Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: PainLab (Page 3 of 10)

You Really Got Me Hot N Now

This was a the first time any of us had gotten Hot N Now for a pre-workout treat due to Short Sale’s Birthday Q. Happy Birthday again! Shortsale sugared us up before an intense warm-up, thanks. 

The six pack moseyed to our circle of pain to start our circuit of 50 seconds on, 10 seconds off as follows all while listening to the best of Van Halen:

Imperial Walkers, Squats, Burpees, American Hammers and Reverse Crunches. Rinse & Repeat x 2

Cut a Flip – 5 Merkins, 5 Big Boy Setups, 5 sets to completion, no set time

Back to 50 on /10 off:

Alternating Toe Touch, LBC’s, Flutter Kicks and LL Cool J’s Rinse & Repeat x 2

Next, Bear Crawl around the center circle 

Back to 50 on 10 off:

Triceps Dips, Step Ups, Incline Merkins, Monkey Crunches, Peter Parkers and Superman Press. Rinse & Repeat X 2

Shadow Boxing, Heals to Heaven, Windshield Wipers, Freddy Kruegers and Crunches to finish up our time in the winners circle.

Pain Lab Tabata

We had 10 supermen fight off an attempted hostile takeover from Gashouse.  The TL;DR is that they eventually ran away (it’s what they do!).  By that time we were in the circle and ready to work.  Once again, I used the tabata timer and 6-pack app.  Links down below:

Tabata Timer App:

6 Pack Promise App:

We began with an ab circuit via the above app.  We then continued to exercise in 1 minute intervals with 30 seconds rest between rounds.

  • Round #1 & 2
    • Bench overs
    • Dips
    • High Hip Bucks
    • Kettlebell 2-armed rows
  • Round #3 &4
    • High knees (this was high impact, it was modified as needed)
    • Power pushaways
    • Hindu Squat Through
    • Kettlebell Bicep Curls
  • Round #5 & 6
    • Skater hops
    • Merkins
    • Prisoner Squats
    • Pullup Superman
  • Bonus Round #1
    • Ketllebell Swings
    • Merkins
    • Bodyweight Squats
    • LBCs
    • Side Straddle Hops

I had to leave a few minutes early to catch a Bible study!  Thanks for letting me lead, guys!!

— Double Stuf


Got roped into this one

Been a long time since we’ve used shared coupons at Pain Lab so YHC decided it was time to bring them back out. Shoulder and Forearm work is going to be done. Very rarely do we work our forearms. As we get older we start to lose that essential grip strength. Proper forearm work, not the work you did when you were 13, helps maintain the grip. Don’t look silly the next time your M has to open the pickle jar because you are too much of a damn p***y to do it!! Get your A$$ into Pain Lab, Bulldog or new AO “The Bunker” to get in the strength training work, because running 3 miles at a bootcamp 7 days a week will NOT get you where you need to be! #EndRant

Warmup with Flintstone via Gashouse then we broke off for some great fellowship, music and of course PAIN!

Music Playlist – Various Punk (Ramones, The Clash, Sex Pistols, etc.) – Bandit knew every single one. He continues to impress me with his knowledge and history of music. I tip my hat to you sir!

The Thang:

Circuit #1 – 2 Rounds

30 Seconds On / 30 Seconds Off

10 Stations

  1. Battlerope #1 (Light) – Alternating Waves
  2. Slam Ball – Overhead Slams
  3. AB Roller – Straight Back and Forth
  4. Sledgehammer/Tire – Alternating Left and Right Chops
  5. Wrist/Forearm Roller – Overhand Rolls
  6. Battlerope #2 (Heavy) – Two Handed Slams
  7. Dumbbells (15Lbs.) – Front Lateral Raises
  8. Landmines (35Lbs.) – Kneeling Alternating Left and Right
  9. Kettlebell #1 – Forearm Curls
  10. Kettlebell #2 – Single Arm Bottoms Up Press, Alternate Left & Right


Circuit # 2 – 2 Rounds

30 Seconds On / 30 Seconds Off

10 Stations

  1. Battlerope #1 (Light) – In and Outs
  2. Slam Ball – Overhead Slams
  3. AB Roller – Left to Right
  4. Sledgehammer/Tire – Overhead Center Chop
  5. Wrist/Forearm Roller – Underhand Rolls
  6. Battlerope #2 (Heavy) – Around The Worlds
  7. Dumbbells (15Lbs.) – Side Lateral Raises
  8. Landmines (35Lbs.) – Kneeling Alternating Left and Right
  9. Kettlebell #1 – Forearm Curls
  10. Kettlebell #2 – Arnold Press

Rest and load up my vehicle with all the equipment!


