Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: October 15, 2023

Bulldog 10 Stars

Bulldog for the win.

Warms ups
Moroccan night clubs, speed bag, air press, imperial walkers, squats, monkey humpers, merkins, Peter parkers, lbcs, dying cockroaches.


IC 10 Merkins
IC 10 Flutterkicks
IC 10 Plankjacks
IC 10 American Hammers
2 Burpies

IC Kettlebell Swing
IC 10 Squats
IC 10 Pullups
IC 10 Curls
2 Burpies

10 Dips
10 LBCs
10 Step Ups
10 Calf Raises

Half Marathon Ruck Prep at Members Only

5 guys rucked, 1 walked, 1 ran; Tesla lead Q Source on “Consistency” at Members Only.


  • 10/21 – Half Marathon Ruck; 6a.m. at the Yank (See Slack for details)
  • 11/4 – Dallas 24 hour run from Cloninger Park
  • 11/19 – F4 Trail Run/ Relay Race. Check Slack for sign up
  • 11/25 – Speed for Need Christmastown 5K. HC to Broke
  • 12/2 – Christmas Party at Lewis Farm

Anchorman took us out.

Good fellowship today,



When in Doubt, Overload

This is the title of Chapter 16 in Admiral William McCraven’s book The Wisdom of the Bullfrog.” Really a short chapter that doesn’t have a lot of depth in story or instructions. The premise came from his experience on the Underwater Demolition Team’s responsibility to clear obstacles so boats could land on beaches – the Battle of Normandy as an example. Explosives are required and to ensure total destruction, it’s better to use more than less, hence the title.

McCraven uses this analogy to aid his recovery from a few military jobs in which he was relieved of his duties (aka: fired) due to his lack of leadership or improper strategy. His offered solution is to double-down and work harder or “overload” in order to re-prove his abilities as a leader. For someone of McCraven’s accomplishment, he has failed at various times of leading. He also overcame. The point is everyone fails. DREDD shares this in our study of QSource.

Our group of PAX today had solid discussion about the Overload principle and when it’s effective or even ineffective. Answer is, “it depends.” The take-away is when adversity hits, take the lesson and let that drive you to validate your character.

Oh, and some ran and some rucked. Scrat was late but made it for another post.

Same announcements as yesterday. Prayers for Turtleman, Jackson Hall, Huck, and Les Nesman

When the Committee speaks, you listen

There is no doubt when you think of the PAX that represent our region, Freight is one name that is near the top of the list. Loved, hated, imitated, but never ignored. He’s been a Nantan, Site Q, 3rd F, relay organizer, and many other good things. He narrowly missed being the best Q in the region by a single vote. It was no surprise that he saw an opportunity to create more exposure for our organization and claimed a section of Garrison Boulevard as Gastonia F3’s adopt a highway. In leading that responsibility, he organizes about 4 or so clean-ups per year. Saturday was the fall campaign. I had been after Freight to Q the GasHouse just so the PAX continue to understand and appreciate how good my Q’s really are. So, the October 14th plan was for Freight to Q and then lead the highway clean-up. On Tuesday, Hunchback and I get a text that Freight has to work. Hate to see it when work gets in the way of leading a workout. Oddly indicated significant rain in the forecast for Saturday morning. Feel free to play connect the dots. No problem for me, as the Site Q, I’m prepared to Q at all times.

Warm-up: brief disclaimer – SSH IC x 10, Imperial Walkers IC x 10, Toy Soldier IC x 10, Side to Side Lunge IC x 10, Arrows IC x 10, Squats IC x 10. >> Pledge

Thang: Mosey out of the parking lot, 5 of the PAX followed behind me. As I prepared for this unexpected Q, I flipped through a virtual file cabinet of ideas. Since there was a steady drizzle of rain, I settled on using First Presbyterian Church and their two covered porticos. At the top of the hill, we began with 10 hand-release merkins, traveling to the bottom of the hill under the lower portico we started with 1 jump-squat. 11’s is the name of the drill and we’d work our way up and down the reps. Between the two bases the parking lot had several low points which allowed Whoopee to stomp through (if only we’d have known, his F3 name could have been Puddles). The wise veteran Def Leppard pointed out that wet feet, wet socks, wet shoes are a recipe for blisters. Whoopee didn’t seem to care. Def described in vivid detail his experience walking to the start line of a half marathon that his shoes got wet in the grass and caused a blister at mile 7. Somehow, he managed to complete the race – those were the good old days. A svelte looking Pockets led the way. As I have not posted a lot lately, I’ve not witnessed this clean headed, slim version of Pockets – evidence of a lot of hard work – well done.

