Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Bandit (Page 9 of 12)

Back to School

Weather forecast was calling for 59 degrees and 30% chance of rain.  Reality is your body temp probably hit 100 degrees and chance of pain was closer to 100% (if you did it right).

Mosey to the drive thru at Park Sterling Bank.

Warm up…

  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Don Quixote x 10 IC
  • CH Squats x 10 IC
  • Merkins x 10 IC
  • Goofballs x 20 IC

Pledge of Allegiance.

Mosey to Robinson Elementary School (1/2 mile).

Partner Up for Dora 1,2,3 up and down length of breezeway.  Start at mid point so 1/2 of the teams can go North/South, others go South/North (should be about 1/2 mile total)…

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 LBC
  • 300 Squats

Next exercise is Elevens between islands in parking lot.  Today’s special…

  • Burpees (modify to burps as needed)
  • Merkins

Reverse Mosey via Riverwood Parkway back to Brewsters

COT, Name-O-Rama (oops, missed that part), BOM.

It was an honor and privilege to lead this group.  Iron Sharpens Irons.


The Great Pumpkin is Real!

Being the morning before Halloween, YHC was going to put some fright into the workout. He did some recon in the parking deck to set up some displays prior to the workout. However, upon the ascent in the deck he saw four of Gastonia’s finest staging for an op (with lots of pistachio’s) a floor from the top of the deck. Worried about being “FI’d” (field interview), he scaled back his plans and just posted an inspirational verse and the workout on the top deck with scotch tape and brought the scary pumpkin to the Pavilion and waited for the PAX to arrive.

Eleven strong showed up on time and Brown Streak was appointed the official timekeeper since my watch broke.

A quick warm up included SSH x 27, Merkins x 20, Don Quixote’s x 10, LBC’s x 20. The scary pumpkin made spooky sounds during the LBC’s and got everyone afraid of what was to come.
A quick jog to the parking deck and up the stairs to the top of the deck with 5.0 still lurking, just below our spot. A few curious PAX looked at the sheet on the wall that indicated what we were about to do. Here is what it said…

10 burpees
10 Carolina Dry Docks
20 Squat Jumps (a crowd pleaser…worse than burpees?)
20 Merkins
20 LBC’s
20 Sprinter Lunges
REPEATO x 5 or until time.

The first round was done together with instructions to do the rest OYO.  Brown Streak was instructed to tell YHC when it was 6:05 but we decided to hit snooze and go until 6:10. T-Claps to Dolph for setting the pace and along with Brown Streak getting it all in and watching the clock.

We recovered for 30 seconds and then performed:

  • 15 IC shoulder touches in plank position, then
  • 10 IC slow tempo merkins, then
  • OYO 10 fast tempo merkins.

The PAX were instructed to make their way back to the Pavilion. Some chose the stairs, and others ran down the deck again. The scary pumpkin appeared again and was now on noise activation mode in the middle of the COT making scary noise the entire time, up until the prayer. Very spooky.

A few PAX looking for work and/or interviewing…prayers offered. (use the F3 network!)
YHC reflected upon lots of FNG’s from the F3 inaugural launch last year that we don’t see anymore. Invite them back or invite a new FNG to experience F3 in the Gas House.
Dr. Feelgood invited us to attend his downtown Gastonia Rotary Club on March 3, 2016 when OBT and Dredd are scheduled to speak at the downtown Rotary club.
Tomorrow is the Airport 5K. Notify Bandit if you are going.

2nd F Opportunity….Saturday, November 7th at Martha Rivers, Whoopie and others are going to host an F3 2.0 workout followed by a cookout at shelter #1. Workout start time TBD but shelter is rented in Roscoe’s name from 1500-1900 hours. (3PM-7PM)

Brainstorming the Gas House 1 year Anniversary workout/event for March 2016. If you have ideas, send them to Roscoe. Initial ideas involve an extended beat down, pork, and Boss Hog (No coincidence there).

We are looking for a permanent site Q for Gashouse venue on Saturdays. You would arrange Q’s for each Saturday and fill in when none are available. Step up and lead!

Closed with a prayer.

I am humbled by the turnout and the effort this morning. Always a pleasure!

Drive Thru

YHC picked up the Q for Martha’s House yesterday for Stroganoff (get well soon brother).   This was going to be a similar workout to last Martha’s House with lots of running.  But at 5:30 am the PAX were about to mosey to YHC’s house and get the Q out of his fart sack. But wisely they decided to get the show on the road. It was raining pretty steady but at least it wasn’t 33 degrees.  In fact it was fairly comfortable in the upper 50s this morning.

