Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Midoriyama (Page 46 of 51)

Hills and Thrills

So for the last several months approaching the BRR I have been stating I would not be running anything more than a 5K after it’s over. I still feel that way most of the time but I enjoyed the trip and the fellowship so much that I have now signed up to do the Palmetto 200 and have HC’d for next years BRR. Thanks to my F3 brothers for putting on the EH and making me better. So that being said I also may have said no running on Tuesday following the BRR. Well obviously I’m an idiot and just mummblechatter a lot. My 2.0 and I were riding bikes around Midoriyama and she was looking for a fast hill and stumbled upon the lane to the lake dock. I thought “this looks like a bad idea”! P200 training begins!


The usual Seal Jacks, Don Tooltimes and whatnot.

Mosey to the lake dock. I was very impressed with this noisy crowds quit approach as there were fishermen on the dock. Respectful!

The Thang:

Run up the hill about a third of the way to the picnic shed for 20 dips and 20 decline merkins and back down to plank for the 6. Rinse and repeat 3 times.

Going from the shed run to the top for LBC’s and CDD’s( I think) and back down for 5 burpee’s. Rinse and repeat 3 or 4 times.

Mosey back to the Flag for the pledge.

I’m pretty sure I’m missing some monkey humpers and other stuff in here. That’s what happens when you do the BB a few days late. Either way the point is we ran and we ran some hills! Good work by all!


Closed with the prayer.


merkins, get to know your bro, merkins, four corners and merkins

8 men braved the heat and posted to midoriyama today. YHC was able to make it Tuesday.  the regularly scheduled Q was unable to make it, and for reasons I can’t fully explain, I decided to accept the honor.  short disclaimer: I’m an idiot and definitely not a professional… follow me if you will.

Conditions: about 94 degrees and sunny

warmups: CDD x 30IC, monkey humpers x 20IC and flutter kicks x 15IC.

the thang

short mosey, drop for 22 merkins.  short mosey, drop for 5 one-legged double merkin burpees. the mumble chatter was beginning.

arrive at the far parking lot for get to know your bro; midoriyama edition.

question one: # of kids. ashpond has 2 x 3 = 6 burpees.         question two: # of states lived in. slaw with 5 x 3 = 15 eight count body builders.  question three: age. chewie is 20 = 20 merkins. question four: years married. blart with 13 x 3 = 39 squats. question five: months in f3. roadie with 8 x 3 = 24 lbc. question six: birth year.  def leppard 1964= 64 mountain climbers. question seven: birth month. YHC March 3×3 = 9 lunges each leg.

mosey on over to the concession stand for 25 donkey kicks, acsending testicles and a one minute BTTW hold.

mosey over to the starting parking lot for four corner escalators. corner 1, 20 merkins. corner 2, 20 merkins and 20 dolly. corner 3, 20 merkins, 20 dolly and 20 rosalita. YHC had to Omaha corner 4.  corner four, 20 merkins and 50 lbc.

mosey back to the bathrooms for more acsending testicles. circled up for pretzel crunches x 15 each leg and a 15 merkin ring of fire.

fellowship mosey back to the launching point for the pledge. with a few minutes left, circled up for 22 merkins, 10 burpees (thanks slaw), 25 lbc ( thanks ash pond) and 15 ssh (thanks roadie). ended with 22 merkins to honor our veterans.  TIME!

COT announcements: CSAUP coming up.  prayer requests: BRR team, each other.

BOM: YHC took us out.

it was an honor to have my first midoriyama Q, men.  I appreciate the push. until next time.

Philippians 4:13


One last BRR training session

With the BRR waiting in the gloom on Friday, I wanted to get one last BRR hill run in.  I heard a lot of mubblechatter from the PAX of 11 at this sauna of Midoriyama but I warned everyone that we would be running!!  So it went like this…..



