Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Termite (Page 1 of 3)

Figure 8

Quick  Warm up with some side stradle hop and we ran around the school to meet back in the parking lot and it went something like this:

Figure 8 pattern run each corner had two exercises at them.  Each exercise done 8 rounds of 8 X each. Each run was mixed up with skips, sprints, etc.

Merkins and Crunch frogs

StarJacks and deep squats (supposedly … form)

LBC and  Freddy Mercury ( spelling maybe)

Morroccan Knights and Shoulder Press

Ran back to the circle and its all over but the crying. Thx for letting me lead

First and ten and fall..

17 men showed up with what was supposed to be a rain out. This is how it went.  Brought the pipes out and did a circle up 4 feet apart . You are supposed to make the pipe stand and shift over to grab the next pipe without it falling. Needless to say it fell each time and we got to several rounds of burpees… ( or granny burpees as I call them ) anyway went from there to what is called 1st and 10… line up the cones 10 cones 10 yards apart and basically doing 11’s sprint to end and eliminate a cone each run back. Diamond merkins and low , (debatable slow squats). Then back round of mountain climbers and one other exercise… Old people can’t remember all this stuff anyway. After a count 10 down eagle hill mosey and back up the hill through eagle park stopping to wait on the pack with LBC’s… top of the hill still had time to get out the toys again ( pipes ) did Mary’s with whatever exercise was called the pipes were in use. Got pretty interesting. Oh and forgot to describe the fall. Somebody ( me laid out the cones with a blind speed bump) needless to say everyone was tripping over it and I kept warning them till I fell all over the place and busted my knee. In the famous pax fashion IM OK… then the next day my knee was swole up and hurting. Anyway great day thanks for the privelege to lead guys always an honor.

Anouncements: Que against Que march 2nd at goat, Grow ruck schedule also one in Charleston June 10th… talk to Tiger for more details, Extinction run March 4th starts at 9 am. ,

Prayer Request: Radars sister, Tigers mom, Praise from whats up nephew’s heart was good! Tooth fairy daughter, Termites brother

Its Dark!

6 faced the gloom out this morning… went something like this :

Short warm up side straddle hop mossy to behind the middle school where we did 4 rounds figure 8 corners had 2 exercises at each corner 8 reps on each .

Corners: squats and lunge, merkins and diamond merkins, crunchy frogs and American hammer,  last but not least star Jack’s and LBC, MAN IT WAS SO DARK COULDNT READ WHAT I HAD WRITTEN…

Then we mosey down to the football field across main down around the corner half a mile from here… anyway. We did the the 1st and 10 with cones every 10 yards starting at first did 1 hand release merkin and 10 big boys mad dash to the end come back to second cone till we get to 11 lot of running.  After that came back the other did squats and CDD same deal eliminated a cone each time you ran back.

Then took a short mile mosey back to the flag with tongue wagging we did some tooth fairies up the steps ( look it up in Exicon)

Prayer request Sargento and Tesla family peace

Check slack for announcements!

Thx for allowing me to lead guys.

Lot of Work

Had a great work out went something like this:

  • Warm up a few easy excercises
  • Circle around the flag pole on your seats with weights 25 pounds and 10 pounds. Pass them around while everyone does american hammers. You get the gest… 3 round with  various exercises.
  • Then we mosey a while up and down the hills on the other side of the school to the lower parking lot for 3 rounds of tic,tac,toe. Bear crawl out start with 5 hand release merkins then place your piece competing for the glory. Round 2 switch partners two more exercises escalate, round 3  different exercises escalate. You get the picture.
  • Then mosey back to the short hill and do some 11’s Bobby hurley’s and  can not remember the other one… ( old people damn)
  • Anyway great work out few announcements and prayer request.
  • Termite out!

Get Ready!

Well thought we would prepare some for the the SMR. Started out  like this:

  • Side stradle hop
  • Quickly into a circle with 25′ weights (2) and two sets of 10′ barbells. On your seats American hammers passing the weights and continuing the exercise.
  • Then another round with squats and over the back with the weights , butterflies, and squats
  • 3 rounds then off to the fields
  • Cones set up for sprints to each cone and backwards running ( what was that called) 3 sets
  • Cones set up in star pattern run to center and back to the cone on each corner
  • Mary’s ( slaw said I didn’t start them right ) anyway finished out with those and a quick mosey back

Prayer request :

Broke’s back and his daughter

Turtle man, Gump, Gumby’s mom, OOmpa

Anouncements: Trash pick up Gas house, Young life Golf tournament need more sponsors and players, Ray Nathans 21st lunch

Thanks guys always an honor.

