F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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US Open Quarterfinals Workout

If any of you were playing in the quarterfinals of the US Open tennis championship this week, this workout is not for you. I’m sure you can easily complete it, but why drive all the way back to Gastonia when you have an important match in NYC?

WARM UP: Merkins, Shoulder Taps, LBCs, Squats, Imperial Walkers



10 Chest Presses, 10 Dips, 10 Derkins – 3 ROUNDS
10 Squats, Big Boy Sit ups, Monkey Humpers – 3 ROUNDS
5 Burpies, 10 Curls, 5 Burpies, 10 Arm Extensions – 3 ROUNDS
15 Kettle Bell Swings, 15 American Hammers, 15 Dying Cockroaches – 3 ROUNDS
15 Kettle Bell Swings, 15 Merkins, 15 LBCs – 3 ROUNDS

A couple of laps around the parking lot.

COT: Turtleman, Norwood, Tube’s M, Spiderman’s Father-in-Law

The Pub 9/7/2023

Nice showing of Mortimer veterans this morning (Missed you Breaker) for a humid 5 mile run.  2 pax even put in EC with step ups to train for the Chad 1000 on Nov 11th – good work pushing the rock Whoopee and Roscoe.  The route today was the  OG route — Martha’s and back.  Everyone sweat out at least 20 Liters.  I promise no more hot humid pub runs for the rest of the year!


Second ruck event  of the fall – Oct 21 in Belmont – check out he pre-blast

JJ5K 9/30


Roscoe’s mom recovering from knee surgery

Stroganoff and family



Until next time – Defib out

Looking for Breeze

7 HIM threw caution to the wind (although we never found it) and posted for a Defib Q in 90+ degree weather at Midoriyama on Tuesday Sept 5th.  I had planned to try to keep pax in shade as much as possible – here’s what happened.

Warmup – SSH, Merkins, Imperial walkers, grass pickers.

Mosey towards shelter near pond.  On way stopped in shade twice for some reverse burpees and Big Boys

At the picnic tables we did a series of sets of exercises:

Dips, Derkins, Reverse crunches, step ups, single leg squats, and decline CDDs ( a real crowd pleaser)

First set of 10 reps, then 15, 20 and 25 each.  After each set take a lap around shaded part of parking lot.  There was not a lot of mumblechatter but what I do recall was complaints about the lack of air movement under the shelter. – Noted – Lets go find some breeze.  So moseyed across the street parking lot for some 11’s – Mike Tysons and Big Boys.  You would think being out in open we would get some breeze (no such luck).  Before we could complete the 11s it was time to mosey back for pledge and COT.  Oh well maybe next time will be cooler.


2nd F lunch Pita Wheel downtown sept 20

JJ5K Sept 30


Wirenut, Happy Trees sons, Montross’s cousins baby, Purple Haze’s father

VQ Mama’s Boy – The Storm

Not sure if I’m doing this right, but here goes:

The Storm, 9/5/23

VQ: Mama’s Boy

Warm Up

15 Merkins, 20 Side straddle hops, 20 Gravel pickers, 20 Windmills

Mosey to the school entrance and then:

3 Times

40 Step ups (count all), 30 Dips, 20 Derkins

Mosey to bottom of the hill and then:

5 Times

Uphill sprint, 20 Good Form squats, Down Hill sprint, 20 lunges count both sides

AB Set for those waiting on runners

5 minutes max burpees

Mosey back to start point, remember burpee number, cut in half then do that many merkins

New Guard same Prison Break

Last week Montross passed the Site Q duties to left side and I was willing to take on the new challenge.

This is my first day on the job, I hope to do as well as the others in the past.

If you are looking for a challenge reach out to the site Q’s around you and step up.



2nd F lunch 9/20

JJ 5k coming up

Prayer request Jackson Hall, Huck, turtleman, and others.

The Bed Pan is full


IPX Week One at the Ricky Bobby

We had six at the Ricky Bobby for the IPX week one challenge.  it was a 45 Minute you versus you workout and it was horrible.

Flintstone allowed YHC to borrow some coupons and the course was laid out behind the school in the parking lot under a light with a stereo system just waiting to rock out to the best 80’s and 90’s metal and new wave.

Whoopee arrived first, followed by Defib, Kool Aid, Tesla.  We started two minutes early and pledged allegiance to the flag before heading to the AO.  Defib carried his own coupon like Linus with his blanket.  It had indentions on both ends, likely giving him an advantage in the grip department.  I may need to get one of those.

YHC gave instructions, hit the music, and the drill instructor from Runkeeper yelled at us to get started.  J2C came in hot and got to work a few seconds after we started.

Round one  80 total reps, alternating between 10 Flying Squirrels and 10 WW3 Situps with a block.  At five minutes, the drill instructor ordered us to do the MOT (Mode of transportation) and carry the block while lunge walking ten yards and back.

