Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Martha’s House (Page 8 of 21)

Formerly The Black Knight, this AO meets Monday mornings at 0530 at Pelicans on Union Road, near the entrance to Martha River’s Park

Stealing cars

Thanks to Brownstreak, I was able to get motivated by something on TV last night-Fast and Furious 6 was on, and although I have not seen any of the Fast and Furious movies, I believe the plot generally revolves around stealing cars and driving fast. The name of the movie was enough for me to get some creative juices going. There’s probably some sex, things get blown up, and general bedlam ensues…none of that was on the agenda this am so it’s ok to keep reading….well, maybe a little bedlam but who knows?

Six of us gathered in the gloom trying to figure out who had the Q today and for the next few days while Gastone was gone. It was like we were missing Sargent Hulka during bootcamp (do you like that one Billy Madison? Name that movie!!). We got started with the pledge then a quick explanation of what inspired my weinke: Fast and Furious 6-the PAX were a little surprised during the warmup that we actually had a bona fide warmup-chalk that one up to the brown hair on my head being replaced by grey or no hair. It does not need to be much, but the warmup is important. I gave a very brief disclaimer then we were off…

WU: 10 IC SSH, Merkins, LBC, Imperial Walkers, mobile warmup around Pelican’s with buttkickers, high knees, slide this way, slide that way then mosey to the defunct Lowe’s grocery store parking lot for the THANG:

1 lap around parking lot, 6 hip slappers

2 laps around lot, 6 HS+6LBC

3 laps around lot, 6 HS+6LBC+6SumoSquats (a nod to Gastone for the SS)

4 laps around lot, 6HS+6LBC+6SS+6Merkins

5 laps around lot, 6HS+6LBC+6SS+6Merkins+6LittleBabyFlutterCrunches (thanks Pizza Man)

6 laps around lot, 6HS+6LBC+6Merkins+6LBFC+6DonkeyKicks

This was the plan however, the Q failed to remember the 2 laps during round 2 so we only did 1 lap, the 3 laps was really only 2 laps, and we got a lap dropped on the 4th round when Stone Cold was able to recall Merkins for that round so our 6 laps was really only 4 laps (if you followed that you probably live in Cramer Mountain and have soccer arms. If you don’t have a clue what I meant, then you probably live in LoGa or NoDa-honestly, I don’t know the difference which is probably because they are the same????…. just saying’). To make up for the Q fail, we did 10 reps during the final round of exercises.

During the workout I was overcome with what Bandit described as “Q Power” while we talking before the workout started. I don’t remember the details, but he mentioned the 45 minute burst of superhuman strength that seems to get us through leading a workout while we are Q that we normally would be dragging our butts in the 6 position if we were not leading-in other words, being Q gives you a boost of energy from the PAX. I had some things I wanted to talk about and had a little talk with myself during the mosey that I was going to try to talk during the laps instead of “wasting time” between the laps and called exercises. It worked out pretty well (at least in the beginning), except I made some mistakes with the number of laps. In the end it worked out well anyway based on time constraints. During the laps I tried to cover what Dredd had put out on Twitter the night before-I was thankful no one else had read it yet. Briefly, the lesson was basically about our Dolphin/Daffodil intersection (D2X) and why we should decline work outside our D2X. We have discussed the Dolphin and Daffodil in the past here in Gastonia, however, reading Dread’s post clarified some definitions that, to put it bluntly, I was completely wrong about. Look both of these up in the Lexicon, or better yet, read Dread’s post (I will try to retweet it: and then when you finish, read it 3 more times. You will get something different each time you read it. Basically, it explains why Bandit should not wash cars and why Monk should. It also explains why both of them should be able to change diapers and not shy away if the opportunity arises. If you don’t understand this then either A) you were not at Martha’s House this morning or 2) you have not read Dredd’s post at least twice yet. In either case, you would probably benefit from reading it.

We finished up with the idea of the fallacy that we all think we are somewhat indispensable in some way (or ways). HOWEVER, the truth is we are easily replaceable parts in most of our roles in life. There is a hospital in Atlanta that I worked at many years ago that is proof of this statement-the walls did not fall down after I left, and in fact, they expanded after I was gone and the hospital continues to do really well without me.

While I am writing this, I have come to the conclusion that, in my opinion, (again, this is my own opinion, not quoting Dredd on this part) the one area that we are relatively indispensable is our family life-the role we play with our kids and our M’s needs to be so important to us that no matter what, we should feel that we are utterly and completely indispensable. We are so vitally important to our M and 2.0s that we need to take this responsibility and duty so serious that no matter what, we make sure we do our utmost best to “chase perfection, and chase it RELENTLESSLY, knowing all the while we can never attain it. But along the way, we shall catch excellence” (quote from V Lombardi).

