F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Fighting Yank – 9/23/23

Mosey to back parking lot of old middle school where YHC parked car loaded with fun toys for all the PAX.


The Thang:

PAX divides into four groups, with each group bringing their coupon to their designated corner. They perform the specified exercises 10 times at each corner before proceeding to the next one. However, before moving on to the next corner, they must bring their coupon to the center for 2 burpees, and then they can proceed to the next corner.

Corner 1

O/H press

Bend over rows

Corner 2



Corner 3

Chest Presses

Flutter Kicks

Corner 4


Tricep ext

Center x2 blockees

Rinse and repeat for as many rounds as possible. I believe we completed about 6-7 rounds.

Mosey to The Yank



Prayer request

YHC closed us in prayer

Breaker Breaker

Tequila Sunrise – 9/22/23



Don Qs

Gravel pickers


Elbow planks – 60 seconds

Side planks – 30 secs each side

Bridge lifts per leg

Tesla special

Mountain Climbers

Mosey to tennis courts, along the way, stop at Legion Post for the pledge.

Station 1 – 30xToe Taps

Station 2 – L-Drill

Station 3 – Cross-over Jumps x 30

Station 4 – Single Leg Sprinter Jumps x 8 per leg

Station 5 – Side Lunges 10x each side

Station 6 – 40x SSH

Station 7 – Butt Kicks across courts, high knees coming back

Station 8 – suicides had court

Station 9 – Karaoke across court

Station 10 – 5 Burpees

Rinse and repeat until Q calls time


Hill Repeats at The Storm (09/19/23)

Maybelline was scheduled to Q this morning, however he wasn’t feeling well and put out on Slack Monday afternoon asking if anyone would take the Q for him. After several hours and no PAX stepping up to lead, what does a good site Q do, he takes the lead. Well, YHC had planned to do some hill repeats as EC Tuesday morning but decided to get a few extra minutes of sleep and incorporate the hills into the workout.

It’s 5:30am and time to put in the work!


The Pledge


The Thang

Mosey down to lower school entrance by Lakewood Drive for some Triple Nickle Hill work

At bottom of hill, 5xSSH, run to top of hill for 5xHRMs, rinse and repeat 5x. That is a long hill!

Mosey back down to the round about in front of school for a round of various called exercises and then up to the school for some more.

Back to shovel flag for COT


Prayer requests

YHC closed us in prayer.

Breaker Breaker

Return to Neverland

Men, never ignore that strong or silent voice in your head that tells you much like Rafiki, “ It is time!” When that sounds in your brainpan or ears telling you it’s been toooo dammmmmmnnnn long since you last led ….. so take up those reins … and giddy up!
Like so many Qs that I’ve led, this entire workout came to me in a flash, I mean it’s so simple, even a mailman can do it!

Arrive early … one truck … a few more will pull in giving us an even 5!

Give disclosure also announcing that for today and today ONLY! We shall not be known as The Labyrinth ….. but Neverland …. More later…

MNC Toy Soldiers Imp walkers and goofballs all IC (10x)
Complete circuit with 10 big boys

Mosey to gates of Martha’s for… 20 oyo big boys and 20 lbcs

Announce that today we honor Turtleman …. And YES !!! before I go any further all you ole fogies who wanna dis me for using the Wednesday Martha’s workout can kiss my apple !! Always remember that there was constant confusion for years as to …” is this Dark night? Is this dark Knight? Is this Martha’s House … is this …… blah blah blah!!! “

We tried to mosey to the maintenance shed ( like Monday) but the cleanup crew came in early for OT ( unlike Monday ) …. Defer to stands for 40 calf raises, 20 heels out calf raises and 20 heels in

Move to concession area …. Look … a flag …pledge!

Dora time !

100 merkins 200 squattos 300 lbcs

After partner up ( I joined a team … so 3 … and 2)

Each partner would bear crawl the concession area ( yep. I remember this royally sucked but had to try it anyway!!)

