-de-sac stopping at two light posts for 3 and 4 squats respectively. Back up the rest of Gastone’s Hill stopping at the mailboxes on the right for 1 Merkin.

Mosey back down the hill, hang a right, through the Dollar General parking lot to the Food Lion parking lot.

Escalating Four Corners in a square
Corner 1 – 10 Hand release merkins
Corner 2 – 10 Hand release merkins, 20 Squats
Corner 3 – 10 Hand release merkins, 20 Squats, 30 SSH
Corner 4 – 10 Hand release merkins, 20 Squats, 30 SSH, 40 Flutter Kicks (count both sides)

De-escalating Four Corners in a rectangle
Corner 1 – 40 Flutter Kicks (count one side only)
Corner 2 – 30 SSH
Corner 3 – 20 Squats
Corner 4 – 10 Hand release merkins

Mosey behind Planet Fitness. YHC thought about jumping over the wall into the office parking lot. After thinking better of it, the Q was talked into jumping the wall. The PAX followed. Really wasn’t that dramatic. The wall was pretty short.

Quick round of Dora 1, 2, 3. Partner up now that we had an even 10.
Partner 1 ran to other side of parking lot and back. Partner 2 performed AMRAP Mike Tysons
Partner 1 ran to other side of parking lot, did 1 burpee on the other side, and ran back. Partner 2 performed AMRAP Jump Squats
Partner 1 ran to other side of parking lot, did 2 burpee on the other side, and ran back. Partner 2 performed AMRAP Crunchy Frogs

Mosey back to the flag.

Folsom Winter Nationals 2/11 @ 0630 – all other AOs closed that day
Viking Dash – Post Park 2/18
Extinction Run 3/4 @ 0900 – Primal Brewery in Belmont
Young Life Golf Tournament – 5/15

Prayer Requests
Watts Up – Niece’s son has open heart surgery this Weds
Youth from JJ’s church, Charlie, had seizure Sunday morning while at church (follow-up… unfortunately, he had almost a dozen cluster seizures starting Sunday evening)
Wirenut and family
Bubba Sparxx’s grandmother
EZ Rider’s son
Hushpuppy’s co-worker’s son

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

YHC wasn’t sure the how many to expect given the holiday and Breaker’s birthday Q at Mt. Hollywood.  Seven was the total when 0530 arrived.


25 SSH IC, 20 MNC IC, 20 Merkins

Mosey to AutoZone

25 Flutters IC, 15 Toy Soldiers IC

Mosey to Food Lion


Wall Sit, Donkey Kicks x15,  Dirt Hookups x 10

Dora (3-person) with KBs

Squat-Thruster x 100 / Six Inches

Curls x 200 / Plank

Chest Press x 300 / Al Gore

Repeat Wall Sit Routine

Skip, Side Step, Nur, Side Step x 2 laps

Repeat Wall Sit Routine

90 Calf Raises – 30 Normal, 30 Out, 30 In

Mosey to Wall near PF

Wall Sit Routine – 5

Mosey Back for Mary.

Pledge, Announcements and Prayers Requests


Nutria took us out.


Watts Up Powering Down

Back to the Future (Times) Two

It was YHC’s first Q as the new Site Q of The Sandlot. I usually like to come up with a theme for the Weinke if for nothing else to keep myself entertained. Since this was the beginning of a new Site Q era at The Sandlot, YHC decided to take it back to when it all began. I found the Weinke from my first Q at the Weds Martha’s House workout (whatever it was called at that time) so I decided to go with that. Upon looking at workout, YHC decided this sequel needed to up the ante.

YHC arrived to find several PAX stretching and ready to go. After planting the flag for the first time and watching several PAX roll in hot, it was 0530 and time to go.

The Pledge

It had been 2,412 days since that original Q so that would inspire the warm-up counts
SSH x 25 (OK, so 24 isn’t a typical number to stop on so I forgot to raise the inflection on 24)
LBCs x 24
Merkins x 12
Imperial Walkers x 12

Mosey past Plant Fitness to the Food Lion parking lot. The original Q was done in the empty Harris Teeter parking lot which is now the busy Planet Fitness parking lot so for safety reasons the sequel modified the location.

