Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Def Leppard (Page 16 of 17)

Football at the Gashouse

14 strong with 2 FNG’s for the first Def Leppard Q at the Gashouse. It’s been about a year since I had my first post here at an F3 workout and I have never Q’d the Gashouse so when Stroganoff sent out a request for Q’s I decided to volunteer. This being a Spring Break week I wasn’t expecting a big turnout but was happy with our group. After a wonderful Third F reminder from Hushpuppy about how much Sky Q loves us, it was time to start.

Disclaimer was given, I’m an idiot, Slaw’s an idiot, these are only suggestions, get back in your car, do not get hurt, etc, etc.

SSH IC x 10

Don Quixotes (Tool Time) IC x 10

Hillbillies IC x 10

22 Single Count Merkins for the VETS, thanks Slaw and Oompa!

Mosey to the Flag for the Pledge

Mosey to Grier Track for Quarter Pounder

Run 25 yards to 1st cone, 25 Merkins (single), Nur back. Run 50 yards to next cone, 50 Squats, Nur back. Run 75 yards to next cone, 75 Mountain Climbers, nur back. Run 100 yards to last cone, 100 SSH, Nur back. Word: Reminder to keep pushing through everything.

Mosey across the road to the basketball court behind the Presbyterian church where we found 2 sizes of coupons, Heavy and Heavier. If your shirt sleeve was within an inch of your biceps muscle you were supposed to take the heavier coupon and many did. Curls x 30, On your six for chest presses x 30, Stand for Overhead presses x 30. We did 2 sets of these. Word: Reminder to stay strong. You never know when you will need to be strong for your family. I related about my wife’s recent surgery and me trying to keep her from lifting or overdoing it. Somebody has to be strong for your family and it should be you! Shrink talked about having to be strong right now for his dad. Aye! Great word Shrink!

Mosey to Parkwood parking lot for Hindenberg BLIMPS. We stayed together as a group, run to the middle of the parking lot, 10 Burpees, 20 Lunges, 30 Imperial Walkers, 40 Merkins, 50 Plank Jacks and we skipped the squats for time.

Mosey back to the football field for Football with Frisbee Golf rules. I borrowed this from Freight. We split up and played half the field and had a nice little game. Word: Reminder to have fun!

Mosey back to the Gashouse as the bells were ringing. Word: Reminder from Dredd’s words at our CSAUP on how to connect with guys. Ask, Listen, Remember. This will help you connect with guys and make lasting friendships and keep guys coming back. I have been very fortunate before F3 to have a small group of great friends but in the last year I can say I now have a large group of great friends. As you get older you begin to realize how important these relationships are. The nest empties, good health is harder to keep, difficult situations arise, but its great to have friends to help you “Keep Pushing!” A big thanks to all of F3 Gastonia for the last year. Lots of HIM’s in this group!

Announcements and COT then Coffeeteria at Panera.

Welcome FNG Carnivore (Jason Hardin), dude lost over 100 lbs. eliminating meat from his diet. Aye! Welcome FNG Hitchball (Brad Pruitt). These 2 new guys pushed hard today and we hope to see them back!


Dante’s Inferno (Nine Circles)

Dante’s Inferno (Nine Circles) using Chicago’s 25 or 6 to 4 slightly rearranged as 25 and 2 wait 4 the 6.

Disclaimer, Pledge, warm up with 10 SSH (IC) & 10 Windmills (IC) & 10 Toy soldiers Toy Marines (IC) using my Marine NCO voice….


Infernal Circle 1

Mosey once around horseshoe enclosure then 25 merkins OYO and 25 WW1 situps OYO. PAX who decide to be overachievers 2 enter the horseshoe pits and bear crawl to the far end 4 burpees AMRAP while waiting on the 6


Infernal Circle 2

Mosey again around horseshoe enclosure then 25 merkins OYO and 25 WW2 situps OYO. Overachievers to be beat down with 4 Donkey Kicks AMRAP


Infernal Circle 3

Mosey again then 25 merkins OYO and 50 flutters OYO. Overachievers line up 4 Mike Tysons AMRAP…..somebody other the Q thought they heard a train….YHC is married with finely tuned selective hearing……it was an airplane horn


Infernal Circle 4

Mosey again then 25 merkins OYO and 75 Freddie Mercurys OYO. Overachievers crab walk 4 dips AMRAP…. noticed some PAX back planking….or waiting to fed the buzzards


Infernal Circle 5

Mosey again then 25 merkins OYO and 99 American Hammers OYO. Overachievers mosey 4 burpees AMRAP …… more buzzards being fed…..even Freight took a short break!


