F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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F3 Mount Hollywood – January 22, 2024

Good morning. We had seven PAX brave the 21 degree weather at Mount Hollywood this morning.

Seeing no FNG’s, I gave a brief disclaimer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

We took two laps around the parking lot.

Next we stacked our WARM UP exercises:

  • 20 SSH, then sprint a row in the parking lot.
  • 20 SSH, 20 Squats, then sprint a row in the parking lot.
  • 20 SSH, 20 Squats, 20 Mountain Climbers, then sprint a row in the parking lot
  • 20 SSH, 20 Squats, 20 Mountain Climbers, and 20  merkins

Next we took a stroll toward East Glendale Avenue and did a Burpee / Merkin Ladder

  • Each pax would run up the hill to the light pole and perform 1 burpee and and run back and repeat this until they did 5 burpees.
  • Next the pax would do the same run, but perform 6 merkins and so forth until we go to 10 merkins.

From there we did Four Corners in Mount Holly.

  • Corner #1: 10 Carolina Dry Docks
  • Corner #2: 10 Carolina Dry Docks, 20 Lunges
  • Corner #3: 10 Carolina Dry Docks, 20 Lunges, 30 Flutter Kicks
  • Corner #4: 10 Carolina Dry Docks, 20 Lunges, 30 Flutter Kicks, and 40 Seal Jacks.

In all, we got close to 3 miles in on a cold morning.

Pushing the Rock Challenge begins on February 1. Keep an eye out on slack for details.
F3 Winter Nationals at Folsom on Saturday, February 10. All other AO’s closed.
F3 Rock Hill is hosting the Rooster on Saturday, March 3.

Pillager’s mother in law is having a scan today for kidney issues.
Bubba Sparxxx had surgery Friday.
Remember the PAX on our IR and on the Prayer Channel.


Two for the Show

Herme was EH’d by two different guys and neither showed!  The Bulldog ain’t for everyone.

Warm up / Pledge / Thang

KB Swings, Halos, Around the Worlds, Curls, Merkins, LBS, Fluttlers, Calf Raises, Dips, Incline Merkins, Shoulder Press, Shoulder Pulls, over and over and over again.

We completed 3 Rounds of 10 x Exercise, then moved to the next set and just kept going!

Big ups for Herme!

Start with a frozen pipe, finish with a laugh

Beautiful cold morning at Coconut horse with a temp of 12 degrees. Thanks to Roscoe for getting the crew started as YHC finished up in the crawlspace using the M’s hairdryer to thaw out a frozen pipe. Some ran some rucked. A brave 7 got started on time. YHC was able to go solo 15 mins later.

All parties returned for an quick abbreviated COT with prayers for everyone and a desire to get out of the cold.

Returned to q source at the famous Seattle Coffee shop with a talk of Humor. Short Sale joined for the q source. Thanks to Admiral McRaven’s “Hero Code”,  a chapter on humor seemed very fitting for the day. Nothing better than the use of humor to break the gloom and the ability to laugh at yourself. 5:30 in the morning hairdrying a pipe in a crawlspace. Jokes were said, some funny stories were told and laughter was had. Guess he was right.



After having an on / off posting year in 2023, I made a HC to turn the corner in 2024 with goals set and what better way to do that than to kick off January with my VQ at Tequila Sunrise!!!  Showed up early and watched the cars roll in one after the other……..25 came out to support YHC.



Warm up: ( IC)

13x – SSH (was supposed to be 12 a bit nervous and missed the halt)

12x –  Gravel pickers

12x – Imperial Walkers

12x – Moroccan Nightclubs

1x – Right foot over left

1x – Left foot over right

Plank position, right foot to right hand, reach for the sky

left foot to left hand, reach for the sky

The Thang:

Mosey to the basketball court and pax circled up:  ( IC)


12x-Plank jacks

12x-Mountain climbers


150 Squats

250 LBCs

350 Air presses

while pax ran to the end of parking lot, dropped a Burpee and return

Mosey around the track 1 lap

Back to bb court:

12x – Dips (IC)

12x – Step ups (oyo)

2 single file lines 12 pax each line for a Tesla favorite…….BEAR CRAWL SLALOM !!!!

