• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 10/15/2023
  • AO: Coconut Horse
  • QIC: Short Sale
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Hunchback (Scrat), Tube (R), Whoopee (R), Stroganoff (R), Winehouse, Roscoe (R), Flintstone

This is the title of Chapter 16 in Admiral William McCraven’s book The Wisdom of the Bullfrog.” Really a short chapter that doesn’t have a lot of depth in story or instructions. The premise came from his experience on the Underwater Demolition Team’s responsibility to clear obstacles so boats could land on beaches – the Battle of Normandy as an example. Explosives are required and to ensure total destruction, it’s better to use more than less, hence the title.

McCraven uses this analogy to aid his recovery from a few military jobs in which he was relieved of his duties (aka: fired) due to his lack of leadership or improper strategy. His offered solution is to double-down and work harder or “overload” in order to re-prove his abilities as a leader. For someone of McCraven’s accomplishment, he has failed at various times of leading. He also overcame. The point is everyone fails. DREDD shares this in our study of QSource.

Our group of PAX today had solid discussion about the Overload principle and when it’s effective or even ineffective. Answer is, “it depends.” The take-away is when adversity hits, take the lesson and let that drive you to validate your character.

Oh, and some ran and some rucked. Scrat was late but made it for another post.

Same announcements as yesterday. Prayers for Turtleman, Jackson Hall, Huck, and Les Nesman