Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Brian Cole (Page 3 of 5)

300th Post

17 HIM showed up this am for some Folsom beat down, today was a special day for me as it was my 300th post since I started F3 last October. I’ve been post counting and eyeballing the calendar to try and to line up my 300th post for a Q, I’ve had my eyes set on the 11th for about a month.  To keep up the trend for my other milestone post Q’s everything is 300 reps (probably won’t do a 400).  As we got started we had a few stragglers show as the warmup started, but late or on time just glad to have them there.


10 Gravel pickers IC

20 Side Straddle Hops

Moroccan Night clubs

10 Burpees

20 more SSH waiting for Sparky

10 more Burpees so he didn’t feel left out


Mosey to Shelter


Dora with partner, one does the work, one runs top of parking lot and back.

300-Step ups count both sides




I Found a variation of the AB workout from the movie 300 and it happened to be 300 reps to continue with the theme.  

300 AB workout, 300 Reps of abs.

50 Big boys with a reach up

25 Side crunches to left

25 Side crunches to the right

50 American hammers both count one side

50 Hi/low scissor crosses one cross low one high.

Leaning knees drives left 25

Leaning knee drives right 25

Wiper planks 50 each side

We barely made it back to COT for time. I appreciate everyone who came out for my 300th post and thanks to Balljoint for pushing me to get into F3 and handing over site Q duties for Folsom.



Convergence 15th at Bulldog WA Bess School

Stanley Creek Massacre



Sarlacc’s job Interviews

Family’s that have lost babies


MW grandma

Stripers Brother

Our F3 brothers and family

Purple Haze mom

Hacksaw and Roundups family

IPC Relay Week 4 run back

We ran the IronPAX relay in a time of 28:02 last Friday but thought if we could recruit some runners we may be able to shave some time off, and that’s what we did. We had 12 men gather at Old School this am to try and beat out time and see if we could secure a better position against the other regions.

We started off with the work on round one and we got it banged out quick with our resident jump rope champ Mayor finishing out each round with 50 Jump rope and passing it to the runners. Our first mile was Split between Gold digger, Freight, Balljoint and Broke and they knocked it out in 4:49! The next four rounds called for one 400m run in between. Round two was Roundup with a 1:06, Round three was Gold Digger but he lost a shoe, stumbled and threw the other off and ran a sock foot 400m in 1:11! WikiLeaks is a new Pax and is a awesome runner with just two posts under his belt, he rocked the 400m in round four in 1:04 on his first attempt!  Gold Digger took a his third stab at the 400m at the end of round five in 1:06.  Backing up to the work performed everyone had excellent form and knocked it out w it h speed. We shaved nearly a min off the 400 reps and 300 jump rope reps. Mayor had a much easier time without the wind gusts from Friday and Wirenut our resident Squat master blew through the Jungle Boi squats and Bonnie Blair’s. No matter how organized you try to make this with this many people trading off the work every 5 reps it still takes teamwork to make it happen.  The last round of work called for 100 bigs boys split by everyone that wasn’t running and then 50 more jump rope before our final relay mile team took off. We had Roundup, Wiki, Slaw and Gold digger polish that mile off in 4:47!  Final time 24:22. Should be good enough for third of no one else attempts it today.

I know a lot of people don’t like to do IronPAX and avoid it but this is a way for everyone to be involved in it. Everyone shares the load and does the work in their wheelhouse.  Greenwood is going to make the relay portion a official part of IronPAX next year. Just something to keep in mind. Anyone can do this. Thanks to Westside for the idea for us to try this two weeks ago. I wish he could have made it out this am.



Folsom Week 4 Iron Pax Relay

8 men braved the tropical storm winds from Hurricane Ian this am to knock out the Iron Pax relay for week 4. It wasn’t quite as organized as Westsides relay Q last week but we got it done in 28:02 💪🏼.  I feel like we could have shaved another minute if we didn’t have that headwind on the run back or a hill to go up but still proud of our time.   Thanks to all the guys and to my 2.0 F3 Scoonter (Bryten) for coming out to film/proctor for us.  Link to our YouTube video below.


IPC week 4 at Folsom

I rolled into Folsom at 4:20 this am to set up for week 4 Iron Pax Challenge. We had a couple PAX that wanted to get a head start due to this one being a long grind with some mileage.  We got Stogie and Ozark started around 4:35ish and me and Balljoint accompanied them on a few of their runs for moral  support until the rest of the gang started rolling in. It was about 50 degrees and alittle breezy but we had some music and a lot of work to warm us up and keep our minds off it.  Here was the prescription.

