Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: June 6, 2023

Thunder @ PL

So somebody had this great idea to push some HIM to the limit in a 25 minute beatdown and call it Thunder. You against you! Ok,  play Thundserstruck from AC/DC too! 

Today was a small turnout with only the fantastic four.  I was a little unprepared for the test because I did not bring a sign to post the 8 exercises to eliminate confusion. Luckily, Hunchback came prepared for class. He ran back to his sled and pulled out a mini dry erase board and marker 👊. Signage is set, AC/DC is playing, and the timer begins. 

25 minute – AMRAP

12 x Thrusters, 12 x Curls, 12 x American Hammers ( w/coupon, right side only), 12 x Block Swings, 12 x Bent Over Rows, 12 x Big Boys, 12 x Heels to Heaven, 12 x BURPEES. 

I was good will all of these exercises until it came time to do the BURPEES at the end, followed by Thrusters with no rest. Yes, I am whining. We all finished pretty close at the end. There was a little confusion as to how many sets we completed until Hunchback grabbed his heart rate gadget and determined that we had only completed 4 sets of BURPEES  👊 

We completed 4 sets and ended half way through the 5th set.  Yes, we can push a little more. How much? We will just have to see come August.

Good work men! Thanks for the push Flintstone 👊

Prayers to the kids graduating 🙏 and God Bless those in Virginia.

The hill belongs to no one

I asked Gearwrench who’s got the Q at Folsom tomorrow? Nobody he said you want it? Heck yeah I like to get in at least one Q at Folsom each month and here was my chance to get one early. I knew I wanted to run the hill and tweak a CrossFit wod to fit a boot camp. Also after the Murph I knew I needed to include pull ups (we all need improvement there) so with one day to make up a weinke that was my inspiration. So here’s what we did.

Proper warm up:of course

to the playground:4 rounds

5 pull ups ,10 merkins,15 big boys,20 squats

balljoint and gear wrench assisted one another on pull-ups by holding feet 👍nice way to work up to it.

the hill: there was some talk about who’s hill it was but I don’t believe in naming things after people we come and go but that hill will be whooping people for a while.

Triple nickel:burpees and lunges

everyone pushed hard here and picked up the six awesome work men 💪🏻Hacksaw was motivational like always. Balljoint and Seuss killed it. Nice to have people to chase 👍.

tennis courts: Stogie gave a short ten count 5 burpees run a lap Stogie gave a longer 10 count 😁5 burpees 10 miketysons run a lap Stogie gave another long 10 count I kept asking Stogie to count just to see how tired he was getting 😁 5 burpees 10 miketysons 15 big boys Times up!

we pledged did announcements took prayer requests I prayed us out. It’s always a pleasure pushing the rock with the Folsom crew thanks for the opportunity to lead looking forward to the next one.


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