Met back with Bootcampers for COT

Thank you men for the opportunity to lead. As I take on new Site Q responsibilities at The Bunker in Belmont, my time at Pain Lab will come to a brief standstill. You all know I am super passionate about low/no impact, strength training workouts. That said I am excited for a new opportunity to see our region grow and be more diverse in our workout offerings. These types of workouts have so many benefits for everyone that attends one. Thank you to Rudolph for bringing this option to Gashouse. Thank you to all past and present Pain Lab/Bulldog/Diablo Sammich Site Q’s that keep the low/no impact workouts going and bringing in new faces. Thanks to all of the PAX that continue to post here to keep the numbers strong!



Kinda Q

It had been advertised for a while that the PT Test would happen at Gashouse today. YHC put it out on Slack that Painlab would hold a modified PT Test alternative. The 1st F Q Short Sale put out a preblast reminding everyone of the workout details and in true SS fashion included what would be offered as a alternative to modify. This is what happened…

Short Sale led a warmup which included his attempt at the patented Sargento Left over Right. It was an attempt.

Pledge of Allegiance

YHC announced that he’d lead the modified PT Test guys. Rudolph offered a stay-at-home base version too so the guys wouldn’t have to go to the track.

Painlab – Deck of Death – They did Squats, Overhead Presses, Kettle Bell Swings, Curls & LBCs

Modified PT Test – Nobody did this!

PT Test –

  • Run a lap
  • Do 100 Merkins, Squats, LBCs & Side Straddle Hops
  • Run a lap
  • Do 75 of the same exercises
  • Run a lap
  • Do 50 reps
  • Run a lap
  • Do 25 reps
  • Run a full mile

Most everybody I saw who had done the test before didn’t beat their last time which is how it goes sometimes. Shout out to Les Nesman and Hermie though! They’re Painlab regulars who still did the full PT Test and killed it! Both these guys significantly exceeded their performance from last time. Way to go! Keep pushing that rock.

We all moseyed back to the start and did namorama. See Short Sale’s backblast for announcements and prayer requests.

I guess I get credit for this Q although I wasn’t really in charge. Eh, it’s all good. Everyone had a good time and pushed the rock and that’s what matters!


Penguins, Burpees, and much more

It was slightly muggy and the pollen and ragweed were in full bloom.  On the night before the workout YHC and Tube the Painlab site Q collaborated and decided that we would split duties since the weinke YHC had decided on did not involve an inordinate amount of running.  We thought that it would be a good opportunity to combine the PAX for a nice change and maybe encourage some of the Painlab regulars to give boot camp a try.

After a very nicely Q’d warmup:

20 Hillbillys

20 Imperial walkers

20 squats

10 merkins

5 burpees

YHC took the rains and over to the rear steps of the library for some of the thang.

Partner up.

Pax 1 stays and does AMRAP while Pax 2 travels any way he so chooses to the top of both stair cases for 10 merkins.  We had some interesting choices.  There was bunny hopping, the one legged sprinkler, bear crawl, and mostly the old fashioned mosey.  This x 3 per called exercise.

Merkins at top.  Squats bottom.

Cdd’s at top.  LBC’s bottom.

Up to the dentist’s office for a twist on The Walls of Jericho.  This was 7 reps of 7 exercises on 3 walls 7 times around the building.

Exercises were:


Monkey Humpers


Mountain climbers

Plank jacks


Flutter kicks

Rudolph and Whoppee decided they would throw in 7 burpees on wall #2.  Finding inspiration in Whoppee and Rudolph’s example  Linus and YHC around round 4 decided to throw in 1 burpee per wall.

There was some interesting conversation about overweight penguins that quickly became very inappropriate.  We all had a good time with that.  You just had to be there.  Its also possible that we had a buzz going from the sea of pollen we were pretty much swimming in.  And the mumblechatter was as thick as the pollen.

We all finished with very little time to spare.

Mosey back to start and time.

No live penguins were harmed in this workout…just very offended.

Everyone pushed hard, got stronger, had some laughs, broke a sweat, talked some junk, and had a wonderful morning.


4/17 Convergence at The Bulldog. Bring a block or kettlebell.

