Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Tube (Page 8 of 10)

The 3 Musketeers…again?

Now is the time to get you some when it’s 48 degrees outside. So if you’ve been using that sorry ars excuse that it’s too hot outside well then that shit don’t apply not more. Layer up Buttercup and get your ars out here!!

I get there a little early, about 10 minutes, and as I’m stretching out on the ground I hear what I think is am M1 Abrams tank rolling into the parking lot. Nope, it’s just El Toro with his new toy. I love it!!

Boudin takes the warm up, then Gahouse and Painlab part ways.

We circle up for a focus on what….? You guessed it, arms and core.

We do a few warms up ourselves with arm circles, side-side twists, Don Quixote’s and squats and over head press without coupons.

Set 1: 50 sec/10 rest – crunches, American hammers, mountain climbers, big boys, reverse crunches, heels to Heaven. R&R

Set 2: 50 sec/10 rest – merkins, triceps dips, incline pushups, overhead press w/coupon, shadow boxing, burpees. R&R

Set 3:50sec/10 rest (w/coupon) – curls, close grip curls, deltoid fly,  mantis curls, extended curls and an extended reach out with coupon. I have no idea what to call this cause I made it up.  R&R

No time for Mary, but maybe next time!


It Takes Two, It Takes Two

I am lovin this weather. Fall is the time to get your ars outta bed and make it happen. Welcome back Stroganoff, first Q @Gashouse in a while.
We split and everyone goes his way, but me and Castle Rock. Well, it only takes two, lets do this.

Warm ups with Squats, Imperial Walkers, Arm Circles and Overhead press, playin some ole’ 80’s Hip Hop, lol. You gotta switch it up once in a while.

Set 1 50/10 sec: BURPEES, Incline pushups, Triceps dips, Bear crawl over steps, Lung walk next set R&R

Next: Pick up bricks and mosey towards trail, Overhead press while walking to bridge. Now Bear crawl with bricks in hand up hill. Leave bricks and head to benches. 40 Step ups and 20 crunches. Pick up bricks and arm curl to bridge, then Overhead press to top of hill. Now butterfly bricks til we get back to our circle. 

Set 3 50/10 sec: Reverse crunches, Flutter kicks, Baby makers, Box cutters, American hammers, Peter Parkers R&R.


No Time To Die

Who has time to do anything nowadays. Our lives are rush rush, hurry hurry. But one thing is for certain. When you make time to get up before dawn and meet up with a bunch of like-minded idiots, it sure does make life better.

We had 8 idiots show. Time Frame was there to lead Bootcamp and cared to share that an ole college buddy wanted to hang out last night and have a few beers. Only, TF has quit drinking for the last couple of months, so no party. Good Work brother! Bravo!! So he didn’t stay up late, he went to bed early and lead by example. The group split up and Painlab stayed in the parking lot and played some ole 80’s rock with a couple of bricks. 

Warmups: Arm circles, shoulder shrugs, Don Quixotes and burpees

Chest 50/10 sec: Merkins, CDD’s, superman pullups, incline pushups, decline chest press R&R 

Arms 50/10 sec: Curls, inside curls, bent inside curls, praying mantis curls, shoulder presses  R&R

Abs 50/10 sec: Peter Parkers, crunches, American hammers, heels to Heaven, hip raises R&R

Mary for the last 5 minutes: Flies, squats & blanks.

Did Dallas throw out the BEDPAN!?

Hey hey hey, look who’s here. We were Blessed to have Sir BEDPAN and the notorious T-SQUARE join us this morning. Except T was only there to drop off 2 dozen bricks for Painlab and then he had to make a 360. Thanks for the coupons!!  Mumblechatter took over the group and the fall weather kicked in. WooHoo!! We picked a great morning to get our ars outta bed. 

Bedpan did his burpee warm up and ten minutes latter we split and went our separate ways, Hallelujah! 

We grabbed a pair of bricks,  gathered around our Indian friend and began to play music for him. I heard he liked Rage Against The Machine, Chevelle, Korn and a little Slipknot. At least I know VOODOO approved.

Set one 2Xs – 50sec on /10 sec off (all exercised done with coupon/bricks)

Closed tate press, Single hand bench press, Closed grip Skull crushers, Standing triceps kickbacks, Close grip overhead extensions.

Set two 2Xs – 50sec on /10 sec off (all exercised done with coupon/bricks)

Pushup side step, Push up one hand on brick (alternate), Chest press, Chest press decline with knees up

Set  three 2Xs- 50sec on /10 sec off 

Knee high taps, American hammers, Heels to heaven, Baby makers, Flutter kicks, Peter Parkers, Chair ups

Lets wrap it up with a little Mary. You call it, then lunge around the circle while everyone else does the exercise. Some Jack called for Burpees out tha gate. Curls, Rear delts, then Imperial Storm Troopers.

Time is up, lets meet back in the lot.

Prayer requests for those with COVID and those that lost against COVID. 

Prayers to the family of Derrick High who lost his battle against it. 


James Lewis is 100

Did someone ask for fall weather!? Well it’s here by golly. 

I rolled in to Pelicans to see Les Nessman and Hermie doing Burpees on their own. DO what! But where was Castlerock. They were surprised to see me claiming Q, but Sledge had hit me up the other day to cover for him while he is still in recovery. We started with some stretches and then rucked on over to Martha. We 3 got in over 2 miles with some merkins and squats and lunges along the way. Great mumblechatter along the way. 

Wishing Hermie good luck with his new assistant today. Prayers for Les Nessman’s mother’s rcovery with COVID. Prayers for my Aunt & Uncle recovering from COVID as well. All 3 of them have had the monoclonal antibody infusion and are doing better.

