Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Folsom (Page 5 of 55)


No FNGs, no disclaimer, just modify as needed!
Everybody grabbed a block, circled up for 100 Blockies in 10 minutes! Omaha, 60 in 6 minutes!

Took the blocks to the tennis courts for 4 corners, riffle carry between each corner!

1st corner- 10 Thrusters

2nd- 20 triceps

3rd- 30 curls

4th- 40 Big Boys

rinse and repeat! Grabbing a couple burpee’s somewhere in there.

Returned the blocks to the launch, headed over to a hill nearby for triple nickel, merkins/ Bobby Hurleys. After we finished this some guys felt shorted because they thought we should have done 2 more sets? So when we got to the launch we did just that, Blockies/burpee’s! That’s better!

with a few minutes left we circled back up and knocked out Iron Hulks with the blocks! Done

Announcements- Q school, F3 mountain trip

Prayer request- Big Pappy, Gumby, SA family, Roundup family, each other

Thanks again! I took us out!


The Yard Part Deux

8 PAX showed up at Folsom on Saturday. All looking to get better.  I pulled a workout from March of 2017 from the archives and I’m happy to report it held up.


Some spatchcock and cockspatch. So funny!

The Thang: 

The below was copied, pasted, and edited for current event.

Sprint 1 court and do 1 burpee and sprint back, Sprint 2 courts and do 2 burpee’s and sprint     back, continue this for all 6 courts. For the Midoriyama readers that’s 21 burpees.

Next bear crawl one court and do 20 squats, crabwalk the next one and do 20 lbc’s, keep switching these for the 6 courts. 10 hip slappers on the fence and sprint back.

Next round lunge a court and do 20 merkins, duck walk the next court and do heel touch crunches, Rinse and repeat for the 6 courts. Finish with 10 Australian mtn. climbers and sprint back.

Partner up for drills. Partner 1 starts at the center of the court and sprints to one corner then returns to the middle. Do this for all 4 corners of the court while always facing the net. Partner 2 holds 6″. Switch and do 3 rounds.

Keep your partner and wheel barrow switching at each court and do 5 sumo squat jumps.

Run a lap around the courts.

Next at each out of bounds line(singles and doubles) do merkins. Start with one and add 1 at each line. We did three courts I believe then switched to squats. We turned around and kept at this. Bobby Hurley’s for 2 courts, diamond merkins for 2 and Sandy V’s for 2.

Run 2 laps around the courts and head back to the flag.



Announcements-Sign up for the Christmas party already! It’s this coming Saturday. Def Leppard has requested votes for Fart sacker of the year but I’m pretty sure he is just barely out of contention.

Prayer Request-Bedpan, Sparky and family, Broke’s Mom


Good to be back out to Folsom. I think this is the first time since Old School started. We had good numbers at both AO’s on Saturday and that was the whole point. The right amount allows you to be more personal with each other. If the group gets to big then people get lost in the crowd. That being said a lot of guys that were posting when we split have gotten pretty slack. Sack up you lazy rascals and get back out there!

Don’t Be Skeered!!!

Been a while since YHC has had a weekday Q at Folsom and it was good to be back in the gloom with a great group of guys. 12 total this morning, all on time and ready to work. Some thought that Sparky might show, but others informed them that he was campaigning for the year end “Fartsacker of the Year” award and would likely sleep in. I guess he’s like Sister Act and will do anything to get another medal. Here’s what we did:






Mosey up to the road that runs behind the AG Building to get started with The Thang.

Start at one end of the road with 5 Burpee’s, then run to the opposite end for 10 HR Merkins. Back to the start for 5 Burpee’s, then to the opposite end for 20 Imperial Walker Squats. Continue in this manner with 30 American Hammers, 40 Mountain Climbers, 50 Big Boys, 40 Mountain Climbers, 30 American Hammers, 20 Imperial Walker Squats and 10 HR Merkins. This routine took a while, but everyone was pushing hard and got in a couple of miles in the process.

Time is a little short so lets stop at the triangle in the road for a quick Dora. One partner runs up the “steeper” side of the triangle while the other does the work.

100 SSH

200 CDD

300 Flutter Kicks


Back to the start right as the clock hit 0615.



Too often we let fear control our lives. A fear of failure, fear of being ridiculed or fear of something being too difficult consumes us and dictates how we live. The Bible teaches us that God is with us in all that we do and our strength and endurance comes from Him. Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to trust in the Lord with all our heart and he will make our path straight.


Remember – Dead Last Finish is better than Did Not Finish which trumps Did Not Start!



