Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Sean Corcoran (Page 9 of 13)

The Ricky Bobby – July 27 2022

We had four this morning at the Ricky Bobby. Sargento ran while we worked out.

Seeing no FNG’s, I gave a brief disclaimer and said the Pledge of Allegiance.

Brief mosey with some karoke, toy soldiers, high knees, and butt kickers.
Windmill x 10 IC
Imperial Walker x 10 IC
MNC x 10 IC

After the warm up we headed straight to the track for the work out.

Lap around the track
50 SSH and 50 LBC
Lap around the track
45 SSH and 45 Squats
Lap around the track
40 SSH and 40 Merkins
Lap around the track.
35 SSH and 35 Freddy Mercury
Lap around the track
30 SSH and 30 Monkey Humpers
Lap around the track
25 SSH and 25 Dips
Lap around the track
20 SSH and 20 Derkins
Lap around the track
15 SSH and 15 Flutter Kicks
Lap around the track
10 SSH and 10 Lunges
Lap around the track
5 SSH and 5 Burpees
Lap around the track

With a few minutes renaming we did an Ab Lap consisting of American Hammers, Plank Jacks, Mountain Climbers and Big Boy Sit Ups.

Tubing trip is Saturday, July 30 at Green River Tubing. Details on Slack.
Blood Drive is August 10. Details on Slack.

Tesla’s family.
Radar’s son who will be home Sunday from his 23 day trip.
Sargento’s  son who is away this week on a Football camp.
PAX on IR.



The GOAT – July 21, 2022

Well, I am glad I checked Team Up last night. I had forgotten, I had agreed to Q and was planning on FARTSACKING after the exciting Charlotte FC and Chelsea game.  So on a short four hours of sleep, I got myself ready and had a work out in mind with music.

As I arrived I only saw one other car (Pilgrim Progress) a short time later more cars started arriving. Tesla arrived at the nick of time as he does every post. How does he do it?

I saw a new face and introduced myself. We had Hot Corner from F3 Mint Hill joining us today. He was visiting his dad who recently had shoulder surgery.

After a quick disclaimer and the Pledge of Allegiance we set off on on Front Street and circled up in the parking lot at 8th and 10th Avenue.

Goofball x 20 IC
Windmill x 10 IC
Seal Jacks x 15 IC
MNC x 10 IC
Imperial Walker x 10 IC
Plank Jacks x 15 IC
Broga Stretches

15 Minute AMRAP:
6 Jumping Squats
8 Merkins
10 Freddie Mercury
12 SSH

*** After each round increase the rep by 2.

After the AMRAP we headed to THUNDER DOME as Orangeman referred to it. Here we did 11’s. 10 dips at the top and one squat at the bottom.

When we finished we had about 8 minutes remaining and headed back the way we began on Front Street, but this time we did five hand release merkins at each light pole (5 in total).

As the clock struck zero, I called 5 burpees for the train that we saw on Front Street. LOL.

F3 Dads at Gashouse at 7:00 a.m. on July 23

Tubing Trip (Check Slack for Details) on July 30

Blood Drive on August 10

Tesla’s M
Hot Corner’s Dad who is recovering from shoulder surgery
PAX traveling



Tequila Sunrise – July 1, 2022

It was a beautiful morning and 9 of us came to play ball this Friday,

We ran to the back side of the school to do our warm-up and did some Hillbilly Walkers, Moroccan Night Clubs, and Toy Solider Squats.

We made our way back to the baseball field for the main events

First up was a 7 of diamonds (4 base accumulator)

at home plate, we started with 7 Bonnie Blairs

Added 14 flutters at 1st base

21 CDD’s at 2nd

28 LBC’s at 3rd

Then made a 2nd trip around the bases taking one of the exercises off at each base until we were left with just the Bonnie Blairs

Then some good old fashioned competition was in order so we played some F3 Baseball.

We split into teams and each team started at a different base

When each team completed a cumulative rep count of 40 reps of each exercise they advanced to the next base via bear crawl and lunge walk

The team who completed the bases the most times during the remaining time won.

The exercises were : 40 merkins

40 Squats

40 PLank Jacks

40 burpees (we ran out of time before getting to these)

Back to COT and we were done!

Tequila Sunrise – July 8, 2022

We had 7 make it out for great morning and we started by the regular intro to make sure we did not have any FNG’s. We did a mosey from the parking lot of a church. We did some warm-ups and the numbers were dedicated to the days I started.

We ran to Davis Park and partnered up for a Dora.

100 merkins
200 american hammers (count one side)
300 squats

We ended with the motivator. 7 SSH, 7 Seal Jacks, 7 Squat Jacks, and 7 Calf Raises. Each round decreased by one rep until we completed all exercises.

Till next time…. GK

F3 Tequila Sunrise July 15, 2022

I was asked by Radar to come to Q at Tequila Sunrise. It was great seeing everyone. After a brief disclaimer, we headed to the track where the train whistle sounded so right off the bat we did 5 burpees.

The Thang

We took four laps and then circled up for the workout.

100 alarm clock or backside burpees
200 merkins
300 squats

With about 10 minutes left, we did suicides on the lines of the parking lot. After one set of suicides, each pax lined up to perform suicides again, but this time we did 20 mountain climbers at each line.

With a few minutes remaining, I handed it over to Radar for ab exercises.

2F tonight at Bearded Buffalo and Rusty Rabbit.

Convergence 7 a.m. at Folson. Sargento said there is a special 2F afterward.

2F lunch at Bubba’s on Franklin Boulevard.

F3 Dads at Gashouse on July 23.

Tubing July 30. More details to come.

Blood Drive August 10. More details to come.

Several prayers were mentioned today.

