Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: SlimShady (Page 1 of 2)

The Power of 3 – Shady Edition

New Q November – I guess that means I’m new at least for 2022, new for those that don’t know the SLIM SHADY like YOU!

Let’s do this…Sets were done in 3s tied to the overall theme of Power of 3

Warm up
Moroccan nightclubs
Burpees 3
Plank Jacks
Burpees 2
Side straddle hops
Burpees 1

Mosey around building 4 corners
Upper body
Shoulder taps
Nolan Ryan
3 burpees

Mosey around to field
Dying cockroach

Legs mosey to the wall
Wall sits
Jump squats
Calf raises
Jump Lunges

Mosey back to beginning
Stretch right leg to right hand etc
Burpees 3
Plank right hand up switch
Burpees 2
Bow toes
Burpees 1


Ended with a mental health moment tied to the workout being in 3s. I spoke about how people these days are trying to do too much and it’s driving many bonkers. A lot of mental experts have found that simplifying your focus to 3 goals, 3 things at a time allows a person to not get overwhelmed. I connected this back to the TRINITY being 3 – father, son, holy spirit (ghost for real country folk)…Be aware of the 3 as you go about your day!!!

A Slim Shady Fill In

No Show Slim Shady Impromtu Workout

10 side straddle hops
10 mountain climbers
5 burpees
10 moroccan night clubs
10 mountain climbers
5 burpees
10 imperial walkers
10 mountain climbers
4 burpees
30 second wall sit squat
30 second wall hand stand
lap around field
100 inverted merkins
200 jump squats
300 mountain climbers
indian run, last man sprint
do around field
4 points of track, at each point
10-10-10-10 with indian runs from point to point
derkins, big boys, plank jacks, jump squats
Run it in to COT

Man up to the cards you’re given…

It was good to get out. Surrounded by HIMs allows us to push ourselves greater than by ourselves. I was particularly challenged as I battle with some lower back issues. I am grateful for all that showed up and pushed me, as well as others.

Stretching was carried out, throughout – keep your body intact, stretch often MEN!



Side straddle hops
Plank, right foot to right hand flap jack
SLO Mo grass pickers
Toy soldiers

4 corners – 10-15-20
Sit-ups WW1
Monkey Humpers


Don’t know what card you’ll be dealt…Pokers changed the deck used. One deck was stacked with high cards, the other with low cards with a few high cards…
Spades – shoulder taps
Hearts – merkins
Diamonds – jump squats
Clubs – LBCs

Shady stretching – ballz to the wallz, one foot down for 10 seconds, then flap jack.

Stretching – Abs Mary

Shady Out

A Shady Merkin-Derkin-Werkin Beatdown

Maybe it was Nantan being at the AO or being a guest Q at Folsom or me trying to overcome severe allergies, but I brought a shady, stupid beatdown to a group of 17 HIMs and myself… The chatterboxes brought some fun mumble chatter to ease up the beatdown. Montross with an honorable mention for sure!

The show to know and grow was without merlot, hallelujah here we go!

Warmup: Morrocan Night Clubs 15 IC,  Cotton Pickers 15 IC, SSH 15 IC

Thang:  A clueless mosey by YHC to see where our first shady series of exercises would begin – the tennis courts will do… I used to play!

Werkins-Derkins-Merkins, 25 reps each, bear crawl to puddle (past second tennis court), run back, rinse and repeat @ 20 reps, then 15 reps…

10 counts sprinkled in to give our upper bodies a rest…Time to find the next spot! Mosey, down to the pavilion for some wall craziness!

A Shady Stretching as YHC  has coined it….In wall hanging fashion (feet up against wall 60 degrees), series of 30 second intervals of right leg, shoulder taps, then left leg. Quick recovery in between each…. Run uphill and back. Rinse and repeat 3 times… A quick message on don’t let your circumstances dictate your routines; leverage others in F3 and around you to Push through!

Ok, upper bodies need a break

Abs Fabs – American Hammers, Leg Lifts, Dying Cockroaches – 25,20,15 Reps OYO

Ok, mosey back to tennis courts with an audible to indian run back

The beatdown wouldn’t be complete without bringing back – Werkin-Derkin-Merkins in position hold form – 25, 20, 15 seconds each round. After each sprint full length of court and high knee rotating run….

