Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Freight (Page 16 of 31)


9 all together at Midoriyama on Tuesday. Some regulars, some not. Good to see most. JK, mostly,  not really, kinda.


SSH x 25ic

I tried to get everyone to stay IC with me but Shortsale rebelled and just flat out refused. This turned into him blaming me for his knee and something about $5,000. Then his face got red, you know how angry he gets. You would’ve thought I asked him for directions or something! Maybe I should buy him an appropriately made biscuit to get him to relax?

Anyway we moseyed down to the new sidewalk going to the lake. Turns out it is not as steep but a little longer(the lake is now handicap accessible).

The Thang:

Triple nickel-5 burpees at the bottom and 5 sandy v’s at the top.

All went well. At some point Oompa announced he was struggling a bit because he had a colonoscopy that morning. WTH! After that there was some talk about that happening a lot in the Navy and how the Marines usually performed them. TMI!

Mosey back to the flag parking lot.

11’s-tiger squats on one side and hand release merkins on the other. However let’s step it up some. Broad jump across and hop back. It seems anytime I call jumps or hops people just quit on me! Today was no different. Most used every form of travel to get across that parking lot they could except what I called. This included prancing and rolling! At one point I thought the angry man was trying out for the N Korean army.

With a  little time left we did some dips, wall taps, merkins, LBFCs, oblique crunches, and flutters.




Announcements-Turkey trot, Christmas party 12/12, PT test 11/14, something else, and I think one more thing.




Do I need to say anymore?


Love Reconciles

5 PAX posted in the 30’s for some running at the Sword this morning. Sparky was late but who am I telling you knew.

We discussed John 17:20-22. Jesus is praying for all of us to become one with God. What I wanted to point out is he is praying for all of us not just Republicans or Democrats, Americans or Iranians, White people or Black. All of us. We need to remember, especially now,  to act in a  way that helps to reconcile people to God not alienate them. We like to put labels on groups and join them. The only group that matters is God’s children.

5 Years and 7 Months Convergence

58 showed up, despite warnings from Gov. Cooper, for F3 Gastonia’s belated anniversary celebration. Shh don’t tell anyone. Most showed up for EC before. This is an indication of our growth in the 1stF! Broke reached out to many PAX to lead the convergence but most were out out of town or working so he ended up with Tooltime and I. TT reached out and said a guy named Frank Schwartz would be leading as well. My response was who is that and why. Apparently he’s a big deal or something.  I had to #look that up. I was told he had really good hair but I’ll be honest it was a little Trumpish for my taste. Anyway the clock struck 7 and we circled up in the parking lot. I lead things off with some planks and burpees to celebrate the people that are the  future and the foundation of F3 Gastonia. After that we hit what used to be the nicest soccer field in the world. It now looks like a cow pasture thanks to the 11’s we did. After 22 minutes of exercise I handed it over to TT for a lot of jogging and laying around. What can I say about the next 20 minutes? Quiche made sure everyone recognized his running status by getting way out front. TT was showing off his freshly shaved thighs. It’s a good thing Slaw wasn’t there. He would have put something on those long enough for TT to get used to it. There were some inappropriate exercises and facial expressions. It was discovered a lot of guys have issues with eye contact. After 20 minutes of downtime TT handed things over to Mr Schwartz. At this point I assumed the workout was basically over. I was mostly correct. There was about 5 minutes of work and 15 minutes of him talking. I wonder if he likes the sound of his voice? That would explain the podcast he does. At least that’s what I’m told. I’ve never heard of it. So what did he say? There was talk of pushing yourself and pushing beyond what you thought that was. He made us sprint to prove his point. Sprint? Really? That’s the best exercise you could come up with! At this point I was in the upper teens of a 5K everyday. I’m not sprinting squat you know what I mean. Anyway he was probably right. We mentally quit way before our bodies need too.  He would have likely had a better chance of impacting these guys if he would have spit more. Spitting, even without a dip in, is about as alpha male as it gets. I wish I could share more peoples experiences with you but due to Covid we were spread out to much.

After words we had some words from the first ever repeat Nantan, Def Leppard(2021) and some 3rdF from Sargento! I recommend joining Sargento’s prayer challenge. Prayer was my word last year and I do believe it brought me closer to God. How can it not? If you talk to someone everyday you’re bound too. Also men stepped up and donated almost 30 pairs of shoes to be taken to the Charlotte rescue mission. T-claps!