Pray for all you fart sackers that stayed in your nice warm beds curled up to your M’s six. Hope you don’t pull something today when you roll out of bed.

Who set off the alarm?

It a beautiful muggy morning and only 5 Hims show to know this am. What, do we have a Kotter?.. yes we do. Pacer makes an appearance after a year, hello! Nice surprise. We decided to combine Gashouse & Painlab with the small number.  We make our way to the circle for a warm up an some exercise.

I set the mood with some Korn radio to match the heat and humidity. We get our warm-ups out of the way and start with the first set.

Set 1: Side Straddle hops, Squats, Don Quijotes, Grass Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Merkins  -50 seconds on/10 seconds off Rinse & Repeat

Set 2: Crunches, Flutters, American Hammers, Big Boys, Heels to Heaven, Mountain Climbers – 50 seconds on/10 seconds off Rinse & Repeat

Somewhere on round 2 the alarm starts going off inside the building. A few minutes later, two firetrucks show up. We relocated back to the parking lot and denied any wrong doing .

Set 3: Burpees, CDD’s, Reverse Crunches, Incline Pushups (without the yellow jackets) Triceps Dips, Superman pushups – 50 seconds on/10 seconds off Rinse & Repeat

We had to for 5 minutes of Mary.

Prayer requests , announcements. Pacer will be celebrating his 1 year on the 18th, good work.

We need kettlebell tomorrow?

You open the door when you ask your Q the day before if “we need kettlebell tomorrow” and then you fartsack. Now I’m not just picking on HIPAA. This goes out to all of you knuckle heads that ask your site Q the day before and then you don’t show up… Rudolph, Toro. You know who you are, I mean WTF3 man! …..disclaimer, if some emergency happened over at HIPPA’s house this morning, then I apologize, but that is your only excuse. 

AND, while I am at it. When you are site Q and you have someone cover Q, you are supposed to be there too…. Where is my man Time Frame. You better have a damn good excuse too. Love ya, mean it!!

…..Back to the fun stuff

Tube was cutting it close this morning, I will admit. Mother nature calls for me first thing in the morning. I will blame it on her.

5 men show for a classic core workout with no weights. My right SI joint has been screaming at me and it is just now letting up, so no added weight for me today.

We start with some warmup stretches for 5 minutes, then begin our 3 sets:

Set 1:

50 secs of work/ 10 secs of rest for transition to the next exercise. 

Side Straddle Hops, Squats, Grass Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Merkins. Rinse & Repeat 1 X

Set 2:

Crunches, Flutter Kicks, American Hammers, Big Boy Sit-ups, Heels to Heaven, Mountain Climbers. R&R 1X


Burpees, Carolina Dry Docks, Reverse Crunches, Incline Push-ups, Triceps Dips. R&R 1X

Good work men! Thank you for showing up this morning to get your day started right.

Prayer requests:

Turtleman’s recovery, Orangemans’s M is traveling to LA for work, Diabetic children and for the people that feel the need to steal. We are in a very unique time right now and people are stealing from department store brazenly out in the open. Homelessness is out of control. We have never seen the likes of what we see today. Take a moment today to just pray for those less fortunate. Humble yourself and reflect if you are having a bad day. Amen


Who’s down for some pull ups?

We started with a few stretches, just because we don’t wont to pull a muscle rucking, right? I thought everyone was here then Woody showed up, hurray!

Let’s head to the trails at Martha Rivers. Every 3 minutes we would stop and do and exercise. It varied between merkins, squats, over head presses, lunges, etc. I had some good mumble chatter with Watt’s Up as he and I lead the ruck. We stopped at the pull up bar to test our strength. Looks like I have a lot of work to do. I’m a work in progress, let’s say that. Some accepted the challenge and some chose extra squats instead. We made it back in time to do a few extra exercises in our circle before time was up. It was great to get the work in this morning with you guys, thank you!


Freight still needs donations this month for his service project.

F3 Dads at Gashouse this Saturday.

Prayer requests for Turtleman and Uranus.


Three is not a crowd

It was great to see these  2 men show today that had been MIA for a short stint. All of us seem to have some injury that we were nursing and would have given us every right to fart sack, but we didn’t. 


Let’s warm up with Head Circles, Arm Circles, Shoulder Shrugs, Side Stretches and Hands to Sky Stretches.

Set 1: 50  on /10 off

Side Straddle Hops, Don Quijotes, Grass Pickers, Slow N Low Squats, Imperial Walkers, Merkins to Max, then plank. R&R

Set 2: 50 on/ 10 off

Flutter Kicks, Crunches, Big Boy Sit-ups, Heels To Heaven, Box Cutters, Mountain Climbers. R&R

Set 3: 50 on /10 off

Kettle Bell Swings, Sumo Dead Lift, Single Arm Row -Left, then Right, 2 Hand Curls, Overhead Press. R&R

Mary for 5 minutes

Good work Men! 

Dad’s plus 2.0

We had a good turnout for Painlab today. Welcome back Kotters! Let’s get to work.

Warmups: Don Quijote’s, Squat with Lateral punches, Windmill Stretch, High Knees and Overhead Reach.

Set 1: Work 50 secs/ rest 10 secs.

Side Lunges, Slow n Low Squats, Lung Around the Circle, Step ups, Donkey Kicks, Single Romanian Dead Lift, Assisted Pistol Squats. Rinse & Repeat 

Set 2: 

American Hammers, Toe Touches, Six Inch Hold, Hips Ups, Quadrupeds, LBC’s, Reverse Crunches. R&R 

Set 3: Merkins to Exhaustion then plank, Bulgarian Split Squats, Heels TO Heaven, Kettle bell Sit-ups, Superman Pullups. R&R

Set 4: Mary x 11 Hims

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