Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Watts Up (Page 9 of 23)

Square SandLot

Between a gender reveal for my niece (its a boy by the way) and some sporting event last night, YHC didn’t really have a bunch of time to develop a weinke.  Throw on top, EC starting a 0500, YHC decided the recently developed “prime” workout could be modified to bring some work to the SandLot.  Luckily only one member of the PAX was at Folsom and showed in the gloom for SandLot.  Sorry Flintstone!

EZ Rider announced the arrival of 0530.  8 including YHC were in attendance.  None were FNGs, so only a token disclaimer was mentioned.  But there was an almost Kotter – Stinky Bird !

We knocked out The Pledge of Allegiance before moving on to a WarmUp.


2 Burpees
4 Cotton Pickers IC
10 MNCs IC (Was supposed to be 8)
12  Merkins IC (Was supposed to be 16)
Intended to do another exercise, but had so screwed-up the pattern, YHC just moved on.
Mosey around the corner to the intersection of Neal Hawkins and Riverwood Pkwy.

Main Event:

Mosey to 1st pole, perform 11 Merkins, Karaoke back beginning
Mosey to 2nd pole, perform 11 Merkins, Karaoke back to 1st pole
Continue until entrance to park.
Since there was limited room on this route, the burpees that were to be included after the Karaoke were all gathered up and completed at the entrance (5).

From here we continued on down the sidewalk.  YHC is sure the PAX thought the maintenance shack was the next destination.  But they would be wrong.  We moseyed until the sidewalk ran out and then went some more.  All the way to Riverwood Worship Center.  By all accounts (and research), this was a first time visit.  (Probably because of the lack of sidewalk to get there).

16 Squats
25 American Hammers
36 CDDs
49 Seal Jacks
Run the perimeter of the pavement.

Upon the return, Defib had picked up on the pattern and noted that squares get bigger than primes real quick.  Thus a little modifications were in order…

16 Calf Raises
25 Big Boys
36 Shoulder Taps (IC or 36 Taps for Each Shoulder)
49 Plank Jacks
Run the perimeter of the pavement. (Include the other parking lot)

But now its time to continue the squares…

49 Flutters IC
64 Air Presses
81 LBCs
100 Burpees (There are 8 Pax, so that 12.5 each)
Run the perimeter of the pavement. (Include the other parking lot)

One PAX names an exercise and runs a lap (show to know what the lap entailed) while remaining PAX perform said exercise AMRAP. This is followed by everyone running a lap.

Unlike at The Goat or Folsom, we started with the youngest in attendance and worked toward the elders of the group.  We made through all the non-respects before it was time to head back to the flag.


Extinction Run this Saturday @ Primal 0900.

Prayer Requests:

Nutria friend  – Victim of Hit & Run.
Stinky Bird – M is pregnant with #3!
Slack Prayer List

YHC took us out.


Sorry for the repeat on the beatdown and the backblast.  The two remaining Q’s I have this week will not be a repeats…


Watts Up Powering Down.

Its Prime @ Folsom

During the EC ruck, Broke and PizzaMan tried to take out the Q by pushing YHC over and causing a twisted ankle.  Injured, but not out,  YHC pushed through the remaining ruck portion of the event and here is what we did to get Def Leppard warmed up for his WWC race..

23 had joined YHC by the time 0630 arrived.  Amongst them an unfamiliar face.

A FNG! (seems to happen whenever YHC visits Folsom).

This one EH’d by Hacksaw…but Hacksaw isn’t here…. sounds like someone owes payment.

Since there was a FNG, YHC covered the core principles, not sure if anything else was covered, but its Folsom, surely someone would guide him.


1 Burpee
3 Cotton Pickers IC
7 Merkins IC
Mosey to the entrance to the parking lot.


Run 2 light poles, perform 11 LBCs
Nur 1 light pole, perform 1 Burpee
Continue in this pattern until you get to the front of the park.
(Not sure if its good or bad there is such a long distance between one set of poles)

We knock out The Pledge of Allegiance and then meander over to the parking lot.

13 Squats
17 American Hammers
19 CDDs
23 Seal Jacks (IC  thanks to Montross)
Run a lap around the parking lot.

Somewhere in here, the PAX have figured out what my prime workout means and start to have discussions on the next number and what is prime.

29 Calf Raises
31 Big Boys
37 Shoulder Taps
41 Plank Jacks
Run a lap around the parking lot.

43 Flutters (Single Count)
47 Air Presses
53 second Plank (thanks Mayor)
59 Merkins (thanks Sister Act)
Run a lap around the parking lot.

Mosey to Y, we were up to 61, with 20 something PAX, so that 3 Burpees each.

Mosey a bit further for 67.  YHC doesn’t remember what was done for this (maybe SSH?).

Mosey to last parking lot on left before the softball fields.

One PAX names an exercise and runs a lap (show to know what the lap entailed) while remaining PAX perform said exercise AMRAP. This is followed by everyone running a lap.

