Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Anthrax

Friendly competition at the storm

Pledge first, then mosey to the traffic circle for a short warmup. Another short mosey to the big lot at the school building, then split into 2 teams. For each team, each of the PAX takes a turn running to the opposite end of the lot. Once there, prescribed 10 bobby hurley’s then drop into plank. When the teammate drops, the next one runs across.

Down and back, and a winner was crowned. The losing team got 5 burpees, winning team got 10. With prizes like this who wouldn’t want to compete?
Repeato, but bobby hurley’s replaced with 10 jump lunges (5/leg). Everyone got a trophy this time, 5 burpees per team.

Proceeded to divide into 4 teams for field of dreams in the 4 corners of the much-larger-than-a-baseball-field-non-sand-parking-lot. First round was as described in the Exicon. Second round was stepped up a notch:

  • 1’s – jump squats
  • 2’s – clerkins
  • 3’s – peter parkers
  • 4’s – 15 burpees

Returned to lot for 3 minutes of mary, name-o-rama, COT.

Special thanks to War Eagle and BP (Border Patrol) for coming out today…we hope to see them again soon. Great effort all around, except for the Mayor, whose absence was noted and now documented.

Feels good to be back…

Been quite a while since I was able to Q, guess newborns will do that to you. At any rate, grateful for the encouragement from my brothers and grateful for the faithful PAX that turned out. After some initial mumblechatter and no shortage of ribbing about the fact that I had to actually show up on time for once, we commenced. Pledge first, then as follows:

• Don Quixote
• Low-slow (3-count down, 1 up) squat
• Merican
• Moroccan night clubs
• Lap around downtown, meet at upper deck

Play it cool for the duration.
• Paired, one teammate exercising and the other runs a lap around the building
○ Walking lunges
○ Bear crawl one way, crab walk back.
○ High knees one way, butt kicks back
○ Burpees
• Jog to bridge for donkey kicks IC
• Jog to basketball court
• Paired suicides (1 teammate suicides while the other exercises)
○ Alternating shoulder taps
○ Bobby hurleys
○ Star jacks (repeato)
• Bear crawl snake across parking lot

Moseyed back to the lot for a few minutes of Mary and COT. Good work men.

Some running required

4 faithful PAX posted on this chilly winter’s morn (the second, to be exact) with only a minor warning as to the running they would endure. I’ve been mostly sitting and holding a newborn for 4 months, so I was ready to see what our collective legs could accomplish if we set our minds to it. Quick warmup then onto the thang:

Burpee mile+ (I think the downtown loop is slightly longer than 1/4, although I’ve never measured it).

Next we moseyed to gazebo for a pull up ladder to try and make these easier than they are. Started at 1 rep, then increased reps for 5 sets in a row with a 30 second Al Gore in between.

We then moseyed to the wall and paired up for:

1st partner run to top of stairs, stop for 10 spider man merkins, runs around and back (other partner wall sit). Flip flop.
1st partner run to top of stairs, stop for 20 CDD, runs around (other partner plank). Flip flop.
1st partner run to top of stairs, stop for 30 mountain climbers (other partner wall sit). Flip flop.
1st partner run to top of stairs, stop for 40 LBC’s (other partner plank). Flip flop.

This put us pretty much at time so we moseyed back to the lot for COT.

Thanks for coming out guys, it’s been too long and I’m grateful for you.

3 Corners in Downtown

9 PAX posted in the GLOOM at Goat Island today. Q got a slow start thanks to a poor night’s sleep, apologies for that. Warmup of squats, Don Quixotes, merkins, and side straddle hops. Lined up for an indian run toward downtown Cramerton.

Pit at the picnic tables in the park for Hail Mary’s, with Q as the odd man out doing dips for the duration. Mosey the rest of the way to downtown.

Owing to downtown’s pseudo-triangular shape we commenced a 3-corners routine of exercises at each corner and sprints from one corner to the next. Rounds were as follows:

Three Corners Circuit 1

  1. wide merkin in cadence
  2. star jack x 15
  3. carolina dry docks in cadence

Freddie Mercury in cadence to catch our breath

Three Corners Circuit 2

  1. Diamond Merkin in cadence
  2. Prisoner Jump Squats x 15
  3. 1 minute elbow plank

Superman’s in cadence to catch our breath

Three Corners Circuit 3

  1. Regular merkin in cadence
  2. Detour to gazebo for 10 pullups
  3. Lunges x 30 (single count)
  4. Detour to alley for wall of fire (5 burpees each)

1 minute back plank, then 30 seconds each side

Moseyed back to the lot for a ring of fire then COT. Excellent effort from all today, grateful for the continued participation as the weather gets worse and family schedules get busier.

Scale the Mountain + Wheel of Pain

9 PAX posted in the GLOOM at Goat Island, including a record number that peeled in sideways at 0529. Still…right on time is still on time. Warmup as follows:

* Peter Parkers (remain in position after)
* Merkins (remain in position after)
* Mountain climbers
* Side Straddle Hop
* Squats

Pax then moseyed over to the parking lot side of the bridge and commenced the thang. First up was 5 trips climbing up the rocks beside the bridge. Props to all for staying upright despite the glasslike surface conditions courtesy of some ill-timed-but-much-needed overnight rain.

PAX then proceeded to #takethebridge (note: we need BA back, he has the best battle cry by far) and moseyed over to the park for a scenic tour.

