Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Folsom (Page 10 of 55)

Low and Slow

It’s cold and I’m still recovering from all the burpee beat downs these guys have been putting us through out here at Folsom this past week or so.

That being said I find myself at a crossroads. You see even though I’m tired and score we still gotta push that rock, so I’m going to go with a low impact and slow meaningful rep workout. So let’s get at it.


20 SSH, 10 Gravel Pickers, 20 Moroccan Nightclubs all in cadence

Turn to the Shovel Flag
Say the Pledge

Circuit 1

1 round of working sets then 15 seconds rest

Round 1
Lunges 5 per leg

Round 2                                                                             Lunges 5 per leg, 10 Mike Tysons

Round 3                                                                          Lunges 5 per leg, 10 Mike Tysons,            Mountain 15 per leg

Round 4                                                                            Lunges 5 per leg, 10 Mike Tysons,             Mountain Climbers 15 per leg, 20 Squats

Round 5
Lunges 5 per leg, 10 Mike Tysons,            Mountain Climbers 15 per leg, 20 Squats,          25 LBC’s

Round 6
Lunges 5 per leg, 10 Mike Tysons,
Mountain Climbers 15 per leg, 20 Squats,                 25 LBC’s, 30 flutters

Head to The Play Ground

Circuit 2

3 rounds 45 sec. work 15 sec. rest

Pull-Ups, Dips, Mericans

Mosey up to the Tennis Courts

Circuit 3

Repeat Circuit 1 but add in a Full Court Sprint between each round.

Circuit 4

Core Finisher
1 min. plank
1min. 6inches
1min. Heels to Heaven

Head to the Flag for COT

Prayers for Big Pappy and his family, Wichita’s work family and their teammates family, Stogie’s family, Westside’s grandmother, James Goudelock and his family, and SA and his family


I’m going to finish by saying great job to those of you guys who ran in The Strides of March event today.  I’m hoping that this was the only reason that there were only 7 HIMS out here grinding it out this morning at Folsom.

Trust Me I’m a Mechanic

20 HIM and 2 FNGs showed up on this beautiful crisp (almost spring) morning to put in work at Folsom!

This is my 29th post AND my 1st VQ and I was Jacked up!  I got there early to get things set up and found some PAX doing EC, so I jumped in and got a quick mile in to break in the new kicks!

Trucks (and a few cars) start rolling in and I can tell we gonna have a crowd.  5:30 hits and we get started.

Since we had FNGs i start out the the 5 principles of F3(Outside, Peer lead, open to all men, Free of charge, COT), and a disclaimer(I am a Idiot , do not do anything i say, modify, don’t die etc…) With all that out of the way, I am Ball Joint , Trust me I’m a mechanic!

I informed the PAX that since joining i have found that we have been doing a lot of the exercise at the shop and didn’t even know it…i pointed out what we call it at the shop as we did the warm up.

Warm up:

Something stuck on my boot (Toy Soldiers) IC x10

SSH IC x10

Mone Back or Mone In (MoricanNightClubs) IC x10

Imperial walkers or Hillbillys (obvously i do not know the difference) IC x10

Where did that lug nut go? (Gravel Pickers) IC x10

10 burpees OYO

Lets Mosey to the flag..stop at each light pole for 20 Mtn. Climbers , 20 American Hammers (count 1 side) and 1 burpee, next light same but add a extra burpee, till you get to the Flag.  Pledge and 22 for the vets!

In honor of March Madness we did a Bobby Hurley Indian run (split into 2 groups)  back down to the lower lot.

Ok enough warm up time do get to work!  We had some brake jobs to do!

1st we have to set the lift..low plank position reach out with right arm to the side..back to plank then reach out straight ahead..thats 1 .  We did this IC x10 each arm 2 sets.

Partner up for the Brake Job..1 partner does the work the other has to pick up 2 rotors and go back to the parts store to get the right ones(top of parking lot and back).  100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 lbc.  The trick here was to pick your rotors wisely from the pile .  I think Wirenut and Witchita found the f250 rotors(from Sgt. Hulka’s truck)and they were heavy!

With time getting short we moseyed back up to the tennis court parking lot.

We had to get the car off the lift from low plank..right arm /left arm ICx5.

Lastly in honor of Allen Tate…..on your 6 for the alphabet ..instead of abc’s we spelled out “fartsackeroftheyearallentate”.


Announcements :  New Dallas AO Saturday 27th, Palmetto  200, Mortimer 100 (needs donations see Sargento) Water Bottles and Sock donations in March,  PT test in April

3rd F: 1 Corinthians 6:19: “Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself”.  Your body is a temple, be mindful of what you allow into it.  All 5 senses are constantly bombarded by the great deceiver.  Stay vigilant and keep your mind aimed towards God!