Hillbillies X 15 IC

Don Quixotes X 15 IC

The Thang:

Took off out of Midoriyama and headed towards Lowell…down and up 15% grade hills (or at least they seemed like it) for 3.5+/- miles…then detoured to the picnic area for 30 dips and 22 merkins…with time running out we moseyed back to the flag to finish with Moroccan nightclubs X 50 IC (thanks Tool Time).


Announcements: BRR, CSAUP

Prayer: Floppy Disk’s M, Ringo, BRR participants

Thanks to the men of Midoriyama for letting us get one final run in before the BRR!!! Always a pleasure to get an opportunity to lead.

Until the next delivery….


10-96 @ Midoriyama

10-96 is the police code for a crazy person (mental patient / detain suspect). The backstory is that I told Freight I would see him at Midoriyama AND pickup the shovel flag (to get the AO name carved like our other SFs). I meant I would be there at the START for the workout. However, I was not able to get out of work soon enough and battled traffic (while the regulars battled Def Leppard – regulars came out stronger for sure). When I showed up to get the SF, the PAX was just finishing up their last COP and encouraged me to get in line (in full business casual office attire) which I gladly did.

But that’s not the crazy part… When Freight asked for Qs for upcoming workouts, I volunteered. Later I thought.. “What? Am I crazy? This is one serious group of regular STUDS! Last time I worked out here I got smoked! What makes me think I can lead this group (and still walk away on my own)? I must be crazy!” So as part of my disclaimer today, YHC ensured that I stated for the record that in addition to not being professional, I was a little crazy too!

Anyway, with a storm brewing, we quickly optioned to start today’s beatdown under the picnic shelter. Here is what we did…

The Disclaimer
Plus clarification the Q (and many Midoriyama regulars) are indeed a bit crazy. Not to mention, as the PAX began to post, Mother Nature sent us a fairly significant thunder storm. Against my best advice, we all stuck around for the beatdown.

Warm Up

  • SSH x 20
  • Squat x 20
  • Toy Solider x 15
  • LBC x 15
  • Don Quixote x 10
  • Mericans x 10
  • Moraccan Nightclubs (t-claps to ToolTime for the inspiration>
  • Repeat Reverse Order (throwing in additional sets of MNC to get to 100 reps for ToolTime)

The original plan was to hit the fields for some four corners and other fun but while the rain and thunder were still pretty strong, we stayed under cover for some step ups and dips. 3 sets starting at 30 step ups/20 dips, then 25/15 and finish with 20/10.

At this point the lightening and thunder had sort of passed, but with the rain still coming down, we set out on foot for some mosey work. After a short 1/4 mile Slaw mentioned we lost one PAX. Apparantly Lil’ Sweet had his 2.0 in the car back at the shelter. Standing on the soccer field, as we looked over the hill, he was catching up, hammer down, wipers on full speed! Uh, definitely a first. Will make sure to mention that in my disclaimers going forward.

Four Corners

  • Dying Cockroaches x20
  • LBC x20
  • American Hammer x20
  • Mountain Climbers x20

Rinse and repeat 3 rounds.

Based on frequent updates from ToolTime on the clock, we began to mosey back to start. But upon Lil’ Sweet’s suggestion we immediately switched gears and decided to push his car back to the start.

With just a few minutes remaining, the last exercise was burpees until 6:15.

Wrap Up

  • COT
  • Namorama
  • BOM

There are powerful forces at work among us, in our daily lives, some trying to derail us and others working to keep us on the right track. We all have the ability to choose how we react to what life gives us. Lots of appreciation from PAX today for the bonds that are being forged here at Midoriyama, throughout the Gastonia region and across the Nation as we motivate and hold each other accountable. #ISI Glad to be here brothers!

Prayers for Blart who is recovering from prior workout. Also for Floppy’s M as they are hoping for good news on some tests. Phillipian’s 4:13

Happy Birthday Freight!