Infernal Circle 6

Mosey again then 25 merkins OYO and 75 Dying Cockroaches OYO. Overachievers went 4 dips AMRAP…..heard mumble chatter that Dolph could do all this and still sprint 10 miles to kick someone’s butt


Infernal Circle 7

Mosey again then 25 merkins OYO and 50 Marge & Homers OYO. Overachievers 4 Mike Tysons AMRAP…heard Slaw is known as “sweet meat” to his ants


Infernal Circle 8

Mosey again then 25 merkins OYO and Alphabet OYO. One last beat down 4 Donkey Kicks AMRAP…are there bonus points if the Q spills merlot?


Infernal Circle 9

Mosey one last time then 25 merkins OYO and 25 LBCs OYO. Over achievers bear crawl 4 burpees AMRAP


Mosey back to flag for Announcements & COT


Def’s M surgery March 8, JK2’s son, Mastodon’s sister in law, Billy Madison’s in laws, Slaw’s M field trip.

Announcements Snowbird men’s retreat, Convergence at the Yank next Saturday, Frisbee golf this Saturday at Goat Island, Midoriyama’s First Birthday Bash TBD
Pleasure to lead this fine body of men and look forward to my next opportunity….will rifle shaped coupons appear?


Global Warming?

12 manly Midoriyama men posted in the ridiculously warm last day of February weather for an old man Q.

Disclaimer even though No FNG’s. I reminded everyone that we are all trying to get healthier out here so do not push too far to get injured as that defeats the purpose!

Warm Up

SSH x 10 IC

Toy Soldiers x 10 IC

Rockette Hillbillies x 11.75 kinda sorta in Cadence OYO, Quiet Huckleberry!

Box Cutters x 10 IC

Mosey to the Soccer field

Dips x 20 OYO, 5 Step Ups each leg, 3 Sets

Mosey to the Coupons

Even with the coupon vandalism from the soccer hooligans, we had enough for everyone.

Curls with Coupons x 20, On your six for Chest Presses with Coupons x 20+, 3 Sets of these. Aye!

Mosey to the Dog Park Hill which I tried to get a name for. Fido Hill? Lassie Hill? Huck floated something like “female dog” Hill but that’s not family friendly even though some dog show watchers in our group said it was used frequently on those broadcasts. There was a girls soccer scrimmage going on as we arrived at the hill so we tried to not be distracting as went up the hill, touched the fence, 5 Merkins, down the hill, 15 LBC’s, repeat 5 times, yes I said 5 times. Guys pushed hard on this one.

Mosey back to the parking lot close to our flag where there were 11 exercises listed in parking spaces. This came from CSpan when he came to Gashouse one Saturday. 10 Burpees, 20 Diamond Merkins, 30 CDD’s, 40 Squats, 50 Seal Jacks, 60 LBC’s, 70 SSH, 10 Hello Dolly, 20 Merkins, 30 Calf Raises. Start with whichever exercise you wanted. After each exercise run a lap around the parking lot bear crawling the sidewalk near the road. This was very popular with the group. Pizza Man, Slaw, Freight and Edison nearly got through the entire set before time to circle up back at the flag. I read the verse Phillipians 3:14 “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus”. I remember CSpan’s lesson with the parking spot workout was how we sometimes think other folks are way ahead of us and we can never catch them but with F3, we are all running together to help each other “toward the goal”. I can’t say enough about how much F3 has helped me in every area of my life at a time when I needed it. I have always appreciated how well the original Midoriyama guys welcome newer guys into the group. They didn’t have to be that way, but they were and we try to continue that with our newer guys. Thanks to all of F3 for the push!

Pledge, Prayer Requests and COT.

Announcements – F3 Gastonia convergence on March 18th at the Yank, Christmas Party postponed.

VQ – Sucking Wind

Nine highly motivated, truly dedicated, rough, tough, romping, stomping, fitness challenged PAX attended YHC’s VQ. In medical terms your V/Q is known as a Ventilation Quotient which is a test to measure the ability of air to reach all parts of the lungs and how well blood circulates within the lungs. So, using Dr. House’s (real person PhD, not MD) advice, YHC experimented on the unsuspecting PAX:


Disclaimer, (I’m not a doctor…I’ve just played doctor on three continents. Oh…the F3 disclaimer. My bad). Pledge, warm up with 10 grass pickers (IC).