That’s about all I’ve got. It was a pretty underwhelming convergence. I mean we did have a record, I think, in attendence but the Q’s were what they were. On the upside we aren’t far away from the 6 year convergence so I’m sure we can do better.

It’s my Q

11 men total for this day’s Midoriyama workout. 1 tried on multiple occasions to take the Q but I’m pretty stubborn and kept on going.


? It’s 5:30 in the evening if you ain’t warmed up by now what the heck have you been doing all day? Def you can ignore that statement, we know.

Mosey to the soccer field and lay out some cones at 10, 25, 50, 75, and 100 yds.

The Thang:

Red Barchetta (Kinda)(also this was named after a car). I borrowed this from some region. I think it was a part of their CSAUP or something.

Run 100 yds and do 100 SSH. Run back and do 100 more SSH.

Run 75 yds and do 75 mtn climbers. Run back and do 75 more.

Run 50 yds and do 50 LBC’s. Run back and do 50 more.

Run 25 yds and do 25 merkins. Run back and 25 more.

Run 10 yds(Broke and Seuss) and do 10 burpees. Run back and do 10 more.

Next we did some 1:4 ratio work. We did these three but split them up. We did 1-5 for each and then came back for 6-10.

Capitan America-1:4 burpee/lateral hop

Tiger King-1:4 squat/lunge

Capitan Thor-1:4 merkin/overhead press

Good Times!

Mosey back to the flag


Announcements-Convergence 10/31 at Martha’s 0700, Fitness test 11/14 at Gashouse.


Prayer Request-SA and fam, several with sickness and loss, Slaw’s….well you know.

Brew Ruck

Do you like a good beer every once in a while? Do you like to Ruck? Do you like to spend a little time with your F3 bros talking trash? Well have I got an event for you! F3 Gastonia Brewruck. Why a ruck? Why not!

What is it? We will meet, ruck, and stop for beers at several breweries in charlotte.

When-Saturday October 17th 1:00pm

Where-Meet at Old Mecklenburg Brewery(OMB) 4150 Yancey Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217

Then what? We have 4 stops planned starting at OMB. Each stop has several options with so many breweries close together. Each stop has 1-1.5 miles of rucking in between with an ending ruck of 3.1 miles back to the start from the end. It should total around 6.5-7 miles over the course of about 4-5 hours. Of course this all depends on stopping and starting time at each stop. Reach out and let me know if you are a HC.

Give2Give 5K’s

I’m not going to bore you with my testimony of what F3 means to me or why you should give to the F3 foundation. I’m going to show you. First let’s talk about what Give2Give is. Give2Give is a fund raiser during the month of October to raise funds for the F3 Foundation. The foundation does a lot. You can and should research that on your own.  I’ve set a goal for F3 Gastonia to raise/donate $3,000 to the foundation this year. What am I going to show you? If you know me you know I hate running. I will do it because I know it makes me better but I really don’t like it. I mean really not at all. So I’m proposing to you if the PAX of F3 Gastonia can raise $3,000 I will run a 5K everyday for 30 days. (Long pause as I contemplate my life chooses)

The details:

I will run a 5K everyday. It will be posted on Strava and I will share it on Twitter and Slack for accountability.

I will not collect any of the money. You can donate yourself or you can give your money to my accountant(Def Leppard). He will donate any funds he receives. If you donate on your own just reach out to him and let him know how much so that he can track it. How much individuals donate will not be tracked just the lump sum. If you can give a little then give a little. If you can give a lot then give a lot. If you can’t give then don’t.

I will start running as soon as we hit the target but the official fundraiser runs from October 1st to October 31st.


Thanks for all that each of you do,


IPC Week 3 the hard way

6 Men did week 3 the hard way Wednesday evening… the warmer part of the day. Rumor is you get to deduct 1 minute for every 5 degrees over the morning low. It’s not just my work schedule that keeps me away from the morning workouts. I also like to choose the harder thing! Anyway we did it. It sucked. We got better. I think? The 6 was picked up and everyone finished! Rocks were pushed!


Also do you remember when the below happened back in 2017? Well some of this happened again!



So the forecast from the weather man was 100% chance of rain. Which means 50% real chance. Many, I believe didn’t even set their alarm clocks. 5 other men posted to see what I would look like at 37 for the last time. They were rewarded with the greatest workout in F3 Gastonia history. I mean this workout was insane! Some would use words like awesome, unbelievable, ridiculous, mind blowing, and mind numbing. People were laughing. People were crying. Burn boot camp shut the doors, turned off the lights and went home. Someone died and someone was born. Street lights went off in the dark. Roosters crowed even though it wasn’t time. Flowers bloomed. There was a partial lunar eclipse and a full solar eclipse all at the same time! We saw trains but they made no noise. The grass was wet but dry to the touch. There was a fire but it didn’t burn. I mean it was crazy.
The Thang:
I’ll never tell. Show to know!