A Little Bit of Everything

8 regular PAX and 1 FNG fought the urge to stay in the A/C and posted at the hottest AO in the Gashouse inventory. With most guys showing up right as we started, a short disclaimer then we start. As soon as the warmup began Lil’ Sweet EH’d a FNG, which is awesome. YHC paused the warmup, welcomed the FNG and attempted the “FNG version” of the disclaimer. He seemed to understand, so we resumed the warmup. The whole thing went down like this:


  • Seal Jacks x15 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x15 IC
  • Moroccan Nightclubs x25 IC
  • Don Quixotes x15 IC
  • LBC’s x15 IC


The Thang:

PAX go to YHC’s car to get some junk out of his trunk. Some coupons for the trip (Small bricks). Then mosey to the picnic shelter. As the PAX came out of the woods toward the picnic shelter, some of them were attempting to play chicken with an oncoming car. The driver of the car saw the Midoriyama maniacs and decided to stop the vehicle for fear of totally destroying his vehicle! Once everyone reached the picnic shelter, the Q called for 10 (or 15 depending on how you count) Hail Marys and Power Merkins. Rinse and repeat for a total of 3 rounds.

YHC led the PAX for a short mosey to slider hill. Once there, all PAX mosey down the hill, Bernie Sanders halfway back up, drop for 5 clock merkins at 12 o’clock, 3 o’clock, 6 o’clock and 9 o’clock (YHC likes these), bear crawl the rest of the way up the hill, then American hammers IC X10 with the coupons we’ve been carrying. YHC had originally planned for three rounds, but Lil’ Beast showed all the older men some awesome initiative and began a 4th round! Being inspired, YHC called for one more round, which kicked off mucho mumble chatter from the rest of the PAX. Outstanding work, Lil’ Beast!

Next is a short mosey to the closest parking lot for some route 66 CDD’s, then bear crawl back to start line to grab our coupons. Mosey across the road to the parking lot closest to the Flag. Q calls for a quick set of 11’s across the short side of the parking lot with LBC’s and Merkins prescribed. Mosey back to Flag for a little Mary:

  • Dying Cockroaches X15 IC
  • X/O’s X10
  • Flutter Kicks X15 IC
  • Finally, Burpees X10 OYO



Announcements- Still discussing combining Gashouse and Fighting Yank AO’s on BRR weekend.

Prayer requests: T-Square and his family, Blart (tweaked his back), The young man Freight mentioned that is getting married in 3 weeks and has been diagnosed with cancer, Floppy Disk’s M and her upcoming medical tests, Jerica Helderman and her battle with cancer, the BRR team, safe travels for Midoriyama PAX traveling this week.

YHC led us out in prayer.

Name-o-rama for our FNG. Welcome to FNG Miyagi! He pushed the rock better than most on their first time out to Midoriyama. Come back out brother. It doesn’t get easier. You just get better!

One thing YHC forgot- 22 Merkins for our vets. I am truly sorry for this oversight, guys. I did mine as soon as I got home. Please knock them out OYO when you can.

Outstanding work and rock pushing by all! Once again, thank you for the chance to lead a great group of men! AYE!

Until next time,





Leg Day

7 Pax and 1 2.0 took the DRP and posted in the heat! YHC had found some screenshots from several months ago that I captured while looking at the exercise list. It was some things that looked interesting at I felt it was a good day to try them out.


SSH x 10ic

Don Quixte x 10ic (I think? These were counted Def Leopard style)

Merkins x 10ic

Goofballs x 10ic(I think the 2.0 liked these)

Pledge(Since one flag is being engraved and Floppy’s M wouldn’t let him come today we had to improvise and use the flag from my porch)

Mosey to the hill by the baseball field

The Thang:

Partner up and do Burp Back Mtn:

Partner one does Burpee’s while partner 2 runs backwards up hill and forward down x 3 then switch until 100 burpees are complete.

Counting Problems with the Badger!

8 strong PAX on a nice, warm afternoon at Midoriyama. In addition to our shovel flag, we also had the NC Ghost Flag captured from Shelby this past Saturday. Did you hear there was almost a fight to get it?

