Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: May 27, 2024

Iron Mike

3 showed to Old School this AM for a bully beatdown. I guess they didn’t get the memo that everyone was gonna be at Folsom kissing Freight’s anus today;) Well that’s OK cause misery loves company and what I’m doing today will be miserable but worth it.

Being Mike Tyson is scheduled to beat up a Vine Video kid next month I figured we might as well get in some good ol’ road work all over Dallas. Wile doing so we might s well stop every few minutes and get in some Mike Tysons. We did this until we came to the dreaded Brookgreen and North St. hill. Once here we got to work on Merkins, Big Boys and Squats on the bottom of the hill and Burpees at the top. We finished up with a good amount of time left on the clock so we got back to the road work this time stopping every few minutes for Bonnie Blairs. Once off those nasty hills and back on some nice smooth Kyrie style Flat Earth we had just enough time to go Southbound and Down on Route 66 with Seal Jacks IC. We moseyed back to Old School just in time to get the Pledge and call it a day.

Prayers: Turtleman and his family, Anchorman, PAX traveling, each other, Country

Praise God for everything everyday always


Full Court Pressure

This title is very deceiving. Being that there’s a basketball court at river park and there’s usually a large crowd at The Goat   I figured we’d play some full court 4 on 4. Well the only Full Court Pressure that was going down on that morning was the pressure Team 1 had sweeping the other 3 teams asses off the court multiple times. Well the rest of us got in some pretty good rounds of triple nickels while waiting on our next butt whoopin on the courts at least. All in all it was a good time and a good workout as well.



Poision Ivy

5/15 Ricky Bobby Light crowd this morning so i opted out of Shirts and Skins Football and it’s a good thing because Tooth Fairy showed up slathered in calamine lotion and other exogenous forms of steroid, antibiotics, and itch creams. Someone obviously dumped a 55 gallon drum of poison ivy in hes well because he had that junk all over his body. I mean even in his eyes. That’s one tough dude to be out here getting in that work in that condition. Hats off to that guy. As far as the workout goes. I think it was a pretty good one. I remember it well but I ain’t typing it all up tonight cause I have several more of these to get typed up.


The Socratic Method comes to Members Only

We had a lot of ruckers this morning and one runner. A god Qsource representation to go into Q2.0. YHC does it a little differently and for a reason when it comes to teaching the material there. I think it’s a little wordy from time to time and guys tend to just read it sometimes. I want to throw an alternative on the table for you guys to follow that goes like this:

Read the material and make a few notes to hit the main points.

The main points can begin with the Socratics and expand from there.

Teach by asking questions of the group. Ger everyone involved. Reach out to guys that normally don’t talk and get them involved.

Don’t get hung up on a lot of the verbiage in that book. Dredd can get a little wordy and the best way to navigate that I find is to summarize it and pick out the main points and roll with them.

Keep a time limit on getting through the material or you’ll never get through it. So be of a mind to move forward.

Be able to do a good summary and/or “closing argument”.

That said do it your way! But don’t get bogged down in the wordiness of it all. There is a bigger picture there and that’s what you want to get at.


Tornado Alley

5/9 Folsom the morning after the storm. 5 HIM made the trek through treacherous terrain and downed trees and power lines to get in a workout. It was still nasty out so I Omahed my workout and our normal starting location to the shed at the lower lot. Here we did several exercises for timed rounds. At the end of each round we took a quick lap around the lower parking lot. We did this for several rounds until time was up. Nothing spectacular but we got in some good work.



Too Much Running and Reps

Folsom 5/2 we had 5 show up to run way too much for a boot camp. Close to 4 on my watch. We also got in several rounds of Burpees, Bonnie Blairs, Merkins, Squats, & LBCs to go along with the extended moseys.

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