Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Defib (Page 16 of 16)

Running with(out) the wind

4 strong #HIM fought off the sack monster this morning to post at a rather humid Derecho this morning.  Lots of mumble before the workout about how much we love to run (not).  Therefore on a whim I threw out the weinke and decided we should try running today


Warm -up:

SSH IC x20

Don Quioxte IC x 15

Imperial Walkers IC x 20

Merkins (why not) IC x12


The Thang:

Started off by running out of the parking lot and across the street then through the neighborhood to goat island and across, around BBT.  Somehow missed a sign that read no left turn and ended up running an additional mile under the railroad tracks all the way to Market street and back up 8th St back to Goat Island.  With the group blazing a sub 9 min/mile pace YHC decided to detour and do some dips on goat island before returning to SCHS.  Total distance 4.5 miles.

Finished with 22 Merkins for the vets.

All in all it was an outstanding performance from a group who proved today they do enjoy running!!


Prayer Requests – Family member of one of monk’s students facing cancer treatment, Friend of friend having double lung transplant, YHC’s stepmom who had a stroke last night.

As always I got out of bed to exercise my mind but in the end, the chatter and camaraderie that exercises my mind is what will keep me coming back for more

Defib – out


11 elevator

8 brave men posted Friday for a nice humid Beatdown

With tired faces and minimal mumble the workout commenced:


SSH x20

Hillbillies x20

Don Quixote  x20

Moroccan NC x20

LBC x20

Mountain Climbers x20

Merkins x10

The Thang:

Starting with laps around the parking lot – each time we reached an end we did the following:

Merkins x5 then Merkins x10

Wide Merkins x 5 then x10

Diamond Merkins x 5 then x10

Mosey to our favorite wall for 3 sets of donkey kicks x10

Mosey through downtown with quick ab workout stop on steps – flutter kicks, homer/marge and hello dolly

Finally reach the garage for a real beatdown – lunge walk/bear crawl to top

With little breath left we went right into 11’s only instead of running across parking lot we used the stairs with Burpees at the top and LBCs at bottom.  A couple of near Merlot splashes before an Omaha as time expired.  Moseyed to pavilion for COT.


Prayer requests – Godfather on tying the knot, T-square’s family


So proud of the guys today who showed no quit as we pushed each exercise with little rest in between. As always it was an honor to serve.

It did not look good – even on paper

10 pax including YHC posted Wednesday morning at Martha’s house for a nice humid beatdown

Usual disclaimer – I’m and idiot (no surprise) … followed by second disclaimer – YHC –  admitted that the planned workout did not look good – even on paper – nevertheless 10 strong PAX wanted to get their money’s worth so off we went.


SSHx20, Imperial Walkers x 20 , Moroccan Night Club x20, Flutter kicks x 20, LBC x 20 and Mountain climbers x 20


The Thang:

Indian run carrying a 10 lb exercise ball front runner hands/tosses ball to pax behind him when the ball gets to the last runner he sprints to front and repeat. Caveat –  If the ball hits the ground then everyone stops and does five burps… I’ve never seen such care for my ball which never hit the ground.

After arriving at the concession stand, pax lined up and did Russian twists – with a twist… the 10 lb ball was passed from one pax to another and back in the line.  This was was performed while listening to Sam Cooke sing “Twisting the night away”  There was some mumble about choosing a shorter song but YHC couldn’t quite make that out so we listened to entire song.

Next we partnered up and ran each of the 4 arms around the concession stand one partner did bear crawl alternating with lunge walks around the stand while the other ran the arm and completed an exercise at the end of the arm – exercises included LBCx5, Flutter kicks x10, Mountain climbers x5 and WWI setups x 5.

With little rest and some mumble we moseyed to parking lot to do suicides but instead of touching a line every few yards and turning around we did 2 then 4 then 6 then 8 burpees at each turnaround point.

Afterwards (running low on time ) YHC needed to Omaha (not Oklahoma since bandit was not there) Mosey back to Pelicans for some french fries and dying cockroaches.

When all was said and done the pax performed above and beyond expectations and made this look easier than what was on paper!


Looking for a few good men to step up and lead a third F on Saturday mornings – contact Monk

Advisory board meets Sunday at Tequilas to drink beer and eat Mexican food then come up with a good idea for a local CSAUP – all are welcome


Sargento’s friend needing third surgery and loved ones looking for work


As always I was humbled to lead these #HIM this morning !

Dog gone!

Fortunate enough to have great weather this morning for a nice running based workout.  Three men posted and workout began with Warmup of 20 SSH, 10 Merkins and ….wait what’s that yabba dabba do – Flintstone rumbled in just in time to join us for LBCs and more SSH.

