Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: April 2023 (Page 6 of 11)

World Travelers Have Returned

It was a beautiful morning for a mosey! It was one of those mornings where you are just a little chilly in a short sleeve shirt, but you know you’ll be just right once you get about 3/4 of a mile in. I queued up a little mix of southern hip hop legends and let Jeezy, Outkast, Pall Wall, and others pace me through my 4 miler.

It was good to see Sarlacc and Leppard back at it after spending some time in the Caribbean. Haters are still calling ‘No Rep’ on Leppard’s “shopping ruck” adventure.

Unfortunately I “Seussed” the nameorma so no video for Twitter today. I’ll try harder next time. However, I did get this pic. Does anyone else think Slaw looks sorta like the guy at the kite store at Broadway at the Beach?

Slaw the Stud

Prayer Requests – Huck, Ratchet and family, Virus 2.0, Haze’s dad, Wirenut’s family and coworker, Broke’s coworker, NOGA band as they travel, Mayor. Congratulations to Haze’s son getting selected for a woodwind clinic.


The Hill



Grass Pickers



Mosey to The Hill.

Stops at every light pole , 3 Burpees OYO

Lower Parking lot before Hill, Route 66, Squats and bear crawls!

The Hill- Bench to bench -Triple Nickel , Mike Tyson’s and Big Boys.

Then Dora- Bench to Bench, 100 Penguins, 200 Leg Flutters, 300 LBCs… while other partner ran to bottom of the Hill and back.

Mosey back- Light Poles on the way back , Route 66 … Bobby Hurleys.

Finished at the Flag last 5 minutes where everyone called different Core work 10-20 reps each!!! 💪🏻🤙🏻


Pledge 🇺🇸


Announcements :

Lunch at Papas and Beer tomorrow

Convergence 4/29 – Midoriyama- 7am


Prayer Requests:

Ratchets- 2.0

Purple Haze’s family

Virus’s daughter

Broke prayed us out

Ground Assault – 4/19

Running and Rucking took place.

2nd F Lunch today – Papa’s and Beer, Dallas @ Noon
Convergence – midoryiama, Apr 29th, 7am
5k – Belmont classic
Goat island games – Cramerton
5k at common ground
Tuck fest at WWC – races, other stuff
2:30pm trail run at Poston (Flintstone)

Queso turned 18
Sargento – surgery
Flintstone’s family
Doodles – difficult decision to make

Biggerstaff Bandit

Great turn out this morning. I was concerned the cold snap would cause a few to fart sack, and maybe one or two to smart sack.. However several of us got together and did some Werk.

We have had a special guest that keeps popping up in their tinted out Hyundai Sant Cruz. Gear Wrench has given it the name of the Biggerstaff Bandit. Catchy but very creepy none the less. Always keep an eye out for the park weirdos men.

Well 530 time to work.

Clocked in and watches synced. Warm up then we mosey to the circle near the terd shack just in case one of us may need the facilities. 5 burpees, then 20 American Hammers, next corner 20 Lbc’s. Descending Burpees stop when you get to zero.

Next we said the pledge and Stogie gave us a 10 count. Fellowship mosey a few feet for some more run and gun.

5 squats at the beginning run to the end of the street

10 merkins, then back to the beginning

5 squats run to the end 15 merkins back to the beginning

5 squats run to the end 20 shoulder taps back to the beginning

5 squats run to the end 25 mtn climbers back to the beginning

5 squats run to the end  30 hip slappers back to the beginning.

with only a few minutes left we moseyed back to the flag for some famous Sarlacc Cherry Pickers.

Man was he happy to dole them out.


Great work this morning men always an honor to Q at Folsom.

Prayer request;

Rachets 2.0 and family. See Gear Wrench he is taking up some $ or gifts to give to the family for their Son.

Huck, My friend Jason who is getting infusion treatments Kelly Byrd,

2nd F this Wednesday at Papas and Beer in Dallas.

The Bed Pan is Full!



Today at the Sword some men Rucked others ran. You can tell the challenge is over as the crowd was light.

Our discussion was on God’s grace.



This year marks the fourth year for the Mental Battle WOD (workout of the day) and this year I’m happy to share that the boys in Winston-Salem North Carolina, @F3WinstonSalem on Twitter have designed a great starfish type workout.

Workout was designed by Spicoli and mental health stats were provided by Giles, an NC licenses psychologist who specializes in working with men.

With further ado, here’s the WOD:

This workout is inspired by the 5 Core Principles of F3:

1) Free of charge.
2) Open to all men.
3) Held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold.
4) Peer led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certificate necessary.
5) Ends with a Circle of Trust.

