• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 05/11/2024
  • AO: The Fighting Yank
  • QIC: Sargento
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Anchorman, Pinto, Gavel, Tooth Fairy, Watts Up, Tesla, Jane Fonda, Tardy Gras, Montana, Brutus

11 HIM showed to know at the Fighting Yank on a perfect morning for pain. This is what happened…

Pledge of Allegiance

Count off


We arrived around the corner on the street that runs parallel with the railroad tracks. We did some warmup type stuff highlighted by the patented Right Over Left. From there the first routine was explained.

Bearway to Heaven – Bearcrawl the street, stopping to do 5 squats at each line. Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin was played for the enjoyment of all. YHC threw in random trivia questions and name that tune type stuff for the remainder of the workout.

Mosey from there to the alley beside Nelly’s for some wall sits and donkey kicks then to the small parking lot behind Cherry Wealth Planning for some 11s. I think we did Mike Tysons and Big Boys  with a lunge walk in between but it was too long ago to recall for sure.

Head around the corner and up the street to another wall where we did more wall sits and donkey kicks.

Back to the front of the old Suntrust branch for a round of ATMs. 15 Alternating Shoulder Taps, 15 Tempo Merkins and 15 Merkins then take a lap. We did a couple rounds of this before it got boring and we needed to do other stuff.

Mosey toward the start, picking up a random traffic cone along the way for what lay ahead.

Traffic Cone Basketball shots – just like what we tried at Midoriyama earlier in the week with a trash can, only this time we used the cone. Would the PAX improve on our totally pathetic performance from Tuesday. HELL NO!!! We suck at shooting these shots and we did a whole bunch of exercises as a result. However, we put work in and everybody had fun. It was great!