F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Page 69 of 917

Never got a name

We had four for five miles of EC.  Stroganoff expressed shock that Maybelline was on time for the EC.

We returned to the Gashouse as the PAX were assembling for the Painlab or Gashouse beatdown and Dolph was there with his 2.0 Dijon.  Great to see the legend himself looking as jacked as ever.

YHC warmed up the group and then we split.  The Bootcampers pledged at the flag and then moseyed up to the business park for some work.  We did some Broga at the bottom of the hill and then hit a jailbreak to the top of the hill.  Let’s just say, Dolph hasn’t lost a step, Wojo is a bolt of lightning, but Dijon looked like Usain Bolt.  #Humbled

We moseyed back during recovery for some partner 100 merkins as fast as possible and then went up again.  We did some bearcrawls and then one minute of tic tac toe.  We used the parking line to imagine a hashtag and jumped in a pattern for one minute.  The coordination required to do this must be too much if you are over 25 I guess.  It was a debacle.

We then moseyed to the back of the library for some Dora.  YHC was getting crushed by the site Q because we were making it up on the fly this morning.  50 burpees, 100 merkins, and 150 squats with one squat jump at the top.
Then lunge walk up the side of the library.  Wojo came back to life on this one.

We then did a relay plank sprint across the traffic island near the book return, followed up by a three minute wall sit that went over real well.

We moseyed to the pharmacy for MARY while PAX ran around the building.  We were going to mosey back to the start but Dolph called Jailbreak at the parking lot and so the PAX returned a couple minutes early.  We held a plank and started COT while we waited for the church bells to ring, signaling the end.

It was a good old school beatdown with good mumblechatter.  In spite of the heckling for not having a weinke, hopefully the delivered beatdown was acceptable for all who chose to come out.

Announcements:  Pushing Rocks starts this Thurday.  The halfpipe is open.

Prayer requests:  WOJO’s dad, Dolph’s relatives and coworkers grandmothers passing.   Turtleman and family.  Huckleberry,  Anchorman

The part about being humbled during a workout is a great lesson.  Some guys are in better shape or better in certain things.  That’s life.   Just don’t quit trying.

Always a pleasure to lead.



FRC est. 2019

6 HIM showed at 4:45 for what’s hopefully the last unofficial running of FRC from Belmont Central. This is what happened…

A great route was planned, and the only problem was it was 65 degrees! Way to warm compared to temps that have been in the low 20s of late.

We headed out on the way, lots of good conversation, even the idea of having an official AO song came up. Seuss won’t sing that either. Some of us finished a little early and that’s ok, everyone made it back safely in the end. FYI Ruckers are welcome at FRC too. Until next week, Sargento out!

Announcements – FRC will start at 4:40 next week, Pushing Rocks starts 2/1, Krispy Kreme Challenge Saturday 2/3 (2 spots left in clowncar), Monday devotion after LifeLine, Rice n Beans opportunity soon (see Anchorman)

Prayers – Praise for all being well, John Mattox (church friend of YHC with Afib)

Distance Matters

After disappointing Strava the day before at The Labyrinth, YHC was determined to put in enough distance to satisfy Strava.

Last week at The Pub, the discussion centered around which direction of the Defib route was worse as we ran it the regular way.. This week, we’d run it in reverse to have a sample of each.

  1. Seems like the majority of the PAX had put in some EC so everyone was ready to go.

The Pledge.

Reverse Defib route… Heard there were only 3 hills but after about 9, YHC wasn’t sure which climb was the worst.

A caucus was formed to see which route was preferred. More hands were raised for the reverse, but I’m not really sure about the integrity of the votw.

Pushin Rocks starts 2/1
Tobacco Road 4/27
Ville to Ville – Termite looking for runners
Speed For Need at Community Foundation Run
Lifeline coffeteria starting 1/29
Folsom Winter Nationals 2/10 – All other AOs closed
Night to Shine 2/9 – see Maybelline for details

Prayer Requesta
Luke Newsom – Broke Coworker’s son in an accident
Virus’s Father-in-law

Prayer to take us out

Until next time…

Tequila Sunrise 1/26/24

Started off the morning watching the FRC hold an unofficial COT while we enjoyed a few minutes of fellowship in the warm weather before our 5:30 start.

Began with the pledge, then 5 burpees for the train



mosey to the basketball court, counted off and began the warmup:

Side straddle hops

Gravel picker

Don q

Mosey to the tennis courts for the Thang:

1. Pain train

  1. Hand release Mericans > bear crawl > shoulder jacks 
  2. 1+ lunge walk > Mike Tyson > high knees back > shoulder jacks > run
  3. 1+2+ duck walk > v-ups > karaoke > Mike Tyson > high knees > shoulder jacks > run

2 . 4 corners stack, run a lap in between

  1. Sumo squat
  2. Lbc (making sure to get our back evenly wet)
  3. Cdd
  4. spider man

What goes up must go down. Removing from the stack with a lap in between

3. Dora

  1. Merican x100
  2. Wall sit  hold 2 laps each
  3. Low plank hold 3 laps each

Run back




  • Monday lifeline Cherie berrie vq and devotional/coffee
  • Koaid q at Ts
  • Sammy’s 2nd f tonight 5:30
  • Rice and beans Feb 13. HC to anchorman


  • Ocho job
  • Virus father in law
  • Flinstone mom – virus and health issues
  • Bubba sparks and Montana healing
  • Whatsupp back issues

Chili No Slaw

5 Pax were not deterred by the rain on Thursday evening. It held off and no one really got wet. Slaw was MIA again and there was a discussion about changing Chili’s name to Chili No Slaw. Below is what we did.