100 Gas Pumpers
50 Jump Rope
1 mile run

25 Hello Dollies
25 Burpees
50 Jump Rope
400-meter run

25 Hand Release Merkins

25 V-Ups
50 Jump Rope
400-meter run

25 Leg Raises
25 Jungle Boi Squats
50 Jump Rope
400-meter run

25 4-count flutter kicks
25 Bonnie Blairs
50 Jump Rope
400-meter run

100 Big Boy Sit-ups
50 Jump Rope
1 mile run

Everyone was pushing themselves and one another this morning. No matter the time everyone should be proud for even getting out of bed to get it done.


Crossroads and Q Source 9/11

12 men gathered in the misty muggy morning at crossroads. We had a mix of running, rucking and a sandbag ruck/workout in remembrance of 9/11. We only got 5 rounds in due to time but it was killer after that ruck. We were smoked.   Todays Q Source was about IMPACT, in summary we can’t have IMPACT on another man’s life without proximity.  To get proximate or near to them to achieve IMPACT the HIM needs to initiate the movement to help other men get right.  A lot of men we know don’t know what they’re missing from F3, thinking it’s all about working out.  I didn’t know how much I needed it with where I was in my life 11 months ago when I started, but Balljoint stayed vigilant and proximate to get me out as a sad clown so that my life could be IMPACTed by this group of men.  When we’re EHing we need to speak to others about the IMPACT they could expect not just physically but mentally and spiritually as well.


Co-Convergence October 15th

5k at Gaston


Skating with Bowser 17th

Prayer requests

Gumby’s Mom

Wirenut and family

Stripers brother

Purple haze back

Snelling family

Prayer for the families of 9/11 and the nation to remember

Folsom 9/3 picking up the slack

7 men gathered at Folsom this AM including a FNG. I only had alittle while to improvise this Q while trying to coach softball last night due to someone’s last min vacation Q bail out (Roundup 👎🏼).  We hit the 5 core principles and Disclaimer then set off.



10 Gravel Picker IC

10 Moroccan night clubs

10 Burpees

Everyone knows we were gonna hit the hill for a hour with Roundup so we at least paid a visit and got a mile and a half on the hill. Triple Nickel from top to bottom.

Mike Tyson’s and lunges (both legs=1)

Once the six is in mosey to animal control and grab a block and do these together as a group

5 Thrusters

10 Blockees

15 squats

20 tricep extensions

25 overhead presses

30 Curls


Mosey to flag pole at AG center

Catch the pledge and do 22 Merkins in cadence for the vets

Round of cherry pickers from Sarlacc

Mosey back and at every light pole do 10 merkins and 5 big boys.

Circle up on your six, hold 6” and then write the alphabet with your feet together, keep your feet off the ground

Finish with some Mary Pax choice.

We let Sarlacc get one more round of cherry pickers then polished the workout off with 5 Kraken Burpees.

Carlos Gomez is our newest Pax and will be forever known as Jiffy



October 8th convergence at Bulldog

Skating with mayor

Second F lunch coming up

Prayer requests

Stripers brother

Sarlaccs daughter

All the runners in around the crown (Chubs)

Folsom 8/25

Rolling in and setting up the flags this am you can feel it won’t be much longer for cool mornings at Folsom, skunks we’re out in full force as the PAX rolled in.  5:30 and it’s time to get it on.

The Warmup

10 Gravel pickers IC

10 Moroccan Night clubs IC

20 Side straddle Hops IC

5 Burpees

Mosey to bottom of parking lot

Catch me if you can

Partner up, first partner does 10 merkins while the other partner NURS, when you complete your merkins sprint and catch your partner to release them from the NUR now they drop and do merkins. We’ll do this to the triangle past the upper park bathrooms.

At the triangle first corner 10 big boys, second corner 20 flutters (count one leg), 30 Jungle boys squats

Mosey to the Flag pole at AG center for pledge but on the way 2 burpees at the remaining light poles

Circle up and do 22 merkins in cadence for the vets

Mosey to AG center parking lot for a round of Dirty 11’s. The work is Mike Tysons and lunges with a burpee each time you pass the median.

Indian run back to the starting point. Man in the back does two burpees before over taking the line.