PAX: Anthrax, Flintstone, Stroganoff, Defib

The Thang:


Then Mosey

Then run some more while being chased by a Cujo and friends!


Ended up running from the Storm across bridge to Crammerton and then to our favorite neighborhood bank – BBT.  Considered Donkey kicks but figured Bandit would not approve.  Decided on wall-sit with air presses.

Then time for some Dora – partnered up and did 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs and 300 Squats while partner ran up steps and around building.

Mosey back to eye of storm again through Crammerton and grateful that Cujo and friends were gone.


Time for 12 more Merkins and returned for Pledge.


Prayer requests go out to Anthrax’s M who is now in her third trimester.

Announcements include second F with 2.0s for hike in South Mountains this Saturday – Contact JK2


Defib – YHC – out

Can I have slice of Burpee Pi

Just another Monday morning with 6 pax looking to start the week off right.  I thought this was to be a running workout but apparently there was a strong desire to do Burpees…


  • SSH IC x20
  • Merkins IC x12
  • Mountain Climbers IC x 12

The Thang:

Off to the races – the pax ran out the parking to “the artwork” for 15LBC IC then without hesitations took off to the goat parking lot where we met our good friend Dora.  She had us do run the parking lot while other partner did 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs and 300 Squats and the pax had special request to finish with 50 Burpees.  Who knew they liked Burpees so much (thanks Whoopee).  The back to running – over the bridge and through the woods to the police station for a show of force with imperial walkers.  Then back to the Storm but not before there was request for more Burpees.  Finally made it to parking lot to finish with a 50 yard sprint to the flag for the belated pledge.  The Pax were strong this morning for all 3.14miles (Coincidence?)


Many thanks to having Outhouse back in the mix…Please keep him and his family in your prayers.

BRR is a go – see Whoopee if you’re interested.

3 1/2 weeks to the Brawl (April 9th)

As always it was an honor and pleasure to serve…

Until next time

Peace – Defib


Hanging with Dora in the Corner

The gloom lived up to its name – the rain came down as the pax arrived.  Considered an Omaha of 45 mins of Mary in the car but saw E4 jump out and start stretching so I guess without further adieu it was time to start.




Low and Slow Squats 20 IC

Moroccan Night Club 20 IC

Merkins 10 IC


The Thang:

Suicides using trees as markers with 5 Merkins at each tree

Mosey to Corner of High School to get reprieve from the rain where we partnered up to do a modified Dora consisting of one pax doing people’s chair while second pax ran 50 yards and performed 20 Merkins followed by 20 LBC and then 20 SSH.  Rinse and repeat x3.

Next YHC found a torture app on phone – namely a 1 minute timer.  The pax performed as many as possible in 1 minute – SSH, Squats, Merkins, Mt Climbers, Moroccan Night Club, CDD, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, JoBus and flutter kicks

Time – Namorama, COT, prayer requests for Outhouse and Outhouse’s mom


As always – it was an honor and a privilege to serve

Frozen Murph (modified)

After YHC nearly missed the workout due to alarm clock malfunction (helps if you turn it on) and lots of mumble about too cold to be out here 7 #HIM posted on the ice at Martha’s House for a nice cold beatdown. But wait whats this – another pax jogs in from the cold – Stroganoff was here early and got in 3 miles of extra credit (Tclaps).


The warmup

20 SSH


20 LBC

10 Merkins


The Thang:

Disclaimer reiterated and workout explained – we would modify to murph this morning.  Typical Murph is 1 mile run 100 Pullups, 200 Merkins and 300 squats followed by 1 mile run all down with a 20 lb weight vest.  Although it was tempting to grab Outhouse’s sandbags (NOT) this would be done without added weight. The workout would be divided  into 10 pain stations separated by approximately 1/4 mile mosey in between.  Exercises at each station were 10 burpees (OYO) 20 Merkins (IC) and 30 squats (IC).  Thus the pax covered nearly two miles.  Although the thermometer read 21 at the start no one was cold!  As always it was a pleasure to lead this fine group of men.


Prayer requests Whoopie test results, Outhouse’s moms

Tuesday’s Backblast at the Storm

  Thirteen PAX posted to the Storm for Tuesday’s “climber” beatdown.  After a quick warmup of SSH, Windmills, Merkins, LBCs and Freedie Mercurys we proceeded to Indian run for half a mile.  Then came the climbing: Ladder drills across the field with escalating number of flutter kicks and Rosalitas every 20 yards with spints or running backwards in between.  Next were ladders of Merkins and Carolina Dry Docks with Bear crawls and Lunges in between.  Once all PAX were suficiently winded we took a break with dips followed by running the stairs and more dips on the other side.  Finshed off of wind spints up and down the hill with LBCs at the bottom and Merkins at the top.  One minute left so AMAP burpees to finish.

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