• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 08/05/2023
  • AO: Gashouse
  • QIC: Whoopee
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: ShortSale, JJ, Stroganoff, Clavin, Voodoo, Noisy Cricket, Bandit, Tube, Les Nessman, Mayor, Nutria, Hunchback

I’ve been wanting to do the Lightning workout for awhile so when ShortSale was looking for a Q at GasHouse, this seemed like the right time. I thought I could poke the bear a little by issuing a challenge/bet the night before however nobody took the bait. I was willing to buy breakfast for anyone that wanted to wager a bet on beating me. A newish white pickup truck pulled in a few minutes early and Voodoo and I thought it might be Round Up. I looked at Voodoo and told him that I would be buying at least 1 PAX breakfast this am-no chance for me to beat him. Let’s just say I was not disappointed to see Mayor step out of the truck for more than 1 reason.

0700 rolled around and we did a quick warmup, disclaimer, and then I ‘splained the Lightning workout. I even brought some cardboard signs with written out instructions as I knew I would confuse things. Four of us took off for the Sherwood track. The Lightning workout is no joke. As Wirenut said the night before, this was a heart busting cardio workout. It was still a “You vs You” but knowing the time will likely be posted at some point, I was pushing myself while trying to keep up with JJ. We got through it and realized we still had about 30 minutes to go. Dang, should have gone slower. We kept pushing but it was not the same intensity, at least not for me. We eventually moseyed back home for COT with the PainLabbers.

Good work this am guys. I’m gonna try to do this again real soon, probably as EC.

A few of us went for some sammiches at CDA. Unfortunately JJ was not able to cash in on his free breakfast-I’ll get him another day. Coffeeteeria was a good turnout also. I was reminded of the impact this can have so if you are able, try to make it happen. The workouts are important, but sometimes we need more than that due to things going on in our lives. On a separate but related note, maybe CDA is not the best Coffeeteeria…..the runny bunnies were strong this am in at least 2 houses by 10 am.