Mosey to Exam Room 1 for 10 SSH (IC)


Mosey to Exam Room 2 for 10 SSH as above, (while Billy Madison mumble chattered about my “command presence voice”) and add 10 Peter Parkers (IC)


Mosey to Exam Room 3 for 10 SSH, 10 PPs, as above (sense a theme, yet?), and add 10 hip slappers

Mosey to Exam Room 4 for 10 SSH, 10 PP, 10 hip slappers, as above, and add 20 little baby crunches (OYO)


Mosey to Exam Room 5 for 10 SSH, 10 PPs, 10 hip slappers, 20 LBCs, as above, and add 10 squats (OYO)


Mosey to Exam Room 6 for 10 SSH, 10 PPs, 10 hip slappers, 20 LBCs, 10 squats, as above, and add 10 monkey humpers (IC) (Q sucking wind by now – volunteered PAX to count for him)


Mosey to Exam Room 7 for 10 SSH, 10 PPs, 10 hip slappers, 20 LBCs, 10 squats, 10 MHs, as above, and add 10 flutter kicks (IC)

Mosey to Exam Room 8 for 10 SSH, 10 PPs, 10 hip slappers, 20 LBCs, 10 squats, 10 MHs, 10 FKs, as above, and add 10 Merkins


Mosey to Exam Room 9 for 10 SSH, 10 Peter Parkers, 10 hip slappers, 20 LBCs, 10 squats, 10 MHs, 10 FKs, 10 Merkins, as above, and add 10 American hammers (called for single counts, but since we’re arithmetic challenged at Midoriyama, YHC counted IC to everyone’s amusement)


Mosey back to flag for 22 for the vets and COT. Prayer for our missing F3 brothers and families.

EC for the PAX performance during the unscheduled Chinese Fire Drill looking for YHC car key that fell off his dog tag chain. EC to eagle eye Edison for finding YHC key. 2X EC to Freight for the “in the rain before workout studly-do-right” rucking. EC to Def Leppard for EH me 18 weeks ago. My pleasure to lead this fine body of men tonight.

Record Day for Midoriyama!

Record attendance of 16 strong at Midoriyama for the beautiful weather and the old man Q!

Warm Up

SSH x 20

Don Quixotes x 10 (not on the Weinke but added for Tool Time. Welcome back brother!)

Hillbillies x 20

Arm Circles Small and Large, Forward and Reverse,

22 Merkins for the vets, called by one of our vets, Oompa Loompa USMC!

Mosey to the first soccer field, The question was asked with no answer requested “Why do you post to F3?” Asked the Pax to think on this as they work out.

Quarter Pounder (meant for a football field but we used a soccer field)

Run 25 yards, 25 Merkins, Nur (run backwards) to goal line,

Run 50 yards, 50 Squats, Nur back to goal line,

Run 75 yards, 75 Mountain Climbers, Nur back to goal line,

Run 100 yards, 100 SSH, Nur back to goal line. Mumble chatter!

Got coupons (blocks) from our stash and realized we only had 12 blocks for 16 Pax so an executive decision had to be made to allow the older Pax to be without coupons. If only Spiderman or Short Sale had been there, I am sure they could have provided.

Yoke Walk with the coupons on our shoulders for a lap then to the bleachers.

Lindsays aka Forties. Kinda like elevens but 40’s.

30 Dips then 10 LBC’s

25 Dips then 15 LBC’s

20 Dips then 20 LBC’s

15 Dips then 25 LBC’s

10 Dips then 30 LBC’s

Wonderbra with coupons x 15, Curls x 15, We’re Not Worthy x 15. Stroganoff liked these.

Another Yoke Walk with coupons, then put them up and mosey back to the softball field parking lot.

Hindenberg BLIMPS

Run to end of Lot, 10 Burpees, run back 20 Lunges, run back 30 Imperial Walkers, run back 40 Merkins, run back 50 Plank Jacks, run back 60 Squats. Flutter kicks for the six.

Find a curb for Wheel Merkins. The Pax tried to confuse me with discussions of 12 o’clock, 3 o’clock, 45 degrees, 90 degrees, etc., but it did not work. Merkins on the curb x 10, rotate 90 degrees, Merkins x 10, rotate 90 degrees, Merkins x 10, rotate 90 degrees, Merkins x 10.