Mosey to the shelter.

The Thang:

We did various upper, core, and lower body exercises via a timer with rest built in between sets. After a full round we ran to the lake and back.


Announcements-A search party to find Slaw is forming. Stay tuned for more info.

Prayer Request-Life is good. Praise report from Purple haze on his wife.


Warming Up

It was a not frigid day at Ground Assault where 8 runners (including the learning not-be-late Alma Mater) and 3 ruckers headed into the gloom. The route went to Kevin Loftin Park. We finished strong and everyone was glad they posted. That’s how F3 works!

Announcements – Devotion after LifeLine starting Monday, Rice N Beans opportunity coming up

Prayer Requests – Seuss’ dad had surgery today, Ocho job search, PAX recovering, Jane Fonda house repair, John Mattox with Afib

It came down to the sprint

Good crowd at Midoriyama this Tuesday afternoon and much better weather than last week. Started off with a few stretches then took a mosey up to the parking lots at the soccer field to do some work.


Started out with 10 to 1.

10 Dirty Hookups then run to middle island

10 IW Squats then run to opposite sidewalk

10 Big Boys then run back to start

Rinse and repeat down to 1, but take two laps around the parking lots after Round of 6 and Round of 1 are completed.


Next up was 5 minutes of mayhem.

5 PF Merkins, 5 Hammers, 5 Jump Squats, 5 In and Outs then run a lap.

Rinse and repeat until time.


I announced that the winner would receive a prize and it was neck and neck with Defib and Wiki all the way to end with Seuss close behind. Wiki edged out Defib on the sprint finish with Freight providing the play by play and encouragement (maybe discouragement if you’re Defib). Turns out the prize was nothing more than letting the winner and second place finisher pick the exercises for the last part of the workout. Kind of a let down, but it got the desired results.


5 Burpee’s and 5 Dying Cockroaches at each pole going back to the flag.


Finished up with 3 minutes of Mary.



Pushing rocks challenge starts 2/1

Get up with Defib if you want to run Tobacco Road Relay

Termite needs 2 runners for V2V Relay

Winter Nationals at Folsom on 2/10 – all other AO’s closed

Rice and Beans 2/13

Half Pipe re-opens officially in February


Pray for Luke Newsome, Virus’ family, Huck, Bubba Sparxx, Ball Joint, Wojo’s dad


Remember that you don’t just post for yourself, be there for the man beside you.

YHC took us out.

I’m Broke

Finish Together

As of today those who are participating in the MABA challenge should be around 2,500 Burpees for the month.

Today we complete the required 100 burpees together.

The Thang

warm up

5 burpees per pole to the flag. 45

5 hillibilly squats, 10 shoulder taps, 15 mo rockin nght clubs, 20 calf raises,

take a lap x 4

back to the flag with 5 burpees per light, 90

We then did some ab work 20 each followed by you guessed it the last 10 burpees.

with a few minutes left we did some Iron Hulk.

It sucked but we finished together.



Strava must be a female

You’ll have to wait until the end for the explanation. The lead-up to that realization went something like this…

Showed up to Pelican’s to find several vehicles in the parking lot and a scene that could be truly called “the gloom”.

0530 so let’s go. Quick disclaimer.

The Pledge

SSH IC x 17
Needed some help getting moving so a lap around Pelican’s.
Merkins x 17
Another lap around the building
LBCs IC x 17 (these were popular given the cold wet pavement)
Another lap around the building
Imperial Walkers IC x 17
Another lap around the building with a mosey continuing down the street towards Gastone’s Hill.

Stop at the Family Medicine building parking lot for a round of Elevens
10 Mike Tysons and 1 Jump Squat
You know the deal… Repeat until 1 Mike Tyson and 10 Jump Squats

Mosey to Gastone’s Hill. And then up Gastone’s Hill. And then down Gastone’s Hill.

Next round up the hill was Route 66 with Merkins stopping at each mailbox.

At the top, Flutter Kicks IC x 17. Crunchy Frogs IC x 7. LBCs IC x 10. (or something like this…)

Mosey back down the hill. Back towards the flag, but more Route 66 with stops at the light posts and Squats.

With time remaining and no desire to do Mary on the wet pavement to close, we moseyed to the mini-wall for Mary on the Wall.

Step-Ups – 10 each leg
Dips IC x 10
Derkins x 7 (once again, counts are estimated based on memory)

Mosey to the flag.

Night to Shine 2/9 (See Maybelline for details)
Folsom Winter Nationals – Convergence 2/10

Prayer Requests
Mason and Cherry families
EZ Rider’s Mother-in-law’s sister passed away
Member of EZ Rider’s Father-in-law’s church

Prayer to take us out…

So you may be wondering how it was determined that Strava is a female. About half-way through the workout, I noticed my watch was not tracking my distance. This happens about 4-5 times a year when it doesn’t pick up the GPS signal before starting the workout even though it says it has picked it up (That’s not how we know Strava’s a female). When the workout was over, I ended the workout on my watch but got the message, “Strava needs a longer activity to upload. Do you want to discard this one?” I read that message out loud to which one of the PAX responded, “That’s what she said.” My activity was inadequate for Strava. Public embarrassment. Hate to see it. Guess we’ll try again next time…

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