Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Steven Ryhne (Page 1 of 10)


I haven’t Q’d a workout in a while, came to Folsom the other week and Pony Boy asked if I would take one… why not.

I pulled in a little early this morning, got a short run in then got started.
The men circled up , SSH 15 ic to get the blood flowing, on to the Block pile! Everyone grabs a block, we head back to the light pole infront of the old pound entrance, we did one exercise at the light then run down to the Folsom parking lot entrance and did the other, then run back up the hill and rinse and repeat!

10 Blockees at the top/ 10 Burpees at the bottom, 4 sets

15 Thrusters at the top/ 15 squats at the bottom, 4 sets

20 alternating block merkins at the top/ 20 merkins at the bottom, 4 sets

Time was up, we headed back to the launch for the COT!

Prayer request- Jackson Hall and his family, other family members and each other!

Announcement – Christmas party this Saturday, convergence this Saturday at the Yank

Thanks for the opportunity to Q!


Big crowd at Folsom this morning, even an FNG! Circled up for a proper warmup, then headed to the Folsom block pile!

Started with Thrusters/ Block swings, 20/1, 19/2 till the numbers flipped, a lot of whining about the thrusters which I take as a compliment!

Merkins/ Big boys same thing on the reps! Head back to the launch for “iron hulks “!
Welcome FNG Ty Peeler, now known as Pony boy!

Prayer request/ announcements/ pledge

Good crowd this morning, thanks for letting me lead!


Folsom Blocks

Pulled into Folsom around 620, went to the bottom lot and no one was there? I looked up at the tennis court lot and saw a couple trucks parked there, so I headed that way. It’s been a while since I’ve attended a bootcamp, Folsom is meeting in the OG lot which is good. We had a small crowd of great men showed this morning and I knew they would enjoy this workout.

Warmup- SSH, Toy soldiers

We grab some blocks and get to it!

20 curls/ 1 tricep, 19/2, 18/3 until 1/20

20 merkins/ 1 Bigboy sit-up 19/2, all the way to 1/20

20 Thrusters/  1 Block Swing 19/2… to 1/20

we ran a lap around the tennis courts between exercises for a total of 3 laps. 210 reps of each exercise = 1260 reps total!

Good to be out there with you guys this morning, everyone did a great job pushing the Block today!

Pizza Man inspired!

I was looking over Strava the other day and came across Pizza man’s workout, it was a WOD called Blackjack, it looked like a good one to use and build upon, so I did! The WOD was 20 merkins/ 1 sit-up, 19 merkins/ 2 sit-ups and so on until 1/20.

530- warmup! SSH!

Run up to the Folsom Block pile!

Blackjack Folsom style?
20 Curls/ 1 tricep extension 19/2,18/3 …

20 merkins/ 1 Big Boy 19/2, 18/3….

The plan was to finish with Thrusters/ Block swings and we did but had to cut the numbers for time 10/1, 9/2, …. Times up!

Announcements- run at Sargento’s

Prayer request- Ozark niece, Wirenuts dad and family, Huckleberry, each other

Thanks for letting me lead!

Gashouse BLOCKS

It’s been a minute since I’ve been to the Gashouse on a Saturday morning, Whoopee reached out a couple weeks ago and asked if I’d Q? I text him yesterday and asked how many blocks should I bring, he thought 15 would be more than enough, that’s what I brought, we had 16 men show! We made it work!

Warmup- SSH ic, Gravel Pickers ic

Then we head over to the truck, everyone grabs a block! Roundup and myself got there a little early to find a hill, and we found a good one for this exercise! Starting at the trail head doing the 1st exercise, run down the trail to the bottom near the bridge and do the 2nd exercise! Easy enough?

1st set of exercises 10 Blockees at the top of the Hill, 10 Burpees at the bottom, 4 sets!

2nd set of exercises, 15 Thrusters at the top, 15 squats at the bottom, 4 sets!

3rd set, 20 alternating block merkins at the top, 20 regular merkins at the bottom, 4 sets!

4th set, 25 American Hammers at the top, 25 LBCs at the bottom, 4 sets!

Everybody killed it! And pushed hard! After we finished this, we all circled up to close it out!