Back to the flag where we ended 3 minutes early and I repeated the question I asked earlier, “Why do you post to F3?”

I read the backblast from F3 Scotch in Lexington, S.C. how God works all things for good to those who are called according to His purpose. The point he was trying to make, which I hadn’t fully realized. It is important to post for yourself, but posting also can help the other Pax in many ways you don’t realize.

Announcements: Palmetto 200 Meeting Tuesday, Feb. 7th at 6:30 at Stuey’s Pub in Cramerton, Men’s Retreat at Snowbird Outfitters on March 9-11, sounds like a great time with several of our F3 brothers going.

Prayer Requests: Huckleberry’s M and family, Welch Family from Stanley, My M’s surgery in March.



Freight went on a ruck before the workout for EC. There was a lot of interest in that ruck sack so we will see how that progresses. Also Freight has spent a lot of time working on his 2020 U.S. Presidential campaign. Would Pizza Man be VP?

Mastodon told me and Slaw he came to F3 so he could quit avoiding his neighbor Roscoe who EH’d him. He’s pushing hard. Nice work!

Floppy Disk and Tool Time seemed to work out their politics during LBC’s.

Very happy to see the large group with many of our regulars and several from other AO’s. Lots of rock pushers in the group! Blart and As(h) Pond were not there.

12 Days of Christmas Cheer!

Brisk 39 degrees at Midoriyama for 10 strong Midoriyama men! Two new guys to our AO today, welcome Chum and Pockets. Let’s get to it!

The Warmup

SSH x 12 IC

Imperial Walkers x 12 IC

Hillbillies x 12 IC

Box Cutters x 12 IC

Mosey to the playground

5 pullups then 5 derkins x 3 sets (I don’t like pullups but I think they are helpful so I always try to work just a few in, no bear crawling though)

Mosey around the big soccer field to the big hill near the dog park. While everyone is catching their breath from the blistering pace set by our runner Freight. Did you know he finished 2nd in his age group at the Christmastown 5K? I think he was wearing his medal. YHC starts a little Charlie Brown Christmas music to distract from the pain about to start. Sprint up the big hill, touch the fence, run back down the hill for 5 crunches and repeat this 3 times. This is where I told the story from Christmas 1974 and my favorite gift of all time, the Thundershift 500 Hot Wheels race track. (There was a lot of discussion about how old most of the Pax were in 1974. Slaw was 1 but most were not even born yet. They do love to remind YHC of his age!) I ask the Pax to think of a special toy they remember as a child to tell us about it later in the workout. Now, mosey to the small soccer field bleachers with Trans Siberian Orchestra playing us in because I know Slaw loves that.

At the soccer field we got through the 12 Days of Christmas, with a few Omahas because of time and sometimes there was singing for effect. It went something like this (try singing it):

12 Mountain Climbers IC

11 Sandy V’s IC (called by As(h) Pond just because)

10 Curls with Blocks IC

9 Little Baby Flutter Crunches IC (called by Freight like by half counts or something, seems like we did around 40 each time)

8 Dying Cockroaches IC

7 Merkins IC

6 Copperhead Squats IC

5 Burpees OYO

4 Step Ups each leg (on bleachers)

3 Dips IC (called by Slaw to allow Q to breathe)

2 Incline Merkins IC

1 lap around the soccer field (this could be called the Huckleberry mumblechatter lap)

We started on Day 6 and got all the way to Day 12 with lots of mumblechatter along the way.

After each lap a different Pax told about their memories of Christmas toys and most guys had a nice story about the good times they remembered as a kid at Christmas. Freight still believes he saw Santa delivering his bicycle. Pockets got an Optimus Prime transformer, Slaw got a Simon Says game. Ash Pond and Blart fought over a Casio watch… that’s about right for those two. I can’t remember the others but each guy had a story.

Mosey back to the flag for the pledge.

The lesson of today’s workout was try to keep the Joy of Christmas alive throughout the season and help make lasting memories in our families. Strong work!

Prayer requests: You never know what guys are carrying around with them. Pockets family recently lost an aunt. Chum asked for prayers to help him find the direction he needs. Slaw and Ash Pond have been sick. Floppy Disk and Billy Madison have health issues in their families. Lil’ Sweet told the good news of a man who was an alcoholic celebrating 6 years of being sober and allowing God to use him. Pizza Man and Tool Time as they prepare for their marathon. Oompa Loompa as he travels for work. Holidays can be a tough time for many people.


