F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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The Socratic Method comes to Members Only

We had a lot of ruckers this morning and one runner. A god Qsource representation to go into Q2.0. YHC does it a little differently and for a reason when it comes to teaching the material there. I think it’s a little wordy from time to time and guys tend to just read it sometimes. I want to throw an alternative on the table for you guys to follow that goes like this:

Read the material and make a few notes to hit the main points.

The main points can begin with the Socratics and expand from there.

Teach by asking questions of the group. Ger everyone involved. Reach out to guys that normally don’t talk and get them involved.

Don’t get hung up on a lot of the verbiage in that book. Dredd can get a little wordy and the best way to navigate that I find is to summarize it and pick out the main points and roll with them.

Keep a time limit on getting through the material or you’ll never get through it. So be of a mind to move forward.

Be able to do a good summary and/or “closing argument”.

That said do it your way! But don’t get bogged down in the wordiness of it all. There is a bigger picture there and that’s what you want to get at.


Tornado Alley

5/9 Folsom the morning after the storm. 5 HIM made the trek through treacherous terrain and downed trees and power lines to get in a workout. It was still nasty out so I Omahed my workout and our normal starting location to the shed at the lower lot. Here we did several exercises for timed rounds. At the end of each round we took a quick lap around the lower parking lot. We did this for several rounds until time was up. Nothing spectacular but we got in some good work.



Too Much Running and Reps

Folsom 5/2 we had 5 show up to run way too much for a boot camp. Close to 4 on my watch. We also got in several rounds of Burpees, Bonnie Blairs, Merkins, Squats, & LBCs to go along with the extended moseys.

COT, Praise, Prayers, Announcements


Butt Suck

Yep that got your attention didn’t it? Pervert! That reminds me of a piece of wisdom a dear friend recently said that he passed on to his daughter. All men are perverts. It’s true and it’s probably good to pass that along to your daughter at some point. She needs to know ahead of time. Anyway back on track. At the Rabbit Friday Wirenut said he didn’t expect anyone to be at Old School because everyone would go to Folsom to suck on my butt. I thought it was hilarious and crazy because I just can’t see myself being that kind of popular. I have to apologize to too many people to have that kind of popularity. I don’t know how many he had show up and probably won’t for a while due to his delayed BB writing. I think he owes several now.


Stretches then mosey to the road. On the road I instructed the PAX that this was a part of the warmup so take it easy as we did 5 merkins, 10 squats, and 15 LBC’s at each tree on the right(7). We threw in 5 burpees at 2 light poles. Mosey back to the blocks.

The Thang:

Block swings and Hillbilly’s with reps being 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3 on the block swings and the hillbilly’s starting at 3 going up. The old men lined up together and protested. After this we carried our blocks over to the tennis courts and left them for later. Mosey to the amphitheater. Triangle triple nickel using the sidewalks. 5 Aus. mtn climbers(count one leg), 5 WW2’s, and 5 Flying squirrels. Mosey back to the tennis courts. With the block do 20 thrusters and run a lap. 30 Alpos and run a lap. 40 Curls and run a lap. Take the blocks back then mosey over to the shack at the tennis courts. 1 minute of each-wall taps(actually roof taps), wall sit, and BTTW. After that we did a round of 30 seconds. We finished off with a couple of minutes of mary.



Announcements-Murph on Monday

Prayer Requests-Turtleman and his family

Something about a beaver

Whoopee called for a five mile EC ruck and BOS, Flintstone, and Roscoe answered. Roscoe saw a beaver and has an awkward video to prove it (insert middle school boy joke here.)

Capt Stubing turned 50 around 8am and joined Winehouse for a run. Shortsale and YHC rucked w a walking Defib, too sore from helping Tooltime move yesterday.

Q source discussion revolved around Maxwell’s 21 irrefutable laws – this one on the Law of Respect.

Announcements: the Deliverance starts June 3rd (cue the banjo). Snooze AO returns Friday in McAdenville, Murph tomorrow at the Sandlot 0700. Mount Hollywood and the Sword still on, Life Line closed for Memorial Day.

Prayer requests: Turtleman, Gavel, Anchorman


Good crowd at Crossroads for a holiday weekend. Some of the regulars were missing; Gumby was glamping, Def was having a jam session with his band and Slawbag was…who knows, he just wasn’t there. Those that did show put in some work and then stayed for a discussion on how to change the values, beliefs or attitudes about a topic through Influence.