So 4 pax mosey to shelter at the bank drive through and begin…

  • 10 BOYO
  • Run 1 lap (this was out to Neal Hawkins, left down the sidewalk, left at the next street, left into the bank parking lot and back to the shelter of the drive thru)
  • 20 Merkins IC
  • Run 1 lap

Ok… about this time the QIC (YHC) finally posts and 4 pax becomes 5 pax.  And we continue with what became a people’s choice workout.  After a quick 20-some SSH so the Q could warm up, it went something sort of like this…

  • 50 LBC IC
  • Run 1 lap (with wall step ups half way through)
  • 10 BOYO
  • Run 1 lap

Under the drive thru, there are 4 lanes divided by cement curb about 3 feet wide.  Outhouse led us in 4 sets of 25 SSH IC / 20 merkins IC accross each of the lanes.

  • Run 1 lap
  • Defib led us in a series of wall sits while each person ran 1 lap after each other.  We finished off with a set of 15 Donkey Kicks.
  • T-Square led us in 20 Dying Cockroaches IC
  • Run 1 lap
  • Wheel of Merkin (10 merkins of balance on curb each 90 degrees)
  • Run 1 lap

It was about here we stopped for the Pledge.

  • Back under the cover Dr. Feelgood led us in 2 sets of Bear Crawls (it was something like 5 steps forward, 4 back, 4 forward, 3 back, 3 forward, 2 back, 2 forward, 1 back, 1 forward) plus 10 Merkins IC.
  • Next we complete 4 sets of 20 Goofball’s / 10 LBC IC across the lanes.
  • Run 1 lap

Then for something really strange… Dr. Feelgood persuaded YHC to partner up to demonstrate some type of Indian arm wrestling, butt mashing, flip flop thingy.  After the demo the rest of the PAX just skipped that one.  You really had to be here for that.

I think we did some Freddie Mercuries in their somewhere and I probably forgot a few others.

Moleskin – Not my best today.  After oversleeping and getting to the workout late, I really felt as sharp as a sack of wet mice today.  But I will keep pushing the rock.  Thanks to the crew that posted here, this turned out to be a great workout.

Stroganoff – no charge for this one.


The Next Exercise Is… The One Mile Run

Just starting to get used to the chili mornings here in Gastonia.  But the cold weather has not kept the brave from posting.  Against their better judgement, 6 PAX posted at #MarthasHouse.  Hats off if you got ’em.  We start with the Pledge.

Here is how it went…

First we mosey from Brewsters to Martha Rivers parking lot for quick warm up…

  • SSH IC x20
  • Merkins IC x20
  • MC IC x20
  • LBC IC x20

And the next exercise is….the one mile run.  Linus-clockwise.  Better keep up with Q since he’s the only one with headlight.  Back side of the track was completely void of any light.  One anonymous PAX (sounds like Tree Square) verbally noted “I should have stayed home today”.  But reality is that #HIM don’t fartsack – that’s what the other 99% did.  So we run the outer loop around Martha Rivers park which is 1 mile.  We regroup right where we started for some light ab work…

  • LBC IC x20
  • Dying Cockroach IC x20
  • XYs – IC x20 (need to practice that – very awkward)
  • Homer & Marge on Q’s count.

And the next exercise is… wait, are you ready for this…  wait for it…. Yep!  The reverse one mile run. Running the track clockwise was just a dark as Linus-clockwise. Regroup at the starting spot.

Next we partner up for 11s.  Merkins and Bomb Jacks across the parking lot.

Finally we mosey back to Brewsters with 3 minutes to spare for 3 MOM, peoples choice.

Wrap up with Name-O-Rama, COT and BOM.  Keeping T-Square in prayers (job interview Friday and for his mother in law).

As always…. an honor and pleasure to lead you guys!



Bandit Can’t Spell…

Five more exercises to go and only 90 seconds left on the clock…  Next exercise is the American Hammer… you might call this the Russian Twist.  In position, ready exercise… 1,2,3, ONE, 1,2,3, HALT.  Next exercise is the Flutter Kick. Next exercise is Turkish Get Up….. Next exercise is the V-Up Roll Up… Next exercise is the XYs….

Well that is pretty much how this #DownPainMent ended.  A bit rushed.  We got everything in, but we went 90 seconds over.  #SorryNotSorry.

It was a few weeks earlier when YHC got the idea for this workout.  Thinking to himself…”I’ll surgically piece together 26 exercises (one for every letter in the alphabet) into a 45 minute beatdown — the best #Downtown workout yet.”  This was going to be great and totally original.  OK, it turns out planning this might have been more difficult than the workout itself.  Oh yeah… and about the original part… after some research on, there was a long line of creative geniuses doing this ahead of me too.