Christmas Party Dec. 11th at Lewis Farms – be on the lookout for a PreBlast with sign up’s for side dishes and a link to vote for Year End Awards

Rudolph has his final Q this Saturday at Gashouse – come out and support an OG Gashouse PAX

Chad 1000 this Thursday at 0500 at Bulldog

Blood Drive

Check the Clown Car channel on Slack for upcoming opportunities


Prayer Request

SA and family

Big Pappy and family

Co workers of multiple PAX have illnesses

Our Country

Mayor’s M


YHC took us out.


Thanks for the opportunity to lead this morning and for the strong showing by the PAX in attendance. All were pushing hard and it was great to see the guys finish up and then go back and jump in to push someone else!


I’m Broke

It’s been a while!

I pulled in a little early to see a couple pax getting in some EC, I grab a little myself, a few more trucks pulled in so we circled up and get started!

Its definitely been a while since I’ve Lead a boot camp and it showed in the warmup!
Gravel pickers

Toy Soldiers

then we partner up , grab a block and head to the courts for some Dora!

50 Blockies

100 Thrusters

150 Squats

200 Block swings

250 Triceps

300 Curls

350 LBCs

Everyone finished strong!

Announcments- Blood drive, Christmas party!

Prayer request- Ozark friend, Big Pappy, Kenny Rayfield, our country

Thanks guys for being patient with me! And letting me lead this morning!

10/05 Folsom

17 was the count at Folsom this morning. As always, there was great mumble chatter before the beat down.  05:30 strikes and we all clock in.

There was a warmup. After the warmup was the thang.   Merkins, LBCs, etc… and Stogie left early.

Announcements: dudes running a half marathon this weekend, Extinction run, new site q at prison break tomorrow, Folsom is open three days a week

Prayer requests: Big Pappy and family, Sister Act and family,  Spackle and family, someone Ozark knows and someone Medicine Woman know.

BOM: Sarlacc closed us in prayer.

Philippians 4:13


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

When YHC rolled in, SA and Seuss took off for some EC.  Soon there after Roundup, Hacksaw, Gomer, Ball Joint and Sparky arrived to head into the gloom for their 9 – 15 miles.  There was also a Pizzaman and Sarlaac sighting along the way.  Lots of HIMs getting out early to put in some work.

Speaking of work, 0630 arrives not to much later with a good group gathered.

No FNGs, so an abbreviated disclaimer followed by The Pledge of Allegiance.


SSH, Arm Circles, IW, Planking, Merkins and some stretching.

Whoopee and Sarlaac head into the gloom wearing their purses, while the rest of us head to the flag pole, stopping at each light to do 25 flutters (count 1-leg).

Now we are all warmed-up, let head to the arena for the some work.

Admittedly, this is something ShortSale did at SandLot and it sucked there.  YHC thought the Folsom crew should get their own taste of it.

5 exercises, 25 reps each for 4 rounds. After each circuit is complete, run around the concession stand.

Round 1:

  • Hand Release Merkins
  • Squats
  • Dips
  • Plank Jacks
  • LBCs
  • Run

Round 2:

  • Shoulder Taps (count each movement)
  • Step up Right
  • Dips
  • Step up Left
  • Turtle Crunch
  • Run

Time was getting short, so head back to the flag for a little Mary and then our hour was up.


  • JJ5K
  • ChristmasTown 5k
  • Mt. Hollywood/SandLot combined workout on Labor Day

Prayer Requests/Praises:

  • WestSide’s Dad
  • Girl who tried to attempt suicide 3x
  • Pizzaman’s Grandmother 95th birthday
  • Stogie’s coworker with cancer
  • Big Pappy family
  • Pizzaman’s M getting baptized.


Thanks for letting me venture into NOGA.  Always a pleasure and enjoy the push.

Until next time.

Watts Up Powering Down.

Duck Duck “Splash”!

The day had finally dawned… the final edition of F3 Dad’s 2021!  Ball Joint & myself arrived early at Folsom to find the regular crowd being led by Ozark in what I heard turned out to be a pretty good beatdown.  We gathered 3 buckets (the # is significant later on), a cooler, some cups, & rope & headed across the soccer field to set up the day’s activities.  Ball Joint stopped at the first camping hose bib to fill 1 of the 3 buckets w/ water as I split w/ my cooler to another near the exercise pavilion.  As I filled my cooler I noticed quickly that this water rivaled the lovely turd-brown hue of the South Fork on any given day following a heavy rain so I dumped & repeated… repeated… repeated… ok, so I finally gave up walked backed to Ball Joint & used that connection!  For future reference if you ever decide to camp for Cotton Ginning Days steer clear the parking lot near the exercise pavilion.  We set up at one end of the parking lot w/ cups, rope, & a full bucket of water, the other w/ 2 empty buckets.  This exercise was going to be a version of the classic water haul race from one end to the other to fill your team’s bucket however, with a slight variation, a quick round of jump rope in the middle!  Almost 7am so back to the start w/ my cooler & a few more larger cups for the grand finale:  Duck, Duck, Splash!