This was a great morning for me-thanks for coming out there guys. I still have a little of the Q power left over from the gloom.


The Guillotine

15 of Gastonia’s finest men fought off the Fartsak this morning and made it to Gastone’s funhouse.

The Thang:


30 SSH

20 Imperial Walker

Mosey through the baseball fields around the big soccer. Pause for plank, elbow plank, left and right arm high. Go the rest of the way around soccer field on the wooded part of the path and down to second field attached to the hill near picnic table.

The Guillotine  (Created by Gastone and named by Defib)

12 Merkins, run across field 3 power poles to path for 10 Sumo Squats. Then up the hill for 1 Russian Get up. Back stop at path 10 Sumo Squats and back to start.

11 Merkins, Run, 10 Sumo Sqats, Run, 2 Russian Get Ups, Run, 10 Sumo Squats, Run to beginning.

Repeat until flip flopped.

You can pick the exercises but the middle is a constant and the ends are some version of 11’s.

6 Minute’s of Mary, 6 Inches hold, Legs apart hold, 30 Flutter, 6 inches, legs apart, 20 Flutter. (running out of time)

Take the path through the woods back to the beginning.

I went back to run in 6 and the Pax did some extra credit until we arrived.


We ran a few minutes over with this one and I have to pay Monk per minute for the extra 4 minutes but I think it was worth the money. Everyone one did a great job and worked hard doing this one.

Many prayer request for several kids, relatives, and friends. Please keep all of them in your prayers.

Thanks as always for the opportunity to Q and I look forward to the next one,

Gastone Out!

The Gastonia Triangle

9 showed up, but after experiencing the Gastonia Triangle, some wished it where the Bermuda Triangle where they could just disappear.  It was a true beat down!

The Thang:

Disclaimer, SSH x 10, LBC’s x 10, Burpees x 10, Mosey to park

Exercises performed in rapid succession for 30 seconds each

Arms – Jumping Spider, Dips, Diamond Push Up, Bear Crawl approx. 30 yards to the next point in the triangle

Legs – Split Jacks, Sumo Squats, Smurf Jacks, Lunges approx. 30 yards to the next point in the triangle

Abs – Crunchy Frogs, X – Sit Ups, American Hammers, One legged Wheel Barrow approximately 50 yards back to the arm station.

Mosey around park and the rinse and repeat

Mosey to baseball fields, 30 seconds of Dips, 30 seconds of Diamonds, Mosey, Burpee Long Jumps, Mosey to the cars.

Introverted Beatdown


  • 25 SSH IC
  • 20 LBC IC
  • 15 Mountain Climbers IC
  • 10 Merkins IC
  • 5 BOYO IC

The Thang

Mosey to center of baseball pavilion for 3 rounds of tabata with 30 seconds of exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest.

  • Wall Sits OYO
  • Merkins OYO
  • Step Ups OYO
  • Squats OYO
  • Dips (Arm Squats) OYO
  • Planks OYO
  • High Knees OYO
  • Lunges OYO
  • Merkins (with rotations) OYO
  • Side Planks (15 seconds each side) OYO

After round one, take 1/4 lap around baseball pavilion.  After round two, take 1/2 lap around pavilion.  After third round, mosey back to Snowballs.

Last Minute Mary…

  • 20 Dying Cockroaches IC (because I LOVE them)!


  • Bulldog – Clerkins?  Really?  #STUD
  • Spiderman – Don’t worry about the Achilles – you have 2.
  • Turtleman – It was Cinderella… but RATT was coming up if did 5 more rounds.  Playlist is on my Spotify – I’ll share it if you like.
  • Gastone – Thanks for pushing and encouraging me to run more (and post more often).  I might be a runner one day.  NOT!!!
  • Monk – Thanks for not pushing me to run more.  At least one of you has my back!
  • Outhouse – Glad to see you back in the gloom brother!

Survive and Advance

A couple of weeks ago, I signed up to Q at Martha’s so that I would have extra motivation to get back in the gloom after the P200. At that point, my bracket was still perfect, and I had no idea what to expect from my Tar Heels after their collapse in the ACC tournament. Fast forward a couple of weeks, the P200 went great, and the Heels are still alive and looking strong. Since it is still basketball season in our household, the workout had to have a bracket challenge theme.

As with the NCAA tournament you must have the First Four as a warm-up…
SSH x 16
LBCs x 16
Merkins x 16
Imperial Walkers x 16

The Pledge

Mosey to the park with a stop at the building in between the baseball fields.

Now that we have the First Four out of the way, it’s time to do the real dancing. As with any dance, you need a partner, so partner up! Partner 1 runs to the end of the path between two of the baseball fields. Partner 2 does the following exercises. Once P1 gets back, flapjack and P2 does the running. The counts were 1-2-3-# instead of single counts to extend the fun.