After 80 reps, move onto round two which was burpees over blocks and no cheat (perfect form) merkins, ten reps at a time for a total of 80 reps.  The MOT this round was murder bunnies

After 80 reps of these, move onto round three which consisted of 10 block thrusters and 10 Jillian Michaels for 80 total.   The MOT this round was the Block Rifle Carry.  Every five minutes the Drill instructor (I hate to say it) kind of gave us a break.

At the 42 minute mark (since we started a few minutes late), Kool Aid had to bolt.  The rest of us finished at 45 minutes totally soaked in sweat and shoulders smoking.  Defib even allowed me to car transport his coveted block back around to his car as I believe he fell out of love with it in those 45 minutes.

This was a suckfest.  There was very little mumblechatter with the exception of talking a little about what was playing on the speaker.  George Strait is playing in Atlanta in October.  Nobody got the band “Saga” from Linus’s old CD days, and Black Sabbath and Scorpions were crowd pleasers, although Whoopee doesn’t like “Mob Rules” by Sabbath.

I would say that week one was bad, and we can probably look forward to it getting worse from here.  I think a relay with multiple PAX would be a little more “fun”, F3 Waxhaw style.  You can’t pretend to like burpee over blocks, Jillian Michaels, Perfect Form Merkins, WW3 Situps, etc.

Respect to Defib who knocked out a gazillion reps.  The guy is a beast.  Whoopee was likely second but I could barely count my own reps so I have no idea.  Kool Aid left early but had like 1800 reps.  J2C and Tesla were on the other side and stayed busy beasting the reps.

All in all a successful Week one.

Prayers for Tesla’s son, Defib’s son, YHC’s son, Turtleman, YHC’s mom’s knee surgery today.

Always a pleasure to lead and thanks to Flintstone for the blocks.


Back to Laboring

Now that Labor day was behind us it was time to put in the werk!


Mosey to the bottom shelter for some Dips, Derkins, Daps (declined Shoulder Taps)


long mosey across the park to the flat parking lot. We did some Bobby Hurleys, then 11’s V-ups and Merkins.

Mosey to the flag pole we say the pledge then make short laps with 5 burpees completed after each lap.

The pax were hollering 3minutes Q so we moseyed back for some Mary.



2nd F Lunch 9/20 at Pita wheel Dallas

13 mile ruck for charity


Jackson Hall, Turtle man, Huck, and others. Westsides family member.

The Bed Pan is Full!

Sending the message

This morning we walked, and some ran.

Our focus of discussion was how Sarlacc stays consistent with sending the message to us all each morning.

I took the time to read the message he had posted that morning. More importantly we discussed how this act of caring for his fellow brother helps so many people. That continued to how we pray for others each day in the C.O.T.. Even for men and women we do not know we all pray that they will receive this blessing from God.

The Bedpan is Full!


Half Marathon Ruck

The event is simple, we’ll ruck 13.1 miles, but with an extra incentive for finishing the half marathon distance.  It will be a 2-loop course that is a combination of our Wednesday Ground Assault & Sunday Members Only ruck routes, and it will start at The Yank at 06:00.  Route maps will be provided the morning of the ruck.  Carrying your normal ruck weight is encouraged but you can participate with any amount of weight…..you versus you.  The 2-loop course will give you options to stop at your car at The Yank for supplies that you bring or at Harris Teeter for bathrooms or supplies that you can purchase.  We’ll gather at Everyday Market after the ruck for breakfast.

And here’s your extra incentive.   Each year, Least of These Carolinas (LOTC) provides Christmas presents for about 900 children in foster care.  Each child is able to send in a wish list of presents that they would like for Christmas and donors/volunteers take care of the rest to ensure they receive their presents on Christmas morning.  On average LOTC needs about $150 per child to fulfill their wishes,   Your part in making this happen is simple……for every person who finishes the half marathon ruck, a donation of $150 will be made in your name to LOTC to provide a child with all of their presents for Christmas this year.  That’s it, just finish.  The first 10 finishers/$1,500 of donations are covered.  If we end up with more than 10 finishers, there are options to get them covered too.  Let’s show them the heart of F3 Gastonia this Christmas!

12 hours of christmas

Additional info:

  • We’ll be starting in the dark, so come equipped with lights and reflective gear.  This is actually mandatory for you and your PAX’s safety.
  • Bring extra fluids and nutrition to leave in your car.
  • Bring money for necessities at Harris Teeter.
  • An extra pair of socks in case you need to change them halfway through.
  • Glide or other anti-chaffing products could come in handy.
  • A change of clothes for after.
  • Finish times will likely be in the 3.5 to 4.5 hour range, so the six should be in by 10:30 am or so.
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