Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Folsom (Page 4 of 55)

The Hill

We had a good crowd at Folsom this morning! 530 hits and everyone is ready!
Warmup: SSH, Gravel Pickers

After a short warmup we head up to our new Folsom block storage area, everyone gets a block and follows me. We head to a spot that roundup likes to use, it’s the hill at the top of the lower pond , it’s a man maker!

10 Blockies at the to, 10 burpee’s at the bottom/ 4 rounds!

15 Thusters at the top, 15 squats at the bottom, 2 rounds

20 alternating block merkins at the top, 20 merkins at the bottom/ 3 rounds

My plan was to do 4 rounds each, I was checking my watch, had to cut it short due to time, will save the full one for a Saturday!

This hill kicked my but this morning! But thankfully I had good men right beside me! Remember this men, there are days and seasons of life that your but is gonna get kicked, but don’t buy into the lie that you are alone! It’s easy to do! Remember you have brothers that will sweat with you, talk with you and pray with you! There are brothers in this group that are probably praying for you even when you don’t know it! I’m thankful for those brothers!

Announcements- f3 dads at Folsom June 18th, PT test June 25th

Prayer request- Freight, Huck, Pappy, Stogie’s friend, our wives, our children

Thanks again for letting me lead!


15 posted to Folsom on Saturday to help push each other. Todays workout would be about helping your brother to carry his burdens. Little did I know planning this workout that I would have a heavy one laid on me the night before.


There was some discussion about me being parked in the COT location. How was I supposed to know? We weren’t even in the right parking lot! So we started with a mosey to the correct lot and did the warmup there. We did some Don Q’s,  sealjacks, merkins, lbc’s, and the scorpion(something I learned while posting at Oak Island last weekend).

Mosey to the blocks.

The Thang:

Partner up. P1 carries the block headed to the flag at the AG center. P2 does 3 burpees and catches up. Switch off until you make it there.

In the parking lot to the left we continued with the partner work. One partner runs around the island in one direction while the other carries the block and goes around the other direction. When you meet do 1 booyah merkin. Switch who runs and carries the block. Do this until you get to 10 booyah merkins.

Line up on the curb and get a new partner. At this point YHC talked about how sometimes our burdens are light and sometimes they are heavy and how we are called to help our brother carry his when it gets heavy. That is what we were doing by switching who carries the block.

Next we did some DORA. P1 rifle carries the block across the parking lot and back. P2 starts on the reps.

100 Starburst

200 Pointers

300 Back scratchers

Let’s head down to the fork in the road doing the same partner work that got us here.

At the triangle we dropped the blocks for some corner work. At this point there was a parade of seniors that were cruising the park for no known reason. They just kept rolling through over and over. Probably trying to figure out what those whipper snappers were up too.

Corner 1 do 5 squats. Corner 2 do 5 flying squirrels. Corner 3 do 5 crab cakes. Do 5 rounds going up by 5 reps each time.

Partner carry the blocks back to the storage spot and mosey back to the flag.


Announcements-F3 Dads at Folsom on 6/18

Prayer Request-Myself, Sarlacc, and Shatners daughters. Gumby’s mom, Space Jam’s dad.

Naked Moleskin:

Overall I can’t complain about my life. I don’t usually have a lot of prayer request because for the most part my issues seem light compared to what I hear others going through. Friday night I ran into the world trying to push against the things I try to teach my daughter in a hard way. For the first time I felt what has been described many times about the COT. When I tried to share it I broke down. I’ll be honest I can’t even remember the last time I cried. I mean years and years. It’s just not something I do. Much less in a group of 14 other men. I couldn’t help or stop it. This was/is a heavy burden! This is my daughter and the devil and the sin in this world has come after her. I cannot say enough about the men in that COT. They prayed with me and for me. They hugged me. They have individually sent me messages the last couple of days letting me know they are praying for us. Crap I’m about to cry again. I’m honored and thankful I have each and every one of you to help me carry my burdens and I welcome the challenge of helping you carry yours!

Blocks!!!! At Folsom

Trucks started rolling in right at time to get started, good group at Folsom “the best AO in all the land” this morning! We did have a proper warmup


Toy soldiers ic

gravel pickers ic

Time to get started!
Route66 / Thrusters

20 to 1 – shoulder press, curls, triceps, squats we finished this and had some time to spare so… triple nickel, Blockies at the bottom of the hill and burpee’s at the top!

All the men pushed the rock this morning and got it done!!

Prayer request- Thompson family, Big Pappy, Roundup, construction accident, family, each other, Huckleberry, Montross mom

Announcements- CSAUP next Saturday, Memorial Day murph

Thanks for letting me lead!