Disclaimer, even though no FNG’s, not an expert, modify as necessary, etc.

Warm Up

High Knees IC x 20

CDD’s IC x 12 (It was here that I noted Roscoe last week at Downtown calling out someone’s form on a Merkin looking like a CDD. In that person’s defense, that was a mere 12 hours after the epic Blart Beatdown with arms and blocks for 40 minutes).

Arms Circles (Forward, small size, medium size, large size, Reverse, small, medium, large).

World War 1’s IC x 20 (Here is where the first counting problems from YHC and only second time Q began). Those sit ups are tough for me and the “In cadence” count may have veered off a bit.

The Thang

I had promised a Badger sighting today at Midoriyama. This was a workout borrowed from a friend at work who works out at Denver SVU (I think that stands for Sail View, not SV) F3 name of Light Bulb. He said it was simple and tough so we tried it out. The trick is to pick 2 hills to run between the exercises. We have many hills to choose from at Midoriyama but I chose a small hill between baseball field #1 and #2 and running back to the left field side of field #1. The group does the exercises SSH, LBC’s, Merkins, Hillbillies and Monkey Humpers x 10 IC and then moseys to the other hill and repeats exercises with the first guy arriving to start the count and everyone else joining in wherever the first guy is on the count. The idea is to keep each guy involved but allow each guy to push as hard as he can. Mosey back to the starting hill to complete a set and we did 5 sets total. Along the way, most every guy had a chance to arrive and lead the count. Floppy Disc did his famous Floppy Sprint and then had his own trouble counting and breathing. There may need to be a new exercise added to the lexicon which is a variation of the Monkey Humper but done very, very quickly but I am not going to pick the name for that one. Billy Madison, Slaw and Pizza Man took turns sprinting for the lead! After we completed our five sets we moseyed back to the flag(s) and noticed we had a well dressed visitor. Bandit in the house to pick up the NC Ghost Flag but we had a few minutes remaining so we circled up for the Al Gore Shuffle. Bandit joined in despite being over dressed for the occasion. After some discussion about which direction to shuffle, most agreed that Al would shuffle left so we shuffled a couple times around. Q calls 22 merkins for the Vets, Pizza Man counted. By “my count” we did 100 of each exercise in cadence (which is kinda like 200 right?) for a total of 500 in cadence (kinda like 1,000) and ran 1.3 miles but I can’t verify this without my abacus! Nice work guys! Pleasure to lead such a great group of HIM’s!

Announcements, Advisory Meeting rescheduled, Billy Madison leading Fantasy Football league (His 2.0 was here today, nice little fellow!).

COT – Word for the Day: I urged each guy to remember to talk to our M’s in a way that teaches our children about relationships. Be mindful of this as they are watching and learning.  Prayer requests. Tool Time and Blart traveling. I took us out with the prayer.

Midoriyama Backblast

Warm up.      SSH-  25. IC.

MNC-  25IC

Squats-25 IC

The thang.  .   Mosey to soccer feild  where did combo of sprint  and karaoke  around field using coupons  during karaoke. .. then 15 burpees.  Then around again and 15 squats ….around again 15 lundges….

Mosey to playground for 5 pull ups then 10 merkins ×3.

Mosey back to soccer field for some more colt .45.    This time curls ….15×  up half way …15× up from half ….then 15 full.  Then 1 set of 15 dips with coupon  all ×3.      “Thanks for the push Freight”  don’t q it if you can’t  do it….. “almost got me there”

And no I did not forget the pledge. As.h  pond  so attention  salute  pledge just like vbs

Mosey back to turd shack for some shoulder work.  15 shoulder taps then 15 squats ×3

Mosey to flag for announcements and prayer

Thanks to all those at different AO’s that have stuck it out for so long to give me this opportunity  GOD. is. so gOOD. …and right  on time….

Good ole trusty and some artwork/sidewalk chalk

7 PAX showed up for a beautiful sunny day at Midoriyama.  It did sort of feel like a hot oven but I guess that means its another one of Pizza Man’s hot delivery’s!!