Mosey back to start for a final countdown, speed Merkins to finish up the THANG

It was a pleasure hopping over to see the Folsom site and push through a series of stupid, shady exercises to challenge and grow ourselves!

-YHC, Slim Shady

Sweep the Leg – A Dojo Showdown Take 2

It took me a minute to figure out how we were going to get the DOJO SHOWDOWN going, but it happened – it was go time at the GAS HOUSE. At first, I felt like I may have let a big fart or something when got the jog going, as a ton of guys diverted off our path but nah, it was PAIN LAB. So after almost shedding a tear, it was take 2 of DoJo Showdown and the mumble chatter got going quickly after sharing the theme was Cobra Kai and Karate Kid related –  with John Kreese’s “Sweep the Leg” statement coming in the strongest!

Warmup: Moroccan Nightclubs in crane form (15, flapjack legs), Cotton pickers (15), Imperial Storm Kickers (15

Thang: Mosey around the parking lot to the spot for the low down of the dojo showdown

Explain further the theme on Karate Kid, sharing the ages of Johnny Lawrence, Daniel Larusso, Miyagi and John Kreese.  54-58-73-75  … Together, we would do 54 of two exercises, run down the paws of the lot and back to THE ROCK, do 5 burpees, then repeat at 58. We’d do the same thing for the two other exercises list, at 73 and 75 reps


Plank punches
Plank kicks
Squat Punches
Daniel Sons


Wall Sits, 30 seconds, run, 5 burpees
Ballz to the Wallz, neutral, right leg, back to regular, left leg down, each at 30 seconds, run a lap, 5 burpees
Wall Plan, 30 seconds, run lap, 5 burpees
Wall spider
Run and repeat


MERKIN, DERKIN WERKINS 25 reps-15 reps -5 reps
After each set, ran to the rock and back
Then we did it in 25 seconds – 15 sec – 5 sec hold form for each

we finished back where we began the THANG at the DOJO with abs

LBC Karate style with punches
scissor kick leg lifts

Ended with  pledge, announcements, Prayer Requests (Tube BIL and intervention prayers)!

Appreciated the opportunity to Q at the GAS HOUSE, hope to do so again soon!!!

-YHC, Slim Shady

A DoJo Showdown – Take 1

4 non super runner HIMs made their presence known for a Karate Kid themed workout that Daniel-son would chuckle at. Exercises were a showdown between Cobra Kai vs Miyagi Do. Cobra Kai was No Mercy intense speed and Miyagi Do was more calculated, hold positions with some occasional Daniel-Son cranes!

It definitely had some bad producing as the Apple Watch weinke or maybe the Q didn’t capture the thang well…

Anyway…this is what went down without one sad clown in town…

Warmup: Knee Ups 25 IC, 25 Ballerinas 25 IC, MOROCCAN Night clubs 25 Finkle Swings attempted but yikes!!!


Mosey to soccer field 54-58-73-75

Miyagi do and Cobra Kai
Plank punches
Plank kicks
Daniel son Knee ups
Daniel son – crane
Squat punches
David Lee Roth burpee – scissor kick burpee after each round 5

Donkey kicks
Wall punches
Wall kicks
Wall spider
Run and repeat


Thang:  Mosey to pavilion to setup the DOJO.  Spoke a little about the theme and asked some questions on ages of main characters of karate Kid/Cobra Kai.

We did a series of exercises with reps equal to the ages of Johnny Lawrence(54), Daniel Larusso (58)Miyagi (RIP, 73)and John Kreese (75) in the series

54 reps, hill run, 58 reps hill run 5 burpees
Plank punches
Plank kicks

73 reps, hull run, 75 reps hill run  5 burpees                     Daniel Sons
Squat punches

Moseyed to THE WALL of Belmont Middle.       15 reps of Donkey kicks, Wall punches , Wall kicks Run a lap and repeat….
Wall Meditation in 15 second intervals
Ballz to the Wallz
One leg down flapjack
Ballz to the Wallz
run a lap and repeat

Chest and core are important. A fighter needs to be able to take a punch to the chest and abs…Moseyed to the picnic shelter and here’s what followed

Each set finished with a hill run up and down

we finished back where we began the THANG at the DOJO with abs

LBC Karate style with punches
scissor kick leg lifts
Squat holds with core engaged for 30

Ended with announcements, Prayer Requests (Rebar – heart results coming), Name-0-Rama. and then oh yeh don’t forget the pledge!!!

