Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Time Frame (Page 8 of 10)

Monday Morn’ Shenanigans

8 HIM’s showed on this warm dry spring morning to start the week off with the right way.  It was good to see everyone this morning as is always the case.

After a few good mornings and hos do ya do’s, 5:30 was upon us and it was time to get busy.




SSH x 10

Merkins x 10

Squats x 10

Rinse and repeat

Mosey down Riverwood Pkwy to Caromont Health building rear parking lot.

Continue Warmup:

Everyone make a circle and on your 6 for LBC’s while each PAX one at a time high knees around circle.

Over wall and up to front parking lot of old HT\Lowe’s building.

The Thang:

9 parking spaces had exercises and a count written in chalk.  The instruction is to complete said count of said exercise, mosey and touch building approximately 250′ down a slight hill, and continue to next exercise.

  1.  Merkins x 20
  2. Squats x 20
  3. Bobby Hurleys x 10
  4. 30 count plank
  5. CDD’s x 15
  6. LBC’s x 50
  7. Calf raises x 30
  8. Burpee’s x 5
  9. 30 count plank

The PAX made it thru roughly twice.

AB work:

Double count LBC’s IC double count x 20

Oblique crunches each side x 10 double count

10 single count Heels to Heaven

10 single count Big Boy Sit Ups.

Mosey back to start.

And Time!

This was not an easy workout.  Everyone pushed hard and did a great job. Great HIMs all this morning and can’t think of a better way to start the day/week. There was lots of sweat and camaraderie.  Good times!

It’s great to see Dry Rub pushing hard.  He is coming along quickly and I have no doubt that he will be a beast and see the positive effects of F3 in all areas of his life in the near future.

As is always, the honor is all mine to be whatever small part of such an outstanding group.  I can’t tell you all the ways the my family and myself have benefitted from F3.  Thank you to all PAX for support and encouragement.  I continue to be inspired and am benefitting daily.




EZ Rider’s Son

Gastone’s Father

Spiderman’s Daughter


Community Run this Saturday

Mt. Mitchell May 5.  See Gastone.

Good Morn’n. Let’start the week off right.

YHC arrived at 5:25 to Gastone, Turtleman, Watts Up, Gumby, Island laying in the parking lot stretching, and D-Fib quasi spry and somewhat eagerly awaiting to see what lay in store for them.  It was a beautiful 56 degrees and clear.  Just perfect for the varsity beat down that would soon be upon us.

After some quick hellos and pleasantries 5:30 says the bank clock and so it begins.

Warm up:  Double count x 20 each



Mosey the longer way to the maintenance parking lot for further warm up.

PAX on our 6 for leg raises while each HIM high knees around circle one at a time until complete.

Merkins x 20

Squats x 20

Mosey the long way around to the clubhouse in center of ball fields for the thang.

The Thang:

PAX pair up for partner 1 AMRAP of called exercise while partner 2 moseys a roughly 1/4 mile loop and then switch x 2 each.

Exercise 1- LBC’s

20 merkins oyo

20 squats oyo

Exercise 2- Flutter Kicks

Meander to bleachers for calf work- this was good stuff here.  Mumble chatter at its finest.  These guys are a hoot.

Back to club house for 2 sets of 20 each



Big boy sit ups

Mosey back to start

And time!


Mount Mitchell climb May 5.  See Gastone.

April 13 Community Foundation Run.

Prayer concerns:

Gastone’s Father and Father-in-law.

D-Fibs son


Watts Up continues to be an inspiration.  D-Fib and I chatted about on one of the laps and we decided that if there was a picture of success it would currently be Watts Up.  Reminds my of HIPAA when he first started and we all know how that’s going.  Keep pushing bro.  You are doing outstanding work not only for yourself but the HIMs around you.

For all PAX present today, You guys have helped me more than you will ever know and I cant thank you enough for the inspiration, support, and encouragement.  I’m simply happy to be part of such and outstanding group and feel very blessed.

Thank you all.  God bless you and your families.

The honor is truly mine.



