F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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85% Tesla at The Yank

Well, YHC had one hell of a week! DC, West Virginia, sick since Tuesday, not really feeling it.  Struggled Thursday. But got it going at least 85% for a lead at The Yank. Went like this:


SSH X 20

IWs X 20

Grass pickers X 20

Tesla Stretches

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Up to the field of Dreams:

4 Corners: Go to corner and do work, then 5 burpees back in the center

Halfpipe as follows:

20 stepups

Down to the bottom, 1 burpee

Over to the pull up bars 5X

Monkey Humpers.

back to the top.

Repeat 3X

1st corner: HR merkins X 10

2 – Big boys X 20

3- CDDs X 30

4- Squats X 40

Corner of Knowledge

Dips, Steups, Dirkins, Inverterted Big Boys

Set 1 – 10 each, run short lap

Set 2 – 15, run short lap

Set 3 – 20 , run short lap

Set up on the crosswalk,

Burpee Broad jump to the middle crosswalk

Lunge walk back

Field of dreams for the Bear crawl slalom (we went across the field)

Chop -Chop X 5

Triple nickel on heartbreak hill (got 3 done)

Plank jacks (bottom)

Squats (top)

Done! Pledge and COT

NMM: This was pretty upbeat for a small but quality crowd. Good work by all! Fun to lead The Yank.

Members Only (NOT Ground Assault) 5/5

4 runners, 3 ruckers, and everyone stayed for Q Source (“Study”) and coffee at Member’s Only.


5/15- 2nd F Lunch-  @ Ray’s Smokehouse

5/18- Extinction Run @ 9:00 am

Memorial Day Murph

Choo-Choo VQ at Mt. Hollywood

Prayer Requests:


Next few weeks as schools wrap up

  • Students testing EOGs and EOCs
  • Teachers and schools


Jackson Curdy

Q Source: “Study”

  • Q1.11 (Study) delves into the power of DAILY exploration into the foundations of faith. At its core, this concept advocates for a deliberate and consistent commitment to studying, reflecting upon, and engaging with the principles and teachings of one’s faith tradition.
  • Faith is not static but dynamic- a living, breathing aspect of our lives
  • This notion underscores the importance of setting a time each day to immerse oneself in the wisdom and insights of sacred texts, teachings, and spiritual practices.
  • Engaging in these practices regularly cultivates a deeper understanding of our beliefs, values, and purpose in life.
  • These daily habits can lead to profound insights, personal growth, and spiritual awakening.
  • Through consistent study and reflection, individuals may gain clarity on their life’s purpose, find solace in times of adversity, and develop a greater sense of connection with the divine.
  • Challenges & obstacles arise in our daily practice: distractions, busyness, doubt, and complacency. We are encouraged to persevere in the commitment to daily study, trusting that even small, consistent efforts can yield significant spiritual rewards over time.

Questions posed to the group:

(1) What specific practices or rituals do you engage in to explore your faith on a daily basis?

  • Setting alarms throughout the day to stop and pray even for a second
  • Subscribe to a daily email that provides encouraging messages
  • Reading the morning messages of encouragement on Slack

(2) What challenges or obstacles do you experience in maintaining a daily exploration of your faith?

Enjoyed the discussion, sharing of ideas, and encouragement. Thank you for the opportunity to lead today!

Alma Mater



Figure 8

Quick  Warm up with some side stradle hop and we ran around the school to meet back in the parking lot and it went something like this:

Figure 8 pattern run each corner had two exercises at them.  Each exercise done 8 rounds of 8 X each. Each run was mixed up with skips, sprints, etc.

Merkins and Crunch frogs

StarJacks and deep squats (supposedly … form)

LBC and  Freddy Mercury ( spelling maybe)

Morroccan Knights and Shoulder Press

Ran back to the circle and its all over but the crying. Thx for letting me lead

Crossroads 5-5-24

7 including myself logged some miles this morning.

8 studied the topic of study

Remember what you put in will come out. If you are studying good and positive things then that is the way you will be leading throughout the week. Keep pushing the rock..

Prayers for family’s of fallen officers,

Unspoken and other pax’s

Until next time



Tesla’s missing post – The Goat

The forecast of rain didn’t stop 8 PAX from showing up on time in the early morning gloom.

In typical Tesla fashion, 5:30 rolled around and the Q was MIA. Having planned for this eventuality, YHC and Watts Up led the mosey across the bridge to the pavilion where the pax performed a series of exercises on the benches.