Moleskin – Great to have Chum and Pockets with us at Midoriyama. They fit right in. I have to say what a great group we have and I always look forward to seeing them. F3 is about making each of us better men and it really does! Keep EHing and Merry Christmas!




Chafing Gopher

Eventually, 8 strong at Midoriyama as our workouts shift to darkness. I say eventually because Blart had called ahead to announce his tardiness. YHC also having a list of events conspiring to keep me behind schedule with no printed Weinke so I rolled in at 17:28 to get things started. Let me mention here to be careful on the F3 gear website. I had ordered a nice red F3 shirt in XL as I like a looser fitting shirt and evidently “Race Fit” means 2 sizes smaller. As I change clothes at work I quickly noticed this shirt size problem so I apologize to the Men of Midoriyama for having to witness me in a snug fitting “Schmedium” but its not quite as bad now as it used to be before F3!

Warm Up

SSH x 20

Moroccan Night Clubs for a minute or so

Imperial Walkers x 20

Mountain Climbers x 15

22 Merkins for the Veterans, called by our own Veterans, Slaw (Navy) and Oompa Loompa (Marines)

The Pledge

The Thang

Mosey to the playground for 55’s

5 Chinups or Pullups then 5 Derkins x 3 sets

Mosey to the dark soccer field for The Gopher borrowed from a back blast I read from Death Valley in South Charlotte. Blart’s finally here in some nice work pants which is where the “Chafing” comes from.

Partner Up, P1 runs a lap while P2 does 10 dips on the bleachers, 10 flutter kicks and 10 curls with half blocks. Both partners meet back at the soccer goal for 10 merkins then flapjack. There was a little confusion about who was running where but after a few minutes, we got it going and I believe we got through about 5 rounds. I was kind of thinking it would be a competition to see who would get the most rounds but we all managed to meet at the soccer goal for our merkins together so it was all good!

Mosey back to the Turd Shack for Hip Slappers x 5 IC with Mike Tyson’s x 10 IC, 3 sets, Ouch!

Back to the flag for 6 Minutes of Mary. Skipping Slaw due to his obsession with burpees, Billy Madison called American Hammers, and get this x 50 single count. Edison was next so, of course he called American Hammers x 50 single count also! Freight called LBFC’s times a bunch, that’s Little Baby Flutter Crunches, Blart called Merkins x 25, Ash Pond called Sandy V’s x 20 and time was up. There was also discussion of Ash Pond’s beard as it is reaching the level of King Leonidas of Sparta with Edison’s very close as well. M’s may soon have something to say about those things!

Announcements – Each guy present will be at CSAUP and looking forward to it. My M did ask me this week “Isn’t that Completely Stupid thing this weekend?” Yes it is. Whoopee’s 2.0 collecting canned food and drinks for a good cause.

COT – Prayer requests, Billy Madison’s In-Laws, Floppy Disk’s M, Lil Sweet’s niece.

Moleskin – I am reading “Freed to Lead” by Dredd and OBT and just got through the Sad Clown definition portion and that is good reading. Freight has on his Twitter bio that he is a Recovering Sad Clown and that is an awesome way to describe things before F3 and getting into shape. As we were doing a lap during the Gopher Freight talked about buying donuts for the veterans he works with. Just one of the kinds of things F3 PAX might do, but he also talked about having to be careful not to eat too many of those donuts. I understand that perfectly as I too love to eat and have to be careful on a daily basis not to fall into bad habits. I like to say “Keep Striving” and that just means a push to be a better person each day! Thanks to the F3 Gastonia and Midoriyama PAX for that push! Happy Veterans Day to Slaw and Oompa Loompa and all veterans for allowing freedom to happen!

Cards Were Dealt!

Eight strong rolled into Midoriyama on a warm day for an old man Q. Disclaimer said. Let’s warm up.


SSH x 20 IC

Arm Circles, small circles, medium (or smedium for Freight’s shirt), large, all forward then backward for about a minute.

Hillbillies x 20 IC (except I started Imperial Walkers or something but the Pax knew what I meant)

Mercans x 22 for the vets, these were counted by our own crusty old vet Slaw



Mosey to first soccer field on the right near the bleachers.

A modified Deck of Death and instead of real cards, I had an app that we tried out to mixed results. I modified the exercises to things I liked and needed.

Hearts – Flutter Kicks IC x number on the card with face cards at 10.

