• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 05/14/2024
  • AO: Midoriyama
  • QIC: Wikileaks
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Freight, Slaw, Dr. Suess, Blart, Def Leppard, Chili, Defib

8 Pax came out for my birthday Q at Midoriyama. I mentioned that I am now 20 and that I was born in the year 2004. After it was said there was some mumblechatter on how young I am and how old the rest of the Pax were. I explained most of the exercises would consist of 20s and or 4s but not exclusively.

Warm Up:

I don’t remember

Lap around the parking lot to the blocks meet in the corner of the parking lot


4 rounds of 4 different exercises with 20 reps each

First Round

20 merkins on block

20 pull throughs

20 squats with block

20 tricep extension

Take a lap

Second Round

20 overhead press

20 bicep curls

20 block swings

20 chest press

Take a lap

Third Round

20 blockys

20 jumps over block

20 heels over block

20 American hammers

Take a lap

Fourth Round

20 thrusters

20 rocky balboas

20 merkins

20 Alpoes

Take a lap

Then we did 11s

Overhead press and Merkins

Put blocks up

Mosey over to the wall for wall sits while one person runs around the building until everybody has ran.

20 merkins to end.

Thanks to all the Pax who showed. Very grateful for the privilege to be sharpened physically and spiritually by all these great men.

Proverbs‬ ‭27‬:‭17‬ ‭
“Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.”