So next we would lunge ….. nope …. That too sucks …. We have many other leg exercises ahead …. So all remaining trips would be a nur

So…. You guys know what an Indian run is ?? Well!!! Turtleman tried a few times …. Usu unsuccessfully to create a slow turtle crawl and last man would bear crawl to front and slow to “ keep the pace” …. We did this VERY SUCCESSFULLY !!! Excellent job men!! Going down one path

Now for elevens …. But…. Turtleman was always known for big boys … but I remember one day he not only hit us with a question of what is the difference between a big boy and a WW1 but he made us do elevens with WW1 on one side and WW2 on the other!!! That’s what we did

Upon completion I told all of what I most remember of these is that all pax were overusing this and creating a rash just above the buttocks … which Turtleman called “ swamp butt!”

Times closing in …. Last thing I wanna do are suicides …. So I give a distance and we race Pell mell and slowzee after until next suicide finally reaching the last break point in front of gates and I announce jail break!! We have 30seconds !!
It was at this point that Captain Stubing recalled how Turtleman always made workouts fun and JJ recalled those winter workouts under cover of picnic shelters where those who participated would reap the rewards come summer when all the girls would flock to them !!

I passed two final nuggets to the men that to me… Turtleman always is willing to turn a conversation around and ask, “ but how are you …. Or the M … or the 2.0 doing”. And lastly … I’m sure HIPAA and Watts up will concur …. Hands down…. Perhaps the worst person to complete a backblast was …………… Turtleman.

Much thanks to Maybelline for letting me get the Q … the men for letting me lead … and mostly for the Big T …. Who one day at a Downtown workout told me …. “ you know, I think it’s time you lead a Q site!”

Prayers for Clutch’s wife’s cousin Sean ( Shawn?) facing leukemia and Turtleman

And as a final note …. TMan had chosen the name Neverland …. Had added that since we are young at heart and reaching back for our childhood… Neverland!! I thought he had a great thing … until ( was it T Square or Hushpuppy??… or someone else that ….”wasn’t that the name of the place were Michael Jackson ……. “

“Can we go back to doing burpees?”

Iron Pax Challenge might have driven away some of the regulars at The Ricky Bobby.  Y’all need to come back, and bring a friend, because the rest of October is going to be worthwhile with an All-Star Q lineup.

Anyway, quality trumped quantity today as Blackout and Kool-Aid showed up ready to work.  After a quick warmup of SSH, Hillbilly walkers, and low-slow squats (10xIC) we moseyed to the back parking lot for 2 rounds of Triple Nickel.  Before we started, I advised that my shoulder feels messed up, so I wouldn’t call any shoulder exercises, but substitution of any form of Merkin would be acceptable.  Here were the Triple Nickels:
– Jump-squats, Nur, Big boys
– Apolo Ohno’s, Carioca, Star crunches

These took a bit of time since we traveled the long way across the parking lot.  We moseyed back towards the flag but stopped at a few light poles for mountain climbers.  Next we moseyed to the field and “found” a couple soccer balls just asking to be kicked in the goal.  Each shot would cost 3 burpees for a goal or 5 burpees for a miss.  We each took a shot from about 30 yards away.  Kool-Aid and Blackout hit dead center of the net like pros before I hooked it wide left.  11 burpees.  Next round, the “pros” shot from 10 yards further away.  Blackout nailed it like he has ice in his veins, but Kool-Aid pushed wide right.  I found the right form and scored from 30 yards.  11 more burpees.  Last round with everyone from 40 yards, we all missed.  Enough is enough, so we headed back to the flag for burpees and Mary until it was time.  Blackout provided the title quote after Kool-Aid mercilessly called 6-shooters and proceeded to count up to 10 on both sides.

– Half marathon ruck in October, check Slack
– Christmas party Dec 2, check Slack

Prayers for my M traveling tonight, for marriages, and for all facing end-of-life issues for loved ones

– Nutria

“It’s gonna be lit!”

The title quote is attributed to our esteemed Nant’an (read on for the full context), who was grinding out step-ups when I arrived at Bulldog at 0525.

Today’s beatdown had been planned for one of the weeks in September during the Iron Pax Challenge, but I didn’t get to execute until today. The idea was to bring a few different exercises as a counter-balance to the muscle-misery of IPC. As 0530 struck, the blurry gray streak of Time Frame’s truck squealed into the parking lot. He managed to join the circle right at the end of the customary side-straddle-hops. Next was Imperial walkers, arm circles then on to The Thang, 30 seconds of work 15 seconds transition. Cranked up the Offspring channel and away we went, though Roscoe went his own way back towards the benches.