Spades – Copperhead Squats IC

Diamonds – Mercans IC

Clubs – Run to Corner of the soccer field for curls IC with half cinder blocks, left there by Blart from a previous beatdown.

Jokers – 20 dips on the bleachers OYO

Whenever there was a Queen of anything except clubs (curls) we ran to the hill at the end of the soccer parking lot, did the exercise and ran back.

Whenever there was an Ace of anything except clubs (curls) we ran to the top of the hill near the dog park and ran back down, exercised, then ran back to bleachers.

I asked our high achievers to help me push the pace hoping to finish the entire deck of 54 cards in our time and they did.

We ran out of time with only 7 cards left but judging the sweat level, well mine any way, everyone was pushed. Pizza Man’s watch had over 2 miles covered and lots of reps, notice the IC on the exercises. When I Q’d last time I called it “Ups and Downs” and related each exercise to events that have happened to me and the M during our marriage. Somehow, everyone just remembered the “Downs” so I didn’t do too much story time today but I did make this point. No one knows what cards we will be dealt each day. Keep pushing through. Stay strong. Your faith, family and friends will help whatever that card is that you are dealing with.

Mosey back to the flag.


CSUAP shirts and registration, Nomads leaving Eastridge Mall Saturday at 6:00 a.m. to go to Charlotte Mustang to workout. I can say it is fun to go to different AOs and meet new F3 Pax. Keep headlocking (EH). There are men everywhere that need this.

Paryer Requests – Floppy Disk’s M, Bandit’s mother and family, Tool Time (miss that guy).



That Pizza Man is pushing hard training for his 26.2. He and his M have a 5K this week. He helped me count on several occasions. Note to self: It is sometimes difficult to Q, count, exercise and breath at the same time. Freight mentioned that getting up and down was sometimes more difficult than the exercise. How old is he? I noticed he exercised on the concrete after an incident with some ants on the trails. Lil’ Sweet kept trying to get a head start on each card. That guy is getting better each week. Huckleberry has a hurt shoulder but was pushing hard like he always does. He always make me work harder. Slaw has been called the happy exerciser and he always brings it and has a good time on the trip. Blart is really pushing and really getting stronger. Not a lot of mumblechatter out of that one but he is getting better. Billy Madison goes after it full force. He sprints and attacks each workout and has fun.

The dogs at the dog park didn’t seem to like us. Some of our guys discussed “manscaping” while others remain hairless. I think Lil’ Sweet and I are going trail running soon. He said we were. The dog park hill was more substantial than I remembered. The Men of Midoriyama pushed that rock today! Always a pleasure!

Anniversary Special, Ups and Downs!

This workout is a tribute to the M for 29 years of marriage. As I thought about all we have been through, the “Ups” and “Downs”, I decided it would be a chance to help the younger Pax as they journey with their M’s. I decided we would tour Midoriyama and at each stop I would announce a year and whether that year was an “Up” or a “Down” year due to events that happened in our family. I am not going to list all of the family events I mentioned as most are personal and kind of difficult for a softie like me to talk about. F3 has the Rings of Concentrica with the M as the most important relationship we have with anyone, so here goes.

Modified Whoopee Warm Up

SSH IC x 5, let’s mosey!


We would mosey at intervals of approximately a tenth of a mile around the outside of the soccer and softball fields and then exercise, you guessed it, 29 reps, some single count and some In Cadence. We wound up with 1.5 miles and well over 400 reps of various exercises.

Hill behind horseshoes, 1987, “Got married”, Decline Merkins, single count x 29.

Hill beside Field #4, 1990, “Son born”, Sea Turtles, single count x 29.

Field #4 left side, 1993, Mexican Squats, single count x 29.

Road side before soccer field, 1994, CDD’s single count x 29.

Hill near first soccer field, 1996, “Daughter born”, Hillbillies single count x 29.

Hill at the end of soccer parking lot, 1997, Freddie Mercury’s single count x 29.

Hill near dog park, 1999, Clock Merkins on a hill, 8 at 12 o’clock, 7 at 3, 7 at 6, 7 at 9 = 29. Mumble chatter.

Soccer parking lot near rest rooms, 2000, Rocky Balboas IC x 29, special guest counted by Huckleberry, who also said In Cadence was a bad idea, but we were ahead of schedule.

Outside right side of Field #3, 2002, Flutter Kicks IC x 29, Guest counted by Slaw.