We finished the routine and took a longer-ish mosey up the back driveway to the top of the hill where the youth building resides. Roscoe proudly disclosed the herculean effort it took for the Building and Grounds Committee, Youth Committee, Appropriations, Finance Committee, Decorating Committee, Side-walk Beautification Committee, and Music Committee coming together in unison to submit the consideration of the possibility for the idea of a Pickleball Court to be created in the parking lot. This was 10 years ago before the world even knew what Pickle-ball was (#vision). Now I heard rumor the Basketball Court Committee was a bit upset at the very thought of additional lines being painted near their precious court. Through some adept political maneuvering, the Basketball Court Committee was placated with the recommendation for the court to re-paved by 2031. The Elders had been sitting on this for years waiting for the one opposing member (a former tennis player no less) to pass away of what appears to be natural causes, clearing the way for bids submitted and interviews to take place so the cheapest contractor could be hired. Thankfully Jorge Villanueva’s fee of six Budweiser double deuces for each of his 9-man crew was accepted. Until some Karen on the Music Committe realized Jorge moonlights as a weekend lawn-care service that is used by nonother than the Committee chair of Building and Grounds Committee. Hard to believe at a church of all places that such favoritism could occur. Once that nepotism was identified, debated it was solved reducing the compensation to 4 cases of Budweiser. Promptly, the court was painted in an hour. If you know of anyone willing to donate the net, tell Roscoe.

Back to the workout – we gathered under the porch to reprise the cardio portion of the workout I led at the Ricky Bobby. The above story was based on some of the ensuring discussion about church committees and Roberts Rules of Order and how inefficient or maybe frustrating church or work committees can be at times.

Set 1: SSH, Mtn Climbers, Freddie Mercury, Imperial Walkers all at 30 seconds successively with a 30 second rest between each set for a total of 3 sets.

Set 2: Mummy Kicks, Split Jack Toe Touch, Bonnie Blair, Ski Abs: 30 seconds each with 30 second rest between sets for 3 sets.

The rain picked up momentum at this point and fearing some melting that could occur, we stayed under the porch for some Dora. P1 exercises while P2 runs down the stairs and does 1 burpee. Each pair completes a total of 100 merkins, 200 squats, and 300 flutters (count 1 side). With a few minutes ahead of the top of the hour and fear of additional melting, we did a couple of ab exercises under the safe covered shelter. At 0757, we headed back to base.

COT: F3 lunch 10/18/23 at noon in Dallas (I think), 1/2 marathon ruck in Belmont 10/21, 40-day challenge began – find a wedding or tailgate near you ASAP, check newsletter and SLACK for more details. Prayers – Turtleman came home Friday – prayer for his M, family, and caregivers. Send him a note of encouragement, Jackson Hall and his battle, Huck, and others.

In the parking lot, checking the radar and seeing the rain was going to be with us for a while, I humbly submitted to The Committee the road clean-up be postponed until better conditions were present. With a good portion of the SLT in attendance, the proposal was escalated to the Head of Safety, Purple Haze. Always with one finger in proximity to the red button, His Highness Haze stated for the record: “well, it is raining, and what if a car was unable to stop while we were picking up cigarette butts and used crack pipes on Garrison Boulevard.” The Head Q of Safety agreed it was a bit dangerous to hold this activity. I looked at Nantan Roscoe for confirmation – he of the Decentralized Command theory – “it’s your call,” he commanded. I took a visual inventory of the prayerful hopes on the PAX faces they had completed their penitence in the rain already and no more was desired. “Highway Clean-up is CANCELLED” I decreed to glorious applause. I then took us out in prayer and the PAX scattered into their vehicles. Sometimes committees aren’t really needed to make an efficient and impactful decision. As a plus, Freight now must return to lead the clean-up which gives me a Q before the year ends.

Humbly submitted.

Short Sale

Head of the Committee to Make GasHouse Great Again (MGGA)

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