It’s #5, the COT, that brings us all back together; gives each man a chance to listen and be heard; bring praises and concerns to the man next to him. In my opinion, it is the most powerful principle and allows for forming and strengthening bonds between each of us.


Suggestions for exercises to be done in cadence:
Side Straddle Hops
Imperial Walkers
Abe Vigodas
Grabbing Grass with a clap
Broga stretches

The Layout for the Workout:
In a field or large parking lot, create a box with five markers where the center marker is fifty meters from each of the four markers used to make the corners. Each of the four corners will be a specific station.

Starting in the middle, run to Station 1, do the exercise, then run back to middle, do burpees, then run to Station 2, do that exercise, then run back to middle, burpees, and so on. Once you’ve gone to all 4 stations with burpees in between, that round is over and you’ll progress to the next round. Add an exercise at each station each round.

For example: during round 3, at Station 1, you’ll do ten hand release merkins, ten clap merkins, and ten toe tap merkins, then run to the middle, do eight burpees, go to Station 2 and do the three exercises there, etc.

1 round= 1 trip to all 4 stations, coming back to the middle in between

For the First Round Only
For the first round, keep the PAX together. The Q will read two of the statistics about mental health (below) each time you come to the middle to do burpees. After that, progress through the other three rounds of the workout.

Middle Station (COT)

Round 1 = 2 Burpees (for a total of 8)
Round 2 = 4 Burpees (for a total of 16)
Round 3 = 8 Burpees (for a total of 32)
Round 4 = 16 Burpees (for a total of 64)

(Double Burpee count each round, so Round 4 would be 16 burpees each time you come to the middle)

Station 1 (Free)

Round 1 – Hand Release Merkins x10
Round 2 – Add Clap Merkins x10
Round 3 – Add Toe Touch Merkins x10
Round 4 – Add Mike Tysons x10

Station 2 (All Men)

Round 1 – Shoulder Tap x15 (Double Count)
Round 2 – Add Mountain Climbers x15 (Double Count)
Round 3 – Add Peter Parkers x15 (Double Count)
Round 4 – Add Donkey Kicks x15 (Double Count)

Station 3 (Held Outside)

Round 1 – Monkey Humpers x20
Round 2 – Add Bonny Blairs x20 (Single Count)
Round 3 – Add Side Lunges x20 (Single Count)
Round 4 – Add Jump Squats x20

Station 4 (Peer Led)

Round 1 – LBCs x25
Round 2 – Add Freddy Mercuries x25 (Double Count)
Round 3 – Add Heels to Heaven x25
Round 4 – Add Superman 25X

Modify as necessary. Need a longer workout? Repeat Round 4 until you’ve filled the time. Add a few minutes of Mary at the end..


Here are some statistics regarding mental health and its effects on our community, especially for men. During the First Round, the Q will read two statistics at the middle station each time the PAX comes back to do burpees.

  1. Although men are marginally less likely than women to develop a significant mental illness during their lifetimes, about 1 in 2 men will have a diagnosable disorder at some point in their lifetimes.

  2. Men are about 2x less likely than women to seek help if problems do occur.

  3. Almost 50% of men feel that they are struggling more than they admit to people in their life.

  4. Depression looks significantly different in men than in women… Women tend to present as sad and withdrawn, while men tend to present as irritable and angry.

  5. Men are 2-3x more likely to abuse substances in an attempt to manage their mental health, which often leads to other health problems.

  6. Suicide rates in men have been steadily increasing over the past 20 years, and at present, men are 4x more likely than women to die by suicide, and this risk increases with age.

  7. Therapists that specialize in working with men often use different strategies to make therapy feel more approachable… therapy doesn’t have to look like sitting in an office and crying about your feelings!

  8. Therapists have historically done a pretty crappy job of helping men, though things are slowly changing. Men often go to therapy at the urging of a loved one, but men tend to drop out of therapy sooner than women because they find it unhelpful. This is a legitimate problem, and you’re not crazy if you’ve tried therapy before and it wasn’t helpful for you! If you’re thinking about reaching out to a therapist, consider finding one that has specific expertise in working with men. (from Giles, who is a therapist and can offer this opinion form a place of experience).

Thanks again to the boys in Winston-Salem and follow the F3 Mental Battle on Twitter at @F3Battle and on the Nation’s Slack as well at #f3-mental-battle-challenge.

With that, the Thrill is gone and keep getting after it sharing the battles with your brothers!

Drop Thrill out.