RINSE and REPEAT better version of this weinke will occur somewhere soon!!!

THE QUICK WITTY – we’re all called to be Godly men – sometimes that requires striking first for someone to know Jesus, being bold, striking first for Christ by helping those less fortunate. Whichever the Dojo, the principles of BOTH DOJOS together create a powerful punch for us as leaders in this world, in our community and most importantly in our household!

-YHC, Slim Shady

Fortune Teller Fitness

13 brave souls came out for some fortune telling fitness. What’s that you say? It’s taking fortune teller origami and converting into a workout. Yea, definitely didn’t think through working fingers in 28 degree weather so definitely plan on bringing it back in summer with a few tweaks. We got the shake and bake going with 25 SSH, 5 burpees, 3X with morrocon night clubs sprinkled in as well. We mosied around to the Belmont Middle School wall for some 30 second wall sits and 10 Merkins. We made our way to the shelter for the fortune telling to begin.

THE TWO FORTUNE TELLER ORIGAMIs- set of exercises (jump Squats, Shoulder Taps, Hammer Curls, Smerkins – slow merkins) and lower reps (10,20,30,40) and set of exercises (Dying Cockroaches, Plank Jacks, Werkins, Monkey Humpers) with higher reps(15,25,35,50). On the outside, one fortune teller had names of F3 Sites – Folsom, Storm, Yank, Goat and the other had some acronyms/terms of F3 – SYITG, Clown, QSource, Lexicon. We ran laps after every 2-3 pulls, rotating between indian runs, karaoke and nervs.

Once we did all cards, we moseyed over for some shady stretching, balls to the wall right foot to ground right hand, switch, hold and then head back to the yank.

We mosied our way back to Yank landing zone and did some final minutes of Mary then 1 minute of Burpees. We did the pledge and gathered prayers in the circle. Many shared around healing of COVID or prayers for those dealing with loss – let’s continue to be there for each and everyone!!!

The fortune telling was not accurate, it was brutal at times but hopefully sharpened each HIM to know there’s only one in control of their fortune and that’s God. Know him and seek his plan for you, Shady OUT!

A shuffling deck of cards

Great small group of 6 HIMs gathered to stomp on 2020 and pump up 2021. We got things rolling with 21 SSH and the 20 SSH. 3 burpees in between – Father Son Holy Spirit. We had a special drive by bike guest strike up some mumble chatter and we pushed him to join, as it started to drive a loss of focus and drive, dint believe explanation given on burpees since mumble chatter created some confusion within the Q. Audible led to mosey to the spot. We did a lap around the track and made our way to the shelter. I introduced two mini decks of cards and laid out the instructions/rules, creating a life bridge that if nothing else 2020 taught us that our deck of cards could easily and quickly change, you could have been in a good place then COVID HAPPENED or you could have been in a bad spot and somehow through God’s grace been blessed after COVID.

THE TWO DECKS – good deck ( low cards/reps) and bad deck ( higher cards/reps). Jokers placed in each deck and when pulled, switches to other deck. After each HIM pulled a card, the exercise and rep amount would be done. After 4, we’d do a lap around the track in Indian, karaoke, backward forms.

Ace – American Hammers, 21
King – Werkins, 13
Queen – leg lifts, 12

Jack – plank jacks, 11

Spades – jump squats (deck 1) , calf raises (deck 2)

Hearts – LBCs, dying cockroaches

Diamonds – merkins,derkins

Clubs – mountain climbers, Peter parkers

Once we did all cards, we moseyed over for some shady stretching, balls to the wall right foot to ground right hand, switch, hold and then head back to the yank.

to cap off the cards Dealt for the day we ended with 22 burpees – 21 for the year plus one to show we’re overcomers no matter what comes our way. And we did it through the fellowship we have in the circle where we ended with the pledge and prayers.

3,2,1 Go Get it Done!