The Thing:

20x each dips, ‘Mericans, Step Ups, CDD, stacking up the ladder with a lap around the park in between each rung.

Workout Q did show up at some point during the workout and proceeded to take over the balance of the work.

We moseyed back to F&B for some Mary, COT and pledge.

Backblast courtesy of YHC

continued prayers for:

Anchorman, Jackson Curti, Termite



Extinction run 5/18 – donations, sign ups and volunteers needed

Younglife golf tournament is 5/13 and there is still room available for teams.

Bright Lights

The classic Coconut Horse loop was vacant again, as we had 4 ruckers and a modified route runner at the Horse this morning.  With race season over after yesterday’s Tobacco Road Relay, I guess the runners are all licking their wounds (YHC included).

QSource today was on “The Law of the Process” from John Maxwell’s 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, and there were a lot of good takes.  Whoopee and Defib joined choosing to give the legs a break after a long day running the day before.  Key points from the chapter:

  • Investing in growth is a daily process, and we don’t get 50 year results in 50 minutes
  • Events are great, but processes are transformational
  • Teddy Roosevelt may have had the biggest stones.  Once, he was shot prior to a speech, but insisted on delivering the one-hour speech with a broken rib and a bullet in his chest.
  • To grow leaders in your organization, find opportunities to lead in small ways.  As they show their capable, give them greater opportunities.
  • Consistency is the key

One lesson that showed up again that always seems to hit home is about being prepared.  As quoted in the book from Benjamin Disraeli, “The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his time when it comes.”  But another quote from Joe Frazier with a different spin is the one that got to me today:

“You can map out a fight plan or a life plan, but when the action starts, you’re down to your reflexes.  That’s where your road work shows.  If you cheated on that in the dark of the morning, you’re getting found out now under the bright lights.”

See those “Bright Light” moments are coming, and who we are in The Gloom, and on a Tuesday afternoon at work, or a Sunday evening with our families, all of that stuff matters.  It’s not a pressure, so much as an urgency.  Because if we’re men of action and we don’t cheat or take the easy way out, we’ll be as ready as we can be for our time when it comes.

We have to give our reflexes a fighting shot of getting us through in bright light situations, and it comes with preparation.  Sometimes, like a relay or a job interview or our kids leaving to go off to college, we get some warning about when our time is coming.  We’d be foolish or short-sighted to be unprepared in these situations, and yet it happens because our lives are so full.  A lot of times though, we don’t get to know when the action is going to start and the bright lights shine on us.  With preparation through hard work, building and supporting others, and a little bit of faith, we can get through.

The connections and clarity from being a part of a group that cares about how we’re all living are so valuable to me.  I appreciate all of your support.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Last Minute Q

Got to Old School for some EC and realized that Open had the Q again. Reached out to Wirenut and he was gracious enough to let YHC steal it. Trying to get back into the boot camps after some back issues so might as well control what we do.

No weinke was prepared and it was a pretty basic workout. We stacked some exercises on the track, did a 3 Way on Kotter Corner and then a meandering mosey back to the flag.

Extinction run 5/18

Pray for CMPD, US Marshals, Gumby family, Wirenut family and Hall family.

YHC took us out.

I’m Broke


Goonie 2024

The movie Goonies is a 1985 kids movie that became a cult classic and remains one of the most watched movies of all time.  Without spoiling it (for our Nantan) its about a group of kids with big imaginations, its about wonder, its about taking on seemingly impossible tasks and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.  In short its about making the impossible seem possible.  Over the years the pax of F3 Gastonia have taken on seemingly impossible tasks such as the blue ridge relay, marathons, a “Moron”, and multiple runnings of the Mortimer.  But as Whoopee said however, this was at least in the top 15 of stupid things he has done in his 54 years (that’s no small feat).

With a name like the Goonie and with pax of all levels of fitness I was tasked with coming up with a challenging Completely Stupid And Utterly Pointless event.   To entice (read coerce) participation, YHC put out on slack a somewhat cryptic / brief description of this event 2 months ago that described a 10+ mile ruck with the catch of starting at the ungodly hour of 3am.  The idea was that just about anyone who posts regularly can ruck 10 miles but only someone who “gets” F3 would wake up at 2 am to be ready to ruck for nearly 4 hours.