FREIGHT2023                           POCKETS2024



Members Only 4/16/23

Tesla had the Q, he conducted Q source for us, topic was Whetstone.  Had three ruckers and a walker.  Conducted COT at Jane Fonda’s house, he and his son have both been really sick for the last several weeks, wanted him to know we have is back.  Picked up Norwood to join as well

Announcements- Young life golf tournament, convergence 4/29, 2nd F lunch, Time Laps

Prayer request: Jane Fonda and his son, Orangeman cousin’s husband with heart problems, Tiger mom and family of Tiger uncle who passed away Saturday morning, Pilgrim M traveling

YHC took us out

Always an honor


Nothing but a Coconut party

It was a nice morning with lots of EC going on before the official 0630 start of the Coconut Horse.  There was EC running.  There was EC rucking.  Scrat showed up.  It was awesome.  It was cool.  There was a breeze.  You could say there was a cool breeze. There was not a cool change, as we ran the same route and rucked the same ruck route to put Scrat up.  Maybe next time I will change it up and we can call it cool change…unless the weather is too warm.  Warm change doesn’t have the same flair and I don’t think the Little River Band or anybody else ever wrote a song called warm change…or hot change for that matter.  Maybe someone should?  That is a debate for another day.  I digress.

Just like synchronized clocks, everyone returned at the same time.  Whoopee, Scrat, Hunchback, and YHC rucked and the rest ran.  Flintstone showed up for Q-Source and tried to get in the name-o-rama as Short Sale, who was not there.  What the heck is this sorcery?

For Q-Source we covered Chapter Two of the Dichotomy of Leadership. “Own it all, but Empower Others”.  A leader must be in charge but cannot be a micromanager or the troops will not initiate action but rather wait to be told what to do.

If you are hands off as a leader, the troops will initiate action but will not be aligned to the greater strategic goals.  You must be looking out and around but not always down and in.  You have to balance the two extremes.  (hence, the dichotomy)

Prayer Requests:  Flinstone’s parents, Huckleberry,

Announcements:  Midoriyama Convergeance April 29th at 0700.   Time Laps training runs Sundays at 2 at Seven Oaks trail.

Second F Lunch at Papa’s and Beer’s in Dallas on April 26th

If you are reading this, know that I appreciate you.  All the PAX of F3 Gastonia have a culture of brotherhood and will be there when we are needed.  Please let us know if you are going through a struggle so we can pray and take action as needed.  ISI


SA got smoked by a girl

Some ran some rucked but all were glad to hear about SA being passed by a girl during the ville to ville relay. Hate to see it……but not really 😂. But seriously the sword is a good AO to go to you push the pace on a shorter run then you get 15 minutes to do a devotional with your brothers. This morning I shared two verses that came to me last week , they were Ephesians 6:13 and 1 Corinthians 16:13 they talked about standing firm in the faith , being on guard, strong, courageous, and being righteous. We as men and leaders in many different areas need all of this daily to fulfill the purpose God has given us. I also shared with the men how thankful I was for the Christian fellowship I’ve found in F3 and how proud I was of the good works we do in Jesus name 👍. We pledged did announcements took prayer requests wich were: wirenuts family,brokes coworker was in a car accident, hunkajunk friend’s wife had a heart and lung transplant praise for successful surgery and request for continued recovery,also his coworker who’s daughter passed,Jackson hall, Beatle Bailey golf cart accident, Huckleberry,Chubbs friend heart issues,praise for my coworker reconciling with wife, Chubbs had a praise as well. Good times men thanks for the chance to lead.💪🏻

No One Showed to Know

Happy Easter weekend all. With errbody body doing Street Project work with Freight or running through The Folsom OCR with Stogie or maybe out of town for vacay who knows. All I can tell ya is not a single one of y’all Showed to Know at Old School. I just hope that you are putting in Werk somewhere and not hiding out in the bed due to a little misting rain. I kept it simple with a quick warm-up and a short mosey over to the Gazebo at the Ol Gaston County Courthouse. AMRAP SSH for 1min. followed up by 1min. Strength set for 5 rounds ea.

AMRAP 1: SSH 1min Merkins 1min AMRAP 2: SSH 1min Jungle Boys 1min   AMRAP 3: SSH 1min  Block OHP 1min AMRAP 4: SSH 1min Block Swing 1min     AMRAP 5: SSH 1min Big Boys 1min

Mosey back to Flag.

I’ll bet the 1 man COT looks funny. I finished up by saying the pledge, taking my vitamins, and saying my prayers Brother.

All finished in time to meet up with Stogie who’s was meeting me to bring back some equipment back that he used for his OCR. It sounds like he had a pretty good crowd and they all had a pretty good time glad to hear it.

Well it’s about time for a livermush omelette we’ll see ya next time or not who knows.



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