• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 08/25/2023
  • AO: Snooze
  • QIC: Orangeman
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Short Sale, Roscoe, Breaker Breaker

You can’t end the Summer of Snooze 2023 on an Omaha, at least that is what the Site Q, Short Sale, said. So YHC stepped up for an encore to officially end Snooze for the summer.

The words of the day… Modify as needed, not Omaha!

After a brief warm up where Roscoe blamed a red light for being tardy, four HIMs moseyed to the original parking lot by the river, playing a game of Frogger. Hearing no squealing and seeing no blood, the Pax started off with some 11s with Mike Tysons and squats. Modify #1, mosey one way, NUR the other.

Modify #2, inverted rows on the low pull-up bar to counter-act all the merkins (thanks Bubba Sparxxx for the physio lessons at Bulldog).

Long mosey on the sidewalk by the river, YHC looking for the big hill he knows is there somewhere. We find the hill, or so we thought, and started Jacob’s ladder: run up the hill, do a burpee, run down the hill, run back up, do two burpees, and so on until seven burpees. Modify #3, NUR up the hill. At the top of the hill on the first attempt, YHC sees the real hill, so modify #4, run down the big hill, NUR up the big hill and start the burpee count. Burpees after NURs uphill were tough. Short Sale thanked YHC for knocking out leg day for him.

On the run back to the start, the Pax enjoyed the 5th and final modify, bear crawl across the bridge (no, not the big one at the highway, there is one on the river sidewalk).

Enough time for a final Mary and time was called on the final, 1st annual Summer Snooze.

Announcements: Annihilation at Gas House, Thunder PT at Pain Lab, regular PT at the Yank all this Saturday, and Crowder’s hike on Sunday.

Prayer requests: Norwood, Huckleberry, Turtleman, Anchorman’s father in law, Tiger’s mom and dad, travel for Breaker Breaker.

Roscoe took us out.

It was an honor to lead -Orangeman