Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Gastone (Page 1 of 17)

The Pickle Pounder

15 showed up for an early morning bootcamp brought to you by Gastone. We had lots of fun, and I will try to put it on paper below.

The Thang:

25 SSh

20 Merkins OYO

Mosey to McQuitter wall for 2 sets.

20 3 count dips

20 step ups first leading with left foot then 20 on the other side.

30 Squats

30 Monkey Humpers

Between the 2 sets we ran down the hill and came back up backwards for a little Nurr.

Then we moseyed to the parking garage. (at this point Gastone realized a large hotel had been constructed since last I was at Downtown? hmmm.)

Lunge walk backwards up the slope in garage.

Be honest I was all over the place but we stopped at least 4 times to do 4 different versions of calf raises to 20. We did more lunges, wall sits with marching and more Monkey Humpers.

We king of finished in garage with a circle of fun exercises which Slaw seemed to really demonstrate for everyone. 30 Pick Pounders, 30 Hip Thrusters, with 30 Monkey Humpers. (For a second we sang “In the Navy”)

We moseyed to the wall for some balls to the wall and a little more sitting against wall.

Mosey to the start for a little Mary for the next 5 minutes.


The Moleskin:

It was fun, I have missed everyone. I plan on being back out quite a bit so we will see you soon.

Prayers  for all and the one’s that need the most that were mentioned.

Gastone Out!


Storm of fun

14 at The Storm for some Gastone.

The Thang:

30 SSH

20 Merkins

Mosey to wall at school for 25 Marching with hands in the air, and 20 Hip Slappers. Then 25 and 15. Good start I was told, very popular with everyone.

Mosey down and out to the road at the bottom of the hill.

We planked for an entire minute or just me in my head counting to 60. Most form was good.

As you look up the hill I pointed out all the light post even the one’s that were not working. We stopped at all of them for 5 Hand Release Merkins.

Then we crossed the road and hit the rest of the poles all the way to the top with 20 Monkey Humpers at each post.

On the way, all the way to the bottom we did 10 Squats at the first pole then 5 Merkins at the second and repeated that pattern to the very bottom.

We took a left in to the parking lot for 20 Yards Lunges, 20 Yards Backwards Lunge, Calf Raise routine.

6 minute of Mary.

Flutter’s, Jane Fonda’s, and Pickle Pounders. Maybe a few others.  Mosey back with a stop for 20 Mountain Climbers.

Right on time.

The Moleskin:

We had an FNG, Drizzle. Drizzle did a great job and plans on being with us a lot more. He has 2 kid’s and lives in Belmont the last 3.5 years.  He spends lots of time with family and we have so much more to learn about him. Welcome.

We started with a Pledge.

We finished with a Prayer.

Gastone Out.

The Hill of mailboxes

11 for a bootcamp in the gloom with Gastone.

The Thang:

25 SSH

20 Hand Release Merkins

20 Imperial Walkers

Mosey to wall at gym.

25 Wall sit marches with hands in the air, 25 Hip Slappers. Then 25 and 20, Then 25 and 15. This was for Whoopee

Mosey around behind business and we did 50 Monkey Humpers for the camera.

Mosey to Gastone’s Hill

Each Mailmox 5 Hand Release Merkins. It was terrible.

Down the hill 10 Squats each mailbox.

Back up the hill with some exercise at the mailboxes.

And back down with another.

We did some more stuff on the way back but you get the general idea.

The Molskin:

We worked hard, we survived. We will go on to conquer the day.

We did a prayer and we started with the pledge.

Gastone Out!

A hill named…..

11 Showed up this morning and got out of the Fartsack. A couple ran a few miles before workout. Dirt had to leave but ran 2 before and some more after but had to catch a flight.

The Thang,


30 SSH

10 Merkins

25 Imperial Walkers.

Mosey to dock, jump up and Lunge walk the ramp to the bottom.

Mosey to wall beside gym.

Wall Sit/Marching to 30, 25 Shoulder taps, 20 CDD, 20 Plank Jacks, 20 Mountain Climbers.