Don’t forget there’s a Murph at Martha’s tomorrow at 7am and a Site Q change at The Sword.

Prayers for Turtleman and family, Gavel’s family and those traveling. Remember those who sacrificed for the freedoms we enjoy.

Mayor took us out.
I’m Broke


Celebration Qs

Just before we celebrated a great Extinction Run we celebrated at The Yank. Jane Fonda was getting married that evening and I turned 39. We also had a PAX in town from Atlanta. You should’ve been there.

Pledge of Allegiance

Jane Fonda warned us up for about 13 minutes then put in about 2-3 minutes of hard work. I messed up my addition of 3+9 and it all went down hill from there.


Memorial Day Murph 0700 at Martha Rivers Park
PT test at every AO 6/1
6/22 clean up after bootcamp at The Yank

Jane Fonda’s marriage

Yours truly prayed


Time for a ruck training thing, so if you are man enough, keep reading. I’ve been wanting to do this for a LONG time. I just didn’t know if I could. I guess I just got tired of hearing myself talk about it so I’m going to give it a shot because it’s not going to get any easier.

I am going to try to do the Free 12 Week GORUCK Heavy Training Plan and Guide starting on Monday, June 3. It’s 3 months of pain with escalating workouts that can be scaled to whatever workload you need. It has 2 rest days per week built into the guide. The plan will be to do these workouts at an existing AO that will change from week to week depending on participation and interest. I’ll put something on Slack either on a weekly or daily basis to keep everyone that is interested on track. I plan to show up at whatever AO is scheduled and run this workout simultaneously either solo or (hopefully) with a few of you. In other words it will be dualing workouts…..like dualing banjos……thus the name will be DELIVERANCE. I was considering this as the name and about 10 minutes before I started writing this, one of my girls walked downstairs and announced she just starting reading the book Deliverance so I figured it was a sign from God that I needed to go with this name…..

So if you are interested, get started rucking at least some now to get ready for next week starting JUNE 3 and look over the above training guide to get a little taste of what is coming. Prepping now with daily Merkins, Squats, SSH, and LBCs would be a good idea both for our regular PT test and preparing for some of this pain. All you will need is a ruck and occasionally some kind of weight (sandbag, dumbbell, kettlebell, bricks, jerry can,…..pretty much anything). I will occasionally come for EC before because some of the suggested workouts will last longer than 45 minutes (you can come early or do other stuff on your own at home). Depending on my work schedule I will either have a planned day off (rest) or someone else can Q the workout. If we don’t finish the workout, you may have some suggested homework to do. Part way through we will possibly have a CSAUP…..stay tuned for that. At the end, any and all participants will be invited for a MeatFest protein load meal to celebrate completing this. Think about a great meal followed by 4-6 hours of the meat sweats…….mmmmm, good!!!

Hope to see some of you there on Monday, June 3 at SANDLOT. This starts with a 1 mile ruck with a sandbag (they suggest 60#) so get off your arse and get to work. It’s gonna be great.



8 Pax came out for my birthday Q at Midoriyama. I mentioned that I am now 20 and that I was born in the year 2004. After it was said there was some mumblechatter on how young I am and how old the rest of the Pax were. I explained most of the exercises would consist of 20s and or 4s but not exclusively.

Warm Up:

I don’t remember

Lap around the parking lot to the blocks meet in the corner of the parking lot


4 rounds of 4 different exercises with 20 reps each

First Round

20 merkins on block

20 pull throughs

20 squats with block

20 tricep extension

Take a lap

Second Round

20 overhead press

20 bicep curls

20 block swings

20 chest press

Take a lap

Third Round

20 blockys

20 jumps over block

20 heels over block

20 American hammers

Take a lap

Fourth Round

20 thrusters

20 rocky balboas

20 merkins

20 Alpoes

Take a lap

Then we did 11s

Overhead press and Merkins

Put blocks up

Mosey over to the wall for wall sits while one person runs around the building until everybody has ran.

20 merkins to end.

Thanks to all the Pax who showed. Very grateful for the privilege to be sharpened physically and spiritually by all these great men.

Proverbs‬ ‭27‬:‭17‬ ‭
“Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.”



New Roads and Epithets

3 ran and 3 didn’t as FRC began at our old time from a new location.  Sargento came to YHCs rescue, at my request for new roads, and came up with a new route..and more than a few choice words about our missing comrades.

Nice run today! All pax welcome!


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