The Wet Weinke Plan B and the Steamer

As YHC arrived to Madoriyama on the rainy Thursday evening and passed Gold Digger and Pizza Man on their EC run I realized that the rain was not letting up.  This washed away my original weinke plans that included extensive running around in the ample Poston Park parking lots.  Oh well, plan B.

I parked and found Blart, Tyson, Slaw, and Oompa Loompa standing all down on one end of the turd shack and under the awning.  Upon my approach Blart issued a warning about the freshly laid steamer on the other end.  I guess the bathrooms were locked and someone was out of time.  I hope they feel better now.

Soon Gold Digger and Pizza Man joined us under that awning returning from the EC run and the roster was set for this wet edition of Madoriyama.




Oompa Loompa rucked and the rest of us moseyed to the upper shelter by the bike trails.

The Thang

5 Burpees for the train

There were lots of SSH’s, LBC’s, calf raises, lunges, heels to heaven, merkins, durkins, workins, dips, monkey humpers, squats, flutters, a lap around the lower parking lot during a rain break, and even a little yoga.  It was a good workout.  Ab’s and calves should be a little more noticeable than usual tomorrow.



Mosey back.

Big Q fail.  I did the COT under the shelter due to the downpour and left Oompa Loompa out.  You were with us in spirit brother.  Sorry about the slip Oompa. You know we love you bro.

I think I heard Oompa say he rucked 3.5 miles.  Excellent work!

Awesome work, attitudes, company, inspiration, and encouragement by all HIM’s present.  I really mean that and am not just saying it…really.  Outstanding group of guys as always.

Thank you for all you do.  You are the change I would like to see in the world.




40 Days of Getting Better — Mon Feb 18 – Sat March 30

Hello Gentlemen.

  1. Here we are at Valentines Day and summer is rapidly approaching.  We are in the throes  of old man winter with the spring just around the corner.  With this being said, beginning this Monday 2/18/19 until 3/30/19 I for myself am going to start a 40 day health program focusing of course on physical health but also spiritual health as well.  I welcome and encourage whosoever will to join in.  This could be considered a pre summer slim down or lent or just making improvements.

The terms would be,


  1.  Eat as clean as possible that can be sustained realistically for the 40 day period.  You be the judge.  You know your habits.  For some this may mean giving up fried chicken and burgers.  For others this may mean going vegetarian.  Try to make at least 3 positive changes in your meal diet and sustain it for the 40 days.  Remember this is you against you.
  2. Try to make 3 non-meal positive changes in you diet.  For example, I’m giving up beer, potato chips, and sweets.  Again, you know your habits.  Pick 3 things and give them up for the 40 days.  For the few of you that do not have 3 things to give up (Roscoe and Defib), do what you can.
  3. I suggest that you journal what you eat.  I use the Samsung health app on my phone.  It works pretty well.  If you have something better please share.
  4. Work out at least 5 times a week.  Any F3 workout is good.  Workouts should be at least 30 mins in duration.  One 1hr workout does not count as 2 workouts, however one 45 min post and later going to the gym or climbing Crowders Mtn, ect. is 2 workouts.
  5. The are 4 cheat meals over the course of the 40 days with opportunity to earn more with >5 workouts per week.  I am not going to waste a cheat meal on snacks.  Wait for the good stuff.  You will find you enjoy meals more than you used to.
  6. >5 workouts per week is a (1) cheat meal per workout over 5.
  7. The week starts on Saturday.  If you post on Saturday that’s 1 already.
  8. Qing is a cheat meal.  Get out and Q fellas.
  9. Post at any F3 mission such as Rice N Beans, toy drives, or any outreach does count as a workout.


  1.  Pray at least once a day.  Even if its just to thank God for his blessings.
  2. Date nights with the M do not count as far as cheat meals of otherwise.
  3. Go on at least 2 dates with the M in this 40 days.  Thank God for her.  Pray over her and with her.  God will honor and bless it. You watch.
  4. Pray with your children at least 2 times a week for the 40 days.

For those wanting to participate, eat well this Valentines Day and weekend.  Monday is the start of a challanging yet very rewarding journey.  Push each other.  Encourage each other.

