Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Broke (Page 4 of 20)

A Little Mosey

Since some of you won’t read past the first paragraph, let’s go ahead and get the important stuff out of the way. Next Saturday at Gashouse, Dr. Defib will be doing a heart and overall health focused Q. Come on out and join in what I’m sure will be a physical beat down along with a lesson on how to Get Right and Live Right.


YHC led a quick warmup and then the Pain Lab went with Tube and the rest joined the bootcamp. Due to some back issues, today would be a simple workout with low reps and YHC’s interpretation of low impact. We ran a 4 mile loop stopping 7 times to complete the following:

5 PF Merkins

10 Big Boys

15 Mike Tysons

20 LBC’s

25 Plank Jacks


Returned to the start just in time and met back up with Pain Lab for COT.

2/11 Convergence at Folsom, all other AO’s closed, 0630 start

3/4 Extinctin Run at Primal, 0900 start


Be praying for – Huck, Turtleman, Clavin’s M, Defib travel and passing of his friend and mentor, Boudin son

Happy Bday to Nutria’s M!


Sargento took us out.
I’m Broke

Bricks and Grudges

Great weather at Midoriyama for an afternoon workout in January. Work has kept me from being able to commit to Q recently, so I told Slaw earlier in the week that if I made it out today I would take his spot. Most of you know that it ALWAYS rains when Slaw has the Q, so by YHC taking over the PAX stayed dry. You’re welcome!




Short warmup


Grab two bricks and let’s mosey.  You carry the bricks the entire workout. After a short lap through the park we’re back at the big parking lot across from the start. Time for some merkincides.

5 Brickee’s

Run to the first light on the LEFT and 5 Perfect Form Merkins

Back to start for 5 Brickee’s

Run to the second light on the LEFT and 10 Perfect Form Merkins

Back to start for 5 Brickee’s

Run to the third light on the LEFT and 15 Perfect Form Merkins

Back to the start for 5 Brickee’s

Run to the END of the parking lot and 20 Perfect Form Merkins

Back to the start


Rest the arms and work the abs and legs

10 American Hammers IC

10 Bobby Hurleys

10 Dying Cockroaches IC

10 Low Slow Squats

10 LBC’s IC

10 Lunges


Partner Up for Dora

One partner runs to the second light pole on the LEFT, the other works

100 Shoulder Taps

200 Seal Jacks (Omaha to 150)

300 Moroccan Nightclubs (Omaha to 200)


Repeat the abs and leg work


Triple Nickel

Brickee’s and Mike Tyson’s across the parking lot


Put up the bricks and back to the flag.



We discussed the need to let go of any grudges we may be carrying and how the longer we hold on to them the more they have a hold on us. The basis and scripture we used for the discussion came from a message my 2.1 gave to her youth last Sunday, so YHC made sure to give credit so as not to plagiarize her work. Read Romans 12:17-20 when you get a chance.


Lunch next Wednesday at Hillbilly’s

Convergence 2/11 at Folsom, 0630 start

Extinction Run 3/4 at Primal

Viking dash


Pray for – Huck, Turtleman, Gumby’s family, Slaw’s M, Wirenut’s family, Termite’s family, EZ Rider’s family, Oompa’s 2.0 and many others.


YHC took us out.

I’m Broke


Giving Back at Folsom

14 PAX on a mild December morning for a JV workout led by YHC. Gonna keep it pretty simple today, so let’s get started. Disclaimer, pledge, quick warmup and let’s go.


Mosey to the block pile and partner up. One partner rifle carries the block while the other does 3 burpees then runs to catch up and switch. Continue in this manner all the way to the upper parking lot at the Ag Building. Enough block work for now.

Double Dirty Merkin Ladder

20 merkins on one side of the parking lot, run across to the far side stopping for a burpee at each of the islands and then 19 merkins. Back and forth across the lot dropping the merkins by 1 each time and continuing with the burpees each time you cross the island. This took quite a bit longer than YHC had allotted, so the weinke will need to be modified. Not the first Q fail and won’t be the last.