Warm-up: (Wanted to recognize the most dominant Olympian ever!!)


LBC’s X 28 IC

Don Quixote’s (aka Tool Time’s) X 28 IC

With that being done and NO wind moving it was time to mosey!!  We ran the drive and at each break the PAX did an assortment of 25 merkins and 25 of some kind of AB work.  It went like this:

25 Merkins SC

25 Flutters IC

25 Squats SC

25 Incline Merkins SC

25 World War I sit-up SC

25 Diamond Merkins SC

25 Freddie Mercury’s IC

Hmmm…can’t just run past the playground!!

10 Pull-ups

10 Knee to elbows

25 Werkins SC

Homer Marge

25 Derkins SC

25 V-Ups SC

25 Squats SC

25 Military Merkins SC

25 In-Outs with arms raised

After a one mile lap, 150 Merkins , 7 AB exercises, 50 Squats, and 10 pull-ups now mosey to the flag for the Pledge.

Lol….sorry PAX the delivery isn’t over quite yet…we mosey to the parking lot where we see some artwork or just exercises written in sidewalk chalk.  The closer we got some mumble shatter started and the PAX figured out what was about to go down.  Thanks to CSPAN with the idea!!!

In 6 different parking spaces there are 6 different exercises, start at whatever exercise you choose, complete the exercise and take a lap around the median with a 60 ft. bear crawl to finish.

Exercises were:

10 Burpees

20 Merkins

30 CDD’s

40 Squats

50 LBC’s

60 SSH

Mosey back to flag for Announcements and COT

Great work by the PAX at Midoriyama, as always!!  The Midoriyama men always bring the best out of each other!!  Thanks for the opportunity to lead!!

Philippians 4:13

13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

Until the next delivery………..aye!!

Core Time by Tool Time Amped !!!!


SSH- 25 IC

Don Quixote’s – 15 IC

Squats- 25 IC

Moroccan Night Clubs- 100 IC ( was supposed to be 30) but  Def Leppard rolled in late so YHC kept these going until he joined us! This definitely stirred up the mumble chatter!

The Thang:

Everyone knew it was going to happen….Core time by Tool Time Amped (huh)

In and Outs with arms up -25

Freddie Mercury’s forward with arms up in seated V position – 25 /Then Backwards for 25

Crunchy Frog – 25

Wide leg sit-ups – 25

Fifer Scissors- 25

Hip Rock and Raise – 25

Heels to Heaven- 25

V-Up/Roll-ups -25

Oblique V-ups Right Side -25 /Then Left side -25

Leg Climbs Right leg – 12/ Then Left Leg 12

And to put the cherry on top….

American Hammers -50

And now for the AMPED part… wasn’t over….

High Plank/Low Plank Pulse tucks- 8H/8L x4( some of the PAX couldn’t get past the fact that it may look similar to a movement one might do with the M! Definitely stirred up mumble chatter and lots of laughing although Freight said my form was impeccable.)

High Plank Peter Parkers- 25 IC

Low Plank Peter Parkers – 25 IC

At this point Ash Pond decided to roll in (30 mins into this torture) …so YHC decided ….More torture!

Moroccan Night Clubs- 100 IC  until he joined  us!

Back to the core…..

Abdominal C – Sit position session….no break in-between these..

Twists- 25

Twist with Alternate knee raise-25

A Frame twists -25

A Frame knee raise- 25

At this point we were about 35 mins into the workout and hadn’t left where .so started…why leave now!

C –Sit position single leg  right then left  20 each ( in C-sit position hold leg off ground 6 inches then bring knee in extend leg back out and raise as high as you can = 1 rep)

And to wrap up the core time….

Both legs together – 10 x2……

We ended the workout with a nice to get the hip flexors feeling really good…circle up at the Flag and say the Pledge!



Proverbs 27:

17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.


It was an honor to lead today men!

Tool Time

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