Sure enough 23 pax answered the call this morning not really knowing much more about what was in store except a ruck and a 3am start – talk about blind faith.  When I discussed this earlier in the week with some pax who were on the fence (Timeframe) it became clear that the “sacrifice” of posting was in the pax best interest.  It was about making tough choices – like sacrificing beers on Friday night for exercise on Saturday morning.  It was about being there for new guys who have never done a CSAUP.  And just as most difficult/challenging tasks in life are,  you may not like the work you put in at the time, but in the end you are glad you did.

As I pulled in the parking lot at 2:40am there were already 3 pax there waiting including Bed Pan, Roscoe and BOS.  Some pax just can’t get enough.  Over the next 20 mins 19 more pax came in (some hot) and one a little late who was “misled” by some chatter on Slack into thinking it was 3:30 start – Without mentioning names the Comz Q seems to have some trouble with comz and had to play catch up.  At 3am sharp YHC handed out t-shirts to those who arrived early and began to explain what to expect.  But first the price of admission was 5 “ruckees” OYO.

The thang:

The pax would be split up into groups of 5 with each group receiving a coupon that they would be responsible for bringing along the route.  There would be 4 pain stations along the way with exercises to be performed.  The route would take the pax from the Schiele to Advanced Autoparts on New Hope for the first pain station.  There the pax would take off the ruck and use them to do 50 overhead presses, 100 curls and 150 squats. Next ruck to Publix for 4 corners but first repeat the exercises from last station.  Yes the exercises would stack as we moved from one station to the next, a real crowd pleaser as the morning wore on.  Next ruck to Pelicans for the same exercises plus de-escalating four corners.  The four corners consisted of escalating 10 merkins, 20 American hammers, 30 Big Boys, and 40 Flutters followed by de-escalating the exercises at each corner.  That set off some mumble chatter about ab work and number of reps, how great the Q was etc.   Finally we moseyed to greenway where an Easter egg was waiting.  Near the Garrison tunnel we got into the creek ankle deep (that’s balls deep to Tiger and me) to cool off and do 10 Merkins, 10 LBCs and 10 SSH.  Although the water wasn’t particularly cold it tasted pretty nasty.  Again lots of mumble chatter – something about Chlamydia or urine – I couldn’t tell with the sound of the rushing water but I’m sure they were complimenting me on finding such a picturesque spot to cool off.   Adding wet clothes to blistering feet and bums was a real crowd pleaser.  Most were thankful we were almost back to the Schiele at this point.  Finally we arrived at the last pain station – Lineberger park, where YHC had to Omaha and called 11s with shoulder taps and LBCs without stacking the previous exercises so we could make it back on time for Whoopee’s pain lab Q.

When all as said and done we covered just over 11 miles, no one died, no one quit, no one smashed their block along the way in frustration and most seemed to enjoy at least parts of the event. But most importantly everyone grew.

The 23 pax who completed the CSAUP got to know their fellow pax a little better by collectively suffering through a 4 hour ruck/bootcamp and in the end will take this experience and memory with them to make future life obstacles just a little easier.  And like Whoopee said we do these things for not only for ourselves but also for our fellow man. (Iron sharpens Iron! Prov 27:17.)  My sincere thanks to all who made this one of  the most memorable events in my 9 years in F3.

Until next time

Defib out

The Fighting Yank – May 4, 2024

YHC stole the Q this morning at the Yank. Not that I had intended on getting up and working out, but when I awoke from my sleep at 6 a.m. and was wide awake, I was like let’s go workout.

Seeing no FNG’s, I gave my typical disclaimer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

1/4 Mosey
10 Windmill IC
10 Toy Soldier IC
10 Imperial Walker IC
10 Merkins IC

BEATDOWN #1  (Elevens):
10 squats – 1 Plank Jack

FOUR CORNERS (Escalating)
10 Merkins
20 Lunges
30 Seal Jacks (Eh Yall made an apperance at this corner)
40 Monkey Humpers for Bos who made an appearance at this corner.

Mosey to the corner of Myrtle and Main for some work.
10 derkins
10 irkins
10 mike tyson’s
10 hand release merkins
10 dips
10 step ups (count one side)

Headed over the old Belmont Middle School track. At each loop we did an ab excersise.

  • 25 flutter kicks (count one side)
  • 25 american hammers
  • 25 alternating shoulder taps
  • 25 mountain climbers

Myrtle Road Climb (Escalating)

  • 5 Jump Squats
  • 5 Imperial Walker Squats
  • 5 Carolina Dry Docks
  • 5 Big Boys
  • 5 Burpees (this was the last)

Wrapped up at COT with announcements and prayers.



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