F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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It was a perfect day for thousands of miles of running. YHC passed 10,000 miles on this run using the Nike+ app, so there’s that. There were ruckers. There were runners. We all started at 5:00. There were words said about the appropriate finish time. This is what happened…

The runners ran the route Virus put out using the map to Kevin Loftin Park, around Keener and back down to the start. We finished on time. The ruckers wandered around ruckland pontificating and finished late. Better luck next time.

Announcements: See Stogie’s latest newsletter

Prayer Requests: Montana surgery next week, Tooth Fairy’s 2.0 testing, Norwood, Turtleman, Jackson Hall, Achorman’s bone marrow donor list

Thank you for the opportunity to lead men!


We started the goat this morning early in the gloom at 29° with some sides, straddle hops, followed by gravel pickers after which we mosey across the island to the parking lot. We ran suicide ladders for the next 45 minutes:


  • Mericans
  • Flutter kick
  • Sumo squat
  • Heel to heaven
  • Burpees
  • Smurf jacks
  • Squat to overhead press
  • Mike Tyson
  • Lbc
  • Repeat adding 5 each set

We moseyed on back to Floyd and Blackies parking lot where we finished up with some core workout.

We had one FNG we named Freddie Mac and one returning Kotter. Thanks to Cherrie berrie always EHing.


  • 24h run Saturday old school
  • F3 lunch downtown Charlotte showmars
  • Monday launch at  Life Church – new AO – gear workout
  • Trail run 11/18 post and park
  • Ultimate frisbee thanksgiving day starting at 7 AM
  • Convergence 12/2 at the yank
  • Christmas party 12/2 Lewis farm
  • Anchorman – bone marrow registry. Look out for a slack announcement on this and how you can help.
  • Montana surgery next Thursday and will be out for 6 weeks

Prayer requests

  • Montana surgery
  • Ross Birkner in lake Wylie starting an addiction recovery group
  • Anchorman – bone marrow match

Car Movies @ The Ricky Bobby

  • Warm-up
    • Side Straddle Hops
    • Gravel Pickers: Wide stance, touch ground directly below. 
    • Abe Vigoda: Wide stance, touch opposite hand to foot. 
    • Mountain climbers
  • Talladega Nights (2006)
    • Location: Track (0.2 miles)
    • Exercise: “If you’re not first, you’re last.” Burpee Catch Me If You Can Indian Run. Run single file as a group. Last person does 2 burpees then sprints to catch up. They tap the next person to begin their burpees and continue sprinting to first place where they’ll set the pace. 
    • Trivia
      • Name of the school? West River Elementary.
      • The career day scene opens with another dad talking about being a Waffle House manager. The closest WH is 1.9 miles away.
      • 13 was on the door of Reese Bobby’s 1969 Chevy Chevelle.
      • When Ricky Bobby’s dad teaches him to overcome his fear of driving, the name of the cougar in the Chevelle was Karen.
  • Smokey and the Bandit (1977)
    • Location: Parking lot
    • Reps:
      • 400, number of cases of Coors beer that had to be hauled
      • 28, based on the 28-hour trip from Atlanta to Texarkana to Atlanta.
    • Exercise: 400 count broken into sets of 100 with 28 count of merkins broken into sets of 7 in between
      • Side Straddle Hops
      • Smurf Jacks
      • Seal Jacks
      • Plank Jacks
    • Trivia
      • #2 movie in 1977 behind only Star Wars
      • Roscoe provided quite a bit of quotes and trivia
  • Bullitt (1968)
    • Location: Back side of the school
    • Reps: 
      • 7 jump squats, based on Bullitt Mustang jumps during the San Francisco car chase.
      • 10 runs, based on the 10-minute chase scene.
    • Exercise: Run up the hill, 7 jump squats, run back down the hill. 10 runs total.
    • Trivia: Mustang sold for $3.74M in 2020 in Mecum Auction.
  • Gone in 60 Seconds (2000)
    • Location: Front of school
    • Time: 3:26
    • Exercise: Up and down planks with Moby’s Flower

The Goat


Mosey to the Triangle on the Island

Stacker:   5 Burpees, 10 Big Boys, 15 Merkins, 20 SSH, 30 Hammers;  Run to bridge and back between each round, adding an exercise each round

‘Circled’ up around the Triangle

PAX called some exercises, Mary Style.   We also Bear Crawled and Crab Walked around the Triangle.

Mosey back to StartEx for some Mary



Is that insurance fraud?