Just like at The Goat, earlier in the week, we started with the most senior member of the PAX and worked our way toward youth.

We did not get through everyone before time was short and we headed back to the flag.

Def Leppard or maybe WireNut or maybe both called 22 for the Vets to finish us off.

Welcome to FNG, Pushrod (Chris Pasour).  Hope you continue to post.

Prayer Requests:

YHC did not record, nor recalls all the prayer requests, as there were many.  Luckily God knows them all both the ones we spoke of and the ones in our hearts.

YHC took us out.


As I am not a resident of NOGA, I don’t regularly post Folsom/Sword/Prison Break/Crossroads.  But I tell you, its worth your time to venture North.  The men of NOGA are a good group of HIMs.  You should get to know them.  (Plus the Kitchen knows how to cook livermush!)

Until next time… (And write your backblasts)


Watts Up Powering Down

5 Suggestions…

With a soft launch of a new Friday AO in Belmont, YHC wasn’t sure what the turnout for today’s OG Friday beating was going to be.   Finishing a little EC with EZ RIder, two known trucks roll in.  Well, at least there will be four.  By the time 0530 arrived ten were gathered around YHC.

No FNGs, but YHC did advise this was a you vs. you day.  Modify (the 5 suggestions) as needed.

We knockout the Pledge of Allegiance and then move to warmup.


  • 10 SSH IC
  • 10 Merkins OYO
  • Mosey to parking garage via MLK


Perform a count of 2 each of the exercises listed.  Mosey to top of the garage via the stairs.  2 Burpees, Return to the bottom.  Increase count of exercises by 2 each round.  Burpees stay at 2.

  • SSH
  • Merkin
  • LBC
  • Squat

Hold after the round with count of 20.

15 Elbows to Knees IC
15 Flutters IC

Back to the regular program, but start to work back down…

Time started to get short, so hold after the lap for a count of 12.

Mosey back to flag the direct route.

Finish time with flutters.


Prayer Requests:

  • TickTock
  • Double  Trouble
  • Nation

Mayor took us out.


I hope we had a good group in Belmont this morning.


Until next time.

Watts Up Powering Down.

2 Years!

Coming in from EC with Dirt, Flintstone, JJ, Pockets, and Sausage, YHC wasn’t sure how many were going to attend on this cold-ish, damp morn.  By the time 0530 hits, the count had doubled with 13 ready for a celebration.

Some noteworthy things for 12-Jan

  • Joe Frazier birth – 1944
  • Rush Limbaugh birth – 1951
  • Howard Stern birth – 1954
  • Jeff Bezos birth – 1964
  • Agatha Christie death – 1976
  • Persian Gulf War – 1991
  • Major Earthquakes in Haiti – 2010
  • YHC started in F3 – 2019


  • 1 Burpee
  • 12 Merkins
  • 21 SSH

As we took off on a mosey, YHC reminded everyone, YHC was giving suggestions, modify as needed.


Mosey to the roundabout, the longish way.

1st A-L-A-R-M

  • 5 Shoulder Presses
  • 10 Lunges (Single Count)
  • 15 LBCs
  • 20 Russian Twists
  • 25 Mountain Climbers

Mosey to the school, following the road.

2nd A-L-A-R-M

  • 10 Dips
  • 20 Calf Raises
  • 30 Pretzel Crunches
  • 40 Randy’s
  • 50 MNCs

Mosey back to the roundabout, via the back of the school.

  • 12 Crunchy Frogs
  • 12 CDDs
  • 12 Plank Jacks
  • 12 Freddie Mercury’s
  • 5 Burpees

Mosey to the school, following the road.

4 x 4s – Four corners, a set number of reps of an exercise at each corner.

  • 7 Burpees
  • 14 Flutters
  • 21 Merkins
  • 28 Squats

At this point, those in attendance had completed 558 reps. The Storm represented the 558th time YHC had posted in the past 2 years.


Mosey back to the flag, taking a long way to get  there.

Finished out with some Mary…

  • Flutters x 10 IC
  • Big Boys x 11
  • LBCs x 21
  • Burpees x 2
  • Mountain Climbers x 30 IC

Pledge of Allegiance

Prayer Requests:

  • Pocket’s friend Damon
  • El Tigre friend with prostrate cancer
  • Gold Digger’s family (to be)
  • Broke’s family
  • Nation

YHC took us out

Thanks to all the men of F3 and particularly those of Gastonia for paving the 43 feet I have been traveling down for the past two years.  I appreciate the push, pull, encouragement, advise and candor that have been given along the way.  This journey may have made me less of a man in some respects, but it has made me a better man in the ways that matter.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.


Watts Up Powering Down



EZ joined YHC for a short mosey around the block to get the blood moving.  When 0530 hit, 6 more had already won the war against the fartsack to emerge from the gloom to prepare for war.

No FNGs were present and apparently YHC hadn’t scared off Monday’s FNG, Sausage, as he too was among the gathered.

No FNGs = No disclaimer, No warnings, No nothing….lets get to it.

