• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 05/10/2024
  • AO: Downtown
  • QIC: Short Sale
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Amazon, Gearwrench, Def Leppard, Bullwinkle, Purple Haze, Clutch, EZ Rider, BOS, Chili, Sister Act, Titman, Heihei, Captain Steubing

Sister Act requested Q’s for May. Why not help a brother out? Plus, I needed a good excuse to get up in the gloom. Last Friday on May 10th I was in the center of 13 PAX at the Downtown Rotary Pavillon. It went like this:

Warm-up: 5 Burpees OYO, Seal Jacks, Imperial Walkers, Side to Side Lunges, and Toy Soldiers all IC x 10, 5 more burpees OYO

Thang: stay in the circle and get into plank for a Core Starter all IC x 15

  • Mtn Climbers
  • Knee Touches
  • Knee Taps
  • Plank Jacks
  • Reverse Crunch
  • Freddie Mercury
  • Raised Penguin Crunch
  • Turtle Crunch
  • Opp Hand / Opp Knee
  • Regular Penguin
  • Legs 90 degrees, alternate R hand, to L foot & L hand to R foot
  • Genie Elbow to Knee
  • Genie Knee to Elbow
  • Ski Abs
  • 5 Burpees OYO

We said the pledge. PAX didn’t like the IC to 15 – I’m sure their core felt some burn from it. Mosey toward York St and to the intersection of York/Main for the Route 198 – 3 exercises beginning at 1 rep and increasing to 11 using the light poles on the left side of Main. Exercises: HR Merkins, In/Out, Plank Jacks. Bullwinkle led the charge. Def Leppard was in the bat flippers – way to push Leppard. We did a 10 count once everyone was finished.

Move to the second level of the parking deck. School is finishing with exams so time for a test. Q set the clock for 0:20 seconds for two rounds of Merkins, Jump Squats, and LBCs. Take the average of the two sets and subtract 2. I know math is not some of your strengths so example: Set 1 of merkins in 20 seconds SA completed 20. In Set 2, SA completed 17. Divide 37 by 2 for 18.5 and subtract 2, round down for 16 required reps on the merkin segment. Each PAX had their individual goals (You vs. You, right?) for the 3 exercises. Now it’s time for the test – Every Minute on the Minute, complete the 3 different exercises at the individual rep limit. Most everyone finished with 15-20 seconds to rest. Then we ran to the other end of the parking garage and returned for the next round. I know, I know – it sounds complicated but really it wasn’t. The PAX managed fine.

COT – Extinction Run; Prayers for Turtleman, family, and guys on IR.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Short Sale