When we go back to the lower parking lot I felt the men did so good I’d take them on a little vacation to the BEARMUDA TRIANGLE. Three cones roughly 30 yards apart, 1 burpee at first cone with a bear crawl to cone #2 where we do 2 burpees and bear crawl to cone #3 and you guessed it 3 burpees. To round it all out a final bear crawl to cone 4 and the final 4 burpees of the workout.

Slow mosey to COT for some Mary and we knocked out some dying cockroaches, LBC’s, and leg lift spreads then TIME.

Paul Bearer sent us out with a Prayer



PT test Saturday GasHouse

Prayer requests

Jessica Beetle Baileys friend

Stripers Brother


Wire nuts family.

Bedpans wife

Folsom Hero WOD 7/14


10 gravel pickers in cadence

10 Moroccan night clubs IC


5 Burpee’s


Got started on some Core work but the 30 seconds rest time was too much standing around  modified it to 10 secs

30 secs on 30 secs off for 3 rounds

Bear plank Shoulder taps

Reclined flutters

Reclined knee tucks

Mountain climbers

Hero WOD made in the honor of US Army Spl. Keenan Cooper of 82 Airborne division KIA 7/5/2010 a week before his 20th Birthday in Afghanistan when his unit was attacked with a IED.

Going for rounds

AMRAP for 19 min using sandbag/vest

20 Squats

10 Folsom Sandbag getups (5 each side)flat from back no hands  

200m run

7 burpees rinse and repeat 

Circle up and get 5 min of Mary in  

Prayer Requests

Big Pappy

Stripers Brother

Stogies coworkers family



Purple haze Sister in-law

Michael Hefner

James Goudelock

Wirenuta family



Lunch 20th Bubba 33

Convergence 7:00 Folsom

Tubing 30th

The Down-Lo 6/27

little muggy outside this am but 5 HIM gathered at the Down-Lo this morning to sweat it out.  This was my 200th post so I got Stogie to pass the Q on to me a couple weeks back so naturally 200 was the goal to work towards the first couple exercises.


20 Moroccan Night clubs IC

10 Gravel Pickers IC

20 Side straddle hops

10 Burpees

5 burpees for the train

Mosey to big parking lot across from ball field

We’re gonna do some Route 66. Do Route 66 LBC’s crab walking between spots, at the end Route 66 back CDD’s with bear crawling between, one more time back Route 66 Big Boys but at the very end we’ll grab 2 burpees to polish off 200 count in this parking lot.

Now we’ll Mosey to the Church Parking lot and partner up for some Dora but all exercises will be a 200 count

200 Merkins

200 Squats

200 Flutters

200 American hammers

Mosey to skate park


Start at one side on top of the ramp shoulder taps on one side, Nolan Ryan’s on the other. When crossing the skate park bear crawl down the ramp backwards and across the bowl and up the other side. Stay down the whole time. We ended up dropping the  bear crawl in between for time to get the reps in  


Green river tubing trip 30th?

F3 dads Gashouse July 20

Prayer requests


Danielle’s grandma (bedpans wife)


Stripers Brother

My friend Jon (stroke)

Hacksaws Mom (stroke)

Stogies friend Nan

All PAX traveling


Folsom 6/25

As usual a beautiful Saturday morning at Folsom so no better thing to do than knock out some work with some HIM.


10 Gravel pickers in cadence

20 SSH in cadence

10 Burpees

Every light pole from start to the Flag pole at AG center 5 Burpees, 10 Big boys

Pledge of allegiance

Circle up 22 for the vets

On your six, hold 6 inches, do the alphabet with your feet

In cadence no dropping of arms

20 forward arm circles

20 backward arm circles

20 mini forward arm circles

20 min backward arm circles

20 helicopter arm circles

20 Osprey (reverse) arm circles

Go into cherry pickers lead by Sarlacc

Go to back road behind Ag center 5 star jumps everyone at start and work at the other end

First trip down 10 Burpees

Second trip 20 Mike Tysons

Third trip 30 Squats

Fourth Trip 40 Flutters count one leg

Fifth Trip 50 American Hammers one side

Indian run back to lower parking lot person in rear does two burpees and overtakes the line.

Dirty 11’s diamond Merkins and V ups

Mary at COT if time allows. End with 10 burpees.


F3 dads July 23rd Gashouse

30th tubing green river

Prayer requests

Gumby’s mom

Sarlaccs daughter



Stripers Brother

Gearwrench as friend John

Wichita moving to new job

FNG Highlander

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