Good luck and God bless you all.

SYITG!  Aye!


Pushing the rock and finding the line

8 men of impact showed to the Storm this am looking to push the rock and better themselves.  We were lucky enough to get one last post in before the yucky weather arrives.

During the disclaimer this am it was discussed the difference in feeling the burn and getting stronger and feeling pain and hurting yourself.  We also discussed finding the line between the two and how close we can get but not crossing it.


SSH x 20

Mountain climbers x 20

Slow merkins x 5


Mosey long way to circle.:

Ring of fire…

Heels to heaven until everyone one by one high knees around circle.

Mosey to front of school where 5 circular rocks await the pushing they will surely receive…..

Pair up.

3 sets amrap.

P1 runs roughly 150′ and back while P2 does called exercise.  Switch x 3.


Step ups…at this point it was asked by YHC how everyone is feeling?  Anchorman replied the we have found the line previously discussed.  This was good news.

Yoga break..down dog, cobra, plank, lower back stretches.


Incline merkins…literally pushing the rock.

Yoga break.  Same as above.


American hammers x 20

V ups x 20

Merkins x 20

Rinse and repeat x 15

Meander to wall for calf raises x 20 feet together and x 20 spread apart.

Most back and time!


HIMs for Rice and Beans meet tonight at the Point Church in Belmont across 74 from Walmart at 6:15pm.

Please is you have and questions about the Mt Mitchell hike see Gastone.  This sounds quite cool.

Prayers for us, families, health, and community.

Big fat Q fail.  I forgot to do the namarama.  Oops.

It was my honor and privilege to lead such a great group of HIMs this am.  You guys make me better and I am grateful.





Jumble Khatter 2

Thank you to Cap’n Stubbing for swapping Wednesdays with me.  It was a big help bro.

This morning was a cold one with a forecast of ice fog.  A good showing of some great men showed in the gloom.  I did not see any of the forcasted ice fog but I did see lots of steam from guys who have been pushing the rock.

A shout out to JK2.  He was on fire this am with the mumble chatter.  Well done bro. It was inspirational.

A shout out to What’s Up.  Way to push.  Good work man.

A shout out to FNG Rio.  Welcome.  Way to push.  Nicely done.



The Thang:

We worked out and got stronger, pushed the rock, encouraged each other, a little friendly ribbing was in there, and there were a few moments of pure support.  Great stuff.

Named FNG Rio.  Welcome him when you see him.


Rice and Beans — get with Anchorman

Late March is a moving date for family — JK2

Gastone is working on putting together a hike up Mt Mitchell.


It was an absolutely perfect way to begin the day.  You guys as always make it such.



New Year’s Eve 0-5:30 Murph

Huckleberry (the new Weasle Shaker) at the end of Saturday’s Gashouse beatdown presented a good question. In the event of a holiday and the F3 tradition of moving the workout time to a later slot to allow for more sleep, what happens to the Pax that the new time does not work? Stroganoff (the new Nantan) replied that we can still get together if need be and have a workout. Obviously we would rather not have the need to have 2 separate times but it’s better than some not doing it at all.


Disclaimer. Rudolph I thought made an excellent point about the Q’s being more diligent about voicing the disclaimer even if there are no FNG’s. He said that in light of F3 Cheech and FIA Digits voicing the disclaimer is a good way to keep safe practices in the front of our minds during the beatdown. It simply takes one moment to change everything. Safety is definately a priority.

We did the Murph



In reading Clavin’s back last about the 7 o’clock Murph, he made a point to address the consideration of ‘where were you in your life at this time last year? Consider where you want to be at this time next year.’ He went into it better than I did but an excellent question. I know that there is no way that I would be anywhere close to where I am in health, family, and attitude if not for F3…you guys.

Excellent guys all. Everyone pushed hard and did solid work. Excellent conversation, encouragament, and attitudes all around.

It was awesome to see Spiderman in the gloom. Welcome back bro.

Happy New Year. May God bless you, keep you, shine His countenance upon you, and give you peace.

See you in the gloom.