Outside left side of Field #2 on a hill, 2003, Incline Merkins on a hill near Field 2, IC x 29, ouch! Guest counted by Ash Pond.

Beside Field #1 in the shade, 2007, LBC’s IC x 29

Parking lot for Field #1, 2009, Monkey Humpers IC x 29, bad idea. Mumble chatter. I was worried since Tool Time was on the IR we wouldn’t have sufficient mumble chatter, but Freight, Huckleberry and that chatterbox Blart kept it lively!

Steps near Field #1, 2010, “Son graduated high school” Calf Raises at steps, 2 per step, 3 at the top – 29.

Playground, 2013, Pullups 29 OYO, or as I did them, 7,7,5,5,5.

Back to rhymes with “Nerd” shack, 2014, “Daughter graduated high school and began college” Hip Slappers IC x 10, only stopped due to being out of time!

Every marriage is a journey and no one knows where the years will take you. Some years you are up and some you are down, but having the M there with you through it all helps you keep pushing. I encouraged all to make their relationship with the M a priority. Pleasure to lead! Happy 29th Anniversary, Mrs. Leppard, the best person I know! I was dared to mention in the backblast, someone said “Keep that pimp hand strong!” and someone may or may not have a “strained taint”, not sure what those mean!


Prayer Requests, Floppy Disk’s M, Sparky’s family, Tool Time’s calf, Ringo, Roscoe.





Counting Problems with the Badger!

8 strong PAX on a nice, warm afternoon at Midoriyama. In addition to our shovel flag, we also had the NC Ghost Flag captured from Shelby this past Saturday. Did you hear there was almost a fight to get it?

Disclaimer, even though no FNG’s, not an expert, modify as necessary, etc.

Warm Up

High Knees IC x 20

CDD’s IC x 12 (It was here that I noted Roscoe last week at Downtown calling out someone’s form on a Merkin looking like a CDD. In that person’s defense, that was a mere 12 hours after the epic Blart Beatdown with arms and blocks for 40 minutes).

Arms Circles (Forward, small size, medium size, large size, Reverse, small, medium, large).

World War 1’s IC x 20 (Here is where the first counting problems from YHC and only second time Q began). Those sit ups are tough for me and the “In cadence” count may have veered off a bit.

The Thang

I had promised a Badger sighting today at Midoriyama. This was a workout borrowed from a friend at work who works out at Denver SVU (I think that stands for Sail View, not SV) F3 name of Light Bulb. He said it was simple and tough so we tried it out. The trick is to pick 2 hills to run between the exercises. We have many hills to choose from at Midoriyama but I chose a small hill between baseball field #1 and #2 and running back to the left field side of field #1. The group does the exercises SSH, LBC’s, Merkins, Hillbillies and Monkey Humpers x 10 IC and then moseys to the other hill and repeats exercises with the first guy arriving to start the count and everyone else joining in wherever the first guy is on the count. The idea is to keep each guy involved but allow each guy to push as hard as he can. Mosey back to the starting hill to complete a set and we did 5 sets total. Along the way, most every guy had a chance to arrive and lead the count. Floppy Disc did his famous Floppy Sprint and then had his own trouble counting and breathing. There may need to be a new exercise added to the lexicon which is a variation of the Monkey Humper but done very, very quickly but I am not going to pick the name for that one. Billy Madison, Slaw and Pizza Man took turns sprinting for the lead! After we completed our five sets we moseyed back to the flag(s) and noticed we had a well dressed visitor. Bandit in the house to pick up the NC Ghost Flag but we had a few minutes remaining so we circled up for the Al Gore Shuffle. Bandit joined in despite being over dressed for the occasion. After some discussion about which direction to shuffle, most agreed that Al would shuffle left so we shuffled a couple times around. Q calls 22 merkins for the Vets, Pizza Man counted. By “my count” we did 100 of each exercise in cadence (which is kinda like 200 right?) for a total of 500 in cadence (kinda like 1,000) and ran 1.3 miles but I can’t verify this without my abacus! Nice work guys! Pleasure to lead such a great group of HIM’s!

Announcements, Advisory Meeting rescheduled, Billy Madison leading Fantasy Football league (His 2.0 was here today, nice little fellow!).

COT – Word for the Day: I urged each guy to remember to talk to our M’s in a way that teaches our children about relationships. Be mindful of this as they are watching and learning.  Prayer requests. Tool Time and Blart traveling. I took us out with the prayer.

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