11 posted to Crossroads Sunday and either ran or rucked. No riding this week. 10 stayed for Q-Source where the topic was consistency. As for the title you had to be there.

The SA

8 PAX posted at Midoriyama on Thursday.  It was cloudy all day but the sun made an appearance just in time! Being a gracious Q I took us to some shade upon request. It didn’t help much since the humidity reached 237%.


SSH x 20 ic

Let’s mosey

The Thang:

At the far soccer field we lined up at one goal line for what I call the SA. His birthday was this week so a little shout out to him. Now to be clear this isn’t one of my hero WOD’s but he’s alright. The SA was created from trash talk and during a time Nantan Cooper said F3 wasn’t allowed but those with a rebellious spirit still met to exercise and stayed 6 feet apart. SA only believes you need about 4-5 exercises so I created a WOD with just that.

The SA

10 Bonnie Blairs(count one leg only)

20 WWI

30 Merkins

40 Squats

NUR 100 yds, RUN back

Rinse and repeat for 35 minutes then do a round of Iron Hulk.

You can make the SA as hard as you want. You can push yourself or just slow down and work through it.  Yesterday I tried to hang with SA and my legs are paying for it today.




Announcements-Nothing new but a ton going on

Prayer Request-Double stuff’s dad and friend, SA and family, Slaw, Clavin. Praise report-YHC has lost a little weight and I’m no longer considered obese just over weight.

SA took us out


What I like about SA is he is an exaggerated version of YHC. He doesn’t always let the words fly to just anybody like I do but he doesn’t mind letting them go. He doesn’t show emotion and doesn’t let smack talk affect him. As a matter of fact he is probably the only person I know that engages the smack talk as mush as I do. I just love to give and get it! So much fun! Anyway deep deep deep down he’s a pretty good guy and even though we don’t always like it we need the physical battflippers to push us. I do hope that one day he starts listening during Q-source instead of trolling on Strava.


Non Typical

12 was the number Thursday at Midoriyama. YHC had scraps of sticky notes stuck together of things thought of and jotted down during the week.  This usually means trouble. It’s best I forget these terrible things I think up before we get a chance to try them. Oh well let’s get it on!


Morroccan Nightclubs for what seemed like 10 minutes while we waited for Purplehaze to get his jazzercise gloves on. In hind site those gloves make sense given the “outfits” he wears to workout in.

Let’s mosey

The Thang:

I parked my truck with blocks at the far end of the park near the soccer fields. Everyone grabbed one and moseyed to the goal line on the field. There were cones placed at the 25, 50, and 25 yd line. Starting at the goal line do 20 thrusters, carry your block overhead to the 25, put it down, and run to the far end and back. When you get back do 15 thrusters and rinse and repeat, dropping by 5 thrusters, to the far goal line. Once at the far goal line start back at 20 and go back down the field. This sucked! Especially for Dr Seuss since he barely weighs more than the block. At one point I’m pretty sure the block was carrying him.

Next up we moseyed to the dog park hill for some triple nickel. 5 burpees at the bottom and 5 Freddy Mercury’s at the top. At this point a few bat flippers almost took off. This is when I surprised them with how we would go up the hill. Hop! Jump! Broad jump! I did not say skip even though that’s what some were doing. This sucked as bad as I thought it would! As I type this the morning after my legs are fairly angry with me.

Next we moseyed back to our blocks at the field for some ab work. On the goal line do 25 WWI situps and carry your block overhead to the 50. Do 50 LBC’s and carry your block to the other goal line and do 25 Flutters(count 1 leg). Do it again with the following exercises: 25 Freddy Mercury’s(count 1 leg), 50 Homer/Marge, 25 Dying Cockroach(count 1 leg) I always think of Bandit when I do these!

That about does it for time so we put up the blocks and headed back to the flag. Wait there wasn’t one!


Announcements-There’s to many, read another BB for all that

Pledge to no where

Prayer request- Double Stuf’s dad, Oompa’s coworker, SA and his family.

Broke took us out.

Naked Moleskin:

YHC talked briefly about how Christians are called to be different, not typical. The same goes for us as men of F3. We are called to not be typical. Typical in today’s society is why we are in the mess we are in.




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