Merkins x 64
Freddie Mercuries x 64
Squats x 64
LBCs x 64

Pete Chilcutt Planks until everyone is done

Mosey to the next round down to the shelter near the playground

Once again 1-2-3-# counts, not single counts.
Step ups x 32
Calf Raises x 32
Flutter Kicks x 32
American Hammers x 32

Mosey to the next round next to the restrooms

Congratulations on making it to the Sweet 16!
Hip slappers x 16
Bobby Hurley’s x 16 (Yeah, Duke DID make it to the Sweet 16 this year!)
Dips x 16
Derkins x 16

Mosey to the next round up through the parking lot

For the Elite Eight, we partnered back up.
Partner 1 ran to the other side of the parking lot while Partner 2 did 8-count Body Builders.
Each partner did 4 laps across the parking lot (that’s a total of 8 rounds)

Mosey back to Pelican’s for the FINAL FOUR!

4 Burpees OYO

We had time left so the PAX were able to get a few additional bracket selections in…
Gastone – LBCs
Bulldog – Sumo Squats
Hushpuppy – Merkins

Davinci moving on April 29 so contact him if you can help
3rd F moving to 6:30 before the Gashouse workout starting 4/8; Hushpuppy working to get someone to Q the 3rd F in Belmont

Prayer Requests
Bandit – Aunt Nancy Todd Surgery on Friday
Hushpuppy – Co-worker Ashley going through Chemo treatments
Gastone – Jim Tisdale battling through final stages of cancer


Gentlemen, as always it was a pleasure to lead this morning. I tried to keep the workout as non-partisan as possible so as not to cause a mutiny. Great work by all! Go Heels!

B is for Bulldog and Burpees!

12 men showed for a Bulldog Q at Martha’s House.


Burp & Merk Pyramid ascending up to 10

Burp & Groin Pyramid descending from 10

The Thang:

Mosey to the park

Set of 3 BOPO (Burpee, One legged Burpee, Plank Jack, Burpee) while you partner does American Hammers, switch.

Bearpee across the parking lot and back while partner is doing Flutter kicks, switch

Burpee Dans across the parking lot and back while partner is doing X Sit Ups, switch

Bataan Death March – Indian run but before running to the front of the line do 3 Burpees, then sprint to front of line

As a group Bearpee and Burpee Dans, alternating across the parking lot and back.

Mosey back to the cars

Cool down:

Burp & Merk Pyramid ascending up to 10

Burp & Groin Pyramid descending from 10

Announcements – April 6-9th Gaston Day Play good with 2.0, Whoopee putting together a skeet shooting event, Gastone organizing a Mt. Mitchell climb, Checkers Hockey game on Saturday Charlotte Police and Fire game to follow after Checkers game

Prayers – Many prayers for family and friends with cancer and surgeries and P200.  Keep each other and our families in our prayers.


What a great day

1. Side Staddle hops
2. Imperial Walkers
3. LBC’s
4. Merkins

After a short warm-up, we moseyed to the park where we found a small hill.  We partnered up and partner #1 would back peddle up the hill three times while partner #2 was doing burpees.  Each team had to complete 100 burpees.

Then we moved onto the running track around the baseball fields and ran two laps. When you met your partner on lap 1 you completed 10 merkins and 10 LBC’s.  On lap 2 we completed, you guessed it, 20 merkins and 20 LBC’s.

We huddled up and took a plank position and each man got to choose his exercise and perform 10 reps.

To give our shoulders a rest, we did lunges halfway across the parking lot and sprinted to the other side, then back peddle and backward lunges.  We liked it so much we did it twice.

We finished with Gastone leading us in some flutters, and moseyed back home.

Every man dies, not every man truly lives.

10 men showed up for a Gastone Q in the cold of March.

The Thang:

Mosey to sidewalk for high steps in line. Then Karoake both sides.

Mosey to parking lot old Harris Teeter for 10 Merkins and Squats while Billy Madison finds us.

Mosey to stairs for legs together calf raise 20 and then 20 legs apart calf raises. Run to yoga entrance for 20 oyo Sumo Squats. Rinse and repeat.

Mosey to drug store parking lot behind. Grab a wall for 20 dips on my count.

Mosey to Ronbinwood School entrance to the wall for 20 dips on my count.

Seven’s in the parking lot. 7 Hand release Merkins top of the lot, and 1 squat at the bottom. Keep going until switched.

50 wall jumps oyo.

Mosey through the middle of the school to the railing. Everyone up with one man bear crawl to the back of the railing and back up. Rinse and repeat.

Mosey to the basketball court for 30 Flutter, 6 inches (JJ 20 Count), 20 Flutter, 20 LBC

Mosey all the way back to the bank near the finish to the wall on the sidewalk. 20 Dips, 15 Carolina Dry Docks, 15 Wall Merkins. 3 Sets.