Christmas Eve Impromptu

It all started when I was EHing a mutual friend of Oompa Loompa and myself.  The eh’d fella is a sad clown and really could use the awesomeness that is F3 in his life.  Before I realized the Christmas Eve workout had been moved to an earlier time, the aforementioned and clown had agreed to meet this am at 5:30.  Since today is a workday for me, 5:30 works fine.

Arriving to snowball’s at 05:30 I saw the 2 fng’s, Oompa Loompa, and an unfamiliar face which is JiggaWatt from the Greensboro area.  He is in town visiting family.  It was great to meet him as he is a very nice HIM.  Come back anytime.



We worked out and it was fun, exhilarating, and refreshing.



Until next time,



Google’s debut VQ

After carefully pondering what he wants to do for his VQ over the annual Thanksgiving family trip to FL Google woke up this morning ready to take the next step in his F3 adventure.

We arrived at the (I can’t remember if its Black Knight on Mondays, Snowballs, Martha’s House, or whatever…you get the place) AO to see first Toto then the rest of the 9 HIMs gathering for the ensuing epic Google VQ beatdown.  As I remember it went something kinda like this.




SSH x 30 (oyo)

Mosey to picnic shelter

Step Ups x 30 each leg (oyo)

Dips x 30 (oyo)

Derkins x 10 (oyo)

Mosey around baseball fields

The Thang:

11’s in Martha’s parking lot.  American Hammers over there and Lunges over here.

Upon completion circle up for PAX called exercises.  As I remember:

SSH x 200 (or 100 double count)

15 Crunchy Frogs

30 L BC’s

50 Flutter Kicks

30 American Hammers

5 Burpees

30 Merkins

20 Squats

20 Diamond Merkins

Return to shelter for:

30 Step ups each leg

30 Dips

Mosey back to snowballs

Time up.  Great work gentlemen.


Thank you to the guys for the support, encouragement, guidance, conversation, push, and overall greatness.  Its means more than you will ever know.



After last Wednesday’s post at Martha’s House Gastone announced that he was looking for a Q for the following week.  I thought it would be a great opportunity to expose my 2.0, Google, to being Q and all of the things this brings.  He with some reluctance accepted the opportunity and began to think of what he might do.

11 #HIM’s showed for the Wed edition of Snowballs and to sharpen each other.

5:30 and here we go.

Google started with the pledge.

SSH x 15

Mosey to the picnic shelter in the park.

Google calls 30 step ups each leg.

30 Dips

Timeframe takes over for the thang:

11’s in the parking lot.  Derkins this side and jump squats on that side.

Thank you HIPAA for the plank work waiting for the 6.

After all this fun we had its time to have more.

Start at lower end of Martha Rivers parking lot and mosey to top stopping at every Island (Clavin actually stopped at Island the HIM) for 5 burpees.  All total I think there were 8 Islands to total 40 burpees…Clavin gets 45 and still finished 1st.  What a beast.

Time for the ring of fire.  This was a mixture of mostly LBC’s with some flutter kicks and box cutters.  The object was that one at a time each HIM ran around the circle x2 until finished.  This guys were lots of fun with the chatter.

We then took a lap around the baseball fields and back to the parking lot for Mary.

Each PAX called out an exercise.

As I remember went something like:

American Hammers x 20

Michael Phelps x 47

Dying Cockroaches

Flutter Kicks

Merkins with a pause at bottom and around town.  Crowd pleaser for sure.

Big Boy situps

Crunchy Frogs

5 burpees oyo


Psudo merkins.  This is merkins with hands turned out.

Mosey back to snowballs….

and time.


HIPAA has started a pain lab on Tuesday mornings at Bess elementary to give us a pain lab option throughout the week.  Please get by and support this.  This is excellent work by HIPAA and I think is a much needed move.  Nice work brother.

Thank you to the HIM’s for pushing me as always and especially pushing Google.  I’m sure he gets tired of my voice and seems to respond a bit better to the other HIM’s.

You guys are awesome.  I truly feel that F3 is a direct answer to some of my prayers.


Google and Timeframe



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