First up was a 4-minute round of Col Trautman, making use of the monkey bars the Cramerton taxpayers generously provided. Afterward we moseyed around the walking trail to the cornhole boards and did 5 round of 1 burpee/sprint to the drink machine/1 burpee/sprint back. Then a mosey over to the playground where we did 3 rounds of squats followed by a trip around the playground by any means necessary (over/under/through the ropes that those darn kids make look so easy). Squats started at 20 and increased by 5 each circuit.

After the first circuit we did a mini-repeato, with a 2 minute Col Trautman and an abbreviated burpee/sprint circuit until we had to call time. Mosey back to the lot for COT. Thanks to all who posted, you gentlemen make it what it is!

– Prayers for TopHat’s friends out of work and looking.
– Prayers for law enforcement while we weather the current unrest.
– Need a Q for next Tuesday. Somebody step up!

Stop and Go’s and Wheelbarrows and Snakes (oh my)

18 pax posted in the GLOOM at The Storm for some split punishment from TopHat and Anthrax. As we gathered Whoopee shared tales of trial and tribulation from his experience at #SouthernDiscomfort, firmly entrenching the rest of us in the position that it was, indeed, #CSAUP. TopHat called us to order at 5:30 on the dot and led us through the following routine:

Lap around the track
10 windmills
15 SSH
15 CDD
15 crunchy frogs

Stop and Go down the field (10 yards forward, 5 yards back, repeato until you reach the other goal line)

Anthrax assumed the Q and proceeded as follows. Pax paired up, then wheelbarrow’d 25 yards at a time. At each stop we performed an exercise in cadence unless otherwise noted, then teammates switched places for the next 25-yard wheelbarrow.
Wheelbarrow to 25
3 count squat
wb to 50
burpees (15 oyo)
wb to 25
Imperial squat walker
wb to goal
wb to 25
wb to 50
Plank jack
wb to 25
High knees
wb to goal
French fries

Count up, count back to catch our breath.

Pax then moved to the bleachers to do snake drills (up and down from one end to the other) separated by the listed exercises.
Box jumps (25 oyo)

Mosey to the parking lot for COT. Thanks to all who posted, grateful for you guys.

Just another walk in the park(ing lot)

13 PAX posted in the gloom at Goat Island Park and granted a 1 minute delay to those who were deemed to be either lost in suburbia or fartsacking. You know who you are.

Little did they know that they wouldn’t get out of the parking lot today as there was ample lighting and the light posts turned out to be perfectly spaced for speed drills. Today’s balanced breakfast was largely composed of suicides, each separated by a carefully chosen selection from the #Exicon. After each exercise/suicide combo the pax would plank until all were accounted for, then start the next exercise together. Order as follows:

Side Straddle Hop x 20
Freddie Mercury x 15
Imperial Walkers x 15
Mericans x 10
Plank jacks x 15

The Thang
Lunge + jump x 20 (total movements)
Carolina Dry Docks x 20
Prisoner Jump Squat x 25

Hold plank to catch our breath.
Count up, count back to gather our thoughts.

Peter Parker + Merkin x 30(ish)
Star Jack x 20
Turkish get-up x 20(ish)

We ran out of workout before we ran out of time so we finished with a bonus round of up downs and a few minutes of Mary. COT then dispersed for the day. Thanks to all who posted!

GoatIsland Backblast: We would have just played cornhole, but I forgot the bags…

9 faithful PAX gathered in the gloom to sweat and inspect the Goat Island bridge in excruciating detail. Warmup breakfast of merkins, imperial walkers, Freddy Mercury’s, mountain climbers and prayer squats, then mosey over for the pledge at the flag on one of the light posts in patriotic Cramerton. Mosey across the street to start the party.

The Thang
The format was a split – half exercising, half running and exercising. Divided into pairs, one teammate runs across the bridge and to the cornhole boards, then performs an exercise on the other side. The other teammate performs 10/20/30 reps of the exercises for that round. Rounds were as follows:

Round 1
Teammate 1: 10 burpees/20 Carolina dry docks/30 lbc then plank until the other returns
Teammate 2: Run across the bridge, touch the cornhole boards, run back.

Round 2
Teammate 1: 10 knees to chest jump (this needs a name)/20 spider man merkins/30 hip raises (also needs a name).
Teammate 2: 10 inverted rows hanging from the swings across the bridge.

Round 3
Teammate 1: 10 burpees/20 lunges (10 per leg)/30 freddie mercury’s. Al Gore until teammate returns
Teammate 2: 10 pull ups using playground equipment across the bridge. Negative pullups when we ran out of gas.

Pause for a plank break, right arm up (right leg option), left arm up (left leg option). Then, back to the task at hand:

Round 4
Teammate 1: 10 turkish get-ups/20 plank jacks/30 flutter kicks (per leg)
Teammate 2: 15 box jumps on a picnic table across the bridge.

Round 5
Teammate 1: 10 burpees/20 imperial walkers/30 SSH
Teammate 2: Run to the cornhole boards and back

Mosey back to the lot for COT. Work was easy after this one.

Backblast: Carb loading on Ciabatta’s

29 pax showed up for some precisely timed punishment today with Abba and Anthrax up to co-Q.  Pledge first, then a mosey up to the field.

Imperial Walkers
Side Straddle Hop
Freddie Mercury’s

The Thang:
Order of the day was Ciabatta’s.  Each exercise was separated by a lap around the track + trash pickup thanks to Da Vinci’s timely sense of civic duty.

Plank Jacks (audible, planking for 4 minutes sounded better on paper)
Prayer Squats
Mericans (audible…again better on paper)
Bear Crawl

With everyone’s legs good and tight we finished up with 15 side straddle hop burpees, then moseyed back to the lot for COT.

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