It was yet another scorcher at Midoriyama. YHC had a plan to keep the boys in the shade most of the time, but we were still going to put some work in. One of the PAX whose name rhymes with “hate” suggested we should just fellowship mosey for 45 minutes and call it a day! You “hate” to see it! All of the PAX (except for Mammas Boy) seemed pretty unmotivated today. It was freaking hot, and they knew the pain train was about to leave the station!
- Seal Jacks
- Goof Balls
- Grass Pickers
- Left over Right, Right over Left Stretches
- Arm Circles
Mosey to the soccer field at dog hill on the backside in the shade. We performed the “Laredo” WOD. It goes like this-
6 rounds of:
- 24 Squats
- 24 Merkins
- 24 Walking Lunges
- 400 Meter Run
All of us were riding the struggle bus by round 6. Even though we were in the shade, there was ZERO wind blowing.
After a minute to cool off and get our breath, we lined up on the sideline facing the large goalie box line (approx. 10 yards away). 4 rounds of:
- 5 Mike Tysons
- 10 CDD’s
- 15 WW2 situps
- Bear Crawl to goalie line and back to sideline
Slow mosey back to the flag for a couple minutes of Mary.
- LBC’s X 25 IC
- Flutter Kicks X 25 IC
- Freddie Mercs X 20 IC
Time’s up.
- Kings to Crowders ruck/ hike on Sunday, 8/27
- Need some runners for the Tuna 200. See Pockets if interested
- Annihilation workout at Gashouse on 8/26. Q’d by Defib
- Coconut Derby on 9/3 to crown the next Champion
- Convergence on Monday, 9/4 at Gastonia Honey Hunters’ field. 0700 start
Prayer Requests:
- Huckleberry
- Turtleman
- Jackson Hall
- Norwood
- Mayor
- Def Leppard
- Hacksaw
YHC wants to thank the PAX that posted today. It was brutally hot, but you boys posted anyway. Thank you for the support and mumblechatter!