Partner up. Partner 1 ran 4 corners around the light posts while Partner 2 completed exercises.
Exercise 1 – 200 Lunges
Exercise 2 – 250 American Hammers
Exercise 3 – 300 LBCs

The counts were doubled from the original Q so we had to Omaha at certain points for time consideration. It was also during my first lap that YHC noticed the notecard with YHC’s Weinke which I’d casually laid on the ground had been stolen. This would not serve as a problem.

At this point, we moseyed to the far end of the Food Lion parking lot. 20 Floyd Mayweather’s were called (doubled from the original Q), but there was discussion about the appropriate execution of this exercise. Here are the official definitions from the Exicon. The PAX can determine what they think…

Floyd Mayweather’s
From a basic plank position, raise one hand off the ground and punch across, behind and under the opposite arm, keeping the core stabilized. Complete in cadence and switch to other arm. Add a small dumbbell or brick for an extra challenge. Can also be completed from a Knerkin Plank position.

Nolan Ryan’s
Start in a side plank position with your ungrounded arm extended. Complete a punching motion as if someone, namely Robin Ventura, were under your other arm.

Another round of 4 corners, this time with 200 Merkins, 200 Squats, and 200 Flutter Kicks

To the wall for 20 Hip Slappers (doubled from the original Q)

Back to the parking lot for a round of 11’s. Was planning on 22’s with Merkins and Squats, but due to time constraints, called 11’s with Hand Release Merkins and Jump Squats

Mosey back to the flag.

Quick round of Mary, Birthday-Boy Flintstone called flutters (I think) and Short Sale called Peter Parker/Parker Peters.

12/31 – Some sort of beer something, Details to come
Push the Rock Challenge
Jan 14/15 – Join Roundup and Hacksaw for 24hr run in Dallas

Prayer Requests
Watts Up’s niece’s son, Charlie, heart surgery
Wanda Williams, the secretary at our church, just lost her husband Gary very suddenly to a stroke

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…


Good crowd for a Monday at what I’m calling Martha’s Sandlot. I rarely make here due to my early morning work schedule so thanks to Flintstone for reaching out multiple times to get it worked in. It’s getting cold so I asked everyone to do their part to help global warming.


You know….some stuff made up on the spot and a few burpees

The Thang:

Only two get the blood flowing fast when it’s cold. Running and burpees so let’s mosey to the park.

In the parking lot partner up for 11’s around the islands. Partner mtn climbers and booyah merkins. Balljoint noticed several pickle pounders out there. Hate to see it.

I told the PAX about my first F3 post on 6/13/15. 21 PAX were there and out of those about 5 are still regulars. As we ran off for the next thing we discussed the birth of Midoriyama and how it existed for about 7 months before it was made official.

Mosey over to the center of the ball fields. Back in the day there were lights on out here. It’s tequila sunrise dark now. At each walkway opening do squats 10, then 20, 30, 40 and bear crawl in between.

Mosey around the ball field stopping to do exercises at each corner. 10 flying squirrels, 20 Freddy Mercury’s, 30 Seal jacks. Thats the most exercise a baseball field will ever see.

Back to the parking lot for some dirty triple nickel. Tiger squats and derkins with a burpee each time you pass the middle line.

Heading  up the road out of the park we did a burpee. Here I told the PAX about my first official Q(7 months of Midoriyama not counted) at Gashouse on 2/6/16. 18 PAX were there. 8 of which are still regulars. This would be my 216th official Q. To my knowledge I have never failed to do a BB.  We talked about how I was looking for excitement or adventure in my life when I found F3. Life just seemed to be dull and uneventful. The workouts and CSAUPS supplement that need for me. I’m currently HC’d for my 16th,17th, 18th, and 19th relay races next year(not including any we have done around here). That is all thanks to Whoopee who brought up doing the first one, the BRR.

Back at the start we knocked out 1.5 minutes worth of ab work.



Announcements-Frisbee 0700 Thanksgiving morning meet at the soccer fields, Christmas Party 12/3 please HC and vote

Prayer Request-Several family members going through struggles


I’m thankful for the men that started this group and the ones that have kept it going. It takes each and every one of us so don’t ever think your presence doesn’t matter. Without you there is no me!