Announcements- Chad 1000 at Gashouse next Saturday, Christmas party also next Saturday

Prayer request- Huck, each other, family members

Thanks for the invite to Q, it was good to see everyone and an honor to lead!

Rhyne’s alliance comes to Folsom

Been a while since I’ve Q’ed, 530 hits and we get started!


SSH, Toy soldiers

We head for the blocks, taking them to the nearest light pole. Block work at the top of the hill, at the tennis court parking entrance do the other exercise.

2 sets / 20 reps

Blockees at the top, Burpees at the bottom

Thrusters at the top, Lunges at the bottom

Upright Rows 10 each arm at the top, Merkins at the bottom

Then we circled back up at the launch, Low plank while the group counted to 60 which was pretty funny.

Gearwrench told me about an ab exercise he learned this past weekend using the format of the iron hulk, instead of merkins/ shoulder press you do Bigboys/ American hammers with three merkins between. TIMES up!

Announcements- ultimate frisbee thanksgiving day, Christmas party December 3rd

Prayer Requests- quite a few shared this morning and I can’t remember all, but here are some-

Huckleberry, Wichita family new baby coming, my dad, soldiers, our community!

Remember you have an impact everywhere you go, whether home, work, the store… wherever! Be an encouragement! We all need someone to sharpen us! Push us to be better! And we need to be doing the same for those around us! Preaching to myself here.

Thanks for the opportunity!

Sword/ Romans 8:12-17

12 men showed at the sword this morning, for physical and spiritual exercise. We discussed Romans 8:12-17. If we are not killing sin, it’s killing us! There is no rest time, no coasting! If you area child of God, if you have repented and follow Him, you have been adopted! You are a child of God, an heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ!

Prayer request- Purple Haze mom, Wichitas wife, others

announcements- ruck this weekend, Dredd with Q at Gashouse

Thanks for letting me lead this morning!

The Hill part 2

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to lead a workout at the worlds best AO “Folsom “! We did hill work with blocks, and it sucked but we didn’t get to finish! So…. Today we have a full hour, and we gonna get it done!

630 rolls around, we get started! 9 men showed this morning, a little liter crowd this morning, men out of town?

Warmup- SSH, Gravel pickers

Time to move! We head up to Folsom’s Block pile, then head to the HILL! This hill is pretty long, it will drain you.

10 Blockies at the top/10 Burpees at the bottom/ 4 sets!

15 Thrusters at the top/ 15 spurts at the bottom/ 4 sets!

20 alternating Block merkins at the top/ 20 merkins at the bottom/ 4sets!

All the men worked hard this morning, Folsom has come along way! The men are getting stronger, and the workouts are getting harder! I had posted on groupme that we are gonna try to burn 1000 calories this morning, we didn’t make it to 1000 but the Mayor burned over 900, and several men were in the 800s but we all put in hard work, that hill is a man maker!

Prayer request- Big Pappy, his mom passed this week. Huckleberry and his daughter, James Goudelocks funeral was today he left behind a wife and 2 children, those tubing today.

Announcements- Montross is Qing Folsom Tuesday

Thanks men for letting me lead the workout today!


The Hill

We had a good crowd at Folsom this morning! 530 hits and everyone is ready!
Warmup: SSH, Gravel Pickers

After a short warmup we head up to our new Folsom block storage area, everyone gets a block and follows me. We head to a spot that roundup likes to use, it’s the hill at the top of the lower pond , it’s a man maker!

10 Blockies at the to, 10 burpee’s at the bottom/ 4 rounds!

15 Thusters at the top, 15 squats at the bottom, 2 rounds

20 alternating block merkins at the top, 20 merkins at the bottom/ 3 rounds

My plan was to do 4 rounds each, I was checking my watch, had to cut it short due to time, will save the full one for a Saturday!

This hill kicked my but this morning! But thankfully I had good men right beside me! Remember this men, there are days and seasons of life that your but is gonna get kicked, but don’t buy into the lie that you are alone! It’s easy to do! Remember you have brothers that will sweat with you, talk with you and pray with you! There are brothers in this group that are probably praying for you even when you don’t know it! I’m thankful for those brothers!

Announcements- f3 dads at Folsom June 18th, PT test June 25th

Prayer request- Freight, Huck, Pappy, Stogie’s friend, our wives, our children

Thanks again for letting me lead!

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