• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 05/25/2024
  • AO: Folsom
  • QIC: Freight
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Def Leppard, Blart, Pony Boy, Broke, Pallbearer, Sarlacc, Woody, Dr Seuss, Pockets, Flintstone, Boondock

Yep that got your attention didn’t it? Pervert! That reminds me of a piece of wisdom a dear friend recently said that he passed on to his daughter. All men are perverts. It’s true and it’s probably good to pass that along to your daughter at some point. She needs to know ahead of time. Anyway back on track. At the Rabbit Friday Wirenut said he didn’t expect anyone to be at Old School because everyone would go to Folsom to suck on my butt. I thought it was hilarious and crazy because I just can’t see myself being that kind of popular. I have to apologize to too many people to have that kind of popularity. I don’t know how many he had show up and probably won’t for a while due to his delayed BB writing. I think he owes several now.


Stretches then mosey to the road. On the road I instructed the PAX that this was a part of the warmup so take it easy as we did 5 merkins, 10 squats, and 15 LBC’s at each tree on the right(7). We threw in 5 burpees at 2 light poles. Mosey back to the blocks.

The Thang:

Block swings and Hillbilly’s with reps being 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3 on the block swings and the hillbilly’s starting at 3 going up. The old men lined up together and protested. After this we carried our blocks over to the tennis courts and left them for later. Mosey to the amphitheater. Triangle triple nickel using the sidewalks. 5 Aus. mtn climbers(count one leg), 5 WW2’s, and 5 Flying squirrels. Mosey back to the tennis courts. With the block do 20 thrusters and run a lap. 30 Alpos and run a lap. 40 Curls and run a lap. Take the blocks back then mosey over to the shack at the tennis courts. 1 minute of each-wall taps(actually roof taps), wall sit, and BTTW. After that we did a round of 30 seconds. We finished off with a couple of minutes of mary.



Announcements-Murph on Monday

Prayer Requests-Turtleman and his family