Folsom Love

There was a time that I can remember when I had to remove a lot of running if I had the Q at Folsom but these days the Folsom boys are bat flipping. I knew I had to dial it up a notch. Weather was perfect. Cloudy and cool. Most guys did an EC run or ruck and 6:30 time to go! Throughout the workout I decided to read quotes about loving people since it is the Easter season. Ball Joint correctly noted afterward that the quotes were taking up valuable workout time and he is 100% correct. I use the quote time to allow myself to rest.

SSH x 25
Right over Left stretch
Left over Right stretch
Gravel Pickers x 10
Moroccan Night Clubs x 10
Low Slow Squats x 10


Mosey to Tennis Courts.
Line Up 10 Merkins, run to fence and back
10 Merkins, 10 American Hammers, run
10 Merkins, 10 American Hammers, 10 CDD’s, run
10 Merkins, 10 American Hammers, 10 CDD’s, 10 LBC’s, run. This was supposed to be 10, 20, 30 then 40 but I forgot. Q Fail but nobody knew.

“Lots of people love to ride with you in the limo, but you need people who will ride with you on the bus.” – Oprah Winfrey

“Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get, only with what you are expecting to give.” – Katherine Hepburn (actress from before even my day)

Mosey down to the concrete pad near the dog park to previously placed Blocks. Only brought the 24 lb. ones. Sorry Westside and Wichita.

30 Curls
30 OH Presses
30 Swings
30 Chest Presses
30 Shrugs
30 Curls
30 Chest Presses

“I have decide to stick with love. Hate is too big a burden to bear.” – Martin Luther King

“I want to do good. I want the world to be better because I was here.” – Will Smith. Hmmm! Lots of discussion after that one given recent events. It was noted that just talking about loving your neighbor is not enough.

“Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball is pretty good too.” – Yogi Berra. It was noted that he also said “I’d give my right arm to be ambidextrous!” and “That place is so crowded, nobody goes there anymore.”

Mosey to bottom of hill behind the dog park.
Time to let the bat flippers loose!
Triple Nickel Hill Sprint Style
5 Squats at bottom, 5 burpees at top near the sign, 5 times. Round Up and Tonka leading the way. Sister Act middle of the pack at best. Hate to see it! Hacksaw dragged me up the hill the last leg. That’s always a crowd favorite.

With all of these hard chargers, we are ahead of schedule so another round of block work.
30 Curls
30 OH Presses
30 Swings
30 Chest Presses
30 Shrugs
30 Curls

Mosey down to lower picnic shelter for BLIMPS.
Burpees x 10
LBC’s x 10 IC
Imperial Walkers Squats x 10 IC
Merkins x 10 IC
Plank Jacks x 10 IC
Squats x 10 IC

“God teaches us to love by putting some unlovely people around us.” – Pastor Rick Warren

“Our job is not to ridicule and hate but it is to love people to Jesus.” – Pastor Hugh Whitfield

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” – Jesus in John 15:12-13

Sprint back to the flag
1 minute left so 5 burpees

F3 Lunch at Ray Nathan’s noon Thursday April 21st

Tank’s family
Gump and family
Tonka’s coworkers
Gumby’s mom

*NMM Great to get to Q at Folsom in a coveted Saturday spot. Love to see the guys pushing so hard and still picking up the six. The Rev. Low Carb (Wichita) is embracing his new nickname and has plenty of work to do as the group seems to love sugary cereals, cinnamon sticks and biscuits. I didn’t know Tonka but he is a tough young man since he kept up with Round Up most of the morning. Seuss was throwing around the block pretty well today. Volt is not saying when his birthday is and also still hates Raisin Bran. Oompa is on IR but came to eat with us. There was some discussion about Slaw kissing and possibly dating a llama. Round Up ate 10 eggs at breakfast. “Somebody” put some used, hairy, sweaty KT tape on my mirror. The nerve.

Blocks at Folsom

We had a good crowd at Folsom this morning, “Hammers” even the canoe came out! 530 hits and we get started!

10 Burpee’s oyo , 15 SSH ic, 15 toy soldiers ic warmup done!

We headed to the hill behind us for nickel/dime- 10 burpee’s at the bottom, 10 merkins at the top, 5 sets!

Parter up for some Dora, and grab a block!

100 triceps

200 Block Swings

300 Squats

finished up with some shoulder presses, unsure of the number?

Circled up for a round of Iron Hulks!

then squeezed in a few ab exercises!

it was a good turnout, everyone worked hard!
Announcements- SMR is the last weekend this month and they need 2 runners!

Trash pickup at Gashouse Saturday morning!

Prayer request- Big Pappy and family, Huckleberry, each other

Welcome FNG Three Tab/  hospital name Chris Wery




16 total PAX  parked in the parking lot for Folsom on Saturday morning. Some ran long miles training for the P200 and didn’t post with the rest of us. At least one of those hit a new record distance(Bedpan 10 miles) so I guess I’ll give them credit here. Some showed to post but left after the first sequence of pain in the the thang(Westside). He was hustling for that first part so I’ll give him credit I suppose. He claims he had an emergency at work. Some claim he only had 20 minutes of cardio in him. I don’t know I’m just reporting here. There was a lot of EC going on. Believe it or not Def Leppard had the most EC at 7+ miles! We even had 1 that showed for EC then left before we even got started. He will not get credit here. You know who you are!