Back to the blocks. Partner up again for some Dora 1-2-3. One runs a lap around the lot while the other works.

100 Alpo’s

200 Goblet squats

300 Chest press

Take the blocks back to the pile the same way you got them here.


Time is running short, but we still have work to do. Head to the tennis courts for some Walkercides. Run one court for 5 IW squats then back to start for 5 Big Boys, run to second court for 10 IW squats then back to start for 5 Big Boys. Keep it up until you’ve made it all the way across. We may have been a minute or two late getting back to the flag, but no complaints. Not any that I listened to anyway.



About halfway through the workout I asked the PAX to consider how they would answer two questions.

  1. What has F3 given me?
  2. What have I given back as a result of what I’ve been given?

We had a good discussion on these questions and the importance of giving back. Giving back entails sacrifice and you have to give up something to be able to do it. Make the sacrifice and make a difference in the lives of others.


“I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back.”

Maya Angelou


Be praying for:

Huck, Turtleman, Super Dave’s mom, MW’s friend from church, Purple Haze’s mom, Bedpan’s mother in law, military and others away from family during the holidays and all the sickness going around.


YHC took us out.

I’m Broke

Christmastown 5K 2022

The Gashouse PAX came out in full force to push and support our Track Commanders through the lighted streets of McAdenville. There were over 30 PAX plus numerous M’s and 2.0’s who helped make an impact in the lives of the Track Commanders and their families. It was a total team effort and I can’t thank everyone who came out enough for all that they did. You guys are awesome!

We gathered up around 5:30pm for some basic info, a prayer from Sparky and then loaded the chairs and headed to the start. We got a 5 minute head start on the field and the PAX rolled down Main St. and started to form up in groups behind each chair. The streets were lined with bystanders cheering which added to the excitement of the Track Commanders and also seemed to push our PAX to the next level. After a few “small” hills and a wrong turn by some (not their fault) all the chairs crossed the finish line and completed another successful Speed for Need event

Track Commanders

Royston Acheson – 8yr old from Belmont. F3 Otis is his Dad

Everett Pawlowsk – 6yr old from Gastonia. Wojo is his neighbor.

Enzo Jimenez – 8yr old from Belmont. Goes to school with Royston.

CJ Errickson – 13yr old from Denver. Sparky’s M is his Principal.

Neemiah Papalii – he came down sick before the race, but we’ll definitely push him again in the future.

The Track Commanders are why we push and you guys are the one’s who get it done. Excellent work!

I’m Broke

Sub Q at The Sword

Light crowd at The Sword this morning, I guess the rain scared a few guys off.


Filled in with the Q for Huck and we discussed Psalm 130:1-8 and the importance of being honest about where we are , who we are and who God is. Be thankful for all you have, you are forgiven and accepted by God.



Christmastown 5k

Christmas party


Prayer Request

Sargento and the Royal Elbow

Mayor and the Regal Shoulder





Round Up took us out.

I’m Broke

Merkin Mile

Traffic must have been horrible in the big metropolis of Gastonia this morning because the PAX didn’t start rolling in until right at 0700. 15 in total and after a quick warmup, 5 headed to Pain Lab and 10 chose bootcamp.

After a mosey to the track at Grier, we got started on the main event….a Merkin Mile.

Each round consisted of a buy in of 5 burpee’s, 10 oblique crunches each side, 15 mountain climbers and 20 big boys. This was followed by a lap around the track performing various Merkins every 100 meters.
Round 1 – 25 Merkins at each 100 meters

Round 2 – 20 Werkins at each 100 meters

Round 3 – 15 Diamond Merkins at each 100 meters

Round 4 – 10 Perfect Form Merkins at each 100 meters


A recovery lap around the track with NUR, karaoke and high knee skips was taken to let the arms recover.

Time for partner work. 10 Booyah Merkins then each partner does 25 LBC’s. R&R with 8, 6, 4 and 2 Booyah’s.