Go Time… started w/ a welcome, mission of F3, & 5 core principles for 26 PAX/2.0s.  Moved into a  Westside approved warmup consisting of SSH, Gravelpickers, Merkins, DonQs, & probably something else I’m forgetting.  Next, we did a family “Native American” (did you catch the PCness there)  run up to the little triangle & back to the big triangle.  We did a kid-sized Dora 1,2,3 (30, 60, 90) of Merkins, LBCs, & Air Presses (which btw get very heavy even though it’s just air!) around the big triangle.  We then nured, karaoked, & skip mosied to the tennis courts for a quick round of Red Light / Green Light with Bear Crawls (Merkins if you don’t stop) across one court & then back with Crab Walks (Big Boys if you failed to stop again) back to the line.  I will say, I think Ball Joint was likely a playground force to be reckoned with in his elementary days!  Next was a slow mosey to the exercise pavilion parking lot.  It is then we discover that 3 buckets were now 1!  Yes, leave it to the Dallas local yocals to steal 2 of our buckets!!!  Oh well, we just skipped the “fill the bucket” part & just let the kids & some pretty talented dad’s slosh water all over themselves jumping rope.  Finally, we mosied back to the soccer field & gathered in a big circle round the water cooler for a slight twist to the classic Duck, Duck, Goose (Splash).  Great fun was had by all as they doused a large cup of water on the unsuspecting head of someone gathered in the circle then raced back to their slot.  Back to the parking lot for the pledge & Ball Joint prayed us out.

It was truly a pleasure to co-lead such a fun event!  Til next year…

Excuse me while I kiss the sky!

Folsom/ Canoe

This workout was inspired by Sister Act “canoe” , but due to his back hurting he wasn’t able to make it…? Anyway, I pulled in a little early to see Volt getting in some EC and Ozark waiting and ready,  some other pax weren’t far behind . 530 hits, we circled up and got in a few gravel pickers, to stretch and warmup a little. Then we all grab a block and head to the hill between us and the lower parking lot to put in some work!

11s- Blockees at the top and Burpees at the bottom!

Triple nickel- Thrusters at the top and Big boys at the bottom!
Spackle and Mayor pushed me through both of these, good work!

We take the blocks back to the truck, then circle up with a few minutes remaining and get in a full round of Iron Hulks, Time!

Announcements- f3 dads this Saturday at gashouse!

Snowbird men’s retreat, September 24-26, need to get signed up if interested!

Prayer request- Big Pappy and family, Sister Act family, Medicine Woman’s dad, Whoopies daughter, all pax

Thanks men for letting me Q!

Bearing our burdens

Rumors started the night before that a Kotter and FNG might be making an appearance at the Trucks and Beards AO on Tuesday morning. YHC rolled in early and to my surprise the Kotter was already there…..the one they call “Roadie” had returned to the gloom! It turns out he was the one bringing the FNG who also showed and made it an even 10 for the workout. After a full disclaimer, the pledge and a short warmup we all headed to the back of YHC’s truck to grab bricks that we would carry with us the entire workout. It went like this:


Mosey to the “newer” parking lot by the lake for some ALARM’s. 100 reps of each exercise followed by a lap around the parking lot. All done with bricks.

Arms – Shoulder press

Legs – Squats

Abs – American Hammers

R exercise – Randy’s

M exercise – Merkins


That wasn’t too bad, let’s mosey to the front of the park for some partner work. Dora 1-2-3 with one partner doing the work while the other runs a lap. Again, all work with bricks.

100 – Shoulder taps

200 – Dying cockroaches

300 – Moroccan Nightclubs (these sucked)


Still some time left, so let’s head to the tennis courts for some Merkincides.

5 Burpee’s on the 1st court, then run to the 2nd court for 5 Merkins

Back to the start for 5 Burpee’s each time and increase the Merkins by 5 at each court all the way to the fence.


Time is up so back to the flag.



I had a verse that I had planned to share with the PAX, but changed it up after thinking about what we were doing. The brick’s we used for the workout symbolize the burdens we often carry around with us in life. Some of them are small and seem minor, but the longer we carry them the harder they become to bear. We are called to serve others and in doing so help carry their burdens, but Christ also tells us this in Matthew 11:28-30 – “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”



Next F3 Dads at Gashouse on July 17th

Snowbird Retreat sign ups

Nail clippers and chapstick for service project


Prayer Request


Big Pappy and family

Westside Mother in law

Gumby Mom

Ball Joint Mother in law

Sister Act and family

PAX travels

Whoopee and family


Great to see Roadie back in the gloom and welcome to FNG Sourpuss!


Dr. Seuss took us out.

I’m Broke



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