Blah blah blah. Does it really matter? It’s just the warmup.

The Thang:

Over on Sportsman Dr(did you know the streets of Folsom are named?) at the end between the softball fields I informed the PAX we would be running to the first speed bump and we would do 10 hand release merkins. Then we would run back to the start to do 10 WWI sit-ups.  We would run to the 2nd speed bump and rinse and repeat. We would continue this until we reached the 5th speed bump which I might add is up on Leisure Ln. Volt made his objection of this known vocally. Not that it changed anything but I appreciate anytime you can get him to talk. A modification option was given and we got after it. Bat flippers flipped and the 6 was picked up. Westside pulled a Blart and we moved on to the next thing.

We made our way over to the lower parking lot for some hill sprints. You could fill the excitement in the air. I advised the PAX that when doing hill sprints you don’t necessarily need a steep hill. You want some incline but if it’s to steep then it will throw your stride off. I would’ve liked it to be a little steeper but it was all good. So we sprinted to the end of the parking lot then returned either walking or slow moseying. Enough to recover before doing it again. We did 5 rounds.

After the sprints we did some up/downs and alarm clocks. That was fun!

After that we hit the shelter for 3 rounds or was it 2? of 10 dips ic, 10 step-ups each leg oyo, and 10 derkins oyo. After this I had planned another round of sprints but it was getting close so we headed back toward the flag.

I had the PAX line up at the end of the parking, informing them they may want to get in line with the good asphalt. Time for some speed crawls! Speed bearcrawl out 3 parking spaces and speed crawlbear back. Do it as fast as you can there will be recovery time. Well let me tell you about 2/3 of these half repers(is that a word) leaned way out across the start, positioning themselves across most of the first space. I was not having any of this cheat yourself stuff and made everyone back up to the edge of the asphalt. We did 3 rounds of this then added in a few minutes of mary to close it out.


Announcements-Taking up some money to get a meal for a local pax who’s family lost a loved one-see Gumby, Convergence 4/2 at The Yank, We adopted a street in Gastonia-signup to help clean up on 4/16 see Slack.

Prayer Request-Thanks to Camilia for taking us out


Great job by the runners going out and logging those miles. While we aren’t doing these races to win, it is appreciated by team members when you train and put forth the effort. Good hustle by the bootcampers as well. A special shout out to Camilia who is new to the group but is out there getting it done. It doesn’t get easier but you get better and stronger. Just keep moving!

Folsom 2-26-22

No FNG’s – Short disclaimer

Warm Up:

Seal Jacks IC x 25

Hill Billy Walkers IC x 20

Eskimo Merkins up to 5


The Work:

Mosey to the lower parking lot for 5 x 5 Burpees.  5 burpees at the lower end of the parking lot then Mosey to the upper end of the parking lot and do 5 more Burpees.  Rinse and repeat until 25 Burpees have been completed.

Mosey around the parking lot and gather under the picnic shelter for 10 Reverse Grip Inclined Merkins, 10 Bulgarian Squats (each leg) and 10 Flutter Kicks (count one leg).  Mosey around the parking lot.  Rinse and repeat x 15, 20, 25.

Mosey around the lake and up the hill for Ring of Abs.  Each Pax leads us in 10 reps of an Ab exercise as fast as we can go.  We did 2 rounds of this.

Mosey to the soccer field for Bearway To Heaven.

Mosey around the soccer field stopping at each corner for 30 squats.


Thanks for following me today gentlemen!


Too Long to Remember

I’m sad to say I’ve let this BB go too long to remember all we did but it was fun I can say that!

The Thang:

Warmup – SSH / Gravel Pickers / Pickin Cherries

Burpees & more to the flag pole / pledge / back to the workout shed / calf raises / round robin on all the exercise stations for 1 minute each / mosey to the pier for dips & step-ups / more calf raises / mosey to the big parking lot for 4 corners / back to the start

Announcements & COT


I got to Folsom a little early like normal, men started rolling in, 12 men punched the clock and we got started!


SSH ic

MNC ic

Grass Pickers ic

Partner up, 1 partner grab a block! Head to the courts!

Before we partner up, Route 66/ with Burpee’s!

Partner up for DORA!

100 triceps

200 Block Swings

300 Curls

400 Squats


Announcments! Q school at Gashouse in a couple weeks!

Prayer request- Wichita’s mom, Pappys family, Mayors Daughter for her birthday! Wirenuts mom, Roundups family, and some others I’m forgetting!

I enjoyed it, thanks!!


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