Wet Nutz

Tequila Sunrise – June 17, 2022

Modified Murph and Quarter Pounders


5:30 Go Time!   I disclaimed the legal stuff and we started with The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.   Warm Ups included SSH’s, Sun Gods, Mtn Climbers and Produce Pickers.   I saved the message until the ending COT.  #DRP   #ACCELERATION

The Work

First up, a steady mosey around the school track.   Spin the Music, RUSH was the morning playlist:  Tom Sawyer, Spirit of the Radio, Working Man, the list goes on and on.   I called out a “Modified Murph” – 5 cycles of the following:

  • 10 Pull-Ups
  • 20 Merkins
  • 40 Squats
  • 1 Lap around the track (rinse and repeat)


Next up, mosey over to the wall for some wall sits, 15 minutes remaining so we didn’t linger long at the wall.   Then, off to the grass field for modified Quarter Pounders.

  • From the Goal Line, run to the 25 yard line, 25 Mountain Climbers, then back to Goal Line
  • From the Goal Line, run to the 50 yard line, 50 SSH’s, then back to Goal Line
  • From the Goal Line, run to the 75 yard line, 75 LBC’s, then back to Goal Line
  • From the Goal Line, run to the 100 yard line, 100 Flutters, then back to COT


With 40 seconds remaining, we did American Hammers until time expired.   I believe the PAX were gassed!   I know I was.


We talked up the upcoming events.  July 15 Brew Ruck in Lake Wylie.

Prayers & Praises:

For all of the spokens and unspokens we gathered as ball of man and prayed us out.


Honored to lead these fine Men at Abyss, thanks Huffy for the opportunity to lead !

Dan Sippel, 54, Quasimodo

F3 Mount Hollywood – June 27, 2022

8 Pax put in the hard work to get the week started. Seeing no FNG, I gave a brief disclaimer and the PAX said the Pledge of Allegiance.

After a brief mosey where each of the PAX did karaoke, toy soldiers, butt kickers, and high knees we circled up for the warm up.

Windmill x 10 IC
SSH x 25 IC
Low Slow Squat x 10 IC
Hillbilly Walker x 10 IC
Wide Arm Merkin x 10 IC
Plank Jacks x 20 IC
Downward Dog into a Honeymooner

After the warm up we took a mosey to the back part of the school. I had been meaning to use this hill and ball field for quite some time, but thank you to day light saving we can actually see what we are doing. We partnered up and did DORA.

DORA (one pax would perform the exercise, while the other pax ran to the top of the hill, performed three burpees, and then circled back down and tagged their partner in).
100 merkins
200 mountain climbers (count one side only)
300 lbc

We headed to the baseball bleachers and did the following exercises.
30 dips – 10 step ups
25 dips – 15 step ups
20 dips – 20 step ups
15 dips – 25 step ups
10 dips – 30 step ups

We then took a lap around the gravel path surrounding the baseball field.

I took advantage of the baseball field. We took three trips around the baseball diamond.
7 diamond merkins at home, first, second, and third base.
14 flutter kicks at home, first, second, and third base.
21 squats at home, first, second, and third base.

Seeing no time remaining we heading back to COT.

July 23 convergence at Folsom.
July 30 tubing trip.

Pillager’s grandfather passed away. He will be traveling to Wisconsin this week.


The STORM – June 21, 2022

The STORM – June 21, 2022

We had 14 PAX at The STORM this morning. After a brief disclaimer and seeing no FNG’s we said The Pledge of Allegiance and took a mosey.

In between the parking rows the PAX did karaoke, side shuffle, toy soldiers, nur, and threw in some sprints to get the heart pumping.

SSH x 25 IC
Imperial Walker Squats x 10
Smurf Jacks x 20 IC
Hillbilly Walker x 10 IC
Merkin x 10 IC
Mountain Climbers x 15 IC

5 Minute AMRAP (Round 1)

  • 10 burpees
  • 10 jump squats
  • 10 freddy mercury

5 Minute AMRAP (Round 2)

  • 10 bomb jacks
  • 10 merkins
  • 10 alternating shoulder taps

5 Minute AMRAP (Round 3)

  • 10 carolina dry docks
  • 10 lunges
  • 10 plank jacks

5 Minute AMRAP (Round 4)

  • 10 apolo ohno
  • 10 wide arm merkin
  • 10 american hammers

We took a lap around the parking lot after each round.

EXERCISE #2 (There was about four minutes remaining):

  • 100 squats
  • 80 little baby crunch
  • 60 american hammers (count each rep)

PT test at Gashouse on Saturday, June 24, followed by roadside cleanup.

Tubing July 30.

Cinderella requested that everyone say a prayer for a 17-year-old who had a stroke Monday following football workouts in Georgia.

Tiger requested prayers for his sister in law.

Sargento requested prayers for one person who is going through chemo and radiation treatment for colon cancer and another person who had a mass remove from his skull.


Wolverine Guest Q at Tequila Sunrise – June 10, 2022

Warm Up
Four laps around the track.
Mountain Climbers

Round 1
30 Ranger Merkins
20 Jump Tucks
20 Big Boy Sit ups
Take a lap

Round 2
20 Carolina dry docks
40 squats
50 LBC
Take a lap

Round 3
20 diamond merkins
20 bomb jacks
20 crunchy frogs
Take a lap

Round 4
30 dips
25 jump squats
15 donkey kicks
Take a lap

Mosey over to the wall. Wall sit. Two pax would run out to the paved lot and perform an exercise. We did this for two rounds.

Mosey over to the play ground. 5 rounds (10 dips and 5 pull ups)

Mosey over to the school parking lot for sprints and gassers.

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