Might as well been my VQ as it’s been a long time but it was good to get out and lead 13 HIMs. Focus was on the Trinity, Father Son and Holy Spirit. I attempted to create a triangle with burpees done in 3,2,1 form and all items other than stretching were in 3s.

Here’s the low down

Moseyed to the auditorium for the warmup as we were sardines packed ok the curb of downtown Belmont. We got in:

3 sets of SSH, plank jacks with 3,2,1 burpees after (3 after first set 2 at second, etc)

Moseyed again feeding around the track to the middle school wall for some quality wall time

3 sets of wall sits (45 sec), wall shoulder taps, and Jackasses (leg wall kicks, they were called several other names while progressing) 10-15-20 reps; after each set we ran a lap around the track. And then let the moseying begin for a good bit down to the tennis courts near David Park.

my true VQ did take us here and so Sargento intelligently and insightfully pointed this out. You can’t argue that Wolfpack grads are smart. My rant spoke of myself golden tennis years and how suicides were a big part of being competitive. So the AGASSIS went into full forge

part 1 – length if the 4 tennis courts, an exercise at each of the far end doubles line, we did

3 sets of merkins, American hammers, werkins, lunges (10-15-20 reps) 3,2,1 burpees at end of 3 sets

now, take it into sprint suicides ok one court

3 sets flutter kicks, CDDs, LBCs and mountain climbers. 10-25-20 reps again.  10 counts were sprinkled in to make sure no pass outs.

back hone tennis suicides complete. Agassi would be proud!

we made a pit stop on the way back and did some Shady stretching –

balls to the wall then take left foot to left hand on wall 10 secs, right foot to right hand 10 seconds rinse and repeat.

we made our way back to where it all began at the auditorium. Did some Mary with a de calling  out exercises and then ended with 10 burpees.

made our back right in time for the Yank Bell to ring. Boya!

Shared the underlining message of we are each one that lives with the father son and Holy Spirit with us  don’t take that for granted. Stand strong and be the light of Jesus in a broken jacked up world

Declared the pledge

and then announcements / prayers

21 blood drive registered
22 goal
43 ceiling

Canned good drive – 12/19

Orange man – surgery for daughter
Tiger family members
SA surgery
Lynn hamm – breaker breaker
Young life – off on a trip

It may have been rough but each of you are tough, remember 3,2,1, God’s son and GO GET IT DONE!


slim shady out ✌🏼

The Pain of Isolation

It’s been awhile. Had my third child, Anna Joy Rinaldi, and been anxious to get back. I’ve had this idea in my head about the pain of isolation, as I certainly experienced this while having to step away from F3, making sure Anna, my M Sloane and family were taken care of in her early months.

THE WARMUP (10 in cadence except burpees) – Side Strapple hops, burpees (5), plank jacks, burpees (5), and peter parkers


THE THANG – Dubbing it now as The Isolation Train. Each HIM in plank position. One HIM runs around the building, all other HIMs do shoulder taps until returns. this is repeated, with next exercise being mountain climbers, then left foot to right hand, right foot to left hand, until all 13 HIMs have completed…Analogous God’s mercy and grace, through in some isolated LBCs…We moseyed back to the  starting point after doing a lap, to the next part – The Isolation Wall. Similar to the Isolation Train, Each Him would be inverted on the Wall. This time, two HIMS would run at a time around the wall, until all completed 2X. The exercises would be Hip Slappers, Donkey Kicks, and Jock Straps (my version of Ballz ;-)) to the Wall… Again analogous of God’s mercy and grace, through in some wall sits to ease the should stress…All HIMs returned back to the where we had completed The Isolation Train and repeated it. This time with two running together around the building, while others completed shoulder taps, mountain climbers, etc…We mosey’d back to the starting point to wrap up with two exercise symbolizing the power of sharing each other’s burdens and being there for one another through struggles. Each group of two did patty cake merkins and hand shake squats…Dolph concluded us with Big Boy Situps.

I spoke about the theme of isolation…Asking the question of where do we often carry our burdens? With HIMs answering on our shoulders…And where was the focus of the workout?….Shoulders!!!

There’s so much good that comes when we come alongside each other and share each others burdens, be there in times of need, celebrate in God’s many ways of blessing us.

That’s the dilly dilly!!!

Slim Shady

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