Another round please…

Quick warm up of side stradle hope and off to a mosey around the track. Where we met a circle of weights laid out in front of us. Some 25′ and some 10′ . The 25’s were being passed while we did various exercises like american hammers, crunchy frogs with the smaller ones, leg flutters, squats, behind the back with weight etc. We did at least 3 rounds solid core work out , then moved to the tic, tac, toe boards. This we did 3 rounds of competition against each other with bear crawl to the board and crab steer back. Once we got to the board you had to do hand release merkins started with 5 and escalate 5 each time you played.  Switch partners next round lunge there do burpees, you get the picture… 3 rounds of the games with different routines. Then it was time to mossy back with that indian thing where you chase each other with the weights we had in the circle. Anyway solid work out proud to be a part of F3.

Termite out!


It was a great day to be at the prison. We started off with 12 strong men and few games.  Mixed it up a little different with a quick warm up and mosey around the field where we sat down in a big circle for some serious kumbaya. Had 2 sets of 10 pound weights and 3 25 pounders. So everyone did American hammers and when the 10’s got to them it was two crunchy frogs, when the 25 got to you it was 2 american hammers with the weight. Needless to say this went on with some leg lifts and other stuff mixed in for over 3 rounds. Everyone was feeling the burn. So then it was a quick Mosey down to the lower parking area for the real work out.  We had several tic, tac, toe boards sketched on the pavement and split into teams of two. Well not really a team a friendly competition. Bear crawl to the board, do 5 hand release merkins before you could place your piece, then 10 on the next bear crawl , then 15 … you get the picture. Did a few rounds of this to test your mental skills while delirious from all the merkins and bear crawls.  Switched partners and rinsed and repeat with some other exercises. After all that fun was over we did a good round of 11’s with Mike tyson’s and burpees ( per hacksaw’s request) anyway out of time but a fun and interesting work out. Until next time….

Prayer request:

Wichitas family, Westside had family request, Big Pappy and family, guys running various races, termites brother, and some traveling


Look between the eyes..

A few brave men fought the cold and went out through Pinsto Forest… I started out leading but then Freight quickly took over the pace. Kept him in sight down Julia ave. but lost him on the way up. A few others chose another route and some rucked.

When we returned I shared something we allll… need to do. Look a brother between the eyes. Look into his thoughts and make sure when you ask how you doing.. is not just a casual thing take a minute and find out how ya doing.

Thanks for letting me lead,



Thought it only appropriate to start the workout with I’m back and holding out the superman until it hurt…. anyway here’s how it went.

9 pax started out … and then the legend came in hot… the Leppard ( more on that). We started out with some mountain climbers to get the heart rate up over 170 ish…  then superman hold it in reverance of Cam Newton ( cough, cough) anyway.  I forgot Tiger was in timeout and stayed behind and did a block workout and nap while we were doing all this other stuff…

Let’s mosey down the road across the street. Leppard and two or three others he was influencing lagged behind pretty heavy. I believe he was still working from home and hindering other pax. Finally they got across the road we went around the circle and I keep looking back NO Leppard and a few others he was hindering. So me the old guy has to let them know the office meeting is over and we will run out of time if you don’t pick up the pace.  Across the road to the pier we all meet up again and form groups of 3 for some Dorie… I decided that since everyone was being influenced by the Leppard we would run up the wheel chair ramp… you know with the handicaps we were facing. Anyway 100 plank jacks one hand out ( whah) 200 something.. can’t remember alzheimers  and 300 american hammers… Slaw said he was having minstrel cramps on these not sure what that was about. Ner up the hill lot of crying and business meetings on the way… did a count down Purple haze started at a 100 instead of 10… then mosey away at every light post stopped and did different painful exercises  with 25 in each set such as diamond merkins, werkins, CDD, big boys, lunges, skipped, kareokee, monkey humpers, chest slappers… you get the picture it was time to walk a ways back with some other exercise I forgot the name of… old people damn!

Anyway thanks for the opportunity for the old guy to embarrass you all ! First time at the legendary Midoriyama so I got all I could done.

Prayer request:

Montross sister to give birth, Broke’s mother, people battling addiction, domestic violence up, Mayor’s M , Tiger’s M and stepsons, people going into the holiday season with family and loved ones..


Christmas town 5K 11-27, Christmas party 12-11, Service project meets 11-19 at 15:30 at salvation army main street Gastonia,  Clown car to Mooresville on 11-20 05:30 am leaving from Rose’s in Belmont, Tiger looking into possible trip to Rice and Beans next week before thanksgiving will need more volunteer’s


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