25 Shoulder Taps

Mosey to Food Lion parking lot.

20 Yards backwards Lunge. 20 Yards left side lunges, 20 Yards right side lunges.

Mosey to wall near Food Lion.

25 Shoulder Taps

Mosey to The Great Hill named after something cool.

1 Merkin, 1 Monkey Humper, 1 Squat increase at each mailbox on the right by 1. Run backwards between each box.  We went up to 7 and back down.

Monkey Humpers starting with 20 at the firs box on left coming from the top but had to turn and come up to finish all the way to 1.

Next we did Plank Jacks on mailboxes then Mountain Climbers.

Mosey back to start on the way back we got in 50 LBC’s.

The Moleskin:

Great group of guys. Fun times were had and we had a medium amount of Mumble Chatter.

This is a good time of the year to give some other guys the Emotional Headlock and drag them into a workout. Offer to give them a ride and let them know what time you will pick them up.

Prayers for many,

Gastone Out!

Welcome to Planet Fitness

7 showed for a gloomy boot camp on a Wednesday morning.

The Thang:


30 SSH while we waited on Hushpuppy arrive from his car.

Mosey to wall beside Planet Fitness.

Wall Sit, then Wall sit with hands above head. Then March in cadence to 30.

30 Monkey Humpers

Lunge walk about 30 Yards. 20 Yards to the right then left. Then backwards back to the wall.

20 Jane Fonda’s. Plank with belly facing up and thrust hips up and down to a 3 count.

50 Squats.

Then back to the wall. Rinse and repeat with a few changes along the way. The Squats went down by 10 each of the 4 sets. We added Pickle pounders after the Jane Fonda’s. We also changed from Lunges to Karaoke, then to running.

In the mix of all of that we added a variety of calf raises to further the leg workout but focusing on the lower leg.

Mosey our way back to the wall at the bank.

20 Incline Merkins, 20 Dips, and 20 CDD’s. Rinse and Repeat.

Mosey to start with 10 seconds to spare. (Hushpuppy, questioned or challenged that I might not make it back in time.

But we did.

The Moleskin:

Great group this morning. We had some Mumble Chatter or really it was more of Clavin adding sound effects to some of the workout.  But, he seemed confident that his wife would approve of the workout and might increase stamina or something he mentioned.

Also, Stinky Bird killed a turkey or at least that is what he tells us. He pounded his chest while saying this as if it was a giant Moose or a lion. But, good job Stinky Bird. Whoopee would be proud.


Gastone Out!


Lay down Pulls


9 men showed this Friday morning in order to improve themselves.

The Thang:

25 SSH

20 Imperial Walkers

Mosey to wall

2 rounds, 25 wall sit March, 20. (3 count) Monkey Humpers, 20 Lunges (count only right leg), 30 squats.

Mosey down the hil.
top of hill 10 hand release Merkins

mosey to corner for 10 squats

mosey to sidewalk railing, 1 lay down pull up

repeated the above until we flipped the outside numbers. 11’s with a twist.

mosey back. On the way 20 yards backwards and 30 yards lunges.

The Moleskin:

weather was great, strong group of guys that all have a purpose.
prayers for all that we mentioned.
Thanks for the opportunity, Gastone Out!

Hudson Fryer Tribute Beatdown

6 showed up for Husdon Fryer Tribute Beatdown.

The Thang:

8 Hand Release Burpee’s

21 Upright Rows

4 Dan Taylor’s

19 Spiderman Merkins

15 Outlaws

14 No Surrenders

418 Meter run after every set. Which is basically a 1/4 mile or .25.

x5 Sets

The Moleskin:

Hudson Fryer passed on October 3rd, 2020. His dad is a member of the Northwest Arkansas Pax. The Pax developed this workout in his honor.

The numbers above are the letter of the alphabet and spell his name. 4/18 was his birthday and is how the came up with the 418 meters.

It was a hard beatdown and we prayed for Nomad and his family.

Gastone Out.

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