Jail Break the 10 yards to the lot.

The Moleskin:

Great time this morning with a great group of guys. FNG Allan is 15 and attends Gastonia Christian School. He said his favorite movie was Braveheart and he got the name MacGregor. I don’t know that MacGregor is in the movie but it is a Scottish name.

Convergence this Saturday in Belmont, The Yank.

Palmetto 200 is next Friday.

Prayers for all those in need!

It is always an honor and I am always humbled by all of you.

Gastone out!


Bottom of the List

13 braved the cold for a royal beat down from the bottom of the exicon list!

Warm Up: SSHx15, LBCx15, Burpeesx5

Mosey to Martha’s Park.

Dora 1:

X Sit Ups while other partner lunges to the middle of the parking lot, switch exercises repeat until PAX gone across the parking lot and back

WMD Crawl (Wide, Merkin, Diamond with bear crawl) and LBC’s.  First partner does LBC’s while second partner does 5 Wide, 5 Bear Crawl, 5 Merkin, 5 Bear Crawl, 5 Diamond, 5 Bear Crawl and repeat until reaches middle of parking lot.  Then switch exercise.  Continue until both PAX make it across the parking lot and back.

Walk like an Egyptian (indian run but with lunges that you hold while the back runner sprints to the front)

Dora 2:

First Partner does Prison Cell Merkin Burpee while other partner runs 30 yards and back.  Switch exercises and repeat 5 times.


Repeat Dora 1 but half the distance

Walk like an Egyptian back towards the car and end with an all out jail break dash to the cars.

It was awesome…the bottom of the exicon will be visited again!

5 Burpees + The Grinch = Wonderful Wednesday

YHC prepared for the workout last night by posting some instructions on Twitter….to my surprise, I was immediately chastised and berated for said instructions…….well then. I thought they were simple.

I really showed up unprepared for the workout and unsure of what I was going to do other than one thing during the warm up but I will get to that.

13 brave souls showed up on a warm March morning for an unknown beatdown with one simple instruction….NO BURPEES.

Disclaimer. Pledge. Warm-up in cadence:

SSH X 5 (5?) Yes, just 5 as we had to immediately throw down 5 Burpees OYO. (Whoopee had already taunted YHC with 5 of his own before the workout even started but this was the plan all along)

Two cars pulled in late (at least according to my $5 Casio) so we added 10 more IC SSH.

Let’s Mosey to the center of the fields at Martha’s House for some IC work:

ATM’s: Shoulder taps X 15 – Tempo Merkins X 10 – Merkins X 10

One lap around the adjacent baseball field and back to the center for round 2 of the same:

ATM’s: Shoulder taps X 15 – Tempo Merkins X 10 – Merkins X 10

After a short rest, it was time to mosey to the covered picnic table area for some more IC work:

Derkins X 15
Flutter Kicks X 20
Lunges X 10 (per leg)
Rinse & Repeat

Mosey to the center of the fields and back to the picnic area for more IC work:

Dips X 15
Freddy Mercury’s X 25
Step ups X 20
Dips X 20
Freddy Mercury’s X 25
Step ups X 30

Somewhere during this set of work, YHC was accused of smiling (rather deviously) at the PAX. Not true. Must be an alternative fact or fake news. Don’t believe it. In fact, social media (Twitter) was even utilized to further extend this false story (Whoopee).

Time was dwindling so we moseyed around the parking lot and surprisingly ended up back at the picnic area again………

Time for some final IC work:

Merkins X 15
LBC’s X 25
Squats X 20
Derkins X 15
Flutter Kicks X 20
Step ups X 16

Time is almost up. Mosey back to Pelican’s (past my Mother and Aunt who once again got to hear how great I am)….thanks guys.

Just enough time left for a round of 40 IC Flutter Kicks. Whew!

Announcements: Workday this Saturday at the Rotary Community Garden – 9:00 am – 2.0’s welcome. Convergence at The Fighting Yank on March 18th.

Several prayer requests including upcoming surgery for Def Leppard’s Wife; co-worker of Hushpuppy dealing with Cancer; other prayers unsaid.

My goal today was to keep the heart rate up by keeping the workout moving with little rest/recovery between exercises. Not sure I accomplished it but I know I was personally spent after the work. Thanks for the push, the mumble chatter and the continued motivation to be better. Believe it or not but F3 Gastonia is only a few weeks away from our 2nd Anniversary. (This won’t work in Gaston County)

There are still men out there suffering from Sad Clown Syndrome that are searching for us. We need to keep looking for them and inviting them to come out, especially as the weather is getting a little nicer.

As always, it was my honor to lead you men through the workout this morning.

Until the next one. Aye!


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