4 x 4’s :

6x – Jump squats, CDDs, Flutter kicks, shoulder taps.

30 second wall sit and then 3 burpees, recover, what the hell………..3 more burpees, recover.

Back to courts for Mary with each Pax calling out exercise until time was up.



Sign up for pushing rocks challenge deadline 1/20

Winter Nationals


Prayer Requests:

Radar’s sister received good new from oncologist!

Ocho was laid off recently, if anyone hears of opportunities please reach out to him.

Turtle man

Jane Fonda


Bubba Sparxxx  surgery


Jackson Curry

Jackson Hall


YHC took us out in prayer.

Again, a HUGE thanks to all who showed up for support and all who have asked about YHC’s VQ.  It means more than you will ever KNEAUX!!!

It was an honor to lead you!!!

Tardi Gras out, keep it real brothers.


Old School 20-Jan-24

Disclaimer and move.  Its cold and the wind doesn’t help

Warm Up
Mosey to Carr.  We saw Wirenut pull in but never found him.  Ocho didnt roll out with us but rolled in with us.
SSHx10IC, Grass Pickers x10IC, Hip flexor raises x10IC, Hamstring raise x10, ROL/LOR, Elephant marches, MNC x20IC

Triple nickel on the playground with pullups and dips.  Any grip works.  Rows were subbed out for some.

Mosey to front of the school.  Do work noted and run a lap around the entrance.  Then, rotate exercises with reps.  I.e.  10 merkins the first round, then the 10 rep exercise would be the lunges.  The 10 rep keeps moving down and giving good looks at a lot of reps at each exercise at different intervals.  Exercises noted in chalk for memory.  This is where a lot of other PAX just showed up (Wirenut, Def, Tardi Gras and Pockets)

20-Walking Lunges (count each step and touch knee to ground)
40-Flutter kicks (count each leg)

Mosey to the wall for a few rounds of wall sits, shoulder press and calf raises.

Mosey back to start
Relay: split into two teams.  Everyone LBC’s while one bear crawls to distance.

Time check for Iron Hulk.  We got to five merkins and time was called.

Announcements:  Pushing rocks signup is today (last day), We sang Happy Birthday to Montross.

TAP:  Huck, Ocho (employment), Jackson Hall, Jackson Curry, Montross’ Aunt, Jane Fonda (house), Gumby (mom), Broke (mom), children and joy and those dealing with life long illnesses, Dr. Suess’s dad, Bubba Sparxxx (Surgery)


Name-O-Rama and YHC took us out


My Birthday Q – 56 and counting

Today is my 56th birthday and what a great to celebrate by Qing a workout. Big turn out of PAX, with 3 Ruckers and 1 runner.

The Mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership”



19x – Don Q

68 – SSH

56 – Mountain Climbers

The Thang

7 burpees at each island (8)

Mosey to lower parking lot

5 exercises (10 reps) with 6 laps around parking lot

HR Merkins


Monkey Humpers


Big boys

Line up along fence for a couple rounds

Wall sits

Shoulder taps

Mosey back to Shovel Flag for COT

The Pledge


Praises and Prayer Requests

YHC closed us in prayer.

Thank you men for your support and allowing me to lead you this morning.

Breaker Breaker

Eat Right Live Right – Painlab 1.20.24

Partner work:
Partner 1 (or even 2) Lunges to middle of lot then mosey to end for 5 of:
Merkin/CDD/Derkin/Dips/Squats/maybe something else

While partner 2(or even 1) using coupon:
Curl/O/H Press/O/H Triceps/Weighted Squat/Chin Press

Modified Partner Triple Nickel:
Curls and Dips either side of parking lot, meet in middle for 5 Booyah Merkins.  5/5/5

4 Corners with:  10/20/30/40 – Up and back
Merkins/Heel Raise/Squats/Flutters

Only slightest bit of Mary


Mission at Members Only

Weather was great and there were plenty of HIMs present. We talked about mission and what it does for our community/team.

Pushing rocks sign up by 1/20

Bubba surgery Friday
Jackson hall
Jaxson Curti
Flood storm victims

YHC prayed.

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