One more recovery lap with 25 dying cockroaches and 25 squats every 100 meters.

Mosey back to the start to finish with some Mary, but since we had a little time we stopped for 20 rocky balboa’s and 12 hip slippers for Whoopee.


Christmas Party 12/3

See YHC if you have someone interested in being a Track Commander for Christmastown 5k


Prayer Request




Praise for Sarlaac job

Nutria has a friend and brother in law with cancer


YHC took us out.
‘I’m Broke

PHT at Crossroads

Lots of PAX putting in extra work today.  IPC Relay kicked things off at 0530, DBC and some runners rolled out at 0600 and still more PAX headed out at 0630. Most stayed for a good discussion on Positive Habit Transfer.

“A man cannot give away what he himself does not possess.” – Qsource Leadership Manual


Amoeba Ruck 10/8

Convergence 10/15

SFN track commanders needed


Lift up Huck, Turtleman, Gumby and his Mom, Purple Haze parents, those impacted by the hurricane and the Mayor in your prayers.

YHC took us out.
I’m Broke

Our Actions Affect Others

7 PAX started off the week with a run followed by a discussion on how our actions affect others. Make a difference in the lives of others by living according to Ephesians 4:31-32 “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”


Skating 9/17

JJ5K 9/24

Convergence 10/15


Prayer Request

Mayor and family

BOS and family




YHC took us out.

I’m Broke

Arms and Abs

The temps are starting to get a little cooler for the premier afternoon AO of Gashouse, but it’s still pretty  brutal. Since there is a CSAUP this weekend YHC decided to stay away from leg work and focus on the soccer arms and love handles. Sister Act once again dodged my Q (I guess my workouts are too JV for a rock pusher like him), but 7 PAX were standing around looking for something to do when the time hit. Let’s give them what they want.


Quick warmup, then grab a block and head to the parking lot beside the turd shack.


20 curls, 20 OH Press, 20 tricep extensions

Run across the lot

20 Big Boys (some of us waited a couple rounds too long to move to the grass!!!)

Run back to start

x5 rounds


Partner up

Partner 1 rifle carries while Partner 2 does 2 burpees then runs to catch up and switch

2 laps around the parking lot


20 flutter kicks w/coupon, 20 hammers w/coupon, 20 windshield wipers (hammers with a block are brutal!!!)

Run across the lot

20 Merkins

Run back to start

x5 rounds


Put the blocks up and still a couple of minutes left. Finished up with 10 hip slappers and 1 min. wall sit.



CSAUP this Saturday

Skating 9/17

JJ5K 9/24

Convergence at Bulldog 10/8

Sign ups for Malak Series relays (P200, C200, T200)


Prayer Request

Slaw 2.0


BOS and family in loss of father

Toepick  has co-worker whose mother has cancer

Mayor and family in loss of grandfather


Strong work by the PAX today. Ending up seeing 2 Kotters, Gomer made it to the workout and Toepick made it to the COT. Keep pushing the rock!


Slaw took us out.

I’m Broke

Track Time at Ricky Bobby

9 PAX in total at The Ricky Bobby this morning. Since the AO is named after a racing movie, we might as well spend our time on the track. Two PAX took off on a Whetstone run and the rest headed to the track after a quick warmup.


4 rounds of the following

50 LBC’s

40 Squats

30 Merkins

20 American Hammers

10 Burpee’s

Run a lap


Next up was some Dora 1-2-3-4

One partner runs the field while the other works.

100 Step Ups

200 Dips

300 Mountain Climbers

400 SSH


Just enough time left for another lap around the track followed by 3 minutes of Mary.



PT test this Saturday at Gashouse

Iron PAX next month (workouts on Thursday at Folsom and Saturday at Gashouse)

50 mile relay 9/10 – preblast and sign up are on Slack

Skating 9/17

JJ5K 9/24


Prayer Request



Tesla and family

BOS and family


YHC took us out.

I’m Broke

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