Prayer Request:  Big Pappys 2.0, Stogies Dad, The Huffstelers from Dallas, James Goudelock, and others

I started my F3 journey because of a Spiritual Exercise called Exodus 90 that some guys from church are doing together.  It has many things we give up and many things to start doing , and one of them is to practice regular intense exercise 3 days a week.  Freight, Sparky, AT, Hacksaw, RoundUp all at one time or another has invited me out for years, so I knew where I was going to work out..I finally had the push I needed to do it. I am so glad to be a part of this great group of men.  You’ll help me push to be better! It was a honor to lead today!


Ball Joint




The Chalice

14 men hammered down at Folsom this morning in the hunt for the folsom chalice.

Warm Up

10 Gravel Pickers IC

10 Hillbillies IC

10 Burpees

Mosey through the backside of the park on the trail looking for the folsom chalice and we stopped for 10 Burpees, 10 merkins. Got back on the trail through the woods using our headlamps to make it to the huge hill of Folsom.

5 burpees at the bottom run to the top for 5 Mike tysons and we done this for 3 rounds

while we waited on the 6 we hit up some Burpees and merkin to get the blood flowing.

Moseyed to the top of the park still looking for the chalice. We make it to the top of the park and I tell the guys  that the chalice is somewhere in this area. So we start at the top of the parking lot with 5 burpees, 5 mountain climbers and 5 squats. we do this 5 times with a lap in between each round.

During this SA found the chalice so he earned 10 burpees as the winner.

We get to the ground for so core and shoulders

10 CDD, 10 merkins, 5 diamond merkins, 5 wide arm merkins, 10 shoulder taps, 10 peter parker, 10 parker peters, 20 LBC, 20 flutters, 10 leg lifts, 10 v ups.

We headed back to the flag people were complaining so job well done!!

strides of march 6th

new AO march 27th at Cloninger park

Prayer Request

Stogie family

Big pappy family and son

A lot of others that need lifting up


Round Up

The Burpee!!

28 men showed and put in the work at Folsom this morning!!  1 FNG was present, so a very short disclaimer was given.  Go time!!


Warm Up:

10 SSH (ic)

5 Burpees

10 Gravel Pickers (ic)

5 Burpees

10 Hillbillies (ic)

The Thang:

First called exercise is called Pandemic.  Exercise done in a pyramid going from 1 to 10 to 1.

1 Burpee, 2 Mountain Climber, 3 LBCs

2 Burpees, 4 Mountain Climbers, 6 LBCs

3 Burpees, 6 Mountain Climbers, 9 LBCs

Continue until we finished with 10 Burpees, 20 Mountain Climbers, 30LBCs.


Short mosey to the tennis courts, line up on the line facing the tennis courts.  Do some escalator work.  Start with 10 Burpees, mosey to first light pole for 10 Burpees, 20 Big Boys.  Mosey to next light pole for 10 Burpees, 20 Big Boys, 30 American Hammers. Mosey to end of courts for 10 Burpees, 20 Big Boys, 30 AH, 40 Flutter Kicks.  Time to turn around and go back down.  On line do 40 FK, 30 AH, 20 Big Boys, 10 Burpees.  Mosey to pole for 30 AH, 20 Big Boys, 10 Burpees.  Mosey to next pole for 20 AH, 10 Burpees.  Finish up at end line with 10 Burpees.


Next exercise called is the backend of the Pandemic routine going from 9 to 1.

9 Burpees, 18 Mountain Climbers, 27 LBCs

8 Burpees, 16 Mountain Climbers, 24 LBCs

Continue until we finished with 1 Burpee, 2 Mountain Climbers, 3 LBCs.

At this point we are at 190 Burpees for the workout.  10 more Burpees are called to bring the total to 200 Burpees,  with time still left.  I know how everyone loves Burpees, so I hope that was enough.


With some time left, pax are lined back up on the line.  11s are called here, using the length of two courts.  Start with 10 Mike Tysons, run 2 court lengths for 1 Imperial Walker Squat.  Back to line for 9 Mike Tysons, other end 2 IW Squats.  Continue until we end with 1 Mike Tysons and 10 IW Squats. Time low we headed back to COT.  Her Slaw lead 22 Merkins for the Vets!! Time!



Prayer Request



Honor to lead you men today.  The Saturday crowds at Folsom have been impressive.  I wanted to bring a tough one, so I hope you guys enjoyed it. Thank Round Up for the 200 Burpee challenge!! Appreciate the push!!  Welcome FNG Toe Pick to F3.  SYITG


Sister Act








Different Kind of Q

So, today was my Anniversary Q. It’s been a little over 200 Posts, 10 Qs, and 2 years since I joined F3. My first Q was a Saturday Q where only 2 Pax showed at Folsom. My next Q only had 3-4 show. This has mostly been the case until I Q’d Pain Lab and one of my last Qs (where we had roughly 8 or so). Today… there were around 16 Pax. I appreciate you all showing up this morning.