Never let History Repeat itself

Continuing the F3 Gastonia “redwood” tradition of Q’s at the Sandlot, YHC obliged for a history lesson. We had 14 show up, including Stinky Bird!  Great to see him making the drive back to his former home AO. In conducting research for this history lesson, YHC was reminded of “Martha’s House” being a Monday and Wednesday workout. Somewhere along the line, it became a thing for the site Q to rename the AO.  It was the “Dark Night”, it is the Labryinth, the Sandlot, and at some point it was called “Neverland”.  In hindsight, probably a terrible name as tell me which stranger you can EH and say, “join me in posting at Neverland”.  Probably not going to happen.  With that in mind, we said the Pledge and then immediately paid a 5 burpee price for the name Neverland and got it out of our system.  This was a small price to pay as it should be 2500 burpees.  The next time name changes should go through a Committee of Pax, sort of like getting your Mudgear shirt design approved before it is printed.

With that we moseyed to the medical office down the road for the warmup. We started with the original AO, the Gashouse, which began on 3-21-15. Three burpees, 21 Big Boy’s, and 15 Flutters. In the same fashion, we went through the dates of the next AO’s that were planted in chronological order. The Storm (5-26-15), Martha’s House (6-3-15), The Goat (6-11-15, Downtown (7-31-15), etc. We modified the exercises to 8 Count Bodybuilders instead of burpees and did LBC’s and squats at some point as well. We got to the Pub (12-22-16) which was the second running AO, and instead of exercises we ran in honor of Monk who planted to PUB and ran to the bottom of Gastone’s Hill to discuss CSAUP’s. We covered the many F3 Gastonia CSAUPS to include the Back Woods Brawl, the 50-mile relay(s), The “Climb”, the “Moron”, the Memorial Day Murphs, etc. We talked about the other CSAUP’s…the Yeti, the BRR, Bourbon Chase, Dam to Dam, and then the Mortimer 100. In honor of the Mortimer, we ran Gastone’s hill, while stopping at every other mailbox for 5 squats along the way. We returned to the bottom of the hill and then moseyed back to the medical office lot to finish the workout. Time was fleeting this morning. Whoopee and YHC discussed bringing this workout to a Saturday so we can do it justice with a full hour.
Next, we performed one set of exercises from each year I q’d a workout since I have been in F3. For some reason I couldn’t find any Backblasts for 2015 so we started in 2016 with a modified Colonel Trautman, followed by “3rd Base” from 2017…15 shoulder taps, 15 WW1’s, and 10 CDD’s. Then we skipped 2018 for some reason (mini chicken) and moved to a solo Dora (2019)…10 squats…20 LBC’s…30 flutters…run
(2020) EMOM Plank one minute
(2021) Captain’s Choice First PAX to 100 reps calls it….Moroccan nightclubs
(2022) Bunker…10 Lunges (running out of time here)
We moseyed back to start and that concluded the workout.

Announcements:  Amazon with his VQ this Wednesday at the Labryinth

Prayer requests:  EZ rider’s son and Uncle,

Praise:  Whoopee’s uncle being buried at sea in Florida

Moleskin:  Flintstone asked me to share what I remember in the early days of F3.  What came to mind was the original “Coffeerama” spot at Panera’s after the Saturday morning Gashouse workouts.  We always got the big table in the middle and I would always hit my head on the lights above.  Besides that, I remember being in awe that this was F3 thing was free.  That men from other regions would set up a website that was free.  We had a weaselshaker for F3Nation.  We had an App that you could put on your phone and look up other PAX.  It was awesome.  At coffeerama we discussed strategic growth and launching new AO’s.  We began sharing podcasts instead of listening to radio on morning commutes.   Stroganoff always had wisdom gleaned from the numerous books he would read.  Older Pax had advice to share with younger PAX and we learned from one another that whatever was going on in your life someone else had already faced it.

If you are reading this I encourage you to start participating in the best parts of F3 that you may have missed.  It is not the workouts.   It is the Whetstone, the Shieldlock, the Q-Source.  It is signing up for CSAUP’s and training for them.   It is bringing out the slip and slide when a tropical storm hits on a Saturday morning, or a 10 mile run earlier this year in the falling snow.  It is pushing yourself to be better and using your time more wisely to improve yourself so you can serve others, namely your M and your families better.  It is thinking less of yourself and more of the needs of others around you.

Probably one of my favorite things about F3 is that you don’t have to be First F Q or the Nantan to lead something.  You just need the idea, no matter how stupid, and then bring others along.  We have done some fantastic events in F3 Gastonia over the years, but the best part is the fellowship and routine that comes with being around better men than me.  Thank you for helping me become a better version of myself.  I am forever grateful.



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