Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: December 31, 2023 (Page 2 of 2)

Too much or too little running

Started with a quick disclaimer and the first trivia question.  Per usual, YHC asks a trivia question, gives the pax some time to deliberate, gets one final answer, then maybe we do 5 burpees, maybe we don’t depending on the answer.

Mosey to the tennis quarts.  Suicides along the quarts with 5 merkins at each turn.

Mosey back to the track for some four corners, that really were four rappers.  10 CDDs run a lap.  10 CDDs, 20 squats, run a lap.  10 CDDs, 20 squats, 30 LBCs, run a lap.  10 CDDs, 20 squats, 30 LBCs, 40 SSHs, run a lap.

Fellowship mosey to the blacktop for some cordwood – crunchy frogs, pretzel crunches, dying cockroaches, American hammers.

Headed to the school building with a couple of 1 minute wall sits with 20 SSHs in between.

Finished up with a Dora 1-2-3.  100 lunges, 200 shoulder taps, 300 LBCs.


Prayer requests


Members Only – Equipping

As a Virtuous Leader you have to know your team. Once you know your team you have to assign the right man for each position. This may not work the first go around so you also need to understand that and be willing to make the adjustments for the team. In the flip side, as a team member, you have to understand that you may not end up with the role you want. And that’s ok. Know your role and understand that it’s probably what’s best for the team.


1-1-2024 Convergence  / 6am EC run/ruck, park at Pelicans. 7am the convergence starts. Martha Rivers Park. Bring gently used clothing for Rice & Beans


Turtle Man

Jane Fonda


Jackson Curti

Jackson Hall

Broke’s mom

New year comin

Good turn out this evening, after warming up we moseyed down to the soccer fields and used the parking lot for some Dora.

on our way back we did 10 calf raises and 10 baby makers per light post back to the flag.

We finished the evening with 10-1 with 3 exercises starting at 10 take a lap. then 9 of each then a lap.

Finished with Pledge and COT.

3 Wise Men

Three wise Men posted this morning at Prison break. A 4th attempted to infiltrate the COT which we allowed feeling we can all use some good prayer. Then one departed and the 4th became the 3rd and we continued our travel after the COT to the big yellow sign of Waffle House.

Thankfully one wise man kept a little gold in his pocket for the trip back home  from seeing baby Jesus.

Coffee aint Free at the Waffle..



Christmas Blocks from Brillo

AS the Q I had plans to do some 12 days of Christmas, however a better present has arrived.

Sarlacc’s Son Brillo who is recently out of Boot camp and home for Christmas from the Navy gave us the gift of youth and Blocks this morning.

We carried them every where we ended with some 8 count burpees and 22 for the vets.

Merry Christmas


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