So, it was going to be a different kind of Q because mine always are. I always try to do the same exercises (Stogiefied Gas Pumps, Stogiefied Mike Tysons, and Mountain Man $hitters as part of the warm up (a nod and homage to the Waynesville, NC crew who named me and came up with that exercise)), but I try to do them in different ways – at different times. It’s also different because I leave at 6am and not 6:15.

Sorry, not sorry… but I made a deal with my wife that I would be home by around 6am so that I can help her get the kids ready for school, fix breakfast for them, and run around to ensure  they have all their stuff for the day. I do this so she doesn’t have to worry about them and can take care of herself.

It was also different this morning because I wanted to try a few different things out. They may not have all worked out, but at least I learned a few things.

Tha Thang:



17 Stogie-fied Gas Pumps – in cadence
12 mnt man poopers – in cadence
10 ‘Roccan Nigh Clubs – in cadence

Mosey to Tennis Courts…

Bear Crawl to the middle of court one.

Crawl sideways to face the soccer field and do 5 CDDs.

Side Bear Crawl three times over.

Bear Crawl backwards to the end of that court.

Do 5 more CDDs.

Rinse and Repeat… going in clockwise circles until you get to the end of all the courts.

Sprint back to the other end and plank for the six.


  • 5 Squats
  • 5 Stogi-fied Mike Tysons (horizontal squat – no pushup)
  • 5 Wide Arm Merkins

Rinse Repeat for 3 minutes

Take a Lap…

  • 20 Side Straddle Hops
  • 20 Seal Jacks
  • 20 Plank Jacks

Rinse Repeat for 3 minutes

Take a Lap…

  • 10 Flutters
  • 10 Bobby Hurleys
  • 20 LBCs

Rinse Repeat for 3 minutes

Take a Lap…

Partner up for Tortoise and the Hare:

Pax 1 does 10 burpess/flying squirrels/deconstructed burpees… whatever (as long as it’s burpee-ish and 10 times) while Pax 2 does Lt. Dans (Lunge Walk two steps and then Squat) around the courts. Swap out and continue the exercise until a lap has been completed.

Wichita finished off with Mary or Iron Hulks (at least that’s what I requested when I had to leave just after 6am).


For my first post at Folsom Gold Digger had the Q. I remember seeing Bed Pan as my only familiar face (though, his voice is what gave it away because he was about 60lbs lighter and with a big, burly beard compared to the 10+ years when I knew him way back when). He was the first one to speak to me. The only other thing I remember was a lot of running and almost throwing up. Gold Digger didn’t even write a Back Blast and I didn’t even show up on anyone’s list for posting until the big convergence (about 3 weeks later). Regardless, Gold Digger usually does AMRAP when he Qs Folsom. So, I thought I would try that with something I thought would be more difficult (with all the bear crawling nonsense) and mix it with things that make it one of my Qs.

I learned 3 minutes on and 1 minute off isn’t a great interval for AMRAP (in that 3 minutes feels like 5). I also learned less is more… so, maybe I shouldn’t try things that require a lot of instruction. Whatever… Men were moving (some) this morning. So hopefully it wasn’t a total waste of time and at least was worth getting out of bed for.


Until next time, SYITG…



Touchdown Beatdown

A nice sized crowd this morning at Folsom. A few put in some miles before we started.  Some good conversation was had. 05:30 hits and it’s time to clock in.  So… let’s mosey.

We went down to the lower parking lot and circled up for a quick warmup.

Warmup: Toy Soldiers x 20IC.

At this point YHC turned it over to Broke for tha Thang.

Touchdown Beatdown

Start in your own end zone and bear crawl to the 10yd line for 10 CDDs

Go to the 20yd line for 20 lunges

Go to the 30yd line for 30 merkins

Go to the 40yd line for 40 squats

Go to the 50yd line for 50 LBCs

Go to the 40yd line for 40 squats

Go to the 30yd line for 30 merkins

Go to the 20yd line for 20 lunges

Go to the 10yd line for 10 CDDs

Sprint to the end zone and back to the start

Rinse and repeat until Broke calls time.

Broke led a long mosey back to the launching point.  Some took a shorter mosey.

Back to the start for 22 for the Vets and the Pledge.

The winner of the trophy (football) today was… Roundup


Announcements: Strides of March on 03/06.

Prayer requests: Montross’ mom, Broke’s mom, our country, the Dam to Dam team running today, upcoming races.

Big circle of man: Pappy closed us in prayer.

Philippians 4:13


“Folsom don’t shut down”

7 at Folsom this morning under threat of “winter weather advisory”

En route to the flag

10 mountain climbers/10 squats per light pole.

parking lot across from the flag:

Dirty 11s

Imperial walker squats/Bobby Hurley

circle up for high/low plank and some French Fries

Indian run to the Tennis courts

Everyone called an exercise of 25, and 4 times round the courts

1 burpee after every round (even after the 25 burpee round 😒)

It cleared up for most of the workout and it wasn’t 20 degrees so all in all… not a bad morning at Folsom. And as Hacksaw put it: “Folsom don’t shut down”.


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