We worked our way through a Tesla style warmup, concluding with 15 merkins.  If you don’t know what that is, go ask Uncle Ted or better yet, attend one of his workouts.

Mosey to Fidelity Bank via Old Neal Hawkins Rd for some war with the Deck-o-Death.

2 teams of 4

A member of each team draws a card.

High card wins. – Do it the F3 way
Low card – Face value.
Ties – Do Both F3 way.

After each member of the team goes, mosey around the bank before starting another round.

Can’t recall exactly how many times we got through,.. When time got short, the cards were gathered and we slipped out the back to get to the “Flag” on time.

(Pay no attention to the suspicious white car, nor the fat cat that had appeared at the rear of the bank)

Wedged in the Pledge of Allegiance and that is time.



  • F3 10 Year Celebration at Metro 1/1
  • 10 Miler on 1/1 at Coconut Horse COT @ 0800  (Downtown will be open as normal – Pockets with Q)
  • Convergence 1/9 @ Folsom 0700

Prayer Requests:

  • Linus’ family at loss of FIL.
  • Family Members
  • Those with Covid


YHC took us out.


Watts Up Powering Down

Powering Up the Last SandLot of 2020

During a little EC with Dirt, YHC was still finalizing today’s beatdown.  Originally was thinking of incorporating a trip to Harris Teeter as a part of today’s agenda.  With Stinky Bird bringing a FNG and Folgers on post #2 ever, modified to a standby weinke.  Maybe there is a reason it rarely gets pulled out…


0530 Hits with 7 gathered around YHC, including a FNG (Paul Payseur aka Sausage)!

Thus a full disclaimer is given and, with the help of the PAX, the 5 core principles of F3.

The we know out The Pledge of Allegiance.

Time for warmup.  I think we will do a Termite warmup… Lets mosey.

We head off to the ramp behind PF.

Bear Crawl the ramp, 10 Squats, Bear Crawl the ramp again.


At this point certain members of the PAX (cough, cough, puddle jumper) tried to distract YHC with a question about Christmas gifts.  While it worked momentarily, YHC led the group to the FL parking lot.


In the parking lot, the first set of exercises went like this…

Mosey to the 1st line, perform 5 SSH
Nur back to start, perform 5 Jump Squats
Mosey to the 2nd line, (perform 1 burpee at line 1), perform 10 SSH
Nur back to start, (perform 1 burpee at line 1) perform 10 Jump Squats
Mosey to the 2nd line, (perform 1 burpee at line 1 and line 2), perform 15 SSH
Nur back to start, (perform 1 burpee at line 1 and line 2) perform 15 Jump Squats
Continue pattern for all 5 lines.

Repeat with Hand Release Merkins and Mtn. Climbers
Repeat with American Hammers and LBCs.

Move to the stairs between the FL and PF.
Perform 60 calf raises… 20 normal, 20 wide-toed, 20 pigeon-toed

Mosey back to the start.  Along the way a flying PF attender almost got a trifecta of 2 cardiologist and YHC.  Luckily between the PF attender finding his brakes and some quick maneuvering, none were hurt in the gloom of morn.

Flutters, Boxcutters and Freddie Mercuries finished us out.



  • 01-Jan – 10 Miler @ Coconut Horse (2 laps) (Run, Ruck, Bike).  Start so you can finish at 0800.
  • 09-Jan – Convergence @ Folsom.  All other AOs are closed

Prayer Requests:

  • Flintstone’s Family – Son has Covid, Hopefully it doesn’t hit the whole household.
  • Stroganoff’s Family – Loss of family and one in hospice.
  • All those with Covid
  • All those struggling with the confinement.

YHC took us out.


I know many are staying home either because of covid or because of the cold.  I could name names, but that list would be too long.  Be assured you are missed.  I hope your are doing well and finding a way to push the rock.  Reach out to those you haven’t seen in a while they and you will be better for it.

Until Wednesday…

Watts Up Powering Down.

F3 happens hot or cold, rain or shine…

Given the weather and COVID, YHC expected the numbers to be low.  With one minute to go, it looked like it was going to be a one-man show. (or probably get back in the truck…)

Wait!  Is that a one-headlighted Honda pulling in!?!

Much to my joy (and disappointment), another PAX has braved the temporary circumstances to get in some fellowship and work.

With no one else in sight, we move to the old bank for some cover and a little warmup.

15 SSHs IC
15 LBCs IC
15 Merkins

Armed with Deck ‘o Death we mosey up the parkway to Robinson Elementary.

Two cards were drawn.  One exercise was done at one blue double doors, the other one at the other set of blue doors, with a mosey in between.
Aces are 100
Royals are 25
Numbers are 10+ the number.

(Really need to find out what the “Luge” is)

Announcements and COT were done at the school.

Mosey back to the cars…


My intended (and gratuitously stolen) workout was intended to be the 12 days of F3 done in a spot hereto unused.  Maybe I will Q again this season…

Until next time.


Watts Up Powering Down

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