Regardless, everyone got in a good workout and no one requested a refund!.  Here is how it went…

Warmup (we started at the Pavilion)…

  • Goofballs IC x20
  • Hillbillies IC x 20
  • LBC IC x 20
  • Moraccan Nightclubs IC X 50

The Thang

Indian Run to the Parking Deck…

Ballerinas IC x 20 (not as easy as it looks on paper)

Monkey Humpers IC x 20 (just realized we have a duplicate here)

Subsititue Nerkins (nose first) for Knerkins (Chuck Norris Knuckle Pushups).  I think we did 8 IC.  At this point the PAX was pretty certain Bandit could no longer spell and might need to break out the dictionary from time to time.

Robert Plant (running up flights of steps like Stairway to Heaven) to top of Parking Deck.  Audible was called here as that was just too easy… needed to add Highway to Hell (running back down to bottom) to this set of musically named sets.  (since we already did Hillbillies in WU, can’t take credit for the letter H again).  Rinse and repeat x4.

Quadraphilia (yes like can’t feel my quad’s anymore).  Down and up parking deck ramp x4.

Zombie Walk (this was standard issue F3 Zombie Walk (straight lunge walk), not the local famed Godfather Zombie Walk (lunge, lunge, squat).  This was done down two straightaways and two ramps (one complete floor in the Parking Deck).

Cherkins (lookup Cheese Head Merkins) IC x 20

Werkins (wide arm).  IC x 8

Pullups AMRAP for 2 minutes

This next part I will concur was a bit of a cheat.  PAX had the option to traverse from Parking Deck to the Circle of Art using one of the following methods… Empty Wheelbarrow, Ollie North, Dan Taylors, or Yeti.  Ok… so I took a little creative license on the Yeti.  You won’t find this on F3Nation, but its basically a winter-like version of the Zombie Walk.  Just lunge walk and groan like a Yeti might.

Knerkins OYO x10

Jump Ups OYO x20

Up Downs for about 60 seconds.

Next we Sprint back to Pavilion where our story began and wrap up 26 exercises in 45 minutes (last 5 at warp speed).  In then end we all made our DownPainMent and had a good workout.  Any way you cut it, this is way better than working out with Fern.  As always, honored to lead such a great group of men.

– Bandit

Indians and Donkeys

We had 8 PAX post in the old Brewster’s parking lot to get stronger and fight Sad Clown Syndrome.  We also welcome back Defib (or is it V-fib???) on his return from Haiti mission trip where some great work was done (not sure his trip was long enough to quality for a Kotter, but welcome back, regardless)

After a brief disclaimer, and showing respect for our stars and stripes with the Pledge of Allegiance, we began…

First a quick jog from Brewsters to the Martha Rivers parking lot.  PAX figured we would just skip the warmup today.  As we entered the park, it looked like F3 got up much earlier than the park employees this morning.  Gate was still locked up and the line of cars was starting.  We don’t stop.  We move forward!

Now we can start the warmup.

  • 30 SSH IC
  • 25 IW IC
  • 20 Merkins IC
  • 20 Squats IC
  • 20 MC IC
  • 20 LBC IC

Indian run #1 – one lap around parking lot.  More cars lining up at the gate to watch F3!

Next up are 11s (Merkins and Heels to Heaven) accross the parking lot.

Indian run #2 – one lap around parking lot.  Second time around we could tell the stretch on the way back was up hill.  More cars lining up at the gate!

Next we partner up for 55s (Squats and DCC).  Start with one rep each, sprinting across parking lot between exercises.  Working all the way up to 10 reps.

Next we mosey down to the restrooms, but indeed – no rest.  Instead we get Donkey Kicks in on the wall of shame!

  • 10 Donkey Kicks IC
  • 10 Donkey Kicks IC
  • 10 Donkey Kicks IC
  • BTTW – 60 Seconds
  • 10 Donkey Kicks IC
  • 10 Derkins OYO

Next we mosey back up the parking lot to get all Whoopee’s crap he left there. #SomeoneBringHimBackpack.  As we grab Whoopee’s loot we see they are finally opening the gate. As we mosey past them back to Brewsters, everyone say’s good morning to the line of cars coming in, including Mrs. Long (Stroganoff’s mom still checking up on him).

As always, its an honor to lead this group!  Until next time… Aye!

– Bandit


World Cup? Not Really…

As the sun continues to rises later these days 12 PAX gather at The Schiele as the rain kept coming down.  It was the gloom for sure!  Other than rain and the promise of a #DownPainMent, the PAX were given little insight into today’s activities.  After YHC’s brief disclaimer, Goose knocks out his VQ with authority for the warmup (nice job 2.0!)…

IW 20 IC
Merkins 20 IC
CH Squat 20 IC

The Thang
YHC leads the mosey to courtyard at Greer MS where PAX partner up (size doesn’t matter) for Dora 1-2-3 (100 merks, 200 lbc, 300 squats). While one partner does exercise, other partner runs stairs and then flip flops to continue to total specified total reps.