It would have been easy to do something in the well-lit area of the parking lot that was mostly clear of debris.  We aren’t about doing easy things, though.  After Slaw’s warmup, I directed the Pain Lab Pax over to the pitch-black area near the picnic tables, covered with acorns, gravel, and stray mulch.  We managed to overcome these minor obstacles.  The rules were simple:  100 seconds of work on a pair of exercises (switch when and as often as you like) followed by 20 seconds transition.  Alternate exercises as frequently as you need to, but keep working all 100 seconds.
Overhead press / Upright rows
Goblet squats / Step ups
Big boys / Heels to Heaven
Kettlebell swings / Squat-curl-press
Derkins / Dips
Bulgarian split squats (left) / One-legged overhead press (left leg, right hand)
Bulgarian split squats (right) / One-legged overhead press (right leg, left hand)
Star crunches / American hammers

Rinse and repeat until time.  3 full cycles took us to 0759.  Rejoined bootcampers for COT.

See Gashouse BB for announcements and prayer requests.

As always, privileged to lead a fine group of HIM’s this morning!
– Nutria

No Slaw on these buns

Last afternoon Midoriyama frisbee before fall time change.
The two oldest nantan got to pick teams.
One team lost, so the other cheated as always.

Slaw didn’t attend. We missed you.


Impromptu sick out (LOL) tomorrow for Sister Act Q downtown.

24 hours No Brainer Relay this Saturday at Old School 0530 start. Come and support these men and this good cause event. Walk, Run, Ruck a lap or two.

Touchdown Beatdown & Frisbee Football at Old School 0700 Saturday.

Charlotte marathon Saturday.

Don’t forget to set clocks Saturday night.

F4 Freight’s Trail relay Nov 18th. Sign up.

Christmastown 5k Speed for Need Nov 25th. More pushers needed for 4 chairs.

Convergence at Yank Dec 2nd.

Christmas party at Lewis Farm Ranlo same day.


Gumby’s mom
Pockets dad
Happy Trees family member
Pallbearer son
Clavin’s M
Oompa Loompa
Quiche travel back to USA
Others not mentioned.

YHC took us out.

Backblast completed in +/-two hours to make weasel shaker happy to see a good example.

Halloween’s Over

Three ruckers and a mutt braved the Artic blast coming down on  Diablo Sammich this morning.  To stay warm, we thought it would be a good idea to stop for squats in front of every house in the Riverwood neighborhood that still had their Halloween decorations up.

Bad idea.

Prayer requests: Turtleman (Tube gave an update); the Blakney family.

-Hunchback out Shamrocks and Four-Leaf Clover | Just some thoughts I have...

It takes COURAGE

We rucked, others ran. Courage was the topic for Q-Source


Freight trail run November 18

December 2 party and convergence

Beer ruck December 9

24 hour run November 4



Turtle Man

Red Ribbon


Tiger’s mom

Injured feeling better

Weak Sauce in the Cold

YHC (and at least one or two more) has been battling some sciatic nerve pain for a while, so the beatdown was a little less intense than my normal Q’s. Kept the PAX moving and tried to get a full body workout in. Might have hit the shoulders a little hard. Here’s what happened:




Mosey up the main hill to the upper lot at the AG Center stopping at 5 locations along the way for 5 Big Boy, 10 American Hammers and 15 Flutter Kicks.

Line up on one side of the parking lot and do the following routine x5:

5 Mike Tyson’s

Bunny hop or Broad Jump across the lot

5 Burpee’s at the island

Bunny hop or Broad Jump across far lot

5 Perfect Form Merkins

Run back to start


Zombie walk to the small lot for Dora 1-2-3

100 HR Merkins

200 CDD’s

300 Shoulder Taps


Mosey back to the start with the same stops for the same exercises as on the way up.

5 Burpee’s to close us out.



24 hour run and Old School / Folsom Convergence this Saturday

Trail Run 11/18

Frisbee tournament on Thanksgiving Day

Christmastown 5k 11/25

Lunch at The Lodge 11/15

Convergence and Christmas Party 12/2


Pray for: Huck, Turtleman, Hall Family, Sarlaac’s daughter, Israel, Payton Parker, Pallbearer’s son


YHC took us out.

I’m Broke



Coconut Horse 10/22/2023

9 HIM posted for a ruck or run then stayed for a discussion on whether or not after your make decisions you can stand before the “long green table”.  In the military when soldiers make questionable decisions they must defend themselves in front a panel of experts.  The chapter focuses on thinking through your decisions beforehand but to also stand by your convictions once you make them.


As always it was an honor to serve.  Until next time Defib out

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