Round 1: Rotate clockwise through 7 exercises. Most don’t require coupons, but I brought optional 5-lb and 3-lb dumbells for the Nolan Ryans:
– Nolan Ryan (L)
– Heels to Heaven
– Nolan Ryan (R)
– Side plank (L)
– Superman pullups
– Side plank (R)
– Babymakers

Complete 2 cycles, then on to Round 2. I offered the Pax a choice; Time Frame opted for “Legs.”
– Kettlebell swings
– Lunges
– Calf raises
– Goblet squats

Complete 2 cycles, then on to Round 3:
– Kettlebell swings
– Curls
– Tricep extensions
– Dips

We accidentally skipped over the dips at the end of the first round (Q-fail), but then discovered in the second round that tricep extensions followed by dips was poor planning (another Q-fail?). No matter, it was time to go back to Round 1. We completed 2 more cycles of Round 1 plus one cycle of Round 2 until it was time.

– Half marathon ruck in October, check Slack
– Christmas party Dec 2, mark your calendars now!  Time Frame expressed personal gratitude for holding this event early in December so he and his M can enjoy both the F3 festivities and their anniversary. Which begs the question – where else would you want to be on your anniversary other than with your M plus 40-50 of your Brothers and their M’s? Just asking… Anyway, Roscoe responded that he and all the Pax appreciate Time Frame’s vocal talent. I won’t spill the beans on which 80s earworm we decided he’s bringing to the mic, but  our Nant’an encourages everyone to be there because “It’s going to be lit!”

Prayer requests:  Turtleman, Tube’s M, Spiderman’s father-in-law, Time Frame’s aunt

It was a beautiful morning to lead a fine group of HIM’s.  I’m privileged to have the opportunity.  Thanks brothers!
– Nutria

The Storm 8/22







R L leg up (quads)

On your 6 – Sandiest V stretch

Mosey down the street

Round 1

Superman pull-ups x 10

CDD’s x 15

Imperial walkers x 20 count both

Squats x 30

Mosey over to a wall for wall work. 

Round 2 modify as needed

Hip Slappers x 10 IC

Wall sit 30 seconds

Dirty Hookups x 10 IC

Wall sit 30 seconds

R&R x2 

Round 3 

Diamonds x 10 

Hillbillies  x 20 count both

Wide-grip merkins x 10

Obliques x 10,RH and LH

Round 4

Freddie mercs x 20 IC 

Moroccans x 25 IC 

Flutters x 30 IC

OH press x 35 OYO 

Bonus Round 

PPM’s to finish (or Mary I guess….🙄) 

Mosey back to start



Ruck event this Sunday 8/27?

Convergence Labor Day- 7 am fuse – all other AO’s 

Relays -Tuna 200 signup 

Other events 




Tigers mom and dad

Anchorman’s father in law 



Breakers M – nothing serious from her fall

Thanks for the opportunity to lead! 


Downtown 7/28







R L leg up (quads)

On your 6 – Sandiest V stretch

Mosey down the street

Round 1

Imperial walkers x 20 count both

PPM x 2

2 burpees 

PPM x 2

LBC’s x 20

PPM x 2

Mosey over to a wall for wall work. 

Round 2

Hip Slappers x 10 IC

Wall sit 30 seconds

Dirty Hookups x 10 IC

Wall sit 30 seconds

Mosey over to parking lot

Round 3 – 11’s

Squats x 10

CDD’s x 1

Round 3 

Diamond  x 10 IC 

PPM x 2

Superman pull-up x 10 

PPM x 2

Hillbillies  x 20 count both

PPM x 2

Obliques x 10,RH and LH

PPM x 2

Plank for the 6 

Mosey back to start



New belt challenge 

Annhilation at Folsom on the 5th

F3 dads at Folsom on the 19th 

Convergence labor -AO TBD

2nd f lunch pita wheel in Belmont 3rd Wednesday 


Norwood’s operation postponed – Continued prayers 

Clutch’s sons friend, his grandfather had a sudden cardiac event 



Balljoints aunt 

Westside’s grandmother 

Sarlaac’s  mother in-law 

Radars sister 

Thanks for the opportunity to lead! 


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