As PAX catch a quick breather, Goose gets the courtyard ready for some modified world cup action. Partners now become opponents as partner A becomes crab and partner B becomes bear for 20 minutes of soccer.  With each goal scored, crabs and bears flip flop (crab becomes bear and vice versa) and teams switch out goalies who plank in their positions.

Next we mosey back to The Schiele for Wall of Fire.  Everyone People’s Chair while first PAX completes 10 CDD, 10 lbc, and 10 burps/burpees.  Second PAX  starts once first PAX finishes CDDs.  Rinse and Repeat X2

Next we mosey across the street to wall at the Library.  We split into two groups.  Group A bear crawls up hill to sidewalk and back while group B does wall pull ups.  Once group A completes 2 rounds, groups filp flop.  Rinse and Repeat x2

Next up are Donkey Kicks x10 IC.  Rinse and Repeat x4.  Counting was IMPRESSIVE.  Definite crowd favorite today.  AYE!

Finally we mosey back to The Schiele for 2.5 minutes of Mary. Maybe we did some LBCs, not sure.  But we did finish with Dying Cockroach x10.

In the end, everyone put in big DownPainMent and walked away wet and stronger.  Just as YHC promised!



No Time To Spare at Martha’s House

We started promptly at 0530.  All regulars today, so Disclaimer was familiar and brief.  Followed immediately by Pledge.

PAX mosied from Brewsters to Martha Rivers parking lot for Warm Up…

  • SSH x 30 IC
  • IW x 25 IC
  • Merkins x 20 IC
  • CH Squats x 20 IC
  • MC x 20 IC
  • LBC x 20 IC
  • BOYO x 10

Mosey to field #1 and partner up for Bear Crawl Escalator.  #SizeDoesNotMatter.  WIth partner, PAX would complete increasing reps of LBC and Squats (10, 20, 30, and 40 reps).  LBC would be done at bottom of hill, Bear Crawl to top of hill, Squats at top of hill, Bear Crawl down hill.  Then increase reps by 10 and repeat for total of 4 rounds.

In same location, with same partners, completed 55s.  With partner, PAX would complete decreasing reps (10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2 and 1) of Merkins and Carolina Dry Docks.  Similar to Bear Crawl Escalator, we did 10 Merkins, ran up hill, 10 Carolina Dry Docks, run down hill.  Then decrease reps by 1 and repeat for total of 10 rounds.

Next, after mosey back to parking lot, with same partners, PAX knocked out 11s with Star Jacks and LBCs.  Starting with 1 Star Jack, running distance between lights, then 10 LBC and running back.  Then 2 star jacks, 9 LBC, 3/7, etc…

With 4 minutes remaining, PAX mosey back to Brewsters and arrive at 0615 with no time to spare.

Wrapped up with quick Name-O-Rama, COT and BOM.

Great work by everyone!


9-11 Memorial Workout

Warm Up

There were multiple fire trucks/medics running code around the downtown area during warm ups. It was not planned but the din was appropriate for the memorial beat down.

  • SSH IC x11
  • Merkin IC x11
  • Mountain Climbers IC x 11
  • Don Quixote ICx11
  • LBC ICx11
  • Heal Touches ICx11


Mosey to conference center parking deck then took stairs to top of parking deck and performed:

  • Lunges IC x11
  • Prayer squats ICx11
  • Backward Bear crawl up the hill

Mosey to stairs.  YHC asked the question, “there are five flights of stairs and the WTC has 110 floors. How many times do we need to go up to make 110?”  Responses varied from “1” to “2”. The PAX could use some math skills obviously.


Up and down the stairs at the conference center deck. We would pause at the bottom level and plank, hold a squat, or walk around until the last man’s feet hit the ground and then would charge back up the stairs.  At the halfway mark, we paused at the top for:

  • Merkins ICx11
  • Monkey Humpers ICx11 (a little wobbly going back down)

Back to stairs for 11 more reps up and down to complete the series at the bottom of the deck.  The WTC has 110 floors.  The PAX climbed the parking deck stairs up and down a total of 22 times. 5 floors times 22 equals 110. Math is simple, right?

At the bottom of the deck…

  • Partner up ones and twos
  • Ones bear crawl up the parking deck incline
  • Twos run to the next incline and wait for ones to catch up and then they bear crawl up the incline. Repeat to the top of the deck.

This was followed by a set of lunges across the length of the top deck.

Then, partner up and burpee long jumps ten yards each for the length of the deck.

Down the stairs again and out to the benches for a set of, you guessed it, 11 Dips.

Back to Pavilion for one round of Flutter kicks x11 in cadence.


The COT was held and the PAX expressed their thankfulness for many wonderful things such as family, faith, F3, careers, Freedom of religion, and service to others, and concern for the first responders who sacrificed on 9-11 and every day.

Great effort today #HIM

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