4/18 Tron Moss 5K Crossroads

4/21 PT Test Gashouse

Prayer requests:

GSM Family.  Donation link on the Mumblechatter page.

Mason, T-Square’s 2.0.









Why did I wait so long to write this ?

I will never wait so long to write my backblast again! I am such a looser.

We did a typical PainLab circuit with 50 seconds of work and 10 seconds to transition.  

Something like Sumo dead lift, swings, chest press, single arm rows, curl to overhead press, crunches, burpees, American hammers, flutter kicks, Carolina dry docks, iron mans, merkins, big boy sit-ups, heels to Heaven, box cutters, etc.

We played 80′ Rock n Roll and broke a sweat.

1 year ago

Tubes and I talked recently and I offered to take the Q at Pain Lab. He was going out of town and I had backed out of the p200 so my day was open like an ugly girls Dance card.

1 year ago I was put on work from home status, the year before that 2019 I was fired just after my first leg of the P200 by email.
Some may think I hate this week, well its quite the opposite. Some how through all the confusion and chaos God always takes care of everything. I’m sharing this because we all should know God has our Back! Since 2019 the company I worked for crumbled, I have a better Job and a much happier life. I did not feel this way while I had to tell my M we would not have insurance come the end of March 2019. In that Moment my wife told me this ” I’m glad they fired you, that job sucked and you can do better. I love you finish the race strong and we will figure it out Sunday. I love you and I am always proud of you”. In that Moment God was already showing me that his plan was the best.
On to the Werk:
The thang!
10’s Lunge walk 10 merkins, back to beginning then 20 squats Lunge walk to the other side of the parking lot and 10 merkins.
Down to one merkin.
Rocky Balboas, SSH, SealJacks, Cherry Pickers up and down. Mumble chatter was going great!
LBC’s Flutters, Hammers, Reverse Crunch,

Lets try something new to me.
10second Superman, 10second Iron man, then 10 merkins. x 10.. This got the shoulders feeling good for sure.

Fellowship walk to the stadium seats then time for some dips, Derkins, Step Ups.


Someone maybe reading this while they are going through or getting out of a tough situation. Always Know Gods Got you.
Dig in your Heels and serve more love more and always Post at an AO near you More!

The BED PAN is Full!!

How do you like my t-shirt?

Some people just never learn.  Or they do learn, and ask for more punishment.  A more fitting synopsis of Pain Lab you can’t ask for.

Big group, warm weather does that.  It’s that, or that it started to leak that i was making my post-COVID return and Q’ing the best AO in Gaston County.  Glad to see Tesla was leading Bootcamp, very good warm-up that was a true “warm-up”, not just a straight to execution thing.  Anyways, time to split, Pain Lab comes with me.

Circle up.  No FNG’s, so the basic disclaimer today is that I’ve lost my cardio as a result of illness, we’re going to find it today.  Don’t quit, do what I do, and we’ll perform an old fashioned Pain Lab.

The Thang:  I had 10 rounds planned, we got through 6.5 of them.  I underestimated the amount of burpee time today.  Each round consisted of 4 exercises (full body, legs, arms, abs).  One minute per exercise.  After each 1 minute exercise, 5 burpees.  So, we did this:

High-shelfs, Lunges, CDD’s, WWII’s – 20 Burpees

Taps, Side Lunge, Diamond Merks, Am. Hammers – 20 B’s

Star plank, Rear Lunge, Plank Rotators, Box cutters – 20 B’s

Get-Ups, Bridge Kicks, Pseudo Planche Merkins, Freddie Mercs – 20 B’s

Now…I think it was about here that someone, rhymes with DooDoo, made a crack about my Father’s Day Ultimate Warrior T-shirt.  I guess too much MAN was billowing out from it.  So, 10 Burpees just because.  In later rounds, a backwards ballcap wearing HIPAA did the same, so 10 more bonus Burpees.  Then another, so we wound up with 35 bonus burpees.  VooDoo would later state that these were for my benefit, to find my cardio.  Can’t disagree.  Other rounds:

Jab/cross, People’s Chair, Merkins, LBC – 20 B’s

Hook, Left calf raise, isometric squeeze, cruncy frogs – 20 B’s

Superman’s, Right calf…….10 burpees stop.

Meet up with Tesla and call it a day.  Good work on an incredibly pleasant morning.  I think my sweat was more than my out of breath-ness, but I certainly got what was needed with the burpees.  Pretty sure we got to 165 total burpees, and that’s a good way for a non-runner to get back in shape.

MOLESKIN – great crowd, good mumble chatter, and I think this was the right amount of physically taxing work.  Glad to be back amongst brothers who are trying to get better.  I really enjoyed that breakfast afterwards too.  Need to do more fellowship time.  I mean, I’ve had COVID, and up until then I did my civic duty by ensuring that the hospitals remained clear as long as possible, so time to socialize a bit more.  Everyone stay careful, you don’t want it, that I can promise you.  Again, appreciate everyone’s hard work.


Rinse & Repeat

It all started in February (the 27th to be precise) when Tube asked for volunteers for the following week’s Q.   I simply said “I’ll Q.”  This has been nagging at me for quite some time – the fact that it has probably been 2 years since my last Q (weasel shaker can fact check this).   Realizing this and doing something about it are 2 different things.  It was easy to make excuses like “I’m not really in the best shape” or “I’ve got this problem with my back, knee, foot, weenus, whatever…. “.   While both of those points may be true… the truth is that Qing workouts is about taking responsibility and taking action.  Wasn’t really sure how this out-of-shape 51-year-old was going to make this work… but I realized what was more important was taking the responsibility to come up with a plan. So….

Pain Lab participants completely dominated Gashouse participants this week by more than 300%!  To be fair, most of the Gashouse regulars were doing the Strides of March or fart sacking.  There was a slight chill (according to weather channel it was between 28 and 58 degrees).  Guessing closer to the 28.  Seems like a long time ago now.

After quick warm up with Linus… some additional work with SSHs, Don Quixotes, Arm Circles (forward/backward), Moroccan Night Clubs

For the main course, here is what went down… 12 exercises, 30 seconds each, 10 second rest between exercise….

  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Lunge & Rotations
  • Merkins
  • LBC
  • High Knees
  • Squat (sub Monkey Humpers)
  • Merkin & Rotations
  • Plank
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Reverse Lunge & Knee Lift
  • Triceps Dip
  • Side Plank

Rinse & repeat 5x.

We threw in a quick round of Mary so everyone could call their own exercise.


I’m grateful to my F3 brothers (those who have been around for many years) for having my back even (and gentle reminders to get off my six) when it seems I have dropped off the face of Earth for quite some time.  And for those who have come on recently….  Lazy Bones –  appreciate the fact that while sleeping in on cold Saturday morning is appealing, you continue to post and hold me accountable to do the same.   Tube… thanks for sharing the F3 mission from Freed to Lead with the PAX Saturday…. El Toro… I’ll bring you my copy to borrow.  Herme… still loving my yoga mat! Clavin… you do the best Monkey Humper… really.

Bandit… Out!


Not another walk in the park

This morning wasn’t as cold as it has been. Maybe a sign that winter is letting up, at least here at the Gashouse. I’m not complaining, but I would like to pray  for a few straight days of sunshine. We started off with a few Whoopee warmups then split up and moved to our circle.  From there we did my typical jazzercise circuit of training without the dancing. I use the Tabata timer to allow for 50 seconds of each exercise and 10 seconds to transition to the next exercise. Lets kick it off with some 80 Rock’n Roll:

Side Straddle Hops, Hill Billy’s, Big Circles, Chinook Squats, V-ups, Outlaws

We mosey to the trail, cross the bridge and …. do bear crawls up the hill. Mosey to the benches for 20 incline pushups. Lets return to camp for some more motivational 80’s Rock!

Grab your coupon for – swings, triceps’ extensions, curls, one arm press (each side),. On your 6 – chest presses, then over head triceps’ extension.

Recover for 1 minute.

Lets Duck walk to the parking lot and then walk it backwards to the circle.

On your 6 again – American Hammers, Reverse crunches, Windshield Wipers, on your feet -Burpees, on your 6 for Supermans, plank for 30 seconds then finish the set with Mountain Climbers. 

Recover and rest for 1 minute.

Next set – Monkey Roles, CDD’s, Incline pushups, Triceps Dips, Don Quijotes, Merkins.

Final round, we each called out our favorite exercise for the last 8 minutes as Whoopee and his Bootcamp joined us in jazzercise!

Everyone finished strong and I was so grateful for the turnout that we had. Thanks Hims!!